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Eh, I mean, Trynd still does physical damage, even when he's AP, and Twitch/Sion is a decent amount of phys damage(since Sion built a hydra, which I assume came fairly early, it's not typically an item you build lategame)

I... imagine that one of Lux/Xerath was support(even if neither built like one), and probably was not expected to output loads of damage. Did Nasus build wrong for the match? Certainly. But I can see the logic behind it.

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Unless that Nasus was literally not paying attention through the entire game/hellbent on split-pushing, minion count be damned, I'd assume Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage came first. That's why it looks so strange.

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I did say in the post that it was "support" Xerath - so yeah Lux was mid, and got wrecked by the Yasuo, understandably. Was fun, though. We had all 3 waves pushing 2 super minions, and our Sion was there, punching their nexus. You know what happens when you kill a Sion.


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Iceborn Gauntlet and Frozen Heart on Nasus, seems legit. ;/

(especially with the amount of AP on the opposing team)

That's not as bad as it sounds, but I would much rather get a Trinity Force (that movement speed is pretty crucial).

Unless that Nasus was literally not paying attention through the entire game/hellbent on split-pushing, minion count be damned, I'd assume Frozen Heart/Spirit Visage came first. That's why it looks so strange.

He probably built FH first, or maybe even IBG. I actually get kind of sad if a Nasus builds IBG first, mostly because it's an attempt to mix survivability with DPS when you only really need survivability to win as Nasus in lane.

Also, did anyone see the open letter to parents and stuff?

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If you look at the match history, you'll see that the Nasus first completed his merc treads against me.

First major item though was the frozen heart. Which I think was ok since Trynd's spin does physical damage anyway.

Yet with my nashor's tooth already built, his armour didn't hold up well against its passive, and the extra AP brought by the NLrod soon after.

On that note, before he even managed to get the FH, he'd lost lane pretty badly. Hell I took the top inner turret before 18 minutes.

And that time he and Vi tried to dive under my tower to kill me when I'd already gotten my ultimate was pretty amusing. 2 for 1, worth.



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Yesterday I played Lissandra for the first time, thanks to Nemesis mode. I beat the Sion in lane, and our jungling Nocturne just kinda killed everything, so we won.

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Yesterday I played Lissandra for the first time, thanks to Nemesis mode. I beat the Sion in lane, and our jungling Nocturne just kinda killed everything, so we won.

Sion really can't do anything to Liss. Super immobile tank versus a mage with a spammable slow, a blink and a snare.

Who picks someone Lissandra for the other team in Nemesis mode, though? Liss is incredibly good (and has been for eons) and is very popular in the meta right now.

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Sion really can't do anything to Liss. Super immobile tank versus a mage with a spammable slow, a blink and a snare.

Who picks someone Lissandra for the other team in Nemesis mode, though? Liss is incredibly good (and has been for eons) and is very popular in the meta right now.

People who subscribe to Bronzodia monthly, clearly.

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I've played 3 Nemesis Draft games so far - here's how they went (click them for match history if you want to view detailed info):

Top Lissandra - vs Sion - 7/8/16 - Win Lane - Win Game

Top Poppy - vs Soraka - 16/4/9 - Lose Lane - Win Game

Top Vladimir - vs Sion - 9/13/11 - Lose Lane - Win Game

Never played Vladimir before. Buuut after losing lane 0/5/1 against a Sion of all things, I started to go more tanky and started chunking the enemy Anivia's health.

Poppy vs Soraka, the poke was real. But everyone should know how Poppy is after picking up a couple of core items. Pushing top lane, solo double kill. Killed two more as they came one by one to try and stop my splitpush. 4th guy Popped my GA. Killed by the 5th guy that came, but by then a team member arrived and finished the job.

Hint: Never give Poppy to your enemies.

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also do not give morde or zilean to them either like wtf these guys are good, just immobile

they have damage for days and can bully you hard


you know those 4v5 games where the other team gets both the carries really fed and annie has a 20 stack mejai and they can’t end and even though they get all your turrets and inhibs they can’t kill the nexus

and so they bm in the fountain when the nexus has like 100 health and they talk shit all game and eventually you guys pull it together and outlast them and kill their nexus and it’s the most rewarding feeling ever after an hour long game

man who gives a fuck about my kda

not featured: we literally had zero dragons, they had 5, and like 2 or 3 barons


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We kinda fucked up and ended up with no jungler, so it was Taric and I against Skarner in lane. Evelynn ganked for him 2-3 times, but it wasn't very successful, as you can see by the scores and the death map in the match history linked below.

We were on their mid and top inhibitor turrets when they decided to surrender at 20. 7.2k gold lead. http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/1973471210/30008778?tab=overview

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Also people seemed to severely underestimate AD Blitzcrank. The double physical damage on E is nothing to scoff at, and the AS boost from his W was helpful in wrecking towers just that bit faster, as well as its MS boost helping stick to fleeing enemies that much better. I love AD Blitz.

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Also people seemed to severely underestimate AD Blitzcrank. The double physical damage on E is nothing to scoff at, and the AS boost from his W was helpful in wrecking towers just that bit faster, as well as its MS boost helping stick to fleeing enemies that much better. I love AD Blitz.

AD blitz? Why not Crit Blitz?

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Also people seemed to severely underestimate AD Blitzcrank. The double physical damage on E is nothing to scoff at, and the AS boost from his W was helpful in wrecking towers just that bit faster, as well as its MS boost helping stick to fleeing enemies that much better. I love AD Blitz.

Well he was originally designed as a bruiser so it makes sense he's not that bad

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Indeed. It's rarely seen though, sadly. Most people just build ap/cdr/tank, delete things with Q and R, and staying alive to cause disruption in teamfights. He's actually pretty versatile.

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Indeed. It's rarely seen though, sadly. Most people just build ap/cdr/tank, delete things with Q and R, and staying alive to cause disruption in teamfights. He's actually pretty versatile.

well with lich bane he has a 2.5 ratio combo

it's easier to burst someone than deal sustained damage and trying to survive with mana barrier

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Lich Bane looks like it would work well on Blitz yeah. I didn't consider it, but then again the team needed an AD damage dealer so I was happy to go full damage/lifesteal, splitpush all day and kill things.

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