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FE8 Mountless LTC Challenge


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The Con numbers in this game are so damn trollish:

- Saleh, Artur and Colm are the only 6-move units with 1-range whom Ross can lift up.

- Artur needs to stay with Eirika and start spamming Barrier when it appears, Moulder probably with him.

- If Ross goes for the boss and then for the stupid spider and his burden visits the Barrier house on turn 4, somebody needs to go to the northeast to take on the Entombed.

- Dozla is stuck on a mountain for two turns and cannot reach the Entombed after the rescuechain.

- The Entombed does not move even if attacked from 2-range.

- This matters because a 6-move unit heading all the way around is one square short of facing the Entombed head-on (I'm pretty sure it will attack you if you're adjacent).

- This means the SE guy with 6-move should also be carrying somebody. The Entombed has 13 luck so critting him with something like Thunder is out.

Okay, I think I know what to do for a 7-turn but this is going to be stupidly hard to pull off. I think I'll promote Garcia and let Gerik wait until chapter 14/15. Then again, training promoted Artur seems more important than training unpromoted Gerik so maybe giving him an early Hero Crest is the way to go, as otherwise Gerik may not see any experience in this chapter because Artur has dibs on the southern enemies (whom he can counterkill while barriering Gilliam or something).

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The Horseslayer General in 4-1 is the first to come to mind always whenever I mention pacifist. Even though that 1 general is probably the least annoying of them.

Oh, right. That jerkface. He moves, but unless you're right next to him, he doesn't bother attacking.

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That entombed always pisses me off.

Enemies that run away to find a fort/heal hedge are pretty trollish too.

Ugh, that reminds me of Fixed Mode FE9 Draft Chapter 2. Dem retreating fighters...

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That entombed always pisses me off.

Enemies that run away to find a fort/heal hedge are pretty trollish too.

Ugh, that reminds me of Fixed Mode FE9 Draft Chapter 2. Dem retreating fighters...

How about in RD, where you get a bunch of enemy soldiers passing one single vulnerary around like it was some booze? Also, it's something I see at times in Awakening - heavily damaged enemies will go over to troops with healing items and trade for them. Trolls, the lot of them are!

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Huh, I've never seen that in Awakening before. Happened a lot of time in Path of Radiance though. Too bad the enemies aren't logical enough to pair up!

I think I can see the 7-turn but it won't involve Ross climbing the northern mountain because Ross appears to be the only one who can reach the Entombed on time (and he does it one turn too early, but that's not too bad considering we can only 8-turn the map otherwise). Saleh needs to crit the boss and Dozla needs to crit the spider AND a gargoyle, neither of whom he doubles. I can predict this to be a huge chore.

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Would it be better to have the entire team go around the mountain instead of crossing over the mountain with Ross? If you can keep Tethys near the front with rescue/trade/drops it might be better. Sure Ross reaches the Entombed on turn 6 but with the other strat you might be able to get 3 different units up there by turn 7.

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I didn't move the whole team across the mountain; just Saleh (who went to get the boss's head). Having everyone stick around allowed me to staffspam safely while feeding exp to Artur and Gerik.

And the 7-turn has been achieved. Needed to burn 2 RNs for Dozla to crit the right enemies.


Promote Gerik now? Y/N

He had the best level-ups out of anyone by far but the desert is when I expect them to make a difference (the Nomads, Mercs and bosses are all difficult to KO quickly), so there might be some sense in keeping him unpromoted for a little while longer so that he gets some more level-ups.


This guy has officially surpassed Joshua. Very useful and I totally should've fed him some of the kills Garcia and Gilliam got early on.

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Your Colm is actually very similar to mine on a recent casual run of Ephraim HM actually haha. He's better than Josh in mine too, minus the skill, but since I'm not LTCing he has an A support with Neimi which more than offsets that. Honest to god, Colm is the only Thief aside from Volke I ever actually train in any FE game (it's also very easy to give him like 2 levels in Skirmish due to his bonus Thief EXP, which I find myself doing in casual run because I don't buy enough Lightning's for Artur and the shop gets blocked lololo)


Edited by Irysa
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That Colm is even better than mine (though I didn't put much emphasis on his level-ups early on).

Here's chapter 11 cleared in 5 turns. I didn't think it would be achievable so comparatively easily.

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Wow, I had no idea Artur survives an enemy phase of mooks and rangers so easily if left on a fort in C13. 61 avo isn't that bad. Really happy with the level-ups I got.

Garcia got a +spd level-up so I think I'll go ahead and promote him first, letting Gerik self-improve some more while fighting for the southern items in C14. It's pretty much a sure thing that I won't be going to the secret shop but I still don't have a clue how many turns I'll take. 7-8 because of the lack of mounts and C14 being a large map?

I don't really need to staffspam a whole lot either - Artur seems to be half way to A staves and could even reach 26 magic without a second ring, meaning, assuming I also manage to promote Moulder, I will have 2 spare Energy Rings.

I think they would be good on Ross considering he's quite far away from his strength cap, what with that early promotion and not being too blessed in the stat (his speed wallops though).

As for Colm, his accelerated growth enabled him to get yet another level-up in C13, but unless Knoll drops the Master Seal into the convoy on turn 3, I don't think a promoted Colm will be a thing (then again he won't have any more move than he already has and going Assassin means no digging in the desert). No clue if Ephraim will be doing any fighting either. He left with pretty godly stats at the time (though Ross, Gerik and Artur all surpassed him after that but they did need all of midgame to do that).

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That's not a bad idea. I could also give it to Tethys because she only has 1 str.

And I just remembered what's wrong with C14 - Carlyle and his 19 AS / 76 avo. There's no way he can be killed in one round aside from something like... a Swordreaver crit from Ross? Ross should have nearly 20 crit on this guy.

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As for Colm, his accelerated growth enabled him to get yet another level-up in C13, but unless Knoll drops the Master Seal into the convoy on turn 3, I don't think a promoted Colm will be a thing (then again he won't have any more move than he already has and going Assassin means no digging in the desert). No clue if Ephraim will be doing any fighting either. He left with pretty godly stats at the time (though Ross, Gerik and Artur all surpassed him after that but they did need all of midgame to do that).

I really wish Rogue had 7 mov in this game. It makes sense as the tier 2 thief (Assassins have Ass in their name for a reason) to keep a mobility advantage (that and he could keep up with Ranger!Neimi in my casual runs...)

By the way, I think someone already asked but the reason you made Artur a sage is for better warping right? Just checking.

Edited by Irysa
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Haha, L'Arachel with that Mend staff was clutch. Good job.

Dont Promote anyone unless it can save a turn. Damn tha Gerik though...

I would be incredibly impressed if an 8-turn clear of Chp 14 were possible without mounts. Swordreaver!Ross is definitely your best bet on Carlyle.

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By the way, I think someone already asked but the reason you made Artur a sage is for better warping right? Just checking.

Yeah, better magic cap. I also find anima tomes a whole lot better for one-round KOing things (and Excalibur is nice).

Dont Promote anyone unless it can save a turn. Damn tha Gerik though...

I'm positive a Hero will be really helpful for turn counts/infrastructure in chapter 14, but I think Garcia's stats are decent enough to let Gerik get a couple more levels for what is essentially the hardest combat chapter in the game.

I would be incredibly impressed if an 8-turn clear of Chp 14 were possible without mounts. Swordreaver!Ross is definitely your best bet on Carlyle.

Assuming a Swordreaver bosskill, an 8-turn doesn't seem like anything impossible. Shaving off any more and continuing to use staves seems like a much bigger problem however. Definitely will be the hardest map for rescue-take-give-drop chains.

lol I wish this game had FE5's rescue system where you can take and give a unit during the same turn. You barely notice the omission when playing with cantoing mounts, but in this run the difference is really significant (the reason why it hasn't bothered me much yet is because I mostly used Tethys to double Artur's turns of using staves).

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I think I can see the 7-turn. Okay, confirmed now.

The only problem is Garcia being one point of spd short of doubling the Sniper (I could promote Gerik and completely destroy him but I want to level Gerik up some more) so Dozla will have to crit the guy out of the way.

Artur and Moulder are mostly ignored by Tethys so Artur will have to continue staffspamming in the desert (which is a shame considering he's my best unit).

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7 with no mounts? I am really looking forward to seeing that.

Why are you waing so long to promote Gerik? He already has gotten several good LVs. Is there a certain instance where you need his stats to be higher? With Ross and Artur so over-powered I cant think of anything a 3rd super unit would do. Although Gerik is already pretty super.
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Chapter 12 in 7 turns AKA "who needs mounts".

Weren't you saying that there's no need to promote somebody who's not saving turns just now? Anyway, Gerik got two decent level-ups in C14 and will have 20 str/20 spd/16 def for the desert as a freshly promoted Hero. I think it's pretty valuable here considering I only have two other units capable of good 1-2 range combat.

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lol I wish this game had FE5's rescue system where you can take and give a unit during the same turn. You barely notice the omission when playing with cantoing mounts, but in this run the difference is really significant (the reason why it hasn't bothered me much yet is because I mostly used Tethys to double Artur's turns of using staves).

i notice this fairly frequently with mounts =(

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