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[LoL] Patch 3.12 Notes - Discussion


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they added the VO for spirit guard Udyr :D

Too bad i haven't been able to play nor can I play for much in the next few weeks :<

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I guess the big question is whether the Olaf changes are going to push him back into a strong position. Mana for Olaf is moving to a point where it merely serves as a limiter for his ability to throw axes as both his Reckless Swing and Ragnarok abilities have no mana cost and while Olaf's base mana was cut sharply, Vicious Strikes saw a major buff in terms of mana cost. Also his E is going to scale into late game and I guess they want to force people to build damage to maintain the same damage output of Olaf before but that will now come at the expense of being tanky.

Also now it's more rewarding to crush Teemo's dreams and you get "rewarded" a little more for surviving Yorick.

With Phage cost changes, I would consider rushing Sheen first on some ADCs depending on the gold situation.

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I played Olaf for the first time ever on the beta the other day. I had to 1v2 top lane against Shen and Jax, and I had like 70 CS from axes and was like 2/5 from them diving me. I also was doing really well from just splitpushing for farm and then coming in to team fights.

I think he's really good and I might actually have a chance to learn top lane with him. My build was Hydra/Tabi/Shurelya's/Ancient Golem/Warmog's/Frozen Heart. I intended to go jungle but we had someone go afk early because they got angry at the instalock Jinx and I had to go top.

I ended up 8/11/10 and was the tank for the team, and while my damage wasn't great I was able to clean up nicely. I think he was okay, and I didn't really have mana issues even though I was farming with axes being 1v2.

I liked him so I hope he does well.

Jinx only was released like weekend, so I feel like this might be another Lucian case and she won't be out till 3.13 and I hope that's not the case. Looking forwards to the Thresh skin and the ward skins. Can't wait for Sivir next though.

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I look forward to the Katarina change - she got a lot of nerfs after her rework.

Garen was first because it was simply the easiest to accomplish, while Sivir is more complex.

Still Garen appeared months after LoL Launch unlike Sivir. And we got several other reworks, I just don't get the reasoning behind their decisions (Sivir's visual rework still seems less complex than Soraka's).

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I don't really see the reason. Garen's rework just isn't needed compared to Sivir. Sivir needs a visual rework since at least two years, more than Ashe, Soraka and the rest combined. She isn't even my favorite adc, never played her a lot.

Her model just sucks so hard that nothing compares to it.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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