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tbh I wouldn't say anything

like you can't prove it with anything factual because they're like blind to it or at least choosing to be blind to it

it would probably cause more trouble than it solves

if one of them "died" then they're out of your lives anyways

and those kinds of people slip after a while anyways

or they get bored and leave

hard to stomach it but it sux

I've dealt w/ it and hilariously enough the original person whose photos were used to try and catfish my group ended up talking to us and we got that sorted out real quick

Edited by PKLucas531
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I probably don't have any choice, I was thinking of just asking that person seemingly innocent questions that would be hard to cover for in the chat where my friends can see about things like "is there an obituary?" "is it possible for you guys to take photos of the funeral since we can't attend?" "do you have any photos of him we can see as a way to remember him by?" because my friends even admitted as much they don't even know what the guy looks or sounds like and even if this was a real death I think we have every right to see some photo of him if they're as close as they claim to be and if they do manage to find a fake photo to use hopefully I can reverse google image search it.. But then again I guess they could always use a picture of a random irl friend too :s It'd be easier if I could corner them and have them expose themselves but it probably won't work out that way

also another thing since the guy was suppossedly a cop I think it'd be highly unlikely that they wouldn't bother mentioning this in the news unless its different in Canada idk it'd be kind of a big deal and Pride told me theres site that records fatal car accidents and we couldn't find anything recent relating to city they all suppossedly live in, which is in Kitchener, Ontario

and skype calls yeah, its related because it seems like they usually use mobile skype I guess they don't have a desktop/laptop??? Only the so called brother/sister pair do but she has a desktop and a phone and theres always only two people on at a time so I assume shes logged on one account on her desktop and another on her phone

and yeah the assassin thing is especially hillarious, apparently its related to some sort of muddled past they're trying to move on from which they are of course, vague about lol

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There really is no better way than just lay it on them

declare its only happening more because you're their friend and you dont want them hurt

there might be other stuff i can suggest, but idr atm

my apologies

Mmm, yeah that too..

its ok

tbh I wouldn't say anything

like you can't prove it with anything factual because they're like blind to it or at least choosing to be blind to it

it would probably cause more trouble than it solves

if one of them "died" then they're out of your lives anyways

and those kinds of people slip after a while anyways

or they get bored and leave

hard to stomach it but it sux

I've dealt w/ it and hilariously enough the original person whose photos were used to try and catfish my group ended up talking to us and we got that sorted out real quick

Yeah thats how I feel too so I'm like CONFLICTED but I'm worried about letting this go on any longer like I'm p sure my friends are more emotionally stable than I am and would handle this better than if I were in the situation but you never know

its frustrating

also that is great

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ya it's really just no one likes being told they're wrong

I like ur questions idea and if they do send a pic of some unrelated irl friend of theirs just

google image search it and it'll be on some facebook with a likely different name attached and boom there's the proof

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So apparently hitting the up arrow on my keyboard will reset the game

My game, that I hadn't saved yet, so I lost my stuff.

I'm not even mad as I rightly should be, I'm just confused at how the up arrow reset the game.

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But before that happened, I finished the stage, and realized rather late that my co-pilot had the EXP x2 ability..?

I'm off my game if I failed to notice something like that right at the beginning.

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So apparently hitting the up arrow on my keyboard will reset the game

My game, that I hadn't saved yet, so I lost my stuff.

I'm not even mad as I rightly should be, I'm just confused at how the up arrow reset the game.

weird button mapping?

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weird button mapping?

I use controller, so the arrow keys have no commands. Or weren't supposed to.

I thought to check out my assigned keys, just in case I did something that I couldn't remember and no dice, on No$Zoomer, default is still Num-* apparently.

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good point. because i might have done it before he was supposed to

i see

crud, i should actually get to seeing some of that sometime

the first step would be to start watching television agian


i miss palom

what a hero

[10:06:58 PM] Tristian S.: its hi noon mark

[10:07:11 PM] Emeraldfox: Yes

If you want to, I would shy away from the TV because the dumb writers won't get rid of Olivia Benson's current boyfriend, Tucker.
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ended phase instead of moving, lol oops.

Pictured: how I lost Roshea in FE1.

I hate getting stuck in moral dilemmas its POOP

Same. I'm sorry to hear about it!

Finished re-watching Avatar The Last Airbender this past week and realized, "oh hey there's that Legend of Korra show I never saw"

So I guess Imma do that

I've been meaning to watch that too, but I never got around to it.

I'm pretty sure I didn't even see the conclusion to The Last Airbender.

Its interesting in those yes!!

and its a long story but basically uh

- both of my irl friends are close friends with these "group" of online people who are in Canada, but its very suspect because only one of them has shown their face and only her and "her brother" have been in calls and they sound they exact same and the rest of the crew always has excuses not to join the calls like a broken phone or being a cop on duty etc

- constant outlandish stuff happens to them irl with people getting shot up and nonsense about "assassins" and other shit that sounds like it came from an edgy fanfiction and my friends always buy it even though the law would have gotten involved a way long time ago and as a result they're are constantly getting their feelings jerked around

- both friends are in a relationship with two different dudes in that "group" and it was recently announced that my one friend's fake boyfriend died in a car accident and they think its a real death so they're both absolutely devastated and I'm fucking livid that some shithead who has nothing better to do with their time is playing around with my friends' feelings for their pretend funtimes

I have no idea what to do though because I want to be like "hey I think you guys are totes getting duped" but I'm scared because they feel really close to those people and consider them family and I'm scared of losing them over it, I don't want them to keep suffering like this but I'm also selfish and a coward :/

its fucking ridiculous

Wow, this is a really bad situation.

You do need to show your friends the truth, but finding the right way is very tricky... I think you had best try a subtle approach. Damian already gave a few good ideas for that. If you approach it subtly, your friends will end up finding it out themselves with your help, which is far more effective and less painful than you straight-up telling them. I can't think of anything else you could do right now, but tracking down this supposed dead friend would be a good start.

I know your pain though, I'm in a situation too where one person has been dishonest in a really bad way like that with someone else but they don't know about it. I want to tell them, but I really can't, I'm afraid it would devastate them and cause a whole new dimension of trouble that should be avoided.

I wish you a lot of good luck on dealing with this and I hope your friends will be alright!

also another thing since the guy was suppossedly a cop I think it'd be highly unlikely that they wouldn't bother mentioning this in the news unless its different in Canada idk it'd be kind of a big deal and Pride told me theres site that records fatal car accidents and we couldn't find anything recent relating to city they all suppossedly live in, which is in Kitchener, Ontario

This is already a good basis to start from. You already have at least some evidence that goes beyond unconfirmed suspicion.

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I just had a realization, which I'm probably a little slow to having:

Me and a good friend of mine were talking about RD and the bloodpacts came up, and they had expressed their thoughts about how that was fine for Ashnard(You need to really think about how it worked for Ashnard, so by default several people won't get it.) but didn't work for Naesala, and we know this.

Naesala in FE9 did what he did for the sake of his kingdom, we know this. But it was subverted in FE10 because "bloodpact made me do it"

Then it hit me... Who does this sound like?

The realization was sudden: Trabant

A similar thing happened to Trabant, everyone who's played FE4 knows he did what he did for his kingdom, but FE5 subverted his reason for killing Cuan from getting rid of the thorn in his side for his people to "evils told me to" just because. This is actually the only thing I dislike about FE5's story, for ruining a good character's reason for doing what he did.

Again, I'm probably a little late with that, but the realization was fun to have.

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