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Now the Noldor assembled all their host and all their allies, and drew forth in this manner. Maedhros marched with the army of the Sons of Fëanor from the East. Joining them were their Mannish allies, the Easterlings, who had for the occasion summoned many of their kinsfolk from the other side of the Blue Mountains to join them. Joining the armies of Maedhros also were the Dwarves of Belegost, going now to battle with Morgoth's armies themselves, as they seldom did.

From the West marched Fingon with the army of the younger children of Finwë. But from Nargothrond came only a few, for the people of Nargothrond trusted to secrecy and traps rather than warfare to keep themselves safe, and they mistrusted the Sons of Fëanor (for they blamed the death of their old king Finrod on Curufin and Cranthir, two of Fëanor's sons). From Nargothrond came only Gwindor, the betrothed of Orodreth's daughter Finduilas, and all those whom he could rally, for his brother Guilin had been captured by Morgoth in the Battle of Sudden Flame. 
Joining Fingon's army was the army of the Falmari, the Shore-Elves led by Círdan, and the armies of the Edain. But Thingol had little love for the Noldor, and he remembered the evil deeds of the Sons of Fëanor, wherefore he would send no soldiers to the battle. But Mablung the Heavy-Handed and Beleg Strongbow, champions of Doriath, wished to have a part in these great deeds, so at last Thingol permitted them to go, under the condition that they would serve no son of Fëanor. Therefore these two now joined the armies of Fingon.

8 minutes ago, bling said:

H6zb8zF.png eunhyuk, nicknamed "anchovy" bc he looks like a fuckin anchovy lmao. if suju had seventeen equivalents he would be hoshi in that they can both dance very very well but theyre so stupid u forget theyre talented. very loud and talks a lot, i think his face shows up the most in suju in the house (unfortunate as he is an anchovy)

i like how he is an anchovy

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3 minutes ago, bling said:

WUrtGIp.png siwon, aka the lord's Number One Fan god bless. also a horse. he's rich and one of the prettiest men in korea, wat more could he want. squabbles w ryeowook a lot. frankly i don't like him (he is homophobic) and he's only part of the series bc he was a necessary part of episode 1 and now it's too late

heh you wrote him out of the series as soon as you could nice

he probably deserved it

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1khy1jK.png sungmin, also "pink prince" and "sweet pumpkin." tbh idk much about him because korean fans essentially kicked him out of the group after he got married (?????) but he seems rly nice and also calm, something probably necessary in suju. a mediator

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1khy1jK.png sungmin, also "pink prince" and "sweet pumpkin." tbh idk much about him because korean fans essentially kicked him out of the group after he got married (?????) but he seems rly nice and also calm, something probably necessary in suju. a mediator

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Now this was the plan: Maedhros would come marching out of the East with unfurled banners and blazoning trumpets, challenging Morgoth. Meanwhile, Fingon's host would lay hidden in the forests in the West. Morgoth would send forth his armies against Maedhros, then Fingon would attack Morgoth's forces in the rear, catching them between hammer and anvil. 

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Now this was the plan: Maedhros would come marching out of the East with unfurled banners and blazoning trumpets, challenging Morgoth. Meanwhile, Fingon's host would lay hidden in the forests in the West. Morgoth would send forth his armies against Maedhros, then Fingon would attack Morgoth's forces in the rear, catching them between hammer and anvil. 

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EnHyoUo.png ryeowook, my fave, the "eternal maknae." the word maknae refers to the youngest member in a group and thats not ryeowook but it might as very well be because their real maknae is nothing like a maknae. cares about his group members more than himself n tries his best. kind but petty (like me). the chef(tm) of suju

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But the House of Ulfang delayed the onset of Maedhros; now bringing in false reports of an attack, then lagging behind and asking to rest. And in secret many Easterlings of the House of Ulfang lay hidden in the hills in the East, ready to serve Morgoth. But it was not all evil that passed that day. For word had come to Gondolin of the Union of Maedhros and now suddenly the host of Fingon was joined by Turgon and the splendorous army of the Twelve Houses of Gondolin! Then there was much gladness at the reunion of long-lost kin and at the reunion of Húrin and Huor with Turgon.

5 minutes ago, bling said:

1khy1jK.png sungmin, also "pink prince" and "sweet pumpkin." tbh idk much about him because korean fans essentially kicked him out of the group after he got married (?????) but he seems rly nice and also calm, something probably necessary in suju. a mediator

im sungmin

3 minutes ago, bling said:

me too


wow i love this

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But the House of Ulfang delayed the onset of Maedhros; now bringing in false reports of an attack, then lagging behind and asking to rest. And in secret many Easterlings of the House of Ulfang lay hidden in the hills in the East, ready to serve Morgoth. But it was not all evil that passed that day. For word had come to Gondolin of the Union of Maedhros and now suddenly the host of Fingon was joined by Turgon and the splendorous army of the Twelve Houses of Gondolin! Then there was much gladness at the reunion of long-lost kin and at the reunion of Húrin and Huor with Turgon.

5 minutes ago, bling said:

1khy1jK.png sungmin, also "pink prince" and "sweet pumpkin." tbh idk much about him because korean fans essentially kicked him out of the group after he got married (?????) but he seems rly nice and also calm, something probably necessary in suju. a mediator

im sungmin

3 minutes ago, bling said:

me too


wow i love this

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Now Morgoth sent forth his host. And it pretended to move against Maedhros, but it strayed close to the woods where Fingon's host lay hidden, and small lightly-armored troops marched especially close by, hoping to provoke them into attack. But when Fingon's host stirred not, then some Orc captains rode forth with the captive Gelmir and beheaded him, saying: "Many more of these have we, and they shall meet the same fate!" Then Gwindor was enraged and he strode forth, and all the folk of Nargothrond followed him; and Fingon could not restrain his host and, deeming it better now to lead a full charge, ordered an all-out attack. But Turgon was of other mind, and he restrained his folk for the time being.

4 minutes ago, bling said:

EnHyoUo.png ryeowook, my fave, the "eternal maknae." the word maknae refers to the youngest member in a group and thats not ryeowook but it might as very well be because their real maknae is nothing like a maknae. cares about his group members more than himself n tries his best. kind but petty (like me). the chef(tm) of suju

hey whoa i remember the word maknae!!! even tho its been like 800 years since u were my kpop-sensei

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Now Morgoth sent forth his host. And it pretended to move against Maedhros, but it strayed close to the woods where Fingon's host lay hidden, and small lightly-armored troops marched especially close by, hoping to provoke them into attack. But when Fingon's host stirred not, then some Orc captains rode forth with the captive Gelmir and beheaded him, saying: "Many more of these have we, and they shall meet the same fate!" Then Gwindor was enraged and he strode forth, and all the folk of Nargothrond followed him; and Fingon could not restrain his host and, deeming it better now to lead a full charge, ordered an all-out attack. But Turgon was of other mind, and he restrained his folk for the time being.

4 minutes ago, bling said:

EnHyoUo.png ryeowook, my fave, the "eternal maknae." the word maknae refers to the youngest member in a group and thats not ryeowook but it might as very well be because their real maknae is nothing like a maknae. cares about his group members more than himself n tries his best. kind but petty (like me). the chef(tm) of suju

hey whoa i remember the word maknae!!! even tho its been like 800 years since u were my kpop-sensei

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and now for my favourite character,

C4sOfMd.png kyuhyun, aka "evil maknae" or "maknae on top." even though he's the youngest he is always mercilessly and relentlessly talkin shit @ the other members and gets a free pass bc hes the youngest it's ok (also bc everyone is lowkey afraid of him). hes snarky af and im rly proud of the pic i found for him tbh it's perfect

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and now for my favourite character,

C4sOfMd.png kyuhyun, aka "evil maknae" or "maknae on top." even though he's the youngest he is always mercilessly and relentlessly talkin shit @ the other members and gets a free pass bc hes the youngest it's ok (also bc everyone is lowkey afraid of him). hes snarky af and im rly proud of the pic i found for him tbh it's perfect

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But the might of Fingon's host was far greater than Morgoth had expected and his army was driven back; and Gwindor and the folk of Nargothrond in their zeal entered into the pits of Angband after them, while the rest of Fingon's host hesitated before the gates of that dread fortress. But they were given no time to harden their hearts and make a decision, because now great hosts of Orcs came forth from hidden tunnels out of the Iron Mountains, and Fingon's host was driven back; and all the folk of Nargothrond were killed or captured. Haldir, Warden of the House of Haleth, was slain in the retreat with many of his men.

5 minutes ago, bling said:

damn y everyone so backstabby is this eimm

nah it's just that the house of ulfang sucks

2 minutes ago, bling said:

and now for my favourite character,

C4sOfMd.png kyuhyun, aka "evil maknae" or "maknae on top." even though he's the youngest he is always mercilessly and relentlessly talkin shit @ the other members and gets a free pass bc hes the youngest it's ok (also bc everyone is lowkey afraid of him). hes snarky af and im rly proud of the pic i found for him tbh it's perfect

yeah wow that picture suits your description perfectly

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But the might of Fingon's host was far greater than Morgoth had expected and his army was driven back; and Gwindor and the folk of Nargothrond in their zeal entered into the pits of Angband after them, while the rest of Fingon's host hesitated before the gates of that dread fortress. But they were given no time to harden their hearts and make a decision, because now great hosts of Orcs came forth from hidden tunnels out of the Iron Mountains, and Fingon's host was driven back; and all the folk of Nargothrond were killed or captured. Haldir, Warden of the House of Haleth, was slain in the retreat with many of his men.

5 minutes ago, bling said:

damn y everyone so backstabby is this eimm

nah it's just that the house of ulfang sucks

2 minutes ago, bling said:

and now for my favourite character,

C4sOfMd.png kyuhyun, aka "evil maknae" or "maknae on top." even though he's the youngest he is always mercilessly and relentlessly talkin shit @ the other members and gets a free pass bc hes the youngest it's ok (also bc everyone is lowkey afraid of him). hes snarky af and im rly proud of the pic i found for him tbh it's perfect

yeah wow that picture suits your description perfectly

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