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I've gotten the urge to play another shooter. Since FEAR 3 was terrible, I've decided to try out Killzone, oh my. So far it's quite rough, slow, and not really pulling me in like FEAR 1 and Crysis 1 did.And I want to get that murderboner going in a way that musou games can't quite achieve.

Tangentially related; I regard Crysis 1 and FEAR 1 among the best shooter games I've ever played, probably the best two, really. Then again, I don't play them by the pound, so you know...

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Tfw a plot important character gets hit, somehow, and killed by a 33%, causing a game over, though you're allowed to restart the stage at the cost of an SR point(but can keep the loot you got), but then you reset on impulse, only to remember a minute later that you were going for the ending that requires a low SR point count, so you effectively just lost a good amount of time and money due to a force of habit

Just 2nd SRWOG things. The fun kind.

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Unrelated to SRW, but Shin Sakura Taisen looks quite good. I'm personally intrigued by the switch from srpg to action. I like the hack and slash, because of course I do! Also, Project Sakura Wars is a silly name to me.

On 9/11/2019 at 11:16 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

I wish the PS2 games were on the PSN. Only the first Z game is there. Wasted opportunity, if you ask me...

I think I've asked in the past, but emulation isn't an option for you?

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Getting back into SRW, I've come to two realizations:

First: I'm spoiled as hell by Masoukishin. Specifically; the position advantages(like targeting enemies from the side/back), terrain advantages, Prana bonuses on stats, actually showing the stat boosts to your armor/weapons as your morale increases/decreases, weapons that rank up when upgraded, literally Possession, etc

Second: I'm gradually starting to like smaller rosters in these SRPGs, like, wait for it, Masoukishin. Less money spent on units/weapons, and less time on prep taken overall.

I have begun to suspect that the Masoukishin series might be my favorite out of the SRW franchise, followed up by OG

Edited by Soledai
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  • 2 weeks later...

Tee hee, idk what you guyses are talkin' bout

But at any rate, finished up SRW OG 2nd on """NORMAL""" ending route. The final boss was... Not protected against ailments, of any kind, and had a barrier that only halved damage(Like Granzon's Distortion Field)...

Let me put this in other words, she was piss easy, almost offensively so. Drain her energy so she can't use her barrier, or her energy draining attack, inflict Armor Down, and you're shooting fish in a barrel. At range 1, she couldn't even fight back, it was ridiculous. This can be done in a single turn, but since I didn't have the idea right away, I did a "set up turn", so... two turns. Not counting the 5 turns you have to wait for her to appear.

I'm gonna do the secret ending, but ugh this game is so damn long and slow.

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must be a dead neighborhood if this is the neighborhood thread


...not funny,
i'll make my way out


On 9/27/2019 at 7:10 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

Hm, there was an LoGH SFC game....

I was curious if it was good, but there's no patch for it, so I guess it's a moot point. :v

what kind of game is it

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On 9/29/2019 at 1:54 PM, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

Something about Taekwondo 

Clicked on the neighbour thread accidently which was this one. 

It's okay if you came to see me, I enjoy the company

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