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Why do so many people live in Ohio?

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I've lived in Ohio for pretty much my whole life so most of my family and IRL friends live in Ohio.

There's also interesting events that pop up in T-Town from time to time, not to mention outside of my hometown.

In short, since most of my support network is in Ohio that's where I'll stay.

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Some day even I will be in Ohio =o

But only the best part of it

Anyway the weather there is hardly any different than Indy~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Our weather is super bad

We have every season in the span of about two days

A couple weeks (maybe months) ago it went from 80, to 30 the next day, then 50 the next, then 80 again

It was an interesting week

there's a lot more to complain about than the weather, at least in Cleveland :\

I could say some positive things too, but the general consensus tends to be "we don't talk very highly of our city... or our state"

I've sort of got out of habit of checking the weather and just prepare for all sorts of situations at this point because lolweather

the roads here are terrible too, 50 yard stretches of huge potholes and broken roads and stuff, you can look up pictures but tbh I looked some up and they didn't really do the roads I drive on almost every day justice

all that being said

I didn't know that "so many people live in Ohio"

assuming by that you mean, of the people on SF, and not in general, because yes, "so many people live in" every state of the U.S. except North Dakota *shot*

too bad I don't like any of you or I'd totez meet you IRL *shot again*

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I didn't know that "so many people live in Ohio"assuming by that you mean, of the people on SF, and not in general, because yes, "so many people live in" every state of the U.S.

Ohio is the 7th most populous american state...

So yeah, there are more people in it than in 43 other states. That's a lot of people, IMO

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