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Double Duel character skills?


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Does anyone know what skills all the characters have in Double Duel? I caught wind of how the enemy versions of your units have skills that they normally wouldn't have access to, like Henry with Swordbreaker or Tiki with Aether, etc.

Are there any sources that list what skills each of the characters have? Otherwise, is there any way to view or find out what they have in-game, or else can anyone just tell me what is known of which abilities they have? Much appreciated.

EDIT: By the way, if there's no easy way to check it without playing through all the DDs then don't sweat it, I can do my best to find out who has what myself just by watching SoC and other people's DD vids.

Edited by BANRYU
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I just researched a part of Army of Shadow's enemy data.

Initiative skills: Luna, Astra, Lethality, Sol

Passive skills: Aegis, Pavise, Miracle, Counter

Some of them has Def.70 or Res.70.

Def.70 Risens never have Aegis.

Res.70 Risens never have Pavise.

Enemy max Spd: 60

Wait, you limited the topic to in-game character as enemy boss? Then they're set as unique bosses so whatever on them is available.

Edited by MelonGx
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Well no, it certainly doesn't have to be LIMITED to that, that was just the part I was interested in, sorry. I suppose I should have clarified that.

Edited by BANRYU
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Here's what I know about the other characters from the Spotpass DDs:

- Lon'qu: Astra

- Stahl: Pavise

- Ricken: Counter, Aegis, Tomebreaker

- Henry: Swordbreaker

- Tiki: Aether, Counter, Astra

Melon, would I be able to check the enemy data for those the same way you did if you told me how to do it? Or would I need some kind of external equipment or something?

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Oh yeah I can definitely try to do that, I'm just not sure if it's possible to view the characters' skills in-game while playing the double duel. Nothing I saw in any gameplay footage of Double Duel indicates that you can see any of the characters' skills at any point except when procs are activated. I'm simply wondering if there is a way to view this is all, if I WAS able to get into Double Duel.

Edited by BANRYU
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