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Her Apotheosis (Prologue)


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Each bed holds not a sleeping child in his eyes. Instead, each bed holds potential that he cannot yet unlock.

To his left is a boy, a boy who can read runes with the ease of a scholar, traces out symbols from mere memory while others struggle to grasp simpler concepts. This is a boy blessed with the gift of magic, to truly harness the power it holds, to lay waste to those that oppose him and assist the ones allied with his causes.

But the boy has a mind unshakable by mere suggestion, a mind that wants nothing more than to gift the world with happiness. With his hands he tries not to harm, regrets any pain he must bring, sheds gentle tears at the thought of someone hurting. One with so much power, so much ability to destroy anything that tortures him, and he would rather nurture it back to health.

It's an obstacle - something he's good at overcoming, but it is a large one.

To his right is a girl, a girl with a mind as bright as starlight, who takes in written words at a speed rivaling well-studied men and adapts them into conversation. She is fascinated by every subject she learns, the texts she devours not nearly enough for a brain that moves as rapidly as hers. She is a child blessed with incredible speed, the ability to react and adapt as she grows, to change and fit any role she desires to hold. She is less of an individual, more of a tool like this, but her goal is not her individuality, it is to further the wants of those around her.

She is swayed into doubt with a simple word, made convinced by an affirmtive line; while her brother is stone, she is water, and while she has a heart that too beats fairly, it can be hardened to one of unmallable rock.

So before him, lies his sleeping son and daughter - beautiful gifts blessed upon him by the god Grima - and before him, lies a choice. Which of the two, does he return to their Being?

In the end, the decision comes to him. He kneels beside the beds of the children, places a hand on their sleeping heads and offers up a silent prayer to the Earth Dragon. One hand falls at his side again, and the other - his right hand, stays on his choice.

"My daughter," he whispers to her, his words falling on ears unhearing. "I will make you a god."


Well, hi there, and welcome back to Silvia's Headcanon Run version 2.0, now with possibly less suckage. Possibly. Let's get down to business, shall they?

First, and most importantly, this is a very story-based run. This means they will be little bits of story practically EVERYWHERE, and those bits may not always be little. However, all these story pieces will be seperated from the actual gameplay itself and in spoiler tags, so you can very much skip all the story bits if you're just here for the failed attempts of strategy (trust me, I don't blame you in the slightest). So yes, there is a lot of story, but it's skippable.

Critique is fine, and very much appreciated.

The rules for the game play part of the run are pretty much the same as the first run, so:

1) Limited Grinding

2) Chapter 21 is the breaking point for the No Grinding Rule (for everyone except Lucina)

3) Each 8 chapters I gain 1000 Renown.

4) Try to kill all enemies before ending the chapter

5) Staff abuse is allowed

6) Tome classes are locked.

I think that's all we need! Now, are you ready to become a god?

Edited by Vashiane
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[spoiler=She Dreams of Demons]

She dreams of dark, pulsing eyes and flashes of red, dreams that make her head spin. She wakes with a start at nights, with deep throbbing headaches and nausea that kept her curled into a ball, no matter what herbs she takes for it or whatever spells she has him cast for it, it remains the same.

Each night is the same, each night is a struggle to recover from, and each night she slips further into her own personal Hell, a Hell of crackling lighting and haunting laughter echoing off the brimstone walls.

It is exactly what he wants from her.

He wants her to fall, and she is an obedient daughter, so she falls.

This is the premonition, it is literally Chrom walking up to Validar, swinging a Silver Sword around like he's a boss, and Validar falling down like the little bitch he is.

Alright, I'll attempt to make this entertaining.

Validar: Gya ha ha ha! Fools! Struggle all you want!

Chrom: You fucking scrub, your health is literally 39. 39.

Validar: So?

Chrom: Lol, bye.


Chrom: Ding dong, the witch is dead -

Silvia: Chrom, move! Chrom dodge. Chrom you piece of -

Chrom: Oh gee, thanks for talking that hit for me.

Silvia: Fuck, my head kills.

Chrom: Look at that, we carried the day! Well, not literally, I'd imagine time would actually be kind of heavy -

Silvia: Whoops, where did that come from?

Chrom: Did you just STAB me?
Silvia: Oh. Uh.

Chrom: Silvia... even though I just clearly witnessed you summoning that lightning and thrust it into my stomach, THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
Silvia: Chrom, what the fuck, you're such a bonehead.

... What do you mean, that isn't how it happened in-game?

Okay, the premonition is kinda a joke, things get legit in the prologue.

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Chrom: Did you just STAB me?

Silvia: Oh. Uh.

Chrom: Silvia... even though I just clearly witnessed you summoning that lightning and thrust it into my stomach, THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.

Silvia: Chrom, what the fuck, you're such a bonehead.


...or is it?

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I can already see this thread is going to the Hall of Myths after it is over, carried by a group of Level 15 Valkyries blessed by the RNGoddess i suck at humor leave me alone

Will be accompanying it.

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[spoiler=Empty]It's all a blur.

Everything, her name, her identity, her location - nothing comes to her, her mind just remains a cold, blank slate. She glances down at her feet, sees the worn leather boots and the edges of her cloak, lined with golden trim. She sees a meadow of bright green grass and flowers, feels a gentle warmth that should be oppressive (it's supposed to be hot, why isn't it?), and she wants to break.

She wants to drop his hand, throw herself back on the ground and never wake to such confusion again.

But he's asked if she's alright, and like an obedient child, she holds her tongue and lies.

"... I'm so confused."

I know you are. It's only the beginning after all.

"But how do I know his name? Where I am from? ... Who the hell am I talking to?"

The fourth wall.

"... What."

Don't worry - you'll get used to it.

So we start out this story like any other, with a girl and her missing memories, and a prince to rescue her.

Also, a town's on fire.

That's a bit more important that your lost memories Silvia, so we'll deal with you later. Now take this sword and this tome and go kill people before they kill you.

"... U-uh..."

She'll be fine. ... I think.

Actually, considering that this is the prologue, I'm sure she'll be fine.

Player Phase


I love that with Frederick as a pair-up partner the myrmidons don't do a single point of damage to Chrom. It makes my job so much easier.

Anyway, Silvia doesn't even get to use her sword because I always trade it off to Frederick so he can chip some damage without wasting his silver lance.

Chrom and Frederick do some pretty impressive team work on a barbarian while Chrom somehow manages to critical at 1% and take down a barbarian by himself.

1%, guys. Thanks Chrom, you wasted my good luck on the first map.

Silvia is attacked by a myrmidon and sees her blood splattered across her clothes, on the ground. It scares the hell out of her and the Thunder spell she casts flies off over the Myrmidon's head. Or well, I'm assuming that's her excuse for missing a 73%.

But she redeems herself. Myrmidon's dead and Silvia has her first kill. How does that make you feel?

"... I... I don't know. Weird... I don't like it."

Well, get used to it, you need that experience.

Chrom levels up decently once he and Frederick team up on that wind mage (HP, STR, SKL, SPD). Good. Hopefully you don't suck.

Okay, the amount of dual strikes from Frederick is really impressive here. It's only at 35% and I'm really not believing that now.

The second wave is cleared pretty easily (Silvia misses AGAIN, and gets herself into a bit of a tight spot but it's actually kind of fitting for her so...) and Silvia soon finds herself staring down the boss.

Oh Garrick, you're such an asshole.



"What? How is it my fault he killed her?"


... Okay. I am calm.

Attempt two is literally the same except Chrom now gets LCK instead of SPD. Smarmy bastard. And this time, Frederick picks up a Rift Door instead of experience and Silvia gains a level up this time around (HP, MAG, SKL, LCK). So does Lissa (HP, RES).

Now where was I... ah, yes. Garrick.

Except when Silvia closes her eyes and winces, waiting for the harsh impact of Garrick's hand axe, she doesn't feel it.

"... He... He protected me?"

You would think Frederick would be the type to just let her die, but apparently not.

And emboldened by Frederick's surprising care for her, she attacks with a ferocity unseen before.

"It's time to tip the scales...!"

Garrick falls to the ground in a charred heap, his death thrall still ringing in the air, and the girl with the snow white hair gives herself a bow, for a job well done.


End Phase

          Lvl  HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp              Class       
Chrom     2.70 21  8   1   9   8   6   7   1  E Swd             Lord              
Silvia    2.63 20  5   6   6   8   5   6   4  E Swd E Tme       Tactician(Thunder)                 
Frederick 1.36 28 13   2  12  10   6  14   3  B Lnc D Swd D Axe Great Knight  

[spoiler=But She Still Knows Nothing]

Silvia ducks to the side, back against the wall of the smoldering building with Chrom beside her. His sword slips out of his hands as he slides down towards the ground, his eyes closed, breathing labored. Silvia thinks he's hurt, kneels down to look but at the little flutter of his eyelids and the chuckle he let out, he seems fine.

"Peace. I'm alright," he says, confirming it. Silvia shrugs, brushing as must dirt and grime as she can out of her coat. Despite Frederick's glares and accusations, she's fond of it. It feels like home.

"You know," Chrom starts, pulling her out of her reverie. "For someone who's never fought before you fought... well." She feels a weird heat pool into her cheeks and she shakes her head; she's not a fighter.

But a compliment is a compliment. She supposes she should take it.

"You're not so bad either Chrom." She can't fight the little smile that forms on her face, and she can't help but widen it when he smiles at her in return.

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