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Failed Art Student Uses Lasers To Speak To His Thousand Selves


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You think I care about some kinda hot redacted? These boys don't know shit. Put a math problem in front of them, they can't solve it, DJ can't revolve it.

"Some kinda hot redacted...!"

Yeah, like that makes much of a difference.

See, I came to this school because I wanted my grades to be more than fifty shades. You know how all those girls think alike: "Yeah, I study hard, rockin' it to the beat." Pff, like, yeah, thinkin' they're some kinda hot redacted. Hoes, skanks, nasty ladies wearing nasty tanks. Bet they got those leggings at a Cold Topic. Ha! Yeah, they don't you that in history class. Why? 'Cause I make it. I make history, and I twist English like I twist nipples. I defy the rules Science places on me, and I showed off my Education by getting Physical with essays. Pencil on paper like lips against skin. Write it, erase it, write it again, it's shit, erase it, use a pen, write it, it's shit, can't erase it. You can't erase it, 'cause you're not like me. You slacked, you slept in, you're not some kinda nasty hot redacted.

Cool kids doing cool things, like, wow, you're gears and you're rotating school life better-than-that-one-goddess straight up. Maybe if you put your head to paper between your legs between sessions you wouldn't have Mr. School-Principal-Principle-Learn-The-Difference on you. Some adult. Some dog. Lassie, c'mere. Fetch me a life. Don't fall in the well, 'cause I'm doing well. Maybe a rock or two falls in the hole, but that's not the whole story. If you ask me, nothing happened

"You're in for it like you're makin' matters worse, nerd. Ain't you heard of High School Heirarchy?!" Bitch, like I got time for that. Take a look, it's in a book. It says, and I quote, "Pick the peach off a peach tree, but it has nothing to do with me."

Glasses off, rip the packaging, put it on. Easier than pie. Easier than pi. 3.14 and then some more. Easy, easy, slow down. I wasn't made for that shit. Get off, get out, get down, get up, shut up. I'm fine, I'm ok. Let me breathe in the menthol and wintergreen.

So, anyway, this goes out to all you me's out there who are me... but you know me, thinkin' I'm some kinda nasty hot redacted. Yeah, sorry, but I'm the Rehabilitation Center of my world. There is no one else before me. Because before me there really wasn't me but then I looked at the empty box and I thought, "What a good place to put my stuff in." So I moved in, uncalled for. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in. I'll pay rent, but I have to find a job first.


Too Long; Didn't Read

Who the fuck uses semicolons?

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printf("programmers use semicolons fuck you"\n);

Dot-comma needs to go. It is evil and I will not stand by and let it desecrate an entire language built upon the ideals of our forefathers. I refuse to speak it's name, too. Henceforth I will refer to it as "dot-comma". Deal with it or not, it doesn't matter to me.

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meanwhile i'll just write the basis of the forum you're posting on;


Go right ahead, devil-worshipper. Period Jesus will judge you in the afterlife, then you'll be sent to Parentheheim. It's, like, really cold there and I bet you'll hate it. Better bring a sweater! Oh, and then you'll be spoken to by Commdrysil. Some tree with a bunch of suffixes and prefixes all plastered on it. Four Devas are next, then four trials. You have no chance of passing them. Enjoy the afterlife.

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