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LunaticScreamer plays FE7 Chaos Mode


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I'm thinking of putting a "Top 6 LP's" section in the FE7CM OP, near the top. I'm gonna put this one, Nintales, Phobia's, Moniker's, Tequila's and Mr Night's.

Moniker/Tequila/LunaticScreamer: Informative LP's focusing on game mechanics and commentary.

Mr Night: His is great because it really shows exploits to the max.

Nintales: The only 0% run to date.

Phobia: The one that started it all.

(swells with pride) (for the final LP I am hoping I get glitch and he is a dragon for lols. also deciding if it should be no merlinus OR NO DEATH RUN!)

I didn't remove any tags, it was messed up by the whole screenshot prefix thing done by the mods. I think.

I believe he wants you to click your own links and add them back to the tags lol

video lps are boring. screenshot lps are all the hype

As much as I like video lp's I am finding less time to view them due to how long they can be and too entertaining to put in the background and work on hacking. (still haven't watched most of ghast's vids sadly)

Also damn lunatic 15 deaths and you are at endgame. making me question my FE skills man T-T

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Time for today's update!

[spoiler=Ch32x: Super Duper Bonus Round]SdQkyYt.png

Nothing much to do at the start except toss my singular Speedwings to Farina so she has capped speed.


As the chapter title indicated, this is more or less a chance for you to pick up some extra items and perhaps levels before the endgame. Besides Kishuna, the enemy populace is 100% Berserkers, all of them dangerous to some extent. Anyone planning to be serious about getting into multiple fights with them should have an Iron Rune. Otherwise, you run the risk of a crit ruining your day, especially if that crit comes from a Devil Axe user.


As for Kishuna, killing the jerk ends the chapter. He does have another Ultimate Seal ripe for stealing if you still need one of them. I don't, but at the same time I don't want to kill him until I'm done killing Berserkers.


See this highlighted Berserker? He's the only one without some kind of stealable or droppable. Yeah, Canas is going to be busy as hell for the first several turns stealing things.


Karla's primary task here is to wall up against the horde coming from the north. She'll eventually switch over to a Steel Bow once Canas doesn't need to do any more stealing for the time being.


Reinforcements occur too. These do not have any stealables or droppables though. Since Karla is going to be busy distracting targets coming from the north, everyone else not doing something will focus on them and keep some pressure off Karla's back.


And the stealing begins!


Nils makes things so much easier for me here. He can give another turn to Canas if I need to steal two items in a turn like I do here.


Eliwood's only real purpose early on here is to use Rescue and bring Canas or Nils out of danger during all the stealing that goes on. Karel can pick up whomever doesn't get Rescue'd.


First round of murder occurs.


More steals!


More murder!


Here's the other reason for Karla coming along here. She's the only one of my endgame party that could still benefit quite well from level ups.


More Rescue spam, then showing off the stats of a weapon I don't think I've shown off before.


This is the only time Nils was ever allowed to be attacked this map.


That's the last item Canas has to be worried about stealing from incoming Berserkers. The rest stand still or only move to attack someone in their range.

At this point, I stall in the southeast for several turns. Lots of reinforcements coming from the four staircases and I want those to end before I move forward. Highlights time!

Actually...better yet, I'm going to highlight everything from here on out until the end because I'm literally doing the same tactics over and over to either steal things or kill enemies.


Karla's levels for the rest of the chapter. Shouldn't be hard to at least cap out her skill & speed with all the stat boosters I pick up this chapter.


Items picked up that were either droppable or stealable.


Treasure chest report.


Support pickups for Karla, then waiting a bunch of turns so she can have a B support with Farina & Karel come the endgame chapter.


Kishuna then gets impaled by a hailstorm of Axereaver hits, the end.

Death Count: Oswin (1), Lowen (5), Bartre (1), Merlinus (1), Dart (2), Sain (1), Pent (1), Hawkeye (1), Wil (1), Hector (1)

Next time: The endgame approaches!

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It's endgame time!

[spoiler=Endgame Part 1: FUCK THE PAIN AWAY I]griwyJv.pngen3Ymox.pngDXM7OW1.png

Well, Santa's about to get his revenge on Nergrinch I think. Multiple capped stats, capable of using Forblaze or any other S-rank tome of the Light or Dark family, staffbot master...yeah, Santa's very good for the endgame.


He does get a couple of my stat boosters picked up from the last chapter. The Body Ring will let him wield Forblaze with a lesser penalty to his AS while the Angelic Robe gives him more room for error against powerful physical weapons like Basilikos or Armads.


Lots of stat booster usage. I do believe I tossed a few Secret Books over Karla's way as well to cap her skill.

Before beginning the chapter, make sure you have all of your Restore staves on everyone and plenty of sacred weapons & healing methods available as well. Why?


Because Hector's a jerk, that's why. Did Hector not think about the potential droppables I'll be getting during the first half? Granted early on, it's just stuff I already have, but still!


See Hector? This is why sending Merlinus off was bad. Maybe after kicking Nergrinch's ass, you could have gotten some sweet Christmas presents from the dragon clan to stuff into storage and take back to Ostia to display, but noooo, you just HAD to send him off, didn't you?


Oh whatever, let's get this started shall we? As you can see, there's one room open right now with two enemies in it. The other five rooms are locked.


At this point, enemies with sacred weapons are going to be the norm, meaning you'll likely need your own sacred weapons to fend them off smoothly.


Hector & Lyn double team Brendan to take him out with Lyn getting a level for herself.


Lyn slaps Hector for his silly idea of leaving Merlinus behind. She now has to discard something to make way for a fresh Basilikos for herself.


Santa is angry. Nobody wants to be in the path of an angry Santa. This Warrior was in his path and promptly got his ass criticaled to the afterlife.


Karla gets B supports with Karel & Farina.


Nils gets a bit of healing done while waiting for the next room to open.


And so it opens, revealing two more enemies.


They both get promptly shot down by Karla. Didn't even need Eliwood there to weaken Kenneth.


Sain breaks out his Fortify staff to patch everyone up. Why?


The last four small rooms that were once locked are now unlocked. This is why I had my team split up at the start so I could be prepared for this.


Northwestern team. The ballista jerk and the Excalibur Sage are the only notable enemies there.

One last thing...Jerme's Runesword is going to be turned into an Uber Runesword of sorts in the final update so he isn't so much of a weakling like he is here.


Northeastern team.


Eastern team. Features one badass General with four sacred weapons!


Southeastern team.


Karla gets some bow spinning going on to kill the Sorceror in the southeast.


A combined effort from Eliwood & Farina takes out Ursula.


Sain uses his Excalibur tome to finish off the last enemy in the southeast. I could care less about the empty level as he's basically peaked offense wise and is set for the finale.


Lucius, Karel, and Wil triple team Lloyd to take him out.


Dart walks up to Darin and completely obliterates him.


Rebecca gets a lucky hit in to kill the eastern General.


Hector kills the northwestern Sage while Lyn kills the ballista jerk. Only two enemies remain now.


Linus & Jerme do some attacking on the third enemy phase, but accomplish nothing except for taking a hit each.


So, 23 enemies left, but only two are left in the first half of the map. You can probably guess where those last 21 enemies are.


Sain uses his Fortify staff once again. I want to be at full strength for what's behind the final door.


Dart & Lyn finish off their attackers via counterkills, then...


Well, that explains where the rest of the enemies were hiding out, heh.

Part 2 of this update will be coming soon.

Edited by LunaticScreamer
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I demand you do an ironman run

this sounds like it'd be a rage fest.

tbh, I'd love to see some people draft this game. It sounds interesting to try in a draft-ltc environment.

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Time to wrap up the first half of the endgame.

[spoiler=Endgame Part 2: FUCK THE PAIN AWAY II]Sjd1Lx7.pngyFZkWTn.png

This is going to be fun to deal with, isn't it? Every enemy except Nergrinch is going to move towards your team with almost all of them having sacred weapons. The only two that don't are highlighted here which is good...except they have Luna tomes and 30 magic. That's not so good, heh.

Also, see the Fatman & Witch taking point there?


This is what Father Christmas thinks of those two jerks. Both have status staves and I really don't want to deal with them on top of the horde about to rush down on me.


Santa is brought back to safety with the power of Rescue staves, then I end my turn to lure out the horde.


The horde does come down a bit, but so too does a group of reinforcements appear from behind.


Hector snipes an incoming Nomad Trooper from the north.


Sain uses his Berserk staff and turns a Basilikos Berserker insane. Here's hoping he can knock out a nasty enemy for me in the next turn.


Hector gets rescued so he isn't nuked on the next enemy phase.


The entire southern reinforcement army gets torn apart before they can become a problem.


Oh, and I suppose Lyn gained a level from her kill. That's good I guess.


Sain gets brought back with more Rescue spam.


A couple enemies fall to counterattacks on the next enemy phase.


The insane Berserker does the best possible thing I could ask for...he kills one of the Luna Sorcerors. That will make my life MUCH easier for the next enemy phase.


Santa burns the last use of his Sleep staff to disable the other Luna jerk.


Karla & Hector kill off a couple more of the invading northern enemies.


Lots of Rescue staff spam!


Nils gives another turn to Serra, then I move her forward a bit and have her use a Regal Blade. That way, any enemies that want to attack her are going to get counterattacked half the time.


Of course, when the enemy coming forward has enough defense to negate any damage from Serra, then it's not quite as good. Still, distracting the enemies is Serra's other task, luring them in just enough so I can make a big rush on the next turn to kill most, if not all of the remaining northern enemies minus Nergrinch who doesn't move.


Of course, if Serra can kill any of her attackers with crits, so much the better for me.


Same goes for any enemies the insane Berserker can kill.


Can't delay this any further. I need to take down as many of the remaining northern enemies as I can this turn. Karla begins by sniping a Dragoon until he dies.


Hector follows up with his own sniping spree to take down a Knight Lord.


Another Paladin gets chopped down by Lyn.


Wil finishes off a Sorceror that Farina weakened.


Sain kills off a Swordmaster while Nino drops the other one.


Lucius once again shows a Knight Lord the proper way to use Durandal.


Eliwood crits the face off of a General.


Karel & Serra take out the insane Berserker.


With an extra turn provided by Nils, Eliwood walks up to the other Dragoon and OHKO crits him.


Originally, I was going to have Dart use his Fortify staff to heal everyone up, but after a cheeky bastard crit killed Nils, I decided to use Dart's turn to instead bring Nils back to safety.


Best use of your turn there chief!


There goes the last of the horde that rushed south. Still have to kill the Fatman & Witch up north though.


Serra gets a crit with her Regal Blade to kill the Witch.


With some use of the Rescue staff, Nils can get in range of Hector to give him another turn, allowing him to walk up to the Fatman and kill him off with a crit.


While doing some last minute preparations, I had Nils use one of his Hammerne staffs to repair Hector's Rienfleche.


Time to deal with Nergrinch who's sporting Ereshkigal, the unique tome that only Dark Wizards can use. Sporting stat boosts of +50 hp, +15 mag, +10 skl, +15 luk, +30 def, and +30 res, Nergrinch means business, simple as that.

Also, note the 1-5 range. That means you are going to eat a counterattack no matter what as the only other way to easily damage him right now is a Luna tome.


Effective damage makes damaging Nergrinch pretty easy with the likes of Armads or Forblaze. Hell, Santa or Eliwood could one shot Nergrinch if a crit goes off thanks to their good crit chances.


However, it's Sain with his Luna tome that gets the killing blow on Nergrinch, gaining a level and picking up Ereshkigal for his own use.


Santa failing to tank against three big dragons. What happened to the overwhelming power of Christmas there chief?


Oh, Mrs. Claus brought back Ninian who had it all along. That would explain everything.


It's just one dragon so how bad could it be?


Oh dear. This is going to end well I can see already. Part 3 should be coming up soon.

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^There was already a draft, bitches got bored.

Also LS, worth pointing out that in the final update, Jerme's runesword will actually be a special unique Uber Runesword.

Ah yes, I remember hearing about that. Edited the part 1 post to reflect that.

Anyways, on to the second half of the endgame!

[spoiler=Endgame Part 3: FUCK THE PAIN AWAY III]ErMpA35.png

This is going to be nasty. Tons of enemies up north and they're all dangerous, be it with sacred weapons, the female Sorceror having Luna, or status spamming.

The northwestern Fatman has Aureola & Sleep, the northeastern Fatman has Forblaze & Silence, meaning the latter has at least a good 60% chance or greater to silence your magic users. Lovely!


Gespenst & Sleep Sorceror here.


Fatman with Forblaze & Silence in the southwest. Also, an enemy Magic Seal that you'll have to kill.


Southeastern Sorceror has Gespenst & Berserk. The female Sorceror in the alcove north of him has a Luna tome.

So...yeah, this is going to be like the horde that was surrounding Nergrinch, but with many more status staves in play. I can't easily disable all of them though so my task is to drop as many of them as I possibly can while killing whatever I can reach without putting anyone at risk for the first turn.


First though, the Magic Seal needs to die. Nino does just that with two hits of her Rex Hasta.


Oh yes, can't forget about Santa & Nils. Even moving them the maximum distance back, they are still in range of the horde in front, meaning you'll need to Rescue staff them back to safety so they don't die. Since I'm doing to do that, I'm going to have Santa crit kill the Dark Wizard, taking out a potentially big threat to me during the second enemy phase.


With an extra turn provided by Nils, Santa removes another big threat from the board.


Wil gets a critical to take out the Sorceror in the southeast.


Farina weakened the Fatman in the southwest. Might not be killing it this turn, but I can certainly weaken it for the next one.


"Might" being the operative word of course, heh. Sain gets a lucky critical and takes out the southwestern Fatman, capping resistance in the process.


Rescue staff shenanigans gets Nils & Santa to safety.


A crit from Hector silences the other Luna Sorceror. I'm about as prepared as I can be to deal with the first enemy phase now.


Speaking of the enemy phase, three enemies die on it due to counterkills. I had to have Rebecca do a changing up of Karla's inventory though after I realized that I'm smart and Rienfleche wasn't the proper weapon to combat a Forblaze tome one shotting her. Basilikos was enough to let her barely survive the hit.

Oh yeah, the remaining status jerks haven't moved yet. I wonder how this'll turn out...


Could have been much worse if you ask me. Nino & Wil got put to sleep while Eliwood was silenced.


Time to kill off as many enemies from the north as I possible can. Hector begins by critting a Sorceror.


Nils uses his Restore staff to normalize Eliwood.


Rebecca murders another magic user.


Dart does some healing maintenance to keep everyone healthy.


A Paladin & a Sorceror join the ranks of the dead thanks to Karla & Farina.


Finally, Lucius shows a Sage another one of his "How to Use Durandal Properly" classes. The Sage dies after the lesson is over with.

The finale will be coming up very soon. Stay tuned!

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Sadly, all journeys must come to an end. So too does this playthrough.

[spoiler=Endgame Part 4: FUCK THE PAIN AWAY Finale]a1EFBbC.png

Sain doesn't go through with this action, but it shows one thing...just because he has Ereshkigal doesn't mean he's invincible. Effective damage with weapons like Gespenst or Basilikos can do that at times.


Anyways, Sain instead nukes the Sorceror in the back. Don't care about levels anymore of course.


Serra gives her Iron Rune over to Eliwood as he goes to nuke a Paladin. This is just in case one of the Fatmen from the north feel like screaming south to attack Eliwood.


Lyn kills off a Sorceror.


Karel gets a crit to kill off the last Paladin.


Santa does some healing maintenance now that the biggest threats are relegated to a few remaining status jerks.


Speaking of them, I let the last few charges run out over the next two turns. Rebecca got put to sleep, but everyone else felt like attempting to hit Dart with status effects. After two shots of Sleep and two shots of Silence, the only status effect that got through was the last shot of Silence. Dart is the man, plain and simple.


Restore chain is confirmed. No more status effects will be tossed and everyone is normalized.


Santa gets some counterattacking go on. The Aureola Fatman does not get critted, but the same can't be said for his Forblaze spamming buddy.


There goes the last Fatman.


May as well mop up the last of the non-dragon folk around the map.


Gotta use some Rescue staff spam to safely kill the two enemies up at the top. The dragon will move to attack and I don't want that just yet.


Rinse & repeat to take out the last remaining enemy before I get myself prepared to lure out the dragon.


You can tell pretty quickly why I had to do all of that Rescue spam for the last two enemies. The dragon doesn't have very high move, but with it's breath having 1-7 range, it doesn't need to move much.

As for its weapon stats, Flametongue has 35 Atk, 100 Hit, 45 Wt. It also provides stat bonuses of +20 str, +30 skl, +15 spd, +45 luk, +50 def, and +50 res.

Due to Flametongue's heavy weight, the dragon is actually at 25 effective speed. Also, Flametongue no longer ignores your defense. Probably for the best considering that base 84 Atk and 254 Hit.

Also, THANK FUCK, the dragon does not have Elixirs. This isn't FE7if after all.

The biggest hurdle is twofold...first, sending someone out to lure in the dragon. Secondly, overcoming that 80 defense & resistance.


First order of business is to ensure everyone has a +hp boosting weapon equipped before Santa does some healing.


Next, Karla lures out the dragon when everyone else is in position.


Next, kick its ass hard.


Apparently, Ereshkigal & Flametongue in the same battle sends the fight to a bizarro realm. Who knew?


Karla drops the dragon to 2 hp. Only one person has the right to end this.


Santa saved Christmas, yay!


Aw shit she's peering into the future and seeing what FE8 Chaos Mode will be like. Lovely.


And there's the turn count of failure. Most of the high ones were due to stalling for support building or something else entirely.

With that...the playthrough is over!

Final Death Count: Oswin (1), Lowen (5), Bartre (1), Merlinus (1), Dart (2), Sain (1), Pent (1), Hawkeye (1), Wil (1), Hector (1), Nils (1), Karla (1)

[spoiler=Final Thoughts]

Well now, this is how a more logical hardtype hack should be done.

Regarding FE7if, it was hard by virtue of just boosting the hell out of the enemy stats while not giving the player a way to combat those boosted stats. Certain bullshit chapters didn't help it either (Pirate Ship chapter & desert chapter, this means you). Compare that to FE7 Chaos Mode which is a more logical hardtype. Yes, you can pretty easily at any point if you get careless, but so can the enemy. You're able to kill them about as fast as they can kill you so it evens out the playing field.

Weapons are very well balanced in Chaos Mode. Each one is unique in its own special way and has its own pros & cons. The sacred weapons may be very powerful, but they are also limited in use, forcing the player to decide when it's the best time to use them in order to preserve their lifespan for as long as possible.

As for the characters...this is where Chaos Mode shines. FE7if basically gimped half of the cast, forcing you to use a very specific set of characters unless you want to make life harder on yourself. Chaos Mode though makes everyone useful in some fashion, even those that aren't likely to reach the endgame. Oswin & Marcus for example may not be likely endgame prospects, but the former has solid stats for the first several chapters while the latter is a good healer until you can get your own endgame caliber units capable of using staves.

In conclusion....FE7 Chaos Mode is a solid hack, plain and simple.

Will probably be some time before I start another LP of some kind. I've got several different non-FE hacks I've been wanting to play through for awhile now.

So...thanks for a great hack Klok. Loved every moment of it!

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Good LP! And of course you beat the final chapter easily... You force us all to start asking tough questions about our own competence... Looking forward to seeing any (eventual) future LPs!

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Good LP! And of course you beat the final chapter easily... You force us all to start asking tough questions about our own competence... Looking forward to seeing any (eventual) future LPs!

i abused the magic seal and picked off the enemies slowly with Hector, Lyn, Nino, and Wil. But then Nils dies to the paladins...

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