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[spoiler=OliverxReyson C]

Oliver: It is you! My precious feathered Angel. You have returned to me!

Reyson: Wh..What? The Duke of Tanas. What are you doing here? I thought they executed you.

Oliver: Nothing can destroy true beauty. I have returned from the grave to fight for my beloved angels.

Reyson: You mean to say you're on our side.

Oliver: That is correct. Sing for me my sweet and I swear no man shall ever lay hand nor blade upon you.

Reyson: I think I'll pass. Where's Ike. I need to speak to him about...you.

Oliver: To stray from your side is more loathsome than perdition. I shall accompany you.

Reyson: I'd really rather you didn't.

[spoiler=ReysonxOliver B]

Reyson: Would you stop following me. You're really starting to irritate me.

Oliver: You know not what you say my angel. I am Oliver, Champion of Beauty! You and I were destined to meet. Our rapport shall dazzle the slovenly. They shall be filled with envy and shame.

Reyson: You seriously have some screws loose. What was Ike thinking when he let you join us?

Oliver: Let me join you? That filthy bear didn't permit me to do anything. I declared my alliance to beauty the moment I set my eyes upon your fellow heron.

Reyson: You mean Rafiel? By the goddesses! What did you do to him? He wouldn't have it in him to turn you away.

Oliver: Yes, he is a most salient creature. Unfortunately I did not have long to observe him. There were defilers nearby that had to be dealt with. When the battle was done he was nowhere to be seen. I've scant seen him since.

Reyson: So that's why you're following me. I've half a mind to go back outside and return you to Rafiel.

Oliver: Do. Summon you're entire flock hence so we might spread our beauty across the land.

Reyson: If this is the kind of people we're fighting for then I've half a mind to let Ashera have Tellius.

[spoiler=ReysonxOliver A]

Oliver: Hold my beauty. Do not fly from me once more.

Reyson: *sigh* If Ike did have to bring you along did he really have to bring you into the tower. Don't you feel at all conflicted fighting your fellow senators?

Oliver: Senator, warrior. Beorc, laguz. These things matter not in the face of beauty.

Reyson: What? Do you really believe that?

Oliver: Move aside!

Reyson: Gah!

Oliver: Ah! I apologise sweet dove. It was an enemy, trying to assail us while we were basking in our mutual beauty.

Reyson: Y...yes. I saw. I thought we were through with the Disciples of Order.

Oliver: These scoundrels! Will they never cease to try and destroy my perfect herons? You remain where you are. I must scour the area to see if any more foul hearted beasts are lurking here.

Reyson: He was rough but he saved me. That knight's spear would have pierced right through me. He's an oaf and a bumbling fool but there's a strange sort of bravery to him. Still, I don't think I want to be here when he gets back. I'll take my opportunity get away before it's too late.

Just something I threw together when the internet was out. I think I managed to get Oliver's personality down. Not so sure about Reyson.

Edited by Jotari
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[spoiler=Ike X Mist C]

Mist: Ahh! Get back here! All these years and you still won't stay on the line?

Ike: Mist? What are you-GAH!

Ike: Why are there underpants on my head?

Mist: Sorry Ike. I was practicing with my sword and I hit the line by accident and the wash flew off into the wind. All these years...

Ike: I... See. Mist, you love your work this much yet you still have not learned how to properly keep it on the line?

Mist: I know how to do it better than you brother! In fact, come back here! I just noticed how dirty your clothes are! I don't think they'll even make it to the tub!

Ike: M-Mist? Ahhhh!

Mist: Hehehe!

[spoiler=Ike X Mist B]

Ike: Mist. I... Heard what was said to you today?

Mist: You mean what those dumb kids/soldiers said? About how a woman who does the wash can't be a warrior? Don't worry about it Ike. It's meaningless. People like that will always be around after all. Women can't fight. Men can't do laundry.

Ike: I know. But you've heard it for so many years. Are you certain you are fine with it?

Mist: Ike. Even if women shouldn't fight, we live in a time where war and fighting is common. I... I am a bit scared when I take up the sword; but I know it's for the better. If I don't defend myself, if I don't defend others, people will be hurt. People I care about, like you brother.

Ike: Still, you're my sister. I want to make sure you're safe.

Mist: I've fought at your side for years now and still you doubt me?

Ike: I don't know. It seems like you're still having trouble. Especially...

Mist: Especially what?

Ike: Against ambush hugs!

Mist: Ahhh!

[spoiler= Ike X Mist A]

Ike: Mist.

Mist: Yes?

Ike: Mist. I know what's wrong.

Mist: Nothing is wrong brother. I'm just washing the laundry.

Ike: That's what's wrong.

Mist: I... don't understand.

Ike: Sis, I know the truth. Every day you go out there with a smile and sword in hand to protect us. Yet then you come back here to mend wounds, clothes, wash, and cook like it's nothing. Not to mention the sheer care you dote upon us. Yet you rely heavily on luck and fumble with your blade from time to time still.

Mist: Of course. I'm not a swordswoman like so many others.

Ike: And that's the problem Mist!

Mist: I don't understand.

Ike: You go out there every day to fight and protect others with a sword and staff, putting your life on the line, only to come back here weary to settle down and do our chores for us. Without complaint.

Mist: Isn't that what being a good person and sister should be about?

Ike: Not if my sister is putting her life on the line simply to live up to her idealized expectation of herself.

Mist: ...

Ike: You want to be like mom, don't you.

Mist: Ike...

Ike: Mist. What you do every day is astounding on its own. Yet you only seem to want to try harder, to be as perfect as possible, to live up to mom. You heal not because of your talent with the staff, but because you want to be an adult like mom. You fight not because you are good with the sword, but because you want to be as strong as how you saw her.

Mist: Ike. Where is this coming from?

Ike: You've been falling asleep in camp away from your bed, been undercooking or charring the food, fell of your horse twice in battle, and couldn't catch me with the sponge the other day even though I was slowing down to want to have fun with you.

Mist: I... I... So what? Mom was a great person! She did so much for us and worked so hard! Why shouldn't I want to be like her?

Ike: Because you're my sister. You're all I have left of her. I don't want to see you dying in battle just because you felt you weren't as perfect as you remembered her. Please. You're the smile that heals and the hand that shields. You don't need to be anything more, because you're already beloved by all. Especially me.

Mist: Ike... I... I...

Ike: It's okay. If you need help, please, ask one of us. Don't try to shoulder the burden yourself.

Yea. Probably not my strongest. Mist... Really rubs me differently. Maybe it's because of Ye Olde Gamefaq's debates but I always saw her as sort of a Mary Sue whose flaws get overlooked to try and make her seem better. She's the daughter of a war hero who can somehow wield both magic swords and staff perfectly fine despite starting off as a literal child who could barely use the staff and learned everything on the fly while, somehow, shouldering the chores of the group. With no complaints or break-downs. I wanted to try and show her... in a position where she wasn't perfect but so focused on being perfect that it was causing Ike distress because he knew she should be complaining or at least showing some emotion other than seemingly-constant kindness and love.

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Lyre x Gatrie (edited by Glaceon Mage)

[spoiler=C-support]Gatrie: Oh, here you are.

Lyre: W-who's there?

Gatrie: Your lifeguard, my little flower.

Lyre: Ahhh! H-How dare you to sneak up on m-me while I'm w-washing!

Gatrie: Oh, pardon. I didn't want to frighten you. It seems that I came at an awkward moment for you.

Lyre: G-go out of here at once... and n-never come b-back! (talks to herself) What was that idiot just thinking?

Gatrie (talks to himself): Hmm... she was embarrassed... and blushed when she saw me. She has temperament. I like it. I can feel it already that could be something between us. L-L-Lyre, you'll be MINE!

[spoiler=B-support]Gatrie: Hey Lyre!

Lyre: What the hell do you want, idiot? Were you deaf? I laid it on the line for you that you shouldn't come back. You beorc don't show any respect.

Gatrie: I only wanted to apologize that I came to you at an awkward moment. I've brought something for you as apologize. Hopefully you like them.

Lyre: Faded flowers? You must be trolling! You don't show any respect to us laguz, but also to women! How gross!

Gatrie: W-wait. That's not the only thing. I, Gatrie, will be the ultimate lifeshield for you! I'll save your life until the bitter end!

Lyre: Are you talking to yourself, you dork? Play with someone else. I don't fall in your love trap. Bye!

Gatrie (talks to himself): Hmm... she still doesn't return her love towards me. She seems to be quite the "badass". Her character is almost as hard as iron as my armor. Quite my type!

[spoiler=A-support]Lyre: Where's my necklace? I can't find it. Damn, it's worth so much...


I can't find it anywhere. Sigh...

Gatrie (talks to himself): I must to talk to my kitty right now, but I don't know about a good present for her. Hmm...
Huh, what's that on the ground? A necklace! Oh, yes! Lyre, I've the ultimate present for you! You'll thank me forever!

Gatrie: Lalala... LYRE!

Lyre (talks to herself): Oh no! This voice! The idiot again. That's all I needed. This day can't become worse...

What do you want? Don't you see that I'm busy?

Gatrie: Sorry for that... But I've something for you. It shall express how much you mean for me.

Lyre: It can't be worse than faded flowers, so I'm prepared for everything...

Gatrie: Tada! Here it is!

Lyre: My necklace!

Gatrie: Yours!?

Lyre: Of course mine. My cat boyfriend sent it to me. None of you stiffs would wear something beautiful like that. Where did you find it?

Gatrie: Eh... On the ground.

Lyre: Thank you! You're not as useless as I thought.

Gatrie: ... oh... n-no problem.

Lyre: Hooray, my day is saved! Anyway, thanks and see ya!

Gatrie (talks to himself): Eh... I thought she was single... but at least she thanked me and is happier now...

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



Lethe: You!

Tormod: Me?

Lethe: Don't play coy! I know what you did!

Tormod: Huh? what are you talking about?

Lethe: You are protecting me!

Tormod: Of course I am! Why wouldn't I protect a-

Lethe: Cut it out human! I dont need word getting around that a human is protecting me! Hsss... I have a reputation to uphold!

Tormod: But-

Lethe: Now leave my sight! *Leaves*

Tormod: Geeze... Talk about pride issues...



Tormod: Alright! Thanks Maurim!

Lethe: ...

Tormod: Oh hey Lethe!

Lethe: Oh hey yourself! What did I tell you!?

Tormod: Uh... well, you told me to move out of the way earlier but-

Lethe: I told you! I do not need protecting from a human!

Tormod: Lethe, I am going to protect the Laguz. To be honest, there really isn't anything you can say that would make me stop.

Lethe: HSSS!!! It's like talking to a tree!!! *leaves*

Tormod: Lethe! Wait! Drat...



Lethe: Tormod!

Tormod: Ah! Lethe?! Look, I'm sorry but I-

Lethe: Shut up and listen. You just in front of a ballista bolt, preventing it from hitting me. Hss.... tell me why!

Tormod: I told you, I fight for the Laguz. I'm the leader of a group that frees Laguz from slavery. It's my job to make sure that every Laguz is safe, and I will not stop until the Laguz are free and safe. I know that you are not a slave, but nonetheless, I will protect any Laguz.

Lethe: You don't take such measures for Maurim or Mordecai...

Tormod: I don't? I think you are seeing things! I protect them just as much!

Lethe: ...whatever...

Tormod: ...Look, do you hate me? Cuz if you do, then I will leave.

Lethe: er... I dont... find you unpleasant to be near... It's just annoying to constantly tell you the same thing!

Tormod: So you do like me! Alright! i'm gunna keep protecting you then!

Lethe: Tormod!!! don't test my patience!

Epilogue: After Tormod free'd all of the enslaved Laguz, he ended up in Gallia, where he married a rather sharp tongued laguz, leading the first laguz and beorc child to not be cursed with a brand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there Glaceon, and everyone!

I've been lurking around and out of some excitement and boredom I went and made some rough drafts of some!
I'd like to call:
Laura x Aran (Romantic)
Boyd x Nolan

Ike x Marcia (Romantic*)

Lyre x Kyza (Romantic)

Lyre x Ranulf (Romantic)

Thanks for this all. It's actually been pretty interesting as I started this.

*Ike level of Romantic

Edited by Saphy
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  • 7 months later...

This is an amazing thing you are all working on here. Sadly, my writing skills are... far from the best, and I have no imagination for building on characters that already have a personality. Perhaps one day I will b able to contribute to this, but that is a ways into the future. I just wanted to show my appreciation for all your work and efforts and say that I will be anticipating the completion of this endeavor. Many thanks to all of you, and good luck with finishing it!

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  • 2 months later...

Although it's quite old, I'd like to pitch in these supports that I had managed to recover. In my free time I'm working on a balance patch for Radiant Dawn, with all supports expanded. sadly, I lost a lot of data and work -40 full supports, C, B and A, so 120 written works in total- because of a computer issue, which also erased data on my backup drive.

I still have these though, and I'd like to share them so they are stored safe. These supports take the game into consideration, that means that these supports can be formed As soon as possible and do not reference any plot points that may happen after these supports can occur. (Edward and Zihark can form an A support in 1-E, so their support will not reference things like the battle of 3-E)

*Sidenote, these supports were the first ones written, so if anyone has any suggestions for improving them (flow, grammar, awkward wording), please do let me know. =]

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: C]Zihark: Oh, hey Micaiah, could I ask you something?

Micaiah: Why of course, what is it you wanted to ask?

Zihark: Well, I was wondering, with you being the general of the Daein Liberation army and all, are you actually from Daein?

Micaiah: Yes, I have lived in Daein for as long as I can remember, that’s why I want to save it so much.

Zihark: Well, I was just wondering, with the liberation of Daein being supported by laguz and all… let’s just say those actions wouldn’t make you the typical Daein citizen…

Micaiah: That is true, I feel ashamed when I see my fellow people calling laguz “sub-humans”, but still when you have to cope together, people tend to set their differences aside.

Zihark: I admire your spirit, but sadly it isn’t always like that, I’ve seen too many laguz getting rocks thrown at them, just for being… a laguz.

Micaiah: That’s just horrible, I… I had no idea…

Zihark: Maybe it’s a good idea to see what your soldiers think of the laguz.

Micaiah: Yes, that might be a good idea… thank you Zihark.

Zihark: No worries.

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: B]Micaiah: Zihark, I took your advice to heart and asked the soldiers what they thought about laguz.

Zihark: Judging by the look on your face, you were hoping for a better outcome, didn’t you?

Micaiah: Yes, even though some of the people I asked weren’t mean or made nasty remarks, most of the soldiers call them sub-humans and think they should be sent away… Some even said that they built up their entire life under Mad King Ashnard, being taught that killing a laguz is one of mans greatest accomplishments in life!

Zihark: Resentment against laguz runs deep in Daein, it will take a long, very long time for those wounds to heal. Even now, Daein schools still portray laguz as savage beast… not to mention the feral ones…

Micaiah: Yes… but I believe we can mend those wounds and change Daein for the better!

Zihark: Now that’s the spirit, the road may be long, but we’ll persevere!

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: A]Micaiah: Oh… is it all for naught? Sigh… I wish I could do more…

Zihark: Micaiah, is everything allright?

Micaiah: Oh, hello Zihark… I was just thinking of something, back in the days of Ashnards reign…

Zihark: Do tell, does it have to do with laguz again?

Micaiah: Yes and no, I mean, it’s laguz, but they’re not laguz anymore.

Zihark: You mean feral ones.

Micaiah: Yes, during the war, Ashnard had feral ones sent into battle of course, but he also showcased them at schools and the military academy. Needless to say, these displays were violent to the extreme, and caused the children to think of laguz as nothing more than killing machines...

Zihark: I remember the rumors, some even say Ashnard went Feral Hunting for his own leisure.

Micaiah: Yes, even though I tried, I just can’t seem to change those horrible lessons the people have been taught… It feels so hopeless.

Zihark: It might take years for us all –the people who know better- to change this indoctrination, but just as I said last time, don’t give up!

The same goes for the branded, a great swordsman I fought alongside in the Mad King’s war is a branded, he isn’t anything of a lesser man because of it, I would even say he’s much more of a man because of the hardships he endured because of the brand!

Micaiah: (If only you knew…)

Zihark: What was that? Did you say something?

Micaiah: Oh, no, no, nothing really! Just me mumbling around your advice in my head.

Zihark: Well, all I’m trying to say is… all those things that shouldn’t be done, and all those things people have learned, it doesn’t mean that they can’t change, and learn new things.

Micaiah: Yes, I see that now, thank you Zihark! Your words have helped me a great deal with these inner struggles!

Zihark: Anytime…

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: C]Edward: Dang it! Why does it come loose every single time! Sigh… Guess I’ll just have to carry my sheath next march…

Zihark: Seems like you’ve got a problem there, would you mind some assistance?

Edward: Whoa! Oh, uh, hi there.. Yes, any help with this damned belt would be great! Thanks… uh, umm…

Zihark: The name’s Zihark, and you are Edward, right?

Edward: Yeah, that’s me, thanks for the help, I just can’t seem to get this fixed.

Zihark: Your buckle is bent, so it doesn’t hook in right anymore, if we bend this a bit… and carve a hole in the leather there… That ought to do it!

Edward: Oh, hey, thanks a lot Zihark! I guess being streetwise doesn’t help that much when you need to mend your stuff, haha!

Zihark: As a mercenary you’re poor of pocket quite a lot, so it’s best to be able to mend your own equipment.

Edward: Yeah, you’re right, when we were still living in Nevassa as the Dawn Brigade we got by from the scraps in the city alleys.

Zihark: I guess living as criminals isn’t the easiest life either…

Edward: you can say that again! But really, thanks again for you help!

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: B]Zihark: Oh, hey Edward, thanks for the other day!

Edward: No problem, I can spot a con artist from a mile away!

Zihark: I really thought the wares he sold were in good shape, those swords looked amazing, I still can’t believe you snapped them in two with just one swipe!

Edward: Yeah, he was good, I’ll give him that, they looked perfect. You’d think someone who paints that well would become an artist right?

Zihark: I guess… I’m glad you show me though. Also, I saw how you swung that sword. For someone your age, you’re quite handy with a blade.

Edward: Aw, thanks, I learned the basics from Leonardo, and then went on to improve on my own. I still need to train harder though!

Zihark: Well, how about we train together then? As a swordsman, I could try and help you improve your abilities.

Edward: You mean that? Ah, that’s great Zihark, I’m looking forward to it!

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: A]Zihark: Hmm, I guess it’s no use… our ways of fighting differ too much.

Edward: What do you mean by that? Am I not cut out for this, is that what you’re saying? Because if that’s it, I’ll prove you wrong!

Zihark: No… That’s not it, not at all. You have mastered the basics, I didn’t to help you with that. But you just seem… more assertive than me.

Edward: So you’re saying I’m more reckless than you? It’s just how I fight, always trying to stay upbeat, always keep the upper hand!

Zihark: Yes, that’s exactly it! You are always on top of your foes, but you still know when it’s to dangerous and you have to pull back. I on the other hand analyze my foe first, and act according to what I see. I guess I take a step back and judge the situation beforehand.

Edward: Yeah, yeah, you’re right, because when we were sparring I kept you on the defensive, but then you smacked me hard when you saw an opening! I tried to dodge, but it was too late.

Zihark: I think that’s because of your days in the alleys, you know when to quit. But still, even if teaching you won’t help, sparring sure will!

[spoiler=Zihark - Leonardo: C]Leonardo: Ah… Zihark, was it?

Zihark, Why yes, that would be me, is there anything I can help you with…?

Leonardo: Leonardo. And yes, I do have a request.

Zihark: If there’s anything I’d be might be able to help you with, please ask.

Leonardo: Well, you see, I’d like to hear some stories, I heard you joined forces with Crimea, and being from Daein and all…

Zihark: How’d you know I was from Daein? And yes, I kind of… got caught up in the war back in Crimea.

Leonardo: My family was nobility, and at one point I got separated from my parents in the woods. We were en route, and did not know the area, my parent feared the worst. I was all alone when…

Zihark: Yes! I remember now, you seemed so familiar! You were the boy I helped find his parents in Talrega!

Leonardo: Yes, that’s me! I never actually gave you my name at the time, I just managed a little “thanks”…

Zihark: That’s quite alright, your parents were so glad to see your safe return! Tell me about them sometime!

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Although it's quite old, I'd like to pitch in these supports that I had managed to recover. In my free time I'm working on a balance patch for Radiant Dawn, with all supports expanded. sadly, I lost a lot of data and work -40 full supports, C, B and A, so 120 written works in total- because of a computer issue, which also erased data on my backup drive.

I still have these though, and I'd like to share them so they are stored safe. These supports take the game into consideration, that means that these supports can be formed As soon as possible and do not reference any plot points that may happen after these supports can occur. (Edward and Zihark can form an A support in 1-E, so their support will not reference things like the battle of 3-E)

*Sidenote, these supports were the first ones written, so if anyone has any suggestions for improving them (flow, grammar, awkward wording), please do let me know. =]

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: C]Zihark: Oh, hey Micaiah, could I ask you something?

Micaiah: Why of course, what is it you wanted to ask?

Zihark: Well, I was wondering, with you being the general of the Daein Liberation army and all, are you actually from Daein?

Micaiah: Yes, I have lived in Daein for as long as I can remember, that’s why I want to save it so much.

Zihark: Well, I was just wondering, with the liberation of Daein being supported by laguz and all… let’s just say those actions wouldn’t make you the typical Daein citizen…

Micaiah: That is true, I feel ashamed when I see my fellow people calling laguz “sub-humans”, but still when you have to cope together, people tend to set their differences aside.

Zihark: I admire your spirit, but sadly it isn’t always like that, I’ve seen too many laguz getting rocks thrown at them, just for being… a laguz.

Micaiah: That’s just horrible, I… I had no idea…

Zihark: Maybe it’s a good idea to see what your soldiers think of the laguz.

Micaiah: Yes, that might be a good idea… thank you Zihark.

Zihark: No worries.

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: B]Micaiah: Zihark, I took your advice to heart and asked the soldiers what they thought about laguz.

Zihark: Judging by the look on your face, you were hoping for a better outcome, didn’t you?

Micaiah: Yes, even though some of the people I asked weren’t mean or made nasty remarks, most of the soldiers call them sub-humans and think they should be sent away… Some even said that they built up their entire life under Mad King Ashnard, being taught that killing a laguz is one of mans greatest accomplishments in life!

Zihark: Resentment against laguz runs deep in Daein, it will take a long, very long time for those wounds to heal. Even now, Daein schools still portray laguz as savage beast… not to mention the feral ones…

Micaiah: Yes… but I believe we can mend those wounds and change Daein for the better!

Zihark: Now that’s the spirit, the road may be long, but we’ll persevere!

[spoiler=Zihark - Micaiah: A]Micaiah: Oh… is it all for naught? Sigh… I wish I could do more…

Zihark: Micaiah, is everything allright?

Micaiah: Oh, hello Zihark… I was just thinking of something, back in the days of Ashnards reign…

Zihark: Do tell, does it have to do with laguz again?

Micaiah: Yes and no, I mean, it’s laguz, but they’re not laguz anymore.

Zihark: You mean feral ones.

Micaiah: Yes, during the war, Ashnard had feral ones sent into battle of course, but he also showcased them at schools and the military academy. Needless to say, these displays were violent to the extreme, and caused the children to think of laguz as nothing more than killing machines...

Zihark: I remember the rumors, some even say Ashnard went Feral Hunting for his own leisure.

Micaiah: Yes, even though I tried, I just can’t seem to change those horrible lessons the people have been taught… It feels so hopeless.

Zihark: It might take years for us all –the people who know better- to change this indoctrination, but just as I said last time, don’t give up!

The same goes for the branded, a great swordsman I fought alongside in the Mad King’s war is a branded, he isn’t anything of a lesser man because of it, I would even say he’s much more of a man because of the hardships he endured because of the brand!

Micaiah: (If only you knew…)

Zihark: What was that? Did you say something?

Micaiah: Oh, no, no, nothing really! Just me mumbling around your advice in my head.

Zihark: Well, all I’m trying to say is… all those things that shouldn’t be done, and all those things people have learned, it doesn’t mean that they can’t change, and learn new things.

Micaiah: Yes, I see that now, thank you Zihark! Your words have helped me a great deal with these inner struggles!

Zihark: Anytime…

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: C]Edward: Dang it! Why does it come loose every single time! Sigh… Guess I’ll just have to carry my sheath next march…

Zihark: Seems like you’ve got a problem there, would you mind some assistance?

Edward: Whoa! Oh, uh, hi there.. Yes, any help with this damned belt would be great! Thanks… uh, umm…

Zihark: The name’s Zihark, and you are Edward, right?

Edward: Yeah, that’s me, thanks for the help, I just can’t seem to get this fixed.

Zihark: Your buckle is bent, so it doesn’t hook in right anymore, if we bend this a bit… and carve a hole in the leather there… That ought to do it!

Edward: Oh, hey, thanks a lot Zihark! I guess being streetwise doesn’t help that much when you need to mend your stuff, haha!

Zihark: As a mercenary you’re poor of pocket quite a lot, so it’s best to be able to mend your own equipment.

Edward: Yeah, you’re right, when we were still living in Nevassa as the Dawn Brigade we got by from the scraps in the city alleys.

Zihark: I guess living as criminals isn’t the easiest life either…

Edward: you can say that again! But really, thanks again for you help!

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: B]Zihark: Oh, hey Edward, thanks for the other day!

Edward: No problem, I can spot a con artist from a mile away!

Zihark: I really thought the wares he sold were in good shape, those swords looked amazing, I still can’t believe you snapped them in two with just one swipe!

Edward: Yeah, he was good, I’ll give him that, they looked perfect. You’d think someone who paints that well would become an artist right?

Zihark: I guess… I’m glad you show me though. Also, I saw how you swung that sword. For someone your age, you’re quite handy with a blade.

Edward: Aw, thanks, I learned the basics from Leonardo, and then went on to improve on my own. I still need to train harder though!

Zihark: Well, how about we train together then? As a swordsman, I could try and help you improve your abilities.

Edward: You mean that? Ah, that’s great Zihark, I’m looking forward to it!

[spoiler=Zihark - Edward: A]Zihark: Hmm, I guess it’s no use… our ways of fighting differ too much.

Edward: What do you mean by that? Am I not cut out for this, is that what you’re saying? Because if that’s it, I’ll prove you wrong!

Zihark: No… That’s not it, not at all. You have mastered the basics, I didn’t to help you with that. But you just seem… more assertive than me.

Edward: So you’re saying I’m more reckless than you? It’s just how I fight, always trying to stay upbeat, always keep the upper hand!

Zihark: Yes, that’s exactly it! You are always on top of your foes, but you still know when it’s to dangerous and you have to pull back. I on the other hand analyze my foe first, and act according to what I see. I guess I take a step back and judge the situation beforehand.

Edward: Yeah, yeah, you’re right, because when we were sparring I kept you on the defensive, but then you smacked me hard when you saw an opening! I tried to dodge, but it was too late.

Zihark: I think that’s because of your days in the alleys, you know when to quit. But still, even if teaching you won’t help, sparring sure will!

[spoiler=Zihark - Leonardo: C]Leonardo: Ah… Zihark, was it?

Zihark, Why yes, that would be me, is there anything I can help you with…?

Leonardo: Leonardo. And yes, I do have a request.

Zihark: If there’s anything I’d be might be able to help you with, please ask.

Leonardo: Well, you see, I’d like to hear some stories, I heard you joined forces with Crimea, and being from Daein and all…

Zihark: How’d you know I was from Daein? And yes, I kind of… got caught up in the war back in Crimea.

Leonardo: My family was nobility, and at one point I got separated from my parents in the woods. We were en route, and did not know the area, my parent feared the worst. I was all alone when…

Zihark: Yes! I remember now, you seemed so familiar! You were the boy I helped find his parents in Talrega!

Leonardo: Yes, that’s me! I never actually gave you my name at the time, I just managed a little “thanks”…

Zihark: That’s quite alright, your parents were so glad to see your safe return! Tell me about them sometime!

I like the idea of your Micaiah and Zihark support but Micaiah comes off as a bit clueless in the C and B supports. She's probably older than him and, while it's doubtful she ever left Daein within memory, she still has travelled around a lot so she should have a very good idea of just how prejudice Daein is towards the laguz. Especially since she herself is branded, something I believe she's concealed from even the Dawn Brigade in fear of backlash (though I could be wrong on that point). Basically what I'm saying is, Michaiah should have seen a lot more shit than Zihark has.

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Ike x Marcia



Marcia: Ike… IKE!

Ike: Marcia? What’s wrong?

Marcia: Just wanted to say hello.

Ike: That’s it? Hello, I guess.

Marcia: Honestly, there’s something more.

Ike: What is it?

Marcia: I just wanted to thank you for all what you did for my brother and me in the war three years ago. I know I’ve said it several times already, but I simply can’t forget about your mercifulness. With your dedication you saved our lives.

Ike: It was my duty to protect everyone. Unfortunately, the war cost too many people’s lives. I wish I was able to protect everyone. Anyway, there’s no need to thank me. I’m just glad that you and Makalov survived, and that you could even reunite with him. The war had even a few light moments. If you ever had to pay any debts on me, then you have paid them back with your courage in the war. The victory wouldn’t be possible without you.

Marcia: Stop, please! You almost made me cry. You did so much for me, so I have to do something for you.

Ike: … I don’t know. Really, there’s no need to do anything for me. Just fight bravely as ever! If I had a curry steak, then I’d be already happy.

Marcia: Ah-hah! I knew I could do something for you. Hehe…

Ike: What!? Wait, you want to cook for me?

Marcia: Sure! I’ll make a curry steak for you. I had to cook for myself when I was a pegasus knight in Begnion, so I have a bit experience in cooking.

Ike: Okay… If you want. Make it extra-spicy, alright?

Marcia: Alright! Hehe… I’m going to make the spiciest and most delicious curry steak you’ve ever had.

Ike: Alright! I count on you. Don’t disappoint me!

Marcia: Don't worry! I won't.



Marcia: Ike!

Ike: Hello, Marcia!

Marcia: I’ve made your curry steak.

Ike: Oh nice! It looks delicious!

Marcia: It is!

Ike: Have you tried it before?

Marcia: No, but I guarantee it will be tasty. It’s only for you! Please give me a feedback after your first bite.

Ike: Yumm… yumm… ungh… water… I need some WATER!

Marcia: Oh.. wait I’ll get a glass for you.


Marcia: Yeah, I will. What’s wrong with you? Your face became red and you were sweating. Here!

Ike: Glug… ungh… This dish burns your mouth. You literally can’t eat this.

Marcia: … Sniff… sniff… But I put so much effort into this. Sorry…

Ike: I believe you. But you did too much right here. It’s so spicy that you can’t even taste it anymore.

Marcia: Sorry!

Ike: It’s not too bad. Just get some practice. Oscar is a good cook and could give a cooking lesson for free. Why not asking him?

Marcia: Ok, I will!



Marcia: Hi, sweetie!

Ike: … Huh… please don’t sneak up on me like that. 

Marcia: I have something for you.

Ike: What is it?

Marcia: A curry steak.

Ike: (Gosh...)

Marcia: Don’t worry! Oscar helped me in cooking.

Ike: Okay, I’ll try it. … Yumm…Yumm… Wow, it’s splendid! Good job!

Marcia: Oh, really? Thank you!

Ike: How many hours did you need to learn to cook this?

Marcia: Quite a few. Oscar told me everything about preparing, implementing and serving.

Ike: Heh, that’s typical Oscar. He’s a very diligent guy.

Marcia: Yes, he is. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it.

Ike: Yeah, thank you, Marcia!

Marcia: I’m happy I could do something good for you.

Ike: As I said before, you’re no one’s debt.

Marcia: Okay! Umm… can I ask you something?

Ike: Go ahead!

Marcia: Don’t worry! It’s not too serious. I only wanted to know how the life of a hero like you is right now?

Ike: Pretty normal, I guess. We fulfill our contracts like any other mercenary would do.

Marcia: I see… Hasn’t anything changed after the three years? I mean, you’re the hero of Tellius. The girls must run crazy after you, the savior of Tellius.

Ike: Actually, no. I still have the same life as before the war. Of course I’ve become a bit stronger, and everyone has grown up, but at the end nothing really much has been changed. The craziest girl is Mist.

Marcia: Huh… how is that?

Ike: She a bit overprotective of me. She’s afraid that I can’t handle myself... she's worrying too much about me.

Marcia: But she’s your sister! Can’t you understand that a sibling is looking after you despite she’s younger? I mean… goddamn…

Ike: Huh? What’s wrong?

Marcia: … I… I guess Mist and I sit in the same boat… but unlike you I have to care of my stupid brother because he can’t handle himself, unlike you.

Ike: Yeah, I know about the problem with your brother…

Marcia: He’s so useless. Has he ever cared about me one single time? NEVER! He’s just a dunghill who does what he wants but doesn’t notice the dangers of his actions.  Without me he’d lie lifeless in a roadside ditch. He really doesn’t know what it means to have a sister, who cares about him.

Ike: I’m sorry to hear that. But yeah… you’re his sister. And despite he did so many wrong things in his part, so you still helped him each single time. You deserve a lot of respect! You’re literally the best sister someone could have. I admire you!

Marcia: … (blushes)… Wait…you’re serious?

Ike: How could my words lie? You help your lazy brother, something most siblings wouldn’t do. That’s why I admire you. It shouldn’t mean that Mist is a bad sister, it should just mean that you’re a fantastic protector. Some people could really learn a thing or two from you!

Marcia: … Thanks… Ike! I don’t know what to say right now.

Ike: How about just agreeing with my words?

Marcia: Alright... Thanks, sweetie! (I really wished I had a brother like him… but at the same time I’m also happy that he’s not my brother!)

Thanks to Glaceon Mage who was so kind and corrected all my errors for me.

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I think it is wonderful. I don't think Marcia is one to swear though, she'd likely say "oh crackers" instead of "godamn" , but aside from that, I like it.


Sorry for the late reply, I'm not very active

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