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Famitsu interview - FULL VERSION (with new screenshots!)


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Another thing to note about hand axes and javelins is that it didn't even have to kill to be better than dedicated ranged weapons because it gave "melee" classes the ability to help someone else avoid counter attack damage, which is supposed to be the selling point of dedicated ranged weapons in the first place. This isn't even something new, it's been existing since FE6 (where even horrid accuracy isn't enough to stop a player from using them, and this was in a game where horrid accuracy was a global problem). It's more pronounced in Awakening though because the damage of the weapon wasn't even really all that important. In a game where you could have skill procs along with a pair up buddy equipped with a real weapon, you could kill enemies on assorted dice rolls that will mean more than some small base damage difference. Basically all that really mattered for offense was if you could hit any target on enemy phase, and if you had a leg humper with you.

Personally, I'm glad they made that change. It was getting kinda silly when hand axes were the weapon I had most of in my merchant stash. I'm imagining that scene you see in some movies where arrows rain from the sky and blot out the sun, except instead of arrows it's hand axes. That's been Fire Emblem for a great portion of the series.

That being said, the whole dual attack/defend deal being 100% activatable is an interesting idea. It means there's a major difference between being offensive and defensive (where as in Awakening you just had both). One thing I'll want to see is if your partner actually takes damage when defending instead of just always ignoring damage (I always thought that was dumb). I would imagine so, since you would just defend and be this invincible red rover line slowly eating all enemy territory.

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there are plenty of point to them, debuffing, different stats, better at mage killing( hits def and sorcs seem to have less def and more res now), better def, no horse. Plus three characters seem to start as maid/butler, so bad strength base stats wont be as much of a problem as promoting Lissa and Marabelle to the class.

Also as stated earlier i really like that troubadour/rod knights promote to a hybrid class, as troubadours were hybrids originally and are hybrids in half the games they are in if you count mist as a troubadour.

The main thing is i guess is that a horse and magic and staves is not necessarily meant to be superior by the game designers

If I need to debilitate something, there's another class that I'd rely on (in this case, Ninja, and you're guaranteed at least one). Most FE maps have more physical units, which means that hitting resistance, especially at range, is generally better.

The only argument I could see that would justify a foot class with a questionable weapon type is if the hidden weapon's bonus/debuffs were clearly superior to the tome's bonus/debuffs. By a lot.

Wait. I dont get it, anyone can already play how they want and win. I dont use hand axes and have beaten the GBA games with little difficulty.

EXACTLY (which is something that I think needs to be emphasized in regards to certain members, especially when OPINIONS are requested, not solid numbers). But GBA Hand Axes paled in comparison to Tellius/Archanea Hand Axes, so. . .

I don't like the fact that dual strike/guard is guaranteed activation, that too much of advantage enemy will have over you due to their superior number. It should be like Awakening where they scale along with support ranks.

I disagree. It'll make calculating things easier.

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Very true xD Just wishful thinking!

I'm digging through now to see which parts were and were not in the magazine based on my transcript here... wish it was clear cut, but it looks more like they cut out parts from in between areas rather than at the start/end...

I already did that actually XD

...And I realised I forgot to post my Attack/Guard Stance bit on my report, even though I posted it here somewhere...

樋口雅大氏(以下、樋口) ムービーシーンも、マイユニットの一人称視点のものがメインになります。『覚醒』では、マイユニットはあくまでクロムたちのサポートとして存在していたキャラクターでしたが、本作ではこのマイユニットが物語の主人公となってほかのキャラクターを見ているという映像のスタイルになっています。

//また、また、従来作の闘技場のような施設はあるのですが、経験値やお金を得るのではなく、別の資源を得るためのものになっています。// ---[This appears later on in the magazine interview]


前田 そうですね。そういった意味でも、『暗夜王国』では制限のある『FE』を楽しんでいただければと思います。ただ、どちらのパッケージもそれぞれのおもしろさがありますから、ご安心ください!

ただ、フェニックスモードにしたとしても、たとえばターン制限がある章はターン内に勝利条件を満たさないとクリアーできませんので、油断しているとゲームオーバーになってしまった! といったこともあるかもしれません。

樋口 攻陣と防陣は、条件を満たせば100%発動します。敵も同様です。攻陣を使えば火力は上がりますが、敵の集中攻撃を受けてしまうとなすすべもありません。敵に集中攻撃を受けそうなターンは防陣を使って耐えるなど、臨機応変に攻陣と防陣を使い分けていただきたいですね。

//---------------------------------------------------------------------[big difference from here]

前田  『覚醒』を発売して本作の開発がスタートしたとき、新しいユーザーの方にストレスをかけずに楽しんでいただくにはどうしたらいいかということを大きな課題として考えていました。貴重な武器を温存しておいて、後々ここぞというマップで使う、というのはかなり難度の高い戦略で、初心者の方が楽しむには敷居が高いと考えたのです。貴重な武器はもったいないから温存して、けっきょくそのまま使わずに終わってしまった、というご意見もよく聞きました。それなら、武器の使用回数をなくし、代わりに性能差をつけることで、武器を選ぶ楽しみを消すことなく、もっと気軽に楽しんでいただきたい、と思いました。


樋口 いいえ。武器ごとに追撃しにくいといった要素はありますが、「強い武器を持ったから速さが低くなった」といったことはありません。ちなみに、手槍はおなじみの間接攻撃武器ですが、追撃不可な武器となっていますよ。


横田 開発がスタートするときに、キャラクターデザインを誰にお願いするるか、という話題になったときに、満場一致で「コザキさんがいい!」とアッサリ決まり、すぐにコザキさんにオファーをかけさせていただきました。

樋口 今回、『覚醒』以上に登場キャラクター数が多いので、コザキさんに請けていただけるか少し心配でしたが、快くお請けいただけてうれしかったです。


前田 過去の『FE』シリーズとはまったく異なる、完全に新しい世界になっていますが、『覚醒』をプレイしたことがある人ならニヤリとするような要素もあります。


前田 白夜王国が和風な文化のある国ですね。暗夜王国は、いままでの『FE』シリーズのような、西洋風の文化を育んでいます。今回は物語がふたつに分れるということで、登場する国もまったく文化が異なる国にしたらおもしろいのではないかと思って。

横田 暗夜王国は西洋風ではあるのですが、少しダークな雰囲気の国なんです。お城も地下の巨大な穴の中に建っていたりと、純然たる西洋文化ではない感じですね。


前田 白夜王国は平和主義な気質で、治安もすごくいいんです。逆に、暗夜王国は、気象的な条件が悪いため、農作物なども育ちにくく、治安も悪い。暗夜王国の王ガロンは、勢力拡大を目指していて、その子どもたちに命令をして、白夜王国を侵略しようとしています。

横田 兄弟たちは、それぞれに想いを秘めたまま暗夜王国のために戦っています。白夜王国の王族たちは、その暗夜王国の侵攻を迎え撃つ形ですね。そして主人公(マイユニット)はその狭間で重大な選択を強いられると……。


前田 プレイしてからのお楽しみですので多くはお話できないのですが、大筋はそういった展開です。


前田 文化が変われば職業も異なるということで、所属するパッケージごとに仲間になるユニットの兵種が異なります。『暗夜王国』には“ソシアルナイト”など従来作でおなじみの兵種がたくさん登場し、『白夜王国』では“侍”など和風な兵種が用意されています。使用する武器もパッケージによって異なります。たとえば、『暗夜王国』ではふつうの剣ですが、『白夜王国』では基本性能が少し違う“刀”が登場するんです。

横田 すでにプロモーションムービーでは出ているのですが、本作ではペガサスナイトは存在せず、“天馬武者”という兵種になっています。ペガサスナイトは女性しかなれないというのはシリーズのお約束ですが、天馬武者は男女問わずクラスチェンジできるようになっています。また、天馬武者は上級職になると、“弓を使う飛行ユニット”になれますよ。

――それはすごい! 反対側の勢力の兵種を使うことはできないのでしょうか?

前田 うーん。ちょっと秘密です(笑)。

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Oboro looks sweet with that face and they're a lancer! I've missed having playable soldier units so much! Lance has always been my favorite weapon. Definitely a unit I will be using 100%. At first I was against most of these changes but the more I think about them the more I'm actually loving them. The bit about ranged weapons not doubling anymore is quite interesting to me. I like it, I feel it adds more strategy to the game and makes archers solidify a stronger niche. Also the fact that enemies can use attack/guard stance is great! Parallel Seals, from my understanding are similar to how reclassing was in FE12, which sounds much more balanced. I'm really thrilled for this game!

Edited by Mystical_Ice
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I already did that actually XD

...And I realised I forgot to post my Attack/Guard Stance bit on my report, even though I posted it here somewhere...

樋口雅大氏(以下、樋口) ムービーシーンも、マイユニットの一人称視点のものがメインになります。『覚醒』では、マイユニットはあくまでクロムたちのサポートとして存在していたキャラクターでしたが、本作ではこのマイユニットが物語の主人公となってほかのキャラクターを見ているという映像のスタイルになっています。

//また、また、従来作の闘技場のような施設はあるのですが、経験値やお金を得るのではなく、別の資源を得るためのものになっています。// ---[This appears later on in the magazine interview]


前田 そうですね。そういった意味でも、『暗夜王国』では制限のある『FE』を楽しんでいただければと思います。ただ、どちらのパッケージもそれぞれのおもしろさがありますから、ご安心ください!

ただ、フェニックスモードにしたとしても、たとえばターン制限がある章はターン内に勝利条件を満たさないとクリアーできませんので、油断しているとゲームオーバーになってしまった! といったこともあるかもしれません。

樋口 攻陣と防陣は、条件を満たせば100%発動します。敵も同様です。攻陣を使えば火力は上がりますが、敵の集中攻撃を受けてしまうとなすすべもありません。敵に集中攻撃を受けそうなターンは防陣を使って耐えるなど、臨機応変に攻陣と防陣を使い分けていただきたいですね。

//---------------------------------------------------------------------[big difference from here]

前田  『覚醒』を発売して本作の開発がスタートしたとき、新しいユーザーの方にストレスをかけずに楽しんでいただくにはどうしたらいいかということを大きな課題として考えていました。貴重な武器を温存しておいて、後々ここぞというマップで使う、というのはかなり難度の高い戦略で、初心者の方が楽しむには敷居が高いと考えたのです。貴重な武器はもったいないから温存して、けっきょくそのまま使わずに終わってしまった、というご意見もよく聞きました。それなら、武器の使用回数をなくし、代わりに性能差をつけることで、武器を選ぶ楽しみを消すことなく、もっと気軽に楽しんでいただきたい、と思いました。


樋口 いいえ。武器ごとに追撃しにくいといった要素はありますが、「強い武器を持ったから速さが低くなった」といったことはありません。ちなみに、手槍はおなじみの間接攻撃武器ですが、追撃不可な武器となっていますよ。


横田 開発がスタートするときに、キャラクターデザインを誰にお願いするるか、という話題になったときに、満場一致で「コザキさんがいい!」とアッサリ決まり、すぐにコザキさんにオファーをかけさせていただきました。

樋口 今回、『覚醒』以上に登場キャラクター数が多いので、コザキさんに請けていただけるか少し心配でしたが、快くお請けいただけてうれしかったです。


前田 過去の『FE』シリーズとはまったく異なる、完全に新しい世界になっていますが、『覚醒』をプレイしたことがある人ならニヤリとするような要素もあります。


前田 白夜王国が和風な文化のある国ですね。暗夜王国は、いままでの『FE』シリーズのような、西洋風の文化を育んでいます。今回は物語がふたつに分れるということで、登場する国もまったく文化が異なる国にしたらおもしろいのではないかと思って。

横田 暗夜王国は西洋風ではあるのですが、少しダークな雰囲気の国なんです。お城も地下の巨大な穴の中に建っていたりと、純然たる西洋文化ではない感じですね。


前田 白夜王国は平和主義な気質で、治安もすごくいいんです。逆に、暗夜王国は、気象的な条件が悪いため、農作物なども育ちにくく、治安も悪い。暗夜王国の王ガロンは、勢力拡大を目指していて、その子どもたちに命令をして、白夜王国を侵略しようとしています。

横田 兄弟たちは、それぞれに想いを秘めたまま暗夜王国のために戦っています。白夜王国の王族たちは、その暗夜王国の侵攻を迎え撃つ形ですね。そして主人公(マイユニット)はその狭間で重大な選択を強いられると……。


前田 プレイしてからのお楽しみですので多くはお話できないのですが、大筋はそういった展開です。


前田 文化が変われば職業も異なるということで、所属するパッケージごとに仲間になるユニットの兵種が異なります。『暗夜王国』には“ソシアルナイト”など従来作でおなじみの兵種がたくさん登場し、『白夜王国』では“侍”など和風な兵種が用意されています。使用する武器もパッケージによって異なります。たとえば、『暗夜王国』ではふつうの剣ですが、『白夜王国』では基本性能が少し違う“刀”が登場するんです。

横田 すでにプロモーションムービーでは出ているのですが、本作ではペガサスナイトは存在せず、“天馬武者”という兵種になっています。ペガサスナイトは女性しかなれないというのはシリーズのお約束ですが、天馬武者は男女問わずクラスチェンジできるようになっています。また、天馬武者は上級職になると、“弓を使う飛行ユニット”になれますよ。

――それはすごい! 反対側の勢力の兵種を使うことはできないのでしょうか?

前田 うーん。ちょっと秘密です(笑)。

That's a big help! Hopefully I'll get time to do a full transcript again, but not sure quite yet. Thanks!

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Oh boy...

They specifically stated they added the stat buffs/debuffs to weapons mantain the choice of selecting which weapon is right for the job. Though I'd prefer to have both, it's an acceptable trade-off, IMO.

Anyway, the parallel seal sounds nice. The confusion over pre-promotes, potential return of 3rd tiers, etc that resulted from seeing it... not so much.

And since Tusbaki's male, I'm going with Oboro being female.

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I've been a massive user of javelins throughout my Fire Emblem career but I'm looking forward to see the new javelins.

So, pegasus with bows..... In this game, I think you either want to use a ton of them (so that you can 1-round the enemy flyers formations) or not use any since they'll be more vulnerable than ever.

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I've been a massive user of javelins throughout my Fire Emblem career but I'm looking forward to see the new javelins.

So, pegasus with bows..... In this game, I think you either want to use a ton of them (so that you can 1-round the enemy flyers formations) or not use any since they'll be more vulnerable than ever.

Agreed on the Javalins and Hand Axes; it makes Bows viable in their own little way as the biggest ranged physical damage output due to their ability to double attack.

I think Pegasus Warriors won't be too vulnerable, especially if the Skill That Must Not Be Named returns, as they could eliminate something with a bow, either retreat to a better position or attack something with a Lance. Even if the Skill doesn't return, Pegs are dodgetanky enough that they have a good chance of not dying, and Bows (And Wind Magic, in some cases) can be counterattacked,

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They specifically stated they added the stat buffs/debuffs to weapons mantain the choice of selecting which weapon is right for the job. Though I'd prefer to have both, it's an acceptable trade-off, IMO.

Anyway, the parallel seal sounds nice. The confusion over pre-promotes, potential return of 3rd tiers, etc that resulted from seeing it... not so much.

And since Tusbaki's male, I'm going with Oboro being female.

Yeah, I think Oboro's female too. I also think it's a good trade off, but hope that stats are lower this time around so to allow a larger impact of the debuffs. I geuss parallel seals will play into this somewhat.

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With how inflated Awakening's stats got, Javelins were still very potent weapons, especially in the early game.

That's a load of bollocks, that is!

Plus having a throwing weapon teleport back into the user's hand doesn't even make sense.

So what? Fire Emblem is a video game. A lot of stuff that happens in video games doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to be ultra-realistic.

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That's a load of bollocks, that is!

So what? Fire Emblem is a video game. A lot of stuff that happens in video games doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to be ultra-realistic.

I'm assuming you didn't read the rest of my post, and the posts of the people who chimed in afterwards?

My argument has already been stated, and you have said nothing to counter it, aside from that video games don't need realism.

Edited by Monado Boy
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Phew, alright everyone, here is the full interview translated with the new sections added! Thanks for organizing it, Vincent! I reinserted them into the overall interview for convenience, but marked the new sections as *NEW*. Most of the new content is near the end.

Blog version here, and in spoiler tags below.

Lastly, an interview with three key figures behind “Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” has been published! The game is designed around the main character’s choices changing the overall story. Fans have noticed various things since the game’s announcement, and so this interview aims to answer some of those questions –even the nit-pickiest things!

>Who came up with the idea for the new “FE”?

–This game features diverging paths and multiple storylines, and so on that topic, please explain the concept behind the game.

Yokota Kenki (From now on, Yokota):”Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” (from now on referred to as FE) was always a game about the player having to maneuver their units in the midst of two massive countries locked in a mutual struggle. For this game, the main story changing as the result of the main character’s choices alone was an interesting idea that Nintendo and Intelligent Systems got excited about during the planning stages. Also, the ability to customize a character as one likes has become a staple of the series, and so we thought to make “MyUnit” the main character this time. They have an affinity with the characters of the story.

Maeda Kouhe (From now on, Maeda): The customization of “MyUnit” has been improved since “Awakening,” and so one can edit down to even more specific looks.

Masahiro Higuchi (From now on, Higuchi): A fundamental question about the FE series has always trying to satisfy existing fans and those who have yet to play it. We took steps during the planning stages while considering this. In the previous game, things like “Casual Mode” were there to help adjust the difficulty level as a way to tackle that problem, but there were not many other things that helped. The game has a split story with two paths the player can take based on their decision, as well as being able to look forward to a game where there are various difficulty modes and ways to play. With this in mind, it became two separate games.

–What are the specific differences between the two?

Maeda: In “Hoshido”, one can freely engage in battles and level up their units, and the victory conditions are very simple. On the other hand, “Nohr” has limited chances to gain experience and limited resources. The strategy revolves around “what is the best way to raise these units?” The victory conditions in battles vary, such as chapters with limited turns, or to attack/defend an objective, etc. It is much deeper tactically.

Higuchi: While we want players to experience both sides in the end, they should start with the package that appeals more to them. But if they are considering what the other side is like as they play, it would make us very happy.

--So you can't keep fighting to gradually become stronger, huh? *NEW*

Maeda: That's right. That's why "Nohr" is an "FE" with limitations that we thought one could look forward to. Do not worry, however, as there are various things to look forward to in both versions!

Higuchi: If you satisfy the conditions for Attack Stance and Defense Stance, you will execute it with 100% certainty. The same goes for the enemy. If you use Attack Stance, your fire power increases, but is not the best way to go if taking a concentrated attack from the enemy. When it looks like the enemy will attack, on that turn it is best to use the Defensive Stance to endure it. You will eventually want to use the Attack Stance or Defense Stance when the situation best calls for it.

–What would be the motivation for choosing “Nohr”?

Maeda: While players will go about it differently, the “Nohr” side is not necessarily overwhelmingly difficult. Players can pick Normal or casual modes, so first time players can still enjoy it too.

Yokota: The volume of chapters and story in “Hoshido,” “Nohr,” and the third scenario are all the length of Awakening. All are downloadable too, so we aimed to give a considerable amount of content.

–I see. Please explain the details of the newly announced Phoenix Mode.

Higuchi: From the start until “Radiant Dawn,” we built up the view that those games are the “ideal FE style.” But with that sort of game, one new problem was born: we reached the logical conclusion that it was always difficult for newcomers to pick up. We wanted to make a game that new fans could enjoy too. We wanted to make it even bigger than “Awakening” with this concept as the focus first and foremost. That was the beginning of the game’s development.

Maeda: A system like Phoenix Mode which lets fallen characters revive the very next turn I thought to be system ill-fitting of FE. However, it was deemed necessary for players who may think, “This is very interesting, but seems much too difficult for me. But with this mode, maybe even I can play it?” With these players in mind, this mode was born.

–A way to casually view the story, hmm? Does choosing Phoenix mode cause any limitations such as being unable to view the best ending?

Higuchi: Just because a player chooses Phoenix mode does not mean they will miss out on any scenes or items. However, if you change from Classic Mode to Casual or Phoenix Mode, that data will be unable to change back. For those proficient in the series who want the sense of accomplishment in completing “IF” on Classic, please play on Classic without changing all the way to the end.

>A total of 9 save files! An amount never before seen

–The story splits into two paths along the way in this game. Is the story up until Chapter 6 the same then?

Maeda: It is the same until then. You will be able to begin challenging maps and raising characters from Chapter 7 onward in “Hoshido.”

Higuchi: There is a system sort of like the “Arena” in place, but different this time around. Rather than earning experience, you fight to earn a different sort of component. Please wait for follow up information on this in the future.

–Do characters who become allies also appear as enemies on the other path?

–Maeda: Yes. They appear as quite formidable enemies even. While we had done the idea of fighting a friend turned foe in the series before, it was not implemented on a grand scale. As this game was developed on a grand scale with branching storylines, we believe the system was implemented quite smoothly this time.

–By the way… who are your allies on the 3rd Scenario where you side with neither kingdom?

Yokota: That is something to look forward to, and not something that will be addressed this interview. (lol)

Higuchi: Though the third scenario does not require “Hoshido” or “Nohr” to be completed in order to enjoy, we hope that people hold enough interest to at least clear the game once on any path. Also the game has the distinct feature of having plenty of “contrivances.”

Yokota: That’s right. For those who worry over save data, please rest easy. 3 save files come with each downloaded additional episode for a total of 9 places for your chapter saves.

–That’s great to hear! Next, please explain Dragon Pulse and whether it is offensive or defensive.

Yokota: Dragon Pulse is a special power of Dragons that serves as a map gimmick. It is put to use by the Main Character and Aqua, as well as 8 different characters between the two kingdoms. It changes the map in various ways, such as transforming deserts to grassy plains, or drawing water from the sea.

Maeda: Depending on the timing of Dragon Pulse, it can provide a serious advantage or disadvantage. We hope players implement this in their various strategies. Also, it is not just the player who uses the power of dragons, the enemy will have units who are able to utilize this too in their own strategies.

–Aside from that, what other information can you give players regarding information on the game?

Higuchi: In this game, we bring back a mechanic that had not been used since “Gaiden” on the Famicom –the weapons do not have any limit in uses, you can use them as many times as you would like. However, there are variations in ability/performance of each weapon. Rather than conserving weapons, the strategy will revolve around those weapons which are equipped.

--Why did you decide to get rid of Weapon Durability? *NEW*

Maeda: A huge issue we thought about was ways that would be best to reduce stress and let new users who started with "Awakening" and this game to feel less stress. We figured that strategies involving which weapons to preserve and to use on which map was intimidating for beginners. We often heard of opinions regarding people preserving their best weapons so long that by the end they never even used them. As a result, we thought to eliminate weapon durability in favor of weapons that have abilities instead. Now one can use freely enjoy using weapons without having to worry about which to select.

--Is there a concept of "weapon weight"? *NEW*

Maeda: No. There are factors that prevent follow up attacks, but it is not a simple matter of "strong weapons are slower." On a related note, weapons like the Javelin which are capable of indirect attacks are no longer capable of having follow up attacks.

--We had a question regarding character design. It seems Mr. Kozaki Yuusuke from "Awakening" returns to design for this game, huh? *NEW*

Maeda: The moment we began development and considered a character designer, everybody unanimously decided "Mr Korzaki is perfect!" We made Mr. Kozaki an offer immediately.

Higuchi: This time, there are more characters than there were in "Awakening," so we were a little worried whether Mr. Kozaki would take up the offer or not. We were very happy to hear he had generously taken up the offer.

--Please explain the details as to the setting of this game. *NEW*

Maeda: It is different than previous "FE" games in a completely different setting, though "Awakening" players will be able to smile at certain familiar components in place.

--What kind of countries are the Kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr? *NEW*

Maeda: Hoshido is a country with a Japanese style culture. Nohr is a country that fits more to the "FE" series up until now, with a very western feel to it. With two different stories this time around, we think it will be interesting for players to see the countries' cultural differences in each path.

Yokota: While the Nohr have a more western feel, they are a country with a darker ambiance to them. With a castle built in the center of a giant hole, it does not give a complete sense of a western culture, exactly.

--What is the current state of the world? *NEW*

Maeda: The Hoshido are a country with peaceful principles, and are built on order. Conversly, the Nohr have poor weather conditions that lead to poor crop yields, and are in disorder. King Garon of the Kingdom of Nohr aims to expand his influence, and orders his children to invade the Kingdom of Hoshido.

Yokota: The siblings keep their vairous personal feelings hidden and fight for the sake of the Nohr. The Hoshido royal family aim to repel the invasion. The Main Character (avatar) finds themselves facing an inevitable, grave decision...

--There is talk that the Nohr scenario is about seeking to reform them? *NEW*

Maeda: Because we want people to experience this by playing it we will not talk much about it, but that is a summary of things to come, yes.

--Do the classes that appear in each version differ? *NEW*

Maeda: Because of the cultural differences, different classes are attached to the different games, and so the classes of units that can become allies differ. In "Nohr", there are "Cavaliers," the same class that appears in previous entries in the series along with many others from before. In "Hoshido," there are "Samurai" and other Japanese style classes prepared. The weapons that can be used also differ by game. For example, in "Nohr," there is the usual "sword," but in "Hoshido," the "katana" appears, which has slightly different basic abilities.

Yokota: They were already shown in the promotional movie, but in this game there are not just Pegasus Knights, but a class named "Pegasus Warriors." It was a rule that all Pegasus Knights in previous entries be female, but both male and female units can class change to Pegasus Warriors in this game. Also, when Pegasus Warriors advance to a higher level, they become "flying units that are able to use bows."

--That's amazing! Surely the other side cannot utilize such power?! *NEW*

Maeda: Well...that's a secret. (Laughs)

--(Laughs) Well, we'll await the follow up report then. I am really looking forward to it. Lastly, please explain one defining point of IF that is most appealing.

Higuchi: April 20th of this year was the FE series’ 25th anniversary. The contents of the game are suitable for a 25th year celebration. Please give it a try!

Yokota: We used all the experience in developing “Awakening” to the fullest to bring a great number of new challenges this time. While it is a difficult Simulation RPG, there are modes and content with a system anyone can enjoy. We hope you freely pick up and play the game. It would make us happy.

Maeda: We offer two different packages both for fans of the series and newcomers to look forward to. In the end, this game is the largest we have made to date in terms of sheer volume. Please enjoy this epic game.

*Kouhei Maeda: Intelligent Systems – Director

*Yokota Genki: Nintendo – Director

*Masahiro Higuchi: Intelligent Systems – Producer

Edited by Kirokan
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Phew, alright everyone, here is the full interview translated with the new sections added! Thanks for organizing it, Vincent! I reinserted them into the overall interview for convenience, but marked the new sections as *NEW*. Most of the new content is near the end.

Blog version here, and in spoiler tags below.

Lastly, an interview with three key figures behind “Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” has been published! The game is designed around the main character’s choices changing the overall story. Fans have noticed various things since the game’s announcement, and so this interview aims to answer some of those questions –even the nit-pickiest things!

>Who came up with the idea for the new “FE”?

–This game features diverging paths and multiple storylines, and so on that topic, please explain the concept behind the game.

Yokota Kenki (From now on, Yokota):”Fire Emblem: Hoshido and Nohr” (from now on referred to as FE) was always a game about the player having to maneuver their units in the midst of two massive countries locked in a mutual struggle. For this game, the main story changing as the result of the main character’s choices alone was an interesting idea that Nintendo and Intelligent Systems got excited about during the planning stages. Also, the ability to customize a character as one likes has become a staple of the series, and so we thought to make “MyUnit” the main character this time. They have an affinity with the characters of the story.

Maeda Kouhe (From now on, Maeda): The customization of “MyUnit” has been improved since “Awakening,” and so one can edit down to even more specific looks.

Masahiro Higuchi (From now on, Higuchi): A fundamental question about the FE series has always trying to satisfy existing fans and those who have yet to play it. We took steps during the planning stages while considering this. In the previous game, things like “Casual Mode” were there to help adjust the difficulty level as a way to tackle that problem, but there were not many other things that helped. The game has a split story with two paths the player can take based on their decision, as well as being able to look forward to a game where there are various difficulty modes and ways to play. With this in mind, it became two separate games.

–What are the specific differences between the two?

Maeda: In “Hoshido”, one can freely engage in battles and level up their units, and the victory conditions are very simple. On the other hand, “Nohr” has limited chances to gain experience and limited resources. The strategy revolves around “what is the best way to raise these units?” The victory conditions in battles vary, such as chapters with limited turns, or to attack/defend an objective, etc. It is much deeper tactically.

Higuchi: While we want players to experience both sides in the end, they should start with the package that appeals more to them. But if they are considering what the other side is like as they play, it would make us very happy.

--So you can't keep fighting to gradually become stronger, huh? *NEW*

Maeda: That's right. That's why "Nohr" is an "FE" with limitations that we thought one could look forward to. Do not worry, however, as there are various things to look forward to in both versions!

Higuchi: If you satisfy the conditions for Attack Stance and Defense Stance, you will execute it with 100% certainty. The same goes for the enemy. If you use Attack Stance, your fire power increases, but is not the best way to go if taking a concentrated attack from the enemy. When it looks like the enemy will attack, on that turn it is best to use the Defensive Stance to endure it. You will eventually want to use the Attack Stance or Defense Stance when the situation best calls for it.

–What would be the motivation for choosing “Nohr”?

Maeda: While players will go about it differently, the “Nohr” side is not necessarily overwhelmingly difficult. Players can pick Normal or casual modes, so first time players can still enjoy it too.

Yokota: The volume of chapters and story in “Hoshido,” “Nohr,” and the third scenario are all the length of Awakening. All are downloadable too, so we aimed to give a considerable amount of content.

–I see. Please explain the details of the newly announced Phoenix Mode.

Higuchi: From the start until “Radiant Dawn,” we built up the view that those games are the “ideal FE style.” But with that sort of game, one new problem was born: we reached the logical conclusion that it was always difficult for newcomers to pick up. We wanted to make a game that new fans could enjoy too. We wanted to make it even bigger than “Awakening” with this concept as the focus first and foremost. That was the beginning of the game’s development.

Maeda: A system like Phoenix Mode which lets fallen characters revive the very next turn I thought to be system ill-fitting of FE. However, it was deemed necessary for players who may think, “This is very interesting, but seems much too difficult for me. But with this mode, maybe even I can play it?” With these players in mind, this mode was born.

–A way to casually view the story, hmm? Does choosing Phoenix mode cause any limitations such as being unable to view the best ending?

Higuchi: Just because a player chooses Phoenix mode does not mean they will miss out on any scenes or items. However, if you change from Classic Mode to Casual or Phoenix Mode, that data will be unable to change back. For those proficient in the series who want the sense of accomplishment in completing “IF” on Classic, please play on Classic without changing all the way to the end.

>A total of 9 save files! An amount never before seen

–The story splits into two paths along the way in this game. Is the story up until Chapter 6 the same then?

Maeda: It is the same until then. You will be able to begin challenging maps and raising characters from Chapter 7 onward in “Hoshido.”

Higuchi: There is a system sort of like the “Arena” in place, but different this time around. Rather than earning experience, you fight to earn a different sort of component. Please wait for follow up information on this in the future.

–Do characters who become allies also appear as enemies on the other path?

–Maeda: Yes. They appear as quite formidable enemies even. While we had done the idea of fighting a friend turned foe in the series before, it was not implemented on a grand scale. As this game was developed on a grand scale with branching storylines, we believe the system was implemented quite smoothly this time.

–By the way… who are your allies on the 3rd Scenario where you side with neither kingdom?

Yokota: That is something to look forward to, and not something that will be addressed this interview. (lol)

Higuchi: Though the third scenario does not require “Hoshido” or “Nohr” to be completed in order to enjoy, we hope that people hold enough interest to at least clear the game once on any path. Also the game has the distinct feature of having plenty of “contrivances.”

Yokota: That’s right. For those who worry over save data, please rest easy. 3 save files come with each downloaded additional episode for a total of 9 places for your chapter saves.

–That’s great to hear! Next, please explain Dragon Pulse and whether it is offensive or defensive.

Yokota: Dragon Pulse is a special power of Dragons that serves as a map gimmick. It is put to use by the Main Character and Aqua, as well as 8 different characters between the two kingdoms. It changes the map in various ways, such as transforming deserts to grassy plains, or drawing water from the sea.

Maeda: Depending on the timing of Dragon Pulse, it can provide a serious advantage or disadvantage. We hope players implement this in their various strategies. Also, it is not just the player who uses the power of dragons, the enemy will have units who are able to utilize this too in their own strategies.

–Aside from that, what other information can you give players regarding information on the game?

Higuchi: In this game, we bring back a mechanic that had not been used since “Gaiden” on the Famicom –the weapons do not have any limit in uses, you can use them as many times as you would like. However, there are variations in ability/performance of each weapon. Rather than conserving weapons, the strategy will revolve around those weapons which are equipped.

--Why did you decide to get rid of Weapon Durability? *NEW*

Maeda: A huge issue we thought about was ways that would be best to reduce stress and let new users who started with "Awakening" and this game to feel less stress. We figured that strategies involving which weapons to preserve and to use on which map was intimidating for beginners. We often heard of opinions regarding people preserving their best weapons so long that by the end they never even used them. As a result, we thought to eliminate weapon durability in favor of weapons that have abilities instead. Now one can use freely enjoy using weapons without having to worry about which to select.

--Is there a concept of "weapon weight"? *NEW*

Maeda: No. There are factors that prevent follow up attacks, but it is not a simple matter of "strong weapons are slower." On a related note, weapons like the Javelin which are capable of indirect attacks are no longer capable of having follow up attacks.

--We had a question regarding character design. It seems Mr. Kozaki Yuusuke from "Awakening" returns to design for this game, huh? *NEW*

Maeda: The moment we began development and considered a character designer, everybody unanimously decided "Mr Korzaki is perfect!" We made Mr. Kozaki an offer immediately.

Higuchi: This time, there are more characters than there were in "Awakening," so we were a little worried whether Mr. Kozaki would take up the offer or not. We were very happy to hear he had generously taken up the offer.

--Please explain the details as to the setting of this game. *NEW*

Maeda: It is different than previous "FE" games in a completely different setting, though "Awakening" players will be able to smile at certain familiar components in place.

--What kind of countries are the Kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr? *NEW*

Maeda: Hoshido is a country with a Japanese style culture. Nohr is a country that fits more to the "FE" series up until now, with a very western feel to it. With two different stories this time around, we think it will be interesting for players to see the countries' cultural differences in each path.

Yokota: While the Nohr have a more western feel, they are a country with a darker ambiance to them. With a castle built in the center of a giant hole, it does not give a complete sense of a western culture, exactly.

--What is the current state of the world? *NEW*

Maeda: The Hoshido are a country with peaceful principles, and are built on order. Conversly, the Nohr have poor weather conditions that lead to poor crop yields, and are in disorder. King Garon of the Kingdom of Nohr aims to expand his influence, and orders his children to invade the Kingdom of Hoshido.

Yokota: The siblings keep their vairous personal feelings hidden and fight for the sake of the Nohr. The Hoshido royal family aim to repel the invasion. The Main Character (avatar) finds themselves facing an inevitable, grave decision...

--There is talk that the Nohr scenario is about seeking to reform them? *NEW*

Maeda: Because we want people to experience this by playing it we will not talk much about it, but that is a summary of things to come, yes.

--Do the classes that appear in each version differ? *NEW*

Maeda: Because of the cultural differences, different classes are attached to the different games, and so the classes of units that can become allies differ. In "Nohr", there are "Cavaliers," the same class that appears in previous entries in the series along with many others from before. In "Hoshido," there are "Samurai" and other Japanese style classes prepared. The weapons that can be used also differ by game. For example, in "Nohr," there is the usual "sword," but in "Hoshido," the "katana" appears, which has slightly different basic abilities.

Yokota: They were already shown in the promotional movie, but in this game there are not just Pegasus Knights, but a class named "Pegasus Warriors." It was a rule that all Pegasus Knights in previous entries be female, but both male and female units can class change to Pegasus Warriors in this game. Also, Pegasus Warriors are an advanced class that are "flying units that can use bows."

--That's amazing! Surely the other side cannot utilize such power?! *NEW*

Maeda: Well...that's a secret. (Laughs)

--(Laughs) Well, we'll await the follow up report then. I am really looking forward to it. Lastly, please explain one defining point of IF that is most appealing.

Higuchi: April 20th of this year was the FE series’ 25th anniversary. The contents of the game are suitable for a 25th year celebration. Please give it a try!

Yokota: We used all the experience in developing “Awakening” to the fullest to bring a great number of new challenges this time. While it is a difficult Simulation RPG, there are modes and content with a system anyone can enjoy. We hope you freely pick up and play the game. It would make us happy.

Maeda: We offer two different packages both for fans of the series and newcomers to look forward to. In the end, this game is the largest we have made to date in terms of sheer volume. Please enjoy this epic game.

*Kouhei Maeda: Intelligent Systems – Director

*Yokota Kenki: Nintendo – Director

*Masahiro Higuchi: Intelligent Systems – Producer

Thanks for the translation. So Pegasus Warrior is still a promoted class? I'm confused XD

EDIT: Also it's quite amusing to think that 100% rate enemy attack stance is essentially a Luna+ in disguise being thrown at our face right from Normal mode. Dis is gun be good... Fortunately we can also utilize it. I'm all for something that requires thinking instead of RNG-based.

Edited by Ryo
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I fixed that part about Pegasus Warriors to better convey what they were saying, sorry for any confusion! I realized I left the sentence somewhat incomplete. xD


(Also, when Pegasus Warriors advance (to a higher class/level), they become "flying units able to use bows")

It implies perhaps a skill that allows them to, or whatever the Falcon Knight equivalent of a Pegasus Warrior is can use bows and such. : )

Good interview. One note though, NoA typically translates Yokota's name as Genki Yokota.

Fixed to reflect that! I looked at the original Famitsu page again, and it's hard to tell whether it says げん or けん (gen or ken) there... but if NoA did it that way then best do so.

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I fixed that part about Pegasus Warriors to better convey what they were saying, sorry for any confusion! I realized I left the sentence somewhat incomplete. xD


(Also, when Pegasus Warriors advance (to a higher class/level), they become "flying units able to use bows")

It implies perhaps a skill that allows them to, or whatever the Falcon Knight equivalent of a Pegasus Warrior is can use bows and such. : )

Okay, thank you for clearing that up. I wonder if the Pegasus Warrior is going to be different at all from the Peg. Knight, other than bow promotion, and non gender-locked status.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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By the way, this whole thing is separate from the usual weekly updates we've been getting right?

Or does this mean this is all for this week?

Nope, news about the next Famitsu issue should pop up soon. This is actually something old.

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By the way, this whole thing is separate from the usual weekly updates we've been getting right?

Or does this mean this is all for this week?

This is separate, further updates will come when the next magazine becomes available later this week.

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(Also, when Pegasus Warriors advance (to a higher class/level), they become "flying units able to use bows")

It implies perhaps a skill that allows them to, or whatever the Falcon Knight equivalent of a Pegasus Warrior is can use bows and such. : )

You could also read this as a third tier system, being Peg. Knight -> Peg Warrior -> Peg w/ Bows.

Would be interesting as it'd work well with reclassing not resetting your level, meaning you'd get a bit more time to grind.

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You could also read this as a third tier system, being Peg. Knight -> Peg Warrior -> Peg w/ Bows.

Would be interesting as it'd work well with reclassing not resetting your level, meaning you'd get a bit more time to grind.

Cool as third tier classes would be (although I don't think the game would be long enough for them without crazy exp inflation), I imagine they're just called Peg Warriors now to keep all the "Knight" classes as Nohr only.

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