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Didn't someone mention they're incarnations or something?

that is just a inference from mentions of them sorta forgetting about their world a bit, probably because they are living a different life under a different name imo.

I still don't get how Awakening lookalikes can really be the same characters in Awakening. The lookalikes clearly have different parents than the Awakening characters.

Doesn't make sense. Probably you guys are all understanding the text wrong.

those are the child characters default hair colours btw, notice that they match the mom, except for Inigo but the artist must have felt that pink hair would not work for him. You might want to check that your own info is correct before assuming we all must be wrong.
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Can you link me the script? I want to see this...

I am now terrified they are going to be further canonizing things and further ruining my headcanon/the personal canon my fanficiton is based on.

It's unstranslated right now, but if anyone wants to do it...

Vs Lucina

MID_M003_BT2: $t0$Wmオーディン|6$w0|$Wsオーディン|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_04|なに…!? ル…ルキナ!?\nお前、なんでここに…!?$k\n$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_25|あら…あなた、ウードですか?$k$pあなたも来ていたのですね…!\n会えて嬉しいです、ウード!!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_MYROOM_01|あわわ…! お、おいルキナ、\nでかい声で真名を呼ぶな!!$k$p相変わらずお前は\n抜けたところが…$k$p$E通常,|…………$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|どうしたんです…?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_DAMAGE_00|違う…お前は俺の知っている\nあいつじゃない…$k$p一緒に戦った、\nあのルキナじゃない…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_WIN_04|…うふふ。突然、何です?\nまたいつものお芝居ですか?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p…………$k$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_01|…ああ、そうだ。\nいつもの芝居だと思ってくれて構わない。$k$pとりあえず、お前が何者であろうと\n俺の真名を呼ぶのはやめてもらう!$k$p$E怒,|いいか、この地での俺の名は、\n新たなる黒き闇を纏う戦士…$k$p漆黒の…オーディ$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_27|そうだわ、ウード!\nあれから必殺技は増えましたか?$k$p久しぶりに見たいです…\nあなたのブルーフレイムソード!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_10|おーーーーい!!!\n話を最後まで聞けーーーーっ!!$k

MID_M003_BT3: $t0$Wmラズワルド|6$w0|$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_MYROOM_00|ん? 向こうに誰か\n可愛い子がいるなあ…!$k$p$E笑2,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_01|ちょっといいかな?\nそこの君、僕と一緒に…$k\n$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_DAMAGE_00|!!\nアズール!?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_DAMAGE_03|ええええええええ!?\n君…ルキナ!!!!!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_19|はい!$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eあらら,汗|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_11|ど、どうしてここに…$k$pというか、今はその名前で呼ばれると\nまずいというかなんというかその…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_WIN_04|ふふ…まさかここで会えるとは\n思いませんでした。$k$p少し感じが変わっていたので…\n一瞬誰だかわかりませんでしたが。$k$p出会い頭にナンパだなんて、\n相変わらずなんですね。$k$pそうだ、あなたがこの勝負に勝ったら、\n久しぶりにお茶してもいいですよ。$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E笑,照|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_DAMAGE_00|ほ、ほんと!?\nやった!$k$p$Eキメ,|よーし、僕がんばるよ…!\n勝ったらじっくり話そうね!$k$p…………$k$p$E通常2,|その時は君が何者なのか…$k$pどうしてルキナと同じ姿なのか、\n聞かせてもらわないと。$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|え…?\n何か言いましたか?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_WIN_05|なんでもない!\nじゃあ、いくよ!!$k

MID_M003_BT4: $t0$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_25|あら、セレナ…!$k\n$Wmルーナ|6$w0|$Wsルーナ|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_DAMAGE_00|!? あ、あんたは…\nルキナ!!?$k$pなんでこんなとこにいるのよ!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_10|それは…誰かに呼ばれたような気がして、\n気がついたら、ここへ。$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_01|はあ? なによそれ…\nじゃあ、他のみんなは…$k$p$E通常,|…!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_17|あの…どうしたんです?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,汗|違う…\nあんたは、違うわ…$k$pこれはあたしの知ってる、\nあのルキナじゃない…$k$p$E拗ね,汗|敵の罠…?\nにしては、嫌な感じはしないけど…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|え…?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_B_ATTACK_04|仕方ないわね…\n後でゆっくり理由を聞くしかないわ。$k$p$E怒,|ルキナの顔してるのは厄介だけど…$k$pこっちは見知った人を倒すのなんか\nずっと前から慣れきってんのよ!!$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_22|ええっ!?\nセ、セレナ…!!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_WIN_06|違うわ!\n今のあたしはルーナよ!$k$pちゃんと覚えて…\n二度とその名前で呼ばないでよね!$k

Vs Robin

MID_M004_BT2: $t0$Wmオーディン|6$w0|$Wsオーディン|$Wa$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_05|まさか、貴様は…$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|え…?\n君は僕を知っているのかい?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_02|いや…その服装、\n少し見覚えがあってな…$k$p$E怒,汗|だが、何だこの感じは…\n貴様、いったい…?$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_26|すまない。\n僕は記憶が曖昧だから…$k$p君の事も思い出せないんだ。$k$p$E笑,|でも戦えば何かわかるかもしれないね。$k$pさあ、遠慮せずに\n君の策をぶつけておいで!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p…………$k

MID_M004_BT3: $t0$Wmラズワルド|6$E通常2,|$w0|$Wsラズワルド|$Wa…………$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|…? どうしたんだい?\n君は戦わないの?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_09|いえ、闘います。$k$pでも僕はあなたに敵うかどうか…\n正直、自信ないんですよね。$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_17|ずいぶん弱気だね、\n君はそんなに強そうなのに。$k$pそれとも、そういう作戦なのかな?\n敵を油断させるのは基本だからね。$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_03|そうだね…\nそう思ってもらって構いません。$k$p…………$k$p$E通常2,|大丈夫…似てるだけだ。\nこれは僕の思うあの人じゃない。$k$pでも、ちょっとだけ懐かしくて…\n…見間違えちゃったな。$k

MID_M004_BT4: $t0$Wmルーナ|6$w0|$Wsルーナ|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_10|えっと…そこのあんた!\n顔をよく見せなさい!$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$E通常,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_DAMAGE_00|な、なんだい、いきなり…!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|じーーーーーーーーっ。$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_07|え…\nええっ?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E拗ね,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_02|ふーん…そう。\n似てるだけの別人なのね。$k$p緊張しちゃって、\n馬鹿みたいじゃない…$k$p$E苦,|別人なら、\nそんな紛らわしい服着ないでよ!$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E通常,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|な、なんなんだよ君は…\n僕を混乱させる策なのか…!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E怒,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_B_GUARD_01|勘違いしないでよ!?$k$pあたしがそんな陳腐な策\n使うわけないじゃない!!$k$p$E通常,|別人なら、容赦しないわ。\n今のあたしなら、きっと倒せる…!$k

I still don't get how Awakening lookalikes can really be the same characters in Awakening. The lookalikes clearly have different parents than the Awakening characters.

Doesn't make sense. Probably you guys are all understanding the text wrong.

The former parents now 2nd gen (Tharja, Cordelia, Gaius) aren't the same characters. Owain, Severa and Inigo are the same characters. They aren't from Nohr and both their names and every detail from their lives in their homeland or original world matches the Awakening crew. Their hair color is also the same one used for those three in Awakening's official art.

Edited by NeonZ
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that is just a inference from mentions of them sorta forgetting about their world a bit, probably because they are living a different life under a different name imo.

Yeah, this. My mention of the reincarnation thing is pure speculation based on couple of translated support convos I happened to see.

Of course, those convos could equally well hint at them being same person under different name and with mild amnesia or something.

Also on the Nohr stream: "I DON'T KNOW WHO JAGEN IS I'M SORRY"

I cracked up xD

Edited by Sylphid
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It's unstranslated right now, but if anyone wants to do it...

Vs Lucina

MID_M003_BT2: $t0$Wmオーディン|6$w0|$Wsオーディン|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_04|なに…!? ル…ルキナ!?\nお前、なんでここに…!?$k\n$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_25|あら…あなた、ウードですか?$k$pあなたも来ていたのですね…!\n会えて嬉しいです、ウード!!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_MYROOM_01|あわわ…! お、おいルキナ、\nでかい声で真名を呼ぶな!!$k$p相変わらずお前は\n抜けたところが…$k$p$E通常,|…………$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|どうしたんです…?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_DAMAGE_00|違う…お前は俺の知っている\nあいつじゃない…$k$p一緒に戦った、\nあのルキナじゃない…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_WIN_04|…うふふ。突然、何です?\nまたいつものお芝居ですか?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p…………$k$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_01|…ああ、そうだ。\nいつもの芝居だと思ってくれて構わない。$k$pとりあえず、お前が何者であろうと\n俺の真名を呼ぶのはやめてもらう!$k$p$E怒,|いいか、この地での俺の名は、\n新たなる黒き闇を纏う戦士…$k$p漆黒の…オーディ$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_27|そうだわ、ウード!\nあれから必殺技は増えましたか?$k$p久しぶりに見たいです…\nあなたのブルーフレイムソード!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_10|おーーーーい!!!\n話を最後まで聞けーーーーっ!!$k

MID_M003_BT3: $t0$Wmラズワルド|6$w0|$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_MYROOM_00|ん? 向こうに誰か\n可愛い子がいるなあ…!$k$p$E笑2,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_01|ちょっといいかな?\nそこの君、僕と一緒に…$k\n$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_DAMAGE_00|!!\nアズール!?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_DAMAGE_03|ええええええええ!?\n君…ルキナ!!!!!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_19|はい!$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eあらら,汗|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_11|ど、どうしてここに…$k$pというか、今はその名前で呼ばれると\nまずいというかなんというかその…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_WIN_04|ふふ…まさかここで会えるとは\n思いませんでした。$k$p少し感じが変わっていたので…\n一瞬誰だかわかりませんでしたが。$k$p出会い頭にナンパだなんて、\n相変わらずなんですね。$k$pそうだ、あなたがこの勝負に勝ったら、\n久しぶりにお茶してもいいですよ。$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E笑,照|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_DAMAGE_00|ほ、ほんと!?\nやった!$k$p$Eキメ,|よーし、僕がんばるよ…!\n勝ったらじっくり話そうね!$k$p…………$k$p$E通常2,|その時は君が何者なのか…$k$pどうしてルキナと同じ姿なのか、\n聞かせてもらわないと。$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|え…?\n何か言いましたか?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_WIN_05|なんでもない!\nじゃあ、いくよ!!$k

MID_M003_BT4: $t0$Wmルキナ|0$w0|$Wsルキナ|$Wa$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_25|あら、セレナ…!$k\n$Wmルーナ|6$w0|$Wsルーナ|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_DAMAGE_00|!? あ、あんたは…\nルキナ!!?$k$pなんでこんなとこにいるのよ!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_10|それは…誰かに呼ばれたような気がして、\n気がついたら、ここへ。$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_01|はあ? なによそれ…\nじゃあ、他のみんなは…$k$p$E通常,|…!?$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_17|あの…どうしたんです?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,汗|違う…\nあんたは、違うわ…$k$pこれはあたしの知ってる、\nあのルキナじゃない…$k$p$E拗ね,汗|敵の罠…?\nにしては、嫌な感じはしないけど…$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_21|え…?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_B_ATTACK_04|仕方ないわね…\n後でゆっくり理由を聞くしかないわ。$k$p$E怒,|ルキナの顔してるのは厄介だけど…$k$pこっちは見知った人を倒すのなんか\nずっと前から慣れきってんのよ!!$k\n$Wsルキナ|$Wa$p$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUCINA_EVT_22|ええっ!?\nセ、セレナ…!!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_WIN_06|違うわ!\n今のあたしはルーナよ!$k$pちゃんと覚えて…\n二度とその名前で呼ばないでよね!$k

Vs Robin

MID_M004_BT2: $t0$Wmオーディン|6$w0|$Wsオーディン|$Wa$E苦,汗|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_05|まさか、貴様は…$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|え…?\n君は僕を知っているのかい?$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_ODIN_EVT_02|いや…その服装、\n少し見覚えがあってな…$k$p$E怒,汗|だが、何だこの感じは…\n貴様、いったい…?$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_26|すまない。\n僕は記憶が曖昧だから…$k$p君の事も思い出せないんだ。$k$p$E笑,|でも戦えば何かわかるかもしれないね。$k$pさあ、遠慮せずに\n君の策をぶつけておいで!$k\n$Wsオーディン|$Wa$p…………$k

MID_M004_BT3: $t0$Wmラズワルド|6$E通常2,|$w0|$Wsラズワルド|$Wa…………$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|…? どうしたんだい?\n君は戦わないの?$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$E通常,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_09|いえ、闘います。$k$pでも僕はあなたに敵うかどうか…\n正直、自信ないんですよね。$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E笑,|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_17|ずいぶん弱気だね、\n君はそんなに強そうなのに。$k$pそれとも、そういう作戦なのかな?\n敵を油断させるのは基本だからね。$k\n$Wsラズワルド|$Wa$p$Eキメ,|$SvpVOICE_LAZWARD_EVT_03|そうだね…\nそう思ってもらって構いません。$k$p…………$k$p$E通常2,|大丈夫…似てるだけだ。\nこれは僕の思うあの人じゃない。$k$pでも、ちょっとだけ懐かしくて…\n…見間違えちゃったな。$k

MID_M004_BT4: $t0$Wmルーナ|6$w0|$Wsルーナ|$Wa$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_10|えっと…そこのあんた!\n顔をよく見せなさい!$k\n$Wmルフレ|0$w0|$Wsルフレ|$Wa$E通常,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_DAMAGE_00|な、なんだい、いきなり…!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E通常,|じーーーーーーーーっ。$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E怒,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_07|え…\nええっ?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E拗ね,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_EVT_02|ふーん…そう。\n似てるだけの別人なのね。$k$p緊張しちゃって、\n馬鹿みたいじゃない…$k$p$E苦,|別人なら、\nそんな紛らわしい服着ないでよ!$k\n$Wsルフレ|$Wa$p$E通常,汗|$SvpVOICE_REFLET_EVT_05|な、なんなんだよ君は…\n僕を混乱させる策なのか…!?$k\n$Wsルーナ|$Wa$p$E怒,|$SvpVOICE_LUNA_B_GUARD_01|勘違いしないでよ!?$k$pあたしがそんな陳腐な策\n使うわけないじゃない!!$k$p$E通常,|別人なら、容赦しないわ。\n今のあたしなら、きっと倒せる…!$k

The former parents now 2nd gen (Tharja, Cordelia, Gaius) aren't the same characters. Owain, Severa and Inigo are the same characters. They aren't from Nohr and both their names and every detail from their lives in their homeland or original world matches the Awakening crew. Their hair color is also the same one used for those three in Awakening's official art.

I would love to see a translation of this. But goddamit, if they manange to make my Robin's pairing with Lucina non-canon (I don't need them to reference it, just make sure they don't contradict it in any way) I may lose my mind.

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Meanwhile, in the hoshido stream, everyone is blaming Takumi for streamer not able to progress faster in the chapter ... omg its almost 1 hour now...

What does Takumi have like explosive Diarrhoea now? lol

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Meanwhile, in the hoshido stream, everyone is blaming Takumi for streamer not able to progress faster in the chapter ... omg its almost 1 hour now...

I blame Tsukuyomi personally. At least he's actually taking part in the battle.

... wait, are they blaming Takumi by implying he's actually amazing and would have finished it by now if he was there?

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Support logs

How do you do?
It feels very nice
Are you hurt somewhere?
Did my hat slip out of place?
The same hair colour as my mother ... I'm proud of it.
I'm happy that you praise me
This hair style is my favourite
What a wonderful room
You don't hate ... touching me?
I wonder if I resemble father a little...
My eyelashes are unexpectedly long
Is raising such a child disappointing...?
When I entered the male bath a while ago, I was almost kicked out...
Come on
Being touched so much is embarrassing
Not t-this place...!
Uhm ... am I ... cute?
I made these clothes myself
Uhm... I'm a boy, so I don't have chests, you know?
Would adding more frills make it cuter...?
Clothes are one of the things protecting your body. Please take care of them.
What is it?
I love you...
I'm happy...
Ufufu, you're pretty again today
If you want to be spoiled, it's alright to just say it
You really are cute. Your face, hair, gestures, everything...
Yes. I am your prince. I'll always be by your side...
I love you a lot...
This feeling is becoming painful
If you look at me like that, I ...
Hya! S-stop that...
This is the first time I thought of clothes as nuisance
When you're doing it this much, I can't endure it any longer
Excuse me... Can I dishevel your clothes?

Trap Amie

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I would love to see a translation of this. But goddamit, if they manange to make my Robin's pairing with Lucina non-canon (I don't need them to reference it, just make sure they don't contradict it in any way) I may lose my mind.

There's no interaction between Robin and Lucina, so I don't think you need to worry about that.

Edited by NeonZ
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I blame Tsukuyomi personally. At least he's actually taking part in the battle.

... wait, are they blaming Takumi by implying he's actually amazing and would have finished it by now if he was there?

um... no

Takumi got possessed somehow and got sick and people saying he got dragon aids and he gave ppl dragon aids and his dragon aids cause lava and stuff.... I THINK

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Support logs

How do you do?



It feels very nice

Are you hurt somewhere?

Did my hat slip out of place?

The same hair colour as my mother ... I'm proud of it.

I'm happy that you praise me

This hair style is my favourite




What a wonderful room

You don't hate ... touching me?

I wonder if I resemble father a little...

My eyelashes are unexpectedly long

Is raising such a child disappointing...?

When I entered the male bath a while ago, I was almost kicked out...


Come on

Being touched so much is embarrassing

Not t-this place...!

Uhm ... am I ... cute?

I made these clothes myself

Uhm... I'm a boy, so I don't have chests, you know?

Would adding more frills make it cuter...?

Clothes are one of the things protecting your body. Please take care of them.


What is it?

I love you...

I'm happy...

Ufufu, you're pretty again today

If you want to be spoiled, it's alright to just say it

You really are cute. Your face, hair, gestures, everything...

Yes. I am your prince. I'll always be by your side...



I love you a lot...

This feeling is becoming painful

If you look at me like that, I ...

Hya! S-stop that...

This is the first time I thought of clothes as nuisance

When you're doing it this much, I can't endure it any longer

Excuse me... Can I dishevel your clothes?

Trap Amie

CAMILLA: Are you finally ready to bathe with me, Kamui? < OH THE FIRST THING I SAW

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um... no

Takumi got possessed somehow and got sick and people saying he got dragon aids and he gave ppl dragon aids and his dragon aids cause lava and stuff.... I THINK

What an incredible misunderstanding of how AIDS works. :P

Kagerou is amazing. Good thing too, I was planning to use her anyway but knowing that she'll be a little murder machine makes it much better,

Edited by capmalachi
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What an incredible misunderstanding of how AIDs works. :P

Kagerou is amazing. Good thing too, I was planning to use her anyway but knowing that she'll be a little murder machine makes it much better,

Idk, things just escalated and this happened xD

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There's no interaction between Robin and Lucina, so I don't think you need to worry about that.

I am more worried either of them will get a line in regards to being unpaired or somehow canonize what they did after Awakening's events

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Meanwhile, in the hoshido stream, everyone is blaming Takumi for streamer not able to progress faster in the chapter ... omg its almost 1 hour now...

It's freaking hilarious, and I'm instigating it too :D

It's all Takumi's fault! He's the cause of everything! He killed KAZAHANA OUR MASTER WHO REIGNS SUPREME!

Edited by Mystical_Ice
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Support logs

How do you do?



It feels very nice

Are you hurt somewhere?

Did my hat slip out of place?

The same hair colour as my mother ... I'm proud of it.

I'm happy that you praise me

This hair style is my favourite




What a wonderful room

You don't hate ... touching me?

I wonder if I resemble father a little...

My eyelashes are unexpectedly long

Is raising such a child disappointing...?

When I entered the male bath a while ago, I was almost kicked out...


Come on

Being touched so much is embarrassing

Not t-this place...!

Uhm ... am I ... cute?

I made these clothes myself

Uhm... I'm a boy, so I don't have chests, you know?

Would adding more frills make it cuter...?

Clothes are one of the things protecting your body. Please take care of them.


What is it?

I love you...

I'm happy...

Ufufu, you're pretty again today

If you want to be spoiled, it's alright to just say it

You really are cute. Your face, hair, gestures, everything...

Yes. I am your prince. I'll always be by your side...



I love you a lot...

This feeling is becoming painful

If you look at me like that, I ...

Hya! S-stop that...

This is the first time I thought of clothes as nuisance

When you're doing it this much, I can't endure it any longer

Excuse me... Can I dishevel your clothes?

Trap Amie

Wow that first support

I love you but lets both cheat on each other


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