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Cipher Trading/Selling Thread


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Does anyone want a B02-056SR Xander? Because I don't.

I really would like to trade or sell him (mostly for either B02-060SR Leo or B02-060SR Jakob, though I'm not sure if he's worth as much as Leo?).

Anyways, if you're interested, please let me know.

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HN B01-020 (Low priority)

R+ B01-030 Minerva (High priority)

HN B02-003 Corrin (M) (Low priority)

SR+ B02-006 Ryoma (Low priority)

SR B02-010 Takumi (Low priority)

SR+ B02-051 Corrin (F) (High priority)

SR+ B02-056 Xander (Low priority)

SR+ B03-001 Ike (Medium priority)

SR B03-010 Soren (High priority)

SR+ B03-021 Mia (Medium priority)

SR+ B03-047 Black Knight (Medium priority)

SR B03-051 Corrin (F) (Low priority)
SR B03-076 Corrin (M) (Low priority)

SR+ B04-018 Marth (Medium priority)

R+ B04-031 Sirius (Medium priority)

SR B04-036 Minerva (Medium priority)

SR B04-044 Hardin (Medium priority)

SR B04-046 Hardin (Medium priority)

R+ B04-047 Michalis (Medium priority)

R+ B04-092 Cynthia (Medium priority)

Marker cards for Corrin (M/F), Marth, Lucina, Felicia, Jakob, and any of the C89 marker cards.

I have:

Series 1

SR B01-051 Chrom

All Rare

B01-057 Robin (F)

B01-059 Lissa

B01-070 Lon'qu

B01-097 Inigo

Series 2

SR B02-001 Corrin (M)

All Rare
B02-004 Aqua
B02-014 Saizou
B02-024 Hana
B02-026 Subaki
B02-043 Gurei
B02-045 Matoi
B02-047 Saylla
B02-054 Aqua

B02-064 Lazward
B02-066 Pieri
B02-070 Luna

B02-072 Odin
B02-093 Foleo
B02-095 Soleil
B02-097 Ophelia

Series 3

SR B03-001 Ike
SR B03-021 Mia
SR B03-047 Black Knight
SR B03-085 Flora

R+ B03-036 Jill

All Rare (I have at least 3 copies of each)

B03-025 Marcia
B03-032 Nephenne
B03-043 Tibarn
B03-044 Naesala
B03-062 Kanna (M)
B03-069 Mitama
B03-083 Silas
B03-086 Kanna (F)
B03-091 Eponine

Series 4

SR B04-001 Tsubasa

R B04-009 Mamori

R B04-013 Navarre

R B04-055 Kiria

SR B04-065 Robin (M)


P02-009 Corrin (M)

Other stuff:
Since my brother and I got copies of the Fates Special edition and we don't see the point of having two art books, one of the art books is up for trade.

Got an extra copy of the FE 25th anniversary concert DVD. Its sealed so it will come with the Marth promo card.

Forgot to cancel an extra pre-order for the Fates OST so I guess I have one up for trade.

Also have various N/HN cards for sale. Ask and I'll double check to let you know if I have it! Selling Ns for $0.20 each and HN for $0.25 each or 6 for $1 regardless of N/HN. I'm pricing Rs at $3 each or 5 for $10.

Got one extra copy of the magazine the Soren promo came in. You'll get the magazine and two promos if you are want to trade/buy it. Or you can just trade for the promos.

Looking for two copies of the poster that came in the Nintendo Dream magazine that held P4 Marth.

Also have a couple of sleeves I'd like to trade for other sleeves or cards.

x1 PoR Promo sleeve from booster box

x4 Awakening Promo sleeve from booster box

x2 Corrin (M) sleeves

x3 Nohr Promo sleeves from booster box

x2 Tharja character sleeves

Edited by Chuy
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+2 AyvuirRed

Series 3 boxes came in today, so I'll be posting an updated list of wants/haves.

What I Want


Series 1:
Both Starter Decks

Series 2:

B02-006SR - Ryoma

B02-008SR - Hinoka

Both Starter Decks

Series 3:
B03-010SR - Soren
B03-076SR - Kamui (M)

Starter deck

Series 4:

Starter Deck


P01-003PR - Marth

Comiket Heroes Playmat

What I Have

[spoiler=Series 1]
B01-050SR - Camus

B01-080SR - Tharja

B01-007R - Cain x2

B01-009R - Abel x2

B01-028R - Merric x2

B01-030R - Minerva

B01-035R - Linde x2
B01-038R - Palla
B01-040R - Catria x2

B01-042R - Est

B01-057R - Robin

B01-059R - Lissa

B01-068R - Sumia

B01-070R - Lon'qu

B01-083R - Olivia

B01-097R - Inigo x2

[spoiler=Series 2]

B02-030SR - Felicia

B02-060SR - Leo

B02-080SR - Jakob

B02-004R - Aqua x2

B02-014R - Saizo x2

B02-024R - Oboro x2

B02-026R - Hana x2

B02-028R - Subaki x2

B02-043R - Asugi

B02-045R - Matoi x2

B02-047R - Rhajat

B02-054R - Aqua x2

B02-064R - Laslow

B02-066R - Peri

B02-072R - Odin x2

B02-093R - Forrest x2

B02-097R - Ophelia

[spoiler=Series 3]

B03-051SR - Kamui (F)
B03-053SR - Aqua (White)

B03-025R - Marcia
B03-032R - Nephenee
B03-036R - Jill x3
B03-036R+ - Jill
B03-040R - Ranulf
B03-043R - Tibarn
B03-044R - Naesala x2
B03-045R - Reyson x2
B03-046R - Leanne
B03-062R - Kana (M) x2
B03-063R - Shigure
B03-072R - Selkie x2
B03-072R+ - Selkie
B03-083R Silas
B03-086R - Kana (F)
B03-091R - Nina (pending)

[spoiler=Series 4]

B04-005SR - Toma

B04-065SR - Robin

B04-009R - Mamori

B04-013R - Yashiro

B04-029R - Julian x2

B04-031R - Sirius x2

B04-035R - Feena

B04-038R - Merric

B04-045R - Hardin

B04-047R - Michalis x2

B04-055R - Kiria

B04-070R - Gaius x2

B04-076R - Say'ri

B04-085R - Owain x2

B04-087R - Inigo x2

Edited by Zenakku
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I'm still looking for the Dengeki Nintendo Lucina! JP amazon doesn't have the magazine anymore D:

Willing to buy it at this point... DM me if you want to sell yours OTL;;

Have: P04-009PR Marth (from Nintendo Dream 05/16) x1

I also have R cards but idk if anyone would want them..

(Selena, Pieri, Odin, Kazahana, M!Kanna, Jill, Ranulf, Nephenee, Tibarn, Marcia, Naesala, Leanne)

I have spare N/HNs but idk if anyone would really want them bc they're super leftovers D:

Want: P04-010PR Lucina (from Dengeki Nintendo) x1

Xander (Cavalier, Onmyoji, even ST Paladin) - seriously though... if you don't want them I'll take them...

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It's been a while, so I guess I might as well post this again.

All available cards are valid for either cash purchase (via PayPal) or direct trade for my Wanted cards unless otherwise stated. I am also willing to buy via PayPal instead of trade for some cards (marked with a ***) If you're interested in anything, get in touch with me via PM or post here.

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands (Europe). I'm happy to ship worldwide. I've been trading/selling Pokémon cards for some time now too, so I'm kind of familiar with the whole internationally shipping cards deal.

Looking For:
Dengeki Nintendo Elincia Promo (P03-013PR)
S4 Lucina SR+***

S4 Tournament Promos - Matthis, Miriel, Catria, Severa, or sealed packs


Promo Cards:

Soren P03-014PR (Nintendo Dream Promo)
Roy P04-001PR (Booster Box S4 Promo)

Series 4 Cards

Toma SR
Marth SR
Nyna SR
Kiria R+ (signed)

R: Mamori, Yashiro (x2), Julian, Feena, Merric (x2), Kiria (x2), Eleanora (x2), Say'ri, F!Morgan (x2), Owain, Inigo, Cynthia (x2),

Series 3 Cards

Nohr Azura SR (078)
Nephenee R+

Marcia, Jill, Ranulf (x2), Naesala, Reyson, Leanne, M!Kanna (x2), Kinu, Silas, F!Kanna, Eponine, Velour

Series 2 Cards

F!Corrin SR
Xander SR

Hoshido Azura, Saizou, Matoi, Pieri, Odin

Series 1 Cards
R: Abel, Merric, Linde

N/HN Cards:
I have many Normal and High Normal cards available for all 4 sets. I hope to make up a spreadsheet or something soon to list them. If there are any N/HN cards you are interested in in the meantime, feel free to ask! I would be happy to look through for you.

I also have an unopened Awakening/Blue structure deck available as well as an extra set of fates pixel promo sleeves from the S3 booster boxes, if anyone is interested in those. I also have single sleeves available from the Character version of the Comiket Players Box, as well as singles of the Chrom, Lucina S1, Gaius, Camilla, and Lucina S4 sleeves. I also have codes available from the S1 box and the S2/S3 structure decks.

I have a regular S4 Lucina SR that I would be willing to trade for purposes of upgrading to an S4 Lucina SR+.

Edited by Kirie
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+1 to Aquantis.

Many thanks!


Tidied up my list.

(UPDATE: Open to sales now and added new Series 4 SR Cards including SR+ Robin and SR+ Toma)

Anybody has a Flora marker card from the pixel box? She is the only marker card I am missing from that set. Desperately, looking trade or buy her lol!.

Also, I have a PR03-17 Azura which is quite damaged since I accidentally dropped it. (will send pics of her if requested) I am open to trading a Rare card for her or just a few HNs cards. I am extending out to the people who just need her in their decks and don't mind the damage.

Open to sales now. But trades take priority for cards I am looking for. PM me offers. Many thanks.

Also feel free to offer any other cards besides the ones I am looking for that you think might catch my interest.

Looking for:

Series 3:

Ike SR+ X 1

Azura Nohr SR + X 1

Soren SR X1(High priority) (Pending Trade)

Marker Card Flora x 1 (Hight priority)

Series 4:

Tsubasa SR+

Marth SR+ (High priority)

Itsuki SR+

And Unopened sleeves packs from any series. But mostly looking for Path of Radiance and Nohr Sleeve packs. (Keen to trade an R card or 2 for a couple of packs)

Trading/Selling :

Series 1

Robin R X 1
Est R X1
Cain R X 2
Abel R X 1

Robin R X 2

Chrom ST+ Level 4 X 1

Chrom ST+ Level 1 X 1

Series 2

Luna R X1
Pieri R X1

Series 3

Black Knight SR x1 (pending trade)

Kanna (female) R x 1
Jill R x 2

Series 4

SR Toma X 1

SR Tsubasa X 1

SR Itsuki X 1

SR Robin X 1 (Reserved)

R+ Sirius X 1

R Indigo X1

R Kiria X 1

R Yumizuru X 1

R Eleanora X 1

R Hardin X 1

R Morimoto X 1

R Yahiro X 1

R Julian X 1

R Feena X 1

R Say'ri X 1

Promotional Cards

PR02-09 Male Kamui x 1 (Pending trade)

PR02-10 Female Kamui x 1

PR03-17 Azura x 1 (quite damage now since I accidentally dropped it) (will send pics of her if requested) (Open to trading a Rare card for her. Or just a few HNs cards) (Extending out to the people who just need her in their decks and don't mine the damage) (Pending trade)

PR04-09 Nintendo Dream Marth x 1 (Unsealed Magazine) Willing to include a playmat or magazine in the trade.

Edited by wobblinghood
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Hi, I'm living in France, be aware of that for the shipping fees.

What I want. I buy only the R+ and SR+ ones.

Series 1:

-Catria R

Series 2:

Soleil R/R+

Series 3:

-Mia SR+/SR

Other stuff:
-Marker Mia

What I have, all R or SR, for trade or sale:

Series 3 :

-Kanna M
-Kamui M
-Kanna F
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Updating my list again.

As of right now, cards that I have to trade/sell are:
I have my N and HN cards on eBay, but if anyone here are interested in any of them, I'll do:
6 N cards for $1
4 HN cards for $1
Link to list of N: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281986420466?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Link to list of HN: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281986419369?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Series 1:
B01-001SR Marth
B01-007R Cain x2
B01-009R Abel
B01-022SR Navarre
B01-030R Minerva
B01-059R Lissa
B01-068R Sumia
B01-070R Lon'qu
B01-083R Olivia
B01-084R Cherche

Series 3:
B03-025R Marcia
B03-036R Jill
B03-040R Ranulf x2
B03-044R Naesala x2
B03-062R Kana (m) (Trading)
B03-083R Silas
B03-095R Velour (Trading)

Series 4:
B06-001ST Aoi x2
B06-002ST Tsubasa x2
B04-004ST Caeda
B04-021ST Yumina
B04-022ST Yumina
B04-023ST Yubello
B04-024ST Yubello
B04-054ST Chrom
B04-077ST Say’ri x2
B04-088ST Inigo
B04-093ST Cynthia x2


P02-003PR Bantu
P03-013PR Elincia (Sold)
P03-017PR Azura (Trading)

Cards I want:

As a side note, SR+ cards are low priority for me at the moment. However, feel free to send me offers. The worse I can say is no. :D

Series 1:
B01-001SR+ Marth
B01-004SR+ Shiida
B01-022SR+ Navarre
B01-030R+ Minerva
B01-038R+ Palla
B01-042R+ Est
B01-051SR+ Chrom
B01-054SR+ Lucina
B01-057R+ Robin (f)
B01-059R+ Lissa
B01-075SR Cordelia
B01-080SR+ Tharja (Pending)
B01-097R+ Inigo (Pending)

Series 2:
B02-001SR+ Corrin (m)
B02-004R+ Azura
B02-006SR+ Ryoma
B02-012SR+ Sakura
B02-014R+ Saizo
B02-026R+ Hana
B02-028R+ Subaki
B02-051SR+ Corrin (f)
B02-054R+ Azura
B02-056SR+ Xander
B02-058SR Camilla x2
B02-060SR Leo x2
B02-062SR+ Elise
B02-080SR Jakob
B02-093R+ Forrest
B02-095R+ Soleil
B02-097R+ Ophelia

Series 3:
B03-001SR+ Ike
B03-004SR Elincia
B03-006SR Mist (Trading)
B03-010SR Soren
B03-021SR+ Mia
B03-043R+ Tibarn (Pending)
B03-047SR+ Black Knight
B03-053SR+ Azura
B03-069R+ Mitama
B03-072R+ Selkie
B03-078SR+ Azura
B03-085SR+ Flora
B03-091R+ Eponie
B03-091R+ Velour (Pending)

Series 4:
B04-001SR+ Oribe
B04-005SR+ Toma
B04-018SR+ Marth
B04-051SR+ Aoi
B04-063SR+ Lucina
B04-065SR+ Robin (m)
B04-072SR Cordelia
B04-083R+ Morgan (f)

P01-003PR Marth
P01-005PR Chrom (Pending)
P03-011PR Sakura (Pending)
P03-012PR Elise
P04-009PR Marth (willing to buy the whole magazine with the promo) (Pending)
P04-010PR Lucina (Pending)

P04-011PR Aoi (willing to buy the guide book with the promo)

Marker Cards:

Marth Gold Back

Lucina Gold Back

Marth & Lucina

Female Corrin & male Corrin

Azura Black

Jakob & Felicia

Comiket 89 Character Box

Comiket 89 Pixel Box (Pending)
FE0 art book volume III

Series 1 Shadow Dragon Starter

Series 2 Conquest Starter

Series 3 Path of Radiance Starter
Pixel 25th Anniversary Sleeves (Pending)

Duplicates (I already own these cards, but for my personal collection I want to have a second copy):
Series 2:
B02-006SR Ryoma (Pending)
B02-008SR Hinoka (Pending)
B02-010SR Takumi
B02-012SR Sakura
B02-056SR Xander (Pending)

B02-062SR Elise

Series 3:
B03-047SR Black Knight (Pending)
B03-051SR Corrin (f)
B03-076SR Corrin (m) (Pending)

Series 4:
B04-012N Draug (Pending)
B04-015HN Yashiro (Pending)
B04-016N Navarre (Pending)
B04-057HN Kiria
B04-058N Tharja (Pending)
B04-061HN Eleanor (Pending)
B04-062N Virion (Pending)

P03-015PR White Azura (Pending)
P03-016PR Black Azura (Pending)

Edited by oh.glory
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