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The Greek chaos

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The Greek population voted In the referendum with about 60% against the demands by the EU.

Currently the Greek banks have about 45 € left for head.

What do you think about the consequences for Greece and the members of the EU?

  • Will Greece leave the EU and will get a parallel currency?
  • If Greece really won't have the euro anymore, could another highly indebeted countries in the EU are hit by it too? Could break the € apart at worst?
Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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Both sides need to calm their tits, in my opinion. Tsipras needs to stop being a blustering, ultranationalist asshole who won't see reason, but Germany should recognize that Greece can't pay back it's debts and give it another extension or remove some of the debt. That's my opinion anyway, take it with a grain of salt.

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Greece leaves the Euro and starts from scratch with it's own currency, allowing it to be developing economy as more suited to it's actual GDP.

The entire concept of fiscal union without political union has always been a total farce, and the EU's continuous attempts to save a sinking ship with a single pail highlight this. The Euro is a failed project, and all attempts to use it as a one size fits all currency have been misguided from the start.

Note that Greece does not neccessarily have to leave the EU as an organisation in order to revert to their own currency.

Edited by Irysa
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Maybe it would be better if Greece left the EU. Then Germany wouldn't have to support it.

The main problem is that Greece is / was a money sink for the EU and especially for Germany all the past years. Many of mrd. Euros were burnt; especially money from Germany.

The "no" in the referendum is the biggest loss for Angela Merkel in her entire political career.

Her main target was to keep Greece in the EU and the entire EU together. Now it impends to crumple. And she'd be responsible for this dilemma because, she was the "main actor" in the negotiations for the EU.

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