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Dark Souls, Shield Only


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Since Dark Souls III is coming out I decided that I might as well do something to celebrate. Like torture myself in the first one! And instead of doing the logical thing and building a dex character and going +15 on the Spiked or Pierce shield. I'm going the cool route and am just going to get the knight shield and set it on fire.

And now, introducing Pleure. It almost means I cry in french, but it's missing the subject.


Undead Asylum, First Visit

I run right to the first bonfire and quickly light it. I enter the massive double doors and the Asylum Demon falls right on que. I sprint right through the small gate own the left of the arena and light the second bonfire, which I will never use in the entire playthrough. I dive through the doorway, pick up my shield and charge.


After dispatching my first real enemy I continue through the fog doors to meet my friend Oscar. He's going to die.


I continue through the level meeting only light resistance from basic enemies, until I get to the fog door.


The boss fight is pathetically easy, but it IS only the first one. Unfortunately I don't get to deal massive damage on the drop down since I'm only using a shield. So the fight goes on for a little longer than normal, but other than that no real changes to the fight. The general strategy to kill this guy is to sit behind his fat legs and have him hopelessly swing at you while just beating him to death.


Victory is achieved pretty effortlessly and we get the key to continue with the story.


And thus begins the tale of pain and suffering.

Edited by zerosabers
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Seems interesting, but you should include more images, and see if there's a way to make them appear bigger. As it is, you have to either squint or click on each image to actually see it. Good luck on your painful adventure!

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