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[SOLVED]Unit changing class upon chapter restart


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Okay, first of all this may be something completely obvious, but part of what I'm asking here is someone to point out where I'm going wrong.

I have a class I have put into FE 7, the 'Axe Fighter', using the Female Mercenary (0x0B) class slot. 2 Characters use this slot and the problem applies to both of them.

In the prologue, they both load into the map as Axe Fighters just fine, including when I restart the chapter. (the unit and prologue script below)

http://i.imgur.com/PwTkvj4.png http://imgur.com/NgkJ0Kt

Then after I play through the prologue and go onto chapter 1 after saving and going through the opening events, once again the units load fine as Axe Fighters.

However, the problem starts when I restart chapter 1. Instead of loading in as Axe Fighters they load in as regular Fighters with their consitution changing, (chapter 1 script and the changed unit below)

http://imgur.com/H1XMWqu http://imgur.com/nVifcwy

I would appreciate if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong and how to stop it from happening in the future.

Edited by Xenithiagen
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