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FEditor Adv refuses to start up


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I don't remember if there was a compile.py script in the most recent release; if there was, just install the most recent jdk and run that

If the script is not there, look it up (I'm on a phone so I can't walk you through it)

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you literally need to fix a system path

there is no python involved whatsoever short of knowing that .py files are plaintext which i just told you


or, i suppose, if you really don't want to think for yourself, you can go insert with GBAGE; the pointers to the portrait tables are all in FEditor's source code and you can probably finagle GBAGE into inserting properly if you're willing to format it for yourself

Edited by CT075
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The error seems to be coming from this line for some reason


EDIT: After doing some quick research, build.py seems to be trying to remove a directory "build" then replace it with src stuff, but "build" doesn't exist, so it gives that error.

EDIT2: made a empty folder with "build" in it, ran build.py, then tried running run.bat, still same java errors

EDIT3: realized what it was trying to do, replacing files in FEditor Adv.jar with src files, gonna try something

EDIT4: tried it, didn't work, now i'm quite frustrated.

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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java jars aren't plaintext

i mean you could try installing the jdk and compiling it for yourself with javac

I opened up the java jar with winrar, replaced files with files from src folder(which is basically what build.py was trying to do), still didn't work, same error.

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...that's because that's not how it works; you haven't actually changed anything inside the executable

a jar file is not just a zipfile of plaintext src files

you need to compile them into class files, which are then jarred (not zipped, it uses a different compression algorithm) into the jar


what build.py does is compile each source file with javac ("Whatever.java") individually, which creates a "Whatever.class" file. These are then moved from "src" (because that is where javac outputs class files by default) into "build" because it's good practice to keep your unjarred files. Finally, the *.class files in build are jarred to create the final "FEditor Adv.jar" executable. it's pretty much just a wrapper around standard system commands (you can do the same thing from a cmd or shell terminal/script)

if you just copied the text files into the jar i'm surprised it even got far enough for the jvm to give you an error

Edited by CT075
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