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I can't get over a Blatant Lie in Advertising (Spoilers)


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To those who aren't aware:

Ryouma, Hinoka, Sakura, and Takumi are not actually your real siblings. Rather they're Summeragi and some Unnamed Female's children. You are actually the spawn of Mikoto and Anakos.

What bothers me, is that the concept of Hoshido is siding with your "Bloodline" Why I ask have they lied about this just so the Waifu/Husbando Audience won't feel guilty about marrying your sibling.

I'm actually really sure that's the reason, so nobody will feel guilty about incest and nobody will make a big deal.

Now, I know people will say, you'll never know unless you S-Rank one of them, but you do figure it out in the Third Route. So why does IS feel it necessary to throw in a story where the main character essentially betrays his true family he's known for years for people who suddenly come out of the blue and claim they are your family by blood when they actually aren't.

Neither side really has the edge in terms of relation when neither of them are blood-related to you.

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I agree with you, I still feel that not making any of the Hoshidan siblings related to you was a bad move. Heck, even if they wanted to do the thing in the third route and had to have Kamui be you-know-who's child, there's no excuse as to why Takumi and Sakura aren't Kamui's half siblings. I don't think Mikoto's bloodline was so special that it would fuck up the story if the younger two were her children.

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Keep in mind that you ARE Mikoto's child and Mikoto is the queen of Hoshido at the time the story's main playable events start.

So siding with Hoshido IS siding with the nation that your maternal bloodline (Mikoto) was associated with.


she gets killed, but seeing that fake Garon is in league with Anankos, who is in turn responsible for the attack that led to her death, by siding with Hoshido, or at least by not actively siding with Nohr, you aren't siding with the nation led by one complicit in your blood mother's murder. You are honoring the memory of your bloodline and your mother's sacrifice by not turning against the nation she led and loved.


Edited by astrophys
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They pretty much lied about everything.

'Hoshido:Unite with your blood relatives to end the war!'

They aren't your blood relatives

'Nohr:Reform the kingdom from within!'

You don't reform jack shit

IS fucked up the entirety of the plot.I really wish they just made one game, one path rather then this BS.

I really wish that they had limited support rather then every male can support every female, it's just so stupid.

I really hope for future iterations of FE, IS abandon the child mechanic and the S rank=Marriage mechanic and just do supports like in GBA where certain characters could support with certain characters.But don't bring back the only five supports.That is stupid.

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you do depose "Garon" at the end, and you do kill Ganz and Macbeth. So you do end up offing the leading corrupt elements in Nohr. And Marx becomes king, a better ruler for Nohr than these people were. So you actually DO reform it…. people made too sweeping assumptions of what "reform" meant. Kamui plays it very cautious, not really rebelling until he can turn all the other royal siblings against Garon in one fell swoop, greatly increasing the chance of success in removing Garon


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Although I agree they should have just stuck to the advertised premise, even if they aren't related by blood, Hinoka and Ryoma still remember you as family so that's enough reason for them to want you back. The only reason Kamui has to join Hoshido is honoring Mikoto's sacrifice and that Nohr is a shit place to live with a crazy king.

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Also I feel like if there was anything close to "incest", it would be MUxElise or Leon and MUxRyoma or Hinoka because I believe Marx and maybe Camilla are old enough to know that you're not their real sibling and Takumi and Sakura never knew you as a sibling before you were kidnapped.

Edit: Yay for organizing my thoughts before posting :u

Edited by Hatsuoki
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Y'know, back in my day we called things like this a "plot twist".

Oh, how times have changed... and not for the better, it seems!

Well plot twits are good and all but not when they pretty much make everything they advertised complete bull shit.

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you do depose "Garon" at the end, and you do kill Ganz and Macbeth. So you do end up offing the leading corrupt elements in Nohr. And Marx becomes king, a better ruler for Nohr than these people were. So you actually DO reform it…. people made too sweeping assumptions of what "reform" meant. Kamui plays it very cautious, not really rebelling until he can turn all the other royal siblings against Garon in one fell swoop, greatly increasing the chance of success in removing Garon


And all those sweet resources from Hoshido will help keep the nation functioning. Hopefully with more castles built to protect them from the rest of Mordor Nohr's inhospitable environment.

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you do depose "Garon" at the end, and you do kill Ganz and Macbeth. So you do end up offing the leading corrupt elements in Nohr. And Marx becomes king, a better ruler for Nohr than these people were. So you actually DO reform it…. people made too sweeping assumptions of what "reform" meant. Kamui plays it very cautious, not really rebelling until he can turn all the other royal siblings against Garon in one fell swoop, greatly increasing the chance of success in removing Garon


Except that reforming a country entails changing the laws and practices of the people. None of this is done in-story, any actual reforming takes place offscreen, after the fact.

I too feel slightly betrayed, a lot of the promises of the trailer were half-truths at best. SMTxFE gets a pass because the first trailer had zero substance, but Fates had a fleshed-out concept that they didn't deliver on.

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It was pretty cheap, ngl. The player would've been fine not being able to S rank any 8 of them, really. It is quite a letdown when the game was marketed towards familial ties, except you can bang all of them. That didn't have to be a thing even with the marriage system. Just lock them out at A like they're with each other, on the same side respectively.

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I agree. They even showed the Hoshido siblings when they asked if you would choose your bloodline... I didn't see Mikoto anywhere.

Corrin is part of the bloodline as Mikoto being queen meant that Corrin is actually part of the Hoshido royal family.

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Well plot twits are good and all but not when they pretty much make everything they advertised complete bull shit.

All the promotional material for Metroid on the NES referred to Samus using male pronouns, and I don't see anyone calling bullshit on Samus being revealed as female upon completing the game.

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I agree with you, I still feel that not making any of the Hoshidan siblings related to you was a bad move. Heck, even if they wanted to do the thing in the third route and had to have Kamui be you-know-who's child, there's no excuse as to why Takumi and Sakura aren't Kamui's half siblings. I don't think Mikoto's bloodline was so special that it would fuck up the story if the younger two were her children.

Who's "you-know-who"?

Anankos/Hydra? I don't get it. I'm confused. Why would Takumi and Sakura be half siblings then but not Hinoka and Ryouma?

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Basically the entire premise behind the game isn't as advertised to the west. For a game about family and choice, there aren't any significant choices beyond the big decision, and even that is done prior to buying the damn game in the first (although there isn't anything wrong with it being two games, the initial impression was that it was just one). They could've easily improved the concept of choice by simply implementing the A path/B path concept seen in fe5 and 6. Additionally, just for the sake of those who value being in a relationship with a virtual character so highly over genuine characterization and story that they completely tossed the idea of Hoshido being your blood family so they can be waifu'd.

Technically speaking you're not even continuing the Hoshido bloodline in the first place. Mikoto married into the royal family and isn't even the mother of the royal kids. She didn't even have any kids with Sumeragi at all actually so the connection is really loosened between Kamui and the other guys. You can't even call it a good plot twist that they're not related to Kamui because it is obviously blatant in what it entailed (s-ranking) and defeats the concept of siding over the "blood" family over the one that actually raised you; it occurs on purely empty premises that only hurts the story. Basically the only reason to side with Hoshido is because Garon is pretty much a dickhead and the Hoshido were kinda nice to you which does wonders in turning the hyped up story into nothing special whatsoever.

The main issue isn't really that they haven't exactly gone against what was advertised, but poorly explained it to the west. But they also shot the story in the foot just so you can bang everyone. People may call it a plot twist, but it is pretty obvious in why it was put in the story. I hate to whine, but goddamn IS why?.

Edited by lbrasz44
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Except that reforming a country entails changing the laws and practices of the people. None of this is done in-story, any actual reforming takes place offscreen, after the fact.

I too feel slightly betrayed, a lot of the promises of the trailer were half-truths at best. SMTxFE gets a pass because the first trailer had zero substance, but Fates had a fleshed-out concept that they didn't deliver on.

The nation itself never needed to reform in the first place beyond getting rid of Garon and corrupt foes like ganz and Iago. The major problems of Nohr are rooted in the land itself (Poison swamps, dead wastelands, clouds always blocking out the sun, terrible weather conditions, very little farmland, barely fertile soil on top of it)

Edited by JupiterKnight
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Corrin is part of the bloodline as Mikoto being queen meant that Corrin is actually part of the Hoshido royal family.

Kamui's not related to the characters shown on screen when the trailer asks if you would choose your bloodline, though. That's what's important to me.

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Kamui's not related to the characters shown on screen when the trailer asks if you would choose your bloodline, though. That's what's important to me.

Well, it all depends on point of view.

The games did a poor thing about it though...neither side may be related to you but they are family in the end....its probably the fact that the main character can practically S rank everything that moves in the game that makes that whole thing go bonkers...that is my main complaint.

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To summarize:

'Hoshido:Unite with your blood relatives to end the war!'

They aren't your blood relatives

'Nohr:Reform the kingdom from within!'

You don't reform jack shit

I would have preferred no S-supports of any royal siblings (I'm actually way more bothered by being able to S-support Nohr siblings than Hoshido siblings, even before I learned they weren't even half-siblings). But nooooooo, that won't do.

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Ryoma's profile on the official site called him Kamui's real older brother. Since it was established by then that Kamui wasn't raised in Hoshido, it couldn't be taken in any way other then at least Ryoma being a birth sibling. So yes, the "WE NOT RELATED TWEEST" comes off as an excuse to let Kamui marry both sets of siblings.

Y'know, back in my day we called things like this a "plot twist".

Oh, how times have changed... and not for the better, it seems!

M. Night Shyamalan films have top-notch writing. Edited by Alazen
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