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2 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

They're not news though, that situation has been going on for a while, a federal judge ordered that shit to stop and the kids to be returned, it has resumed and the Trump administration is facing no consequences.

All of that has already been talked about, it is only "news" lately cause the right-wingers are flipping out over AOC calling them for what they are and the images showcasing the dead which they'll turn around and call "FAKE NEWS".

Pompeo and Bolton pushing for a war with Iran is apparently not a crime and they won't face consequences for pushing us to said war.

Sarah Sanders' lying isn't a crime and she won't face punishment for it. She got paid instead.

Kellyanne Conway and Lynne Patton won't face any significant consequence for their hatch act violations

Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz's attempts at derailing recent hearings should be obstruction of justice that they should face consequences for but they won't (well the Jury's still out on Matt Gaetz for Witness Tampering)

There will be Trump voters that will continue to defend Trump even if he loses the election and in the event that he does lose and decides that he won't give up power, you may even have some of those voters protect him like it happened with the Oregon Republicans who fled the state to avoid a vote they knew they were going to lose. After all that, these motherfuckers will expect to keep their voice in the country's politics and play the victim card of "CONSERVATIVE VOICES AND VALUES BEING SILENCED" whenever they're challenged with evidence such as the failed Trump administration and Kansas Tax cuts.


Let's face it: It is now the norm for Republicans to be the scumbags we know them to be and apparently we're supposed to accept it. Remember during the first Democrat debate that one of the questions was "what are you going to do about Mitch McConnell?", as if to say "We know he's a piece of shit who has declared that he's going block any legislation that's actually popular, but instead of actually doing our job and holding him accountable to such behavior by putting him in the negative spotlight he should be in, we'll defer to you: What will you do about it?".

The only hope I see is that in 2020, the American voters turn the GOP in DC into an endangered species. HOPE, not expectation. The only way that could become an expectation is if the expected recession comes dropping down hard next year before the election.

A United States Congresswoman calling our border policy "concentration camps" is discussionworthy in its own right.

I've been saying it for a while--but--hey--I'm not a lawmaker. My words means nothing.

Aside from that there's been a few new developments since AOC reignited focus on conditions in the camps.

1)   Trump Administration Lawyers have argued in open Court that they do not believe they have any duty under law directing them to detain children in 'humane and sanitary' conditions to provide detained children with soap or toothbrushes (TRANSLATION: They're admitting that conditions in the camps are what pretty much any reasonable person not splitting hairs on legalisms would colloquially describe as unsanitary)

2)   They've been Ordered by the Court--after again fighting the Order + arguing that they have no such duty under the law--to allow doctors into the camps to examine the children + assess their medical needs and provide medical treatment. (TRANSLATION: They're admitting that they're holding children in aforementioned conditions without access to healthcare professionals, medical examination, or treatment)

...So we still have a complete media blackout on these camps + no reporting on or images of whats going on in them...

But we're beginning to get a more vivid picture of whats going on in there from the court arguments.

And the picture thats emerging is--horrifying.


3) Hundreds of #NeverAgain Jewish Activists (i.e. guys who actually take the whole do everything in your power to resist when your government is running concentration camps thing pretty seriously) were just arrested here in New Jersey, because they marched on an ICE facility and attempted to shut it down with sit-ins and mass civil disobedience (i.e. physically occupying the facility and stopping ICE agents from doing their jobs, until police showed up to order them away + arrest them for 'obstruction')

Image result for 36 jews arrested ICE

^^^thats some 1960s civil rights movement level dedication right there^^^



4)   AOC just put out a statement today that when she toured one of these detention facilities, she observed women being kept in cells with no water drinking out of toilets + the guards laughing about it and making sexually degrading comments 

...That was them on their best behavior, in front of a Congressional delegation conducting House Oversight...

This all might seem rather pointless right now  while Republicans are in power + sweeping under the rug. 

But eventually they won't be. 

There will be daylight from Journalists and Watchdogs  on whats being done in the shadows right now.

There will be people in positions of power to take the responsible parties to task.

And there will be absolute hell to pay. 

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1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

TRANSLATION: They're admitting that conditions in the camps are what pretty much any reasonable person not splitting hairs on legalisms would colloquially describe as unsanitary


1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

TRANSLATION: They're admitting that they're holding children in aforementioned conditions without access to healthcare professionals, medical examination, or treatment

They have. Not out of guilt but because they know there hasn't been any real accountability and it will probably be swept under the sea of Trump scandals.

1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

And there will be absolute hell to pay. 

I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I know that what's coming in the future is just a sea of blocked bills by Mitch McConnell and a Republican party in dire need of extinction.

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there's nothing to say about it; it's time for action. trump should be impeached, these children should be returned to their families and given money for physical and psychological trauma.

what the republican party has become is...scary.

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I'm a bit apprehensive on this whole Democratic pre election circus. I'm sure they are all deathly afraid of repeating the mistake of last election where it seemed the winner was already crowned in advance but there is such a thing as an over-correction. 26 candidates!? Come on. 

And I'm wondering if the Democratic party can afford this fight to get particularly bitter. At the end of the day there is still an openly corrupt and incredibly inept man in the White House and its in the world's best interest if he's replaced sooner than later. I think the moderate and left leaning wing of the Democrats tearing into each other could rather hinder this if things get too heated. The moderate voter might find someone like Cortez too extreme and be driven to the Republicans in the weird belief that all those ''sensible republicans'' might keep the clown president in line and if some pro corporate centrist win the left wing might stay at home rather than vote Trump out of office or even vote for Trump because they rather have a populist than a technocrat. 

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31 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

And I'm wondering if the Democratic party can afford this fight to get particularly bitter.

It is due. Getting rid of the orange turd is insufficient to fix the problems with our politics. The Democratic candidates represent a large spectrum of people who do not align with Republicans, who are the growing minority in US politics. As a result of the debates, Biden's poll numbers are dropping as they should because all voters, regardless of party alignment are sick of the legalized bribery that occurs with our lawmakers. The people either get the candidate who wants to change that or the DNC can pull the same bullshit they did in 2016 and create more and more incentive to fight against this.

Regardless, it's nowhere near as disgusting as the Republican primary was with Trump involved in 2016 and we can either have a president that looks for civil solutions to the country's problems or the Republicans can continue to try to hold on to power and lead further down the path of bloodshed. For example, in Oregon, there was recently a vote for a Climate Change related bill under a state Senate that's 18-12 (Democrats to Republicans) that requires at least 20 lawmakers present for the vote procedure. The Republican solution? Leave the state to obstruct the vote so the Democrat pushing for the votes sends state troopers to go those Republicans. Here's details on how one of the Republicans responded. This isn't normal and the Republicans are pushing to have their tantrums answered in blood.

This is why I keep saying the GOP in DC needs to become an endangered species: They're constantly showing how they have no interest in Democracy and just want to have their way regardless of whether or not it's what the people want them to prioritize. Politics like this will eventually lead to blood.

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18 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

You know I know how chatty you guys can get when you're interested in something

I find the lack of interest in those concentration camps at the southern border--disturbing  

I'm still interested in them, and the situation in them doesn't seem to be getting better. Hell, the living conditions as they're described are very reminiscent of what happened in the Balkans during the refugee wave/crisis a few years ago.

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14 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

 plot twist no one saw coming: some of the guys running the migrant concentration camps are racist thugs /s

Does it count as "some" when it's 100%?

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13 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

It is due. Getting rid of the orange turd is insufficient to fix the problems with our politics.

That can't be the last step, but it has to be the first one.

13 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

 The Democratic candidates represent a large spectrum of people who do not align with Republicans, who are the growing minority in US politics. As a result of the debates, Biden's poll numbers are dropping as they should because all voters, regardless of party alignment are sick of the legalized bribery that occurs with our lawmakers. 

I do not doubt Biden's decency, ethics, or good character. He's not one of the corrupt politicians. He's an empathetic figure and he actually wants to help people with his career public service; that's more then can be said for a lot of these miscreants.

The problem I have with Biden after that debate performance is exactly that--his performance.

I'm looking for a high-performer to 1 v. 1 Trump. Warren performed. Buttigeig performed. Kamala performed. 

Biden was just--there.

...And in the one moment when he needed to perform...

 instead of counterpunching at Kamala's record as a prosecutor or touting the civil rights record of the Obama Justice Department or saying literally anything that would have been better than what he actually said: he on a 2019 Democratic Debate Stage made a 'state's rights' argument in defense of opposing federal efforts to enforce desegregation--of seemed genuinely unaware that opposing federal enforcement of civil rights against state and local governments that don't want to enforce them vs. opposing the civil right itself is for persons living in the affected states a distinction-without-a-difference.

My issue is that if he's performing that poorly and making those kinds of fundamental mistakes this early and can't effectively defend against attacks at a level that should be as incontrovertible as segregation was bad:  how in the hell is he going to perform when the pressure is on to beat Trump, and he has the entire GOP attack machine in full swing against him?

One of the functions of primary season is that its a test of the skills a candidate will need to succeed in the general. Through the grind of the primary process, the weak candidates really themselves.

Biden just failed his first major skill check and failed hard. That's what really has me questioning his viability and looking at other candidates right now. 

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5 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

I do not doubt Biden's decency, ethics, or good character. He's not one of the corrupt politicians. He's an empathetic figure and he actually wants to help people with his career public service; that's more then can be said for a lot of these miscreants.

Biden... not corrupt? Empathetic? That certainly doesn't seem right, the man's had no issue taking donations from the rich and pandering to them. As for empathetic, he literally said he has no empathy for younger folks of this current generation. Sure, you can argue he's right relatively speaking when comparing with his youth on civil rights matters but it doesn't detract from this being damaging to his campaign as well as demonstrating negligence to the income inequality that's prevalent today.

Here's the thing about Biden: The dude was polling as the front-runner before he even entered the race. Did the man earn those poll numbers? Absolutely not, he was quiet and just flirting with the possibility of running, the man was effectively ENTITLED to being the most favored Democrat to be president before going literally as a result of people realizing what a fucked up outcome Trump ended up being and seeking solace in the fact that Obama's VP will probably run. But that's just it, Biden being OBAMA'S VP was the real front-runner in those polls, nothing to do with stance on any of the issues. Biden's now speaking up and we're listening in and as a result, he's dropping in the polls because in truth, Biden's nothing other than a safety net for voters succumbing to the fear of losing to Trump if a "lefty" gets the nomination. Obama's platform was "Change", Biden's is effectively "Beat Trump, keep things as they are!".

The man is 2016 Hillary 2.0 and if there's one matter where he is most naive and stupid on, it's trying to work with Republicans. Say what you will about Hillary, but she's in the right when it comes to today's Republican party.

This is all before the debates happened.

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Taking donations from rich people or big companies in itself doesn't make you corrupt, or evil, or incapable of empathy. 

And not all of them are dyed in the wool small government advocates, though most of them probably are.

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The empathy part was more aimed at his comment to Millennials and sure, you can argue that taking donations from rich people or big companies doesn't automatically make you corrupt but it's literally what the corrupt politicians engage in and to do the same thing as those corrupt politicians not only does NOT inspire confidence in him NOT being corrupt like those lawmakers but it also embodies the one problem that people of all political persuasion agree on: our politicians have been bought by the rich and we're fucking tired of it. 

You can either make the claim that you won't be corrupt and give in to the demands of rich people and corporations who donated to you or you can just outright reject it and there's a clear distinction between the 2. The latter is preferable.

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Sometimes hes a bit of a goof, but I honestly don't believe Biden has a mean bone in his body.

That being said--he's weak. Or at least thats how he's presenting right now.

Since he entered the race, I have not seen the kind of performance out of him that I need to see out of a candidate to get solidly behind their campaign.  (Whereas I've been consistently impressed with Warren, Buttigeig, and Harris)

I'll vote for Joe if he's the nominee. But I remain thoroughly unconvinced atm that he's the guy we want to be putting up to 1 v. 1 Trump. 

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7 hours ago, Excellen Browning said:

Lol, you do know the concept of no presumed guilt, right? Because right now you're arguing just that.

I'm presuming guilt of corruption on a man displaying every single sign of a corrupt politician in the context of an election, not a crime (because remember, it's lobbying, not bribery so it's legal!). The man's a shitty candidate as he currently regardless of the presumed corruption and the purpose of that is to just avoid being a sucker and steer away from a candidate that seeks to maintain the shitty status quo the people want changed.


I'll vote for Joe if he's the nominee. But I remain thoroughly unconvinced atm that he's the guy we want to be putting up to 1 v. 1 Trump. 

Yeah if he gets the nomination I'll probably end up reluctantly voting for him too. Reluctantly because who the hell wants to vote for the candidate the DNC shoves in our face when they've been apprehensive about their current Democrats being primary'd? Fuck these political parties.

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Hey--maybe we're in for a repeat of 2016.

A small but powerful coalition of spiritual-but-not-really-religious Christians, ironic twitter users, and people who think Agave Juice cures cancer are going to make Marianne Williamson the next President of the United States, and there's nothing we can do about it.    

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Regardless of the nominee, I'm calling it now:

There's no way a Democrat is winning Ohio or Iowa (Ohio voted 8% more for Trump and Iowa voted 11% more for Trump. Those are uhhh big numbers)

I also don't see a way out in Florida either given its recent electoral history (Republican Governor, Republican Senator... granted by small margins, but still indicating which party Florida leans towards more)

Also considering the closeness of New Hampshire in 2016 I think Trump has a good chance of winning that too, I consider that a swing state. Nevada might be able to switch but idk if Trump has it

The only way I see these states going blue is if the economy tanks and Trump becomes unpopular, or if there's a high turnout that negates the votes he got in 2016. He's had consistent approval ratings throughout his tenure and I don't see any of those who approve of him switching their vote anytime soon (unless, as I said, the economy tanks and the populace pins him for it)

And I don't know about the blue wall, he's losing in hypothetical matchups but idgaf about hypothetical matchups because Clinton was winning those and guess who won them instead lol


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Iowa doesn't matter. 

Florida flips by 80,000 vote margins and just restored voting rights to 2 million disenfranchised voters who couldn't vote in 2016 because of felony drug convictions 

Ohio went +4% for Obama in 2008 and +3% for Obama in 2012

I'm still going with the lesson of 2016 is an unelectable candidate wins by running against another unelectable candidate.

Trump's numbers are underwater. He's beatable. 


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I agree a better candidate can probably beat him but I wonder how much incumbency advantage + strong economy will do for him in the longrun, granted the economy doesn't tank (which I think it will sometime this year or next year). One can only guess how much of  those franchised voters will actually go out to vote in 2020 too...

I dunno, I just like thinking about these things. I wonder how much the voter turnout will increase in 2020. Democrats are certainly not happy and their anger showed in 2018 when they flipped the house

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The diplomat strikes again. I personally like how he says he doesn't know where they come from, and then proceeds to talk about it.



Donald Trump has said some Democrat congresswomen from countries “whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came”.

While it was not explicitly clear to whom the US president was referring, it came after he launched an extraordinary attack on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar – both women of colour – saying he “doesn’t even know where they came from”.

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2 hours ago, blah the Prussian said:

He is absolutely right about the nature of the place from which they came- the country where they were born is broken and crime-infested.

Indeed. Omar would probably be thrown under the bus by the other Democrats though as she wasn't born in the US like the other 3 of the 4 Pelosi's not fond of.

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