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Best/Favorite Est Archetype?


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I guess Nino? She actually has great growth rates all around and good bases for a level 5 mage (not for the chapter she joins in of course), and that is what makes an Est, right? A character such as Sophia doesn't even have great growths, they're pretty good by FE6 standards but then there's that 30% speed growth with 4 base speed as she joins you over halfway through the game. No actual advantage over Raigh aside from resistance (lol, and his is still god) and maybe magic (lol, enemies barely have resistance in that game anyway), while Ray badly beats her in two very important stats. I often see her being called an Est but I don't see it really. Maybe she was supposed to be, but they kind of messed up then.

There are probably some more applicable characters for the Est-archetype pre-FE6, but I've barely played those so I can't really pick a favourite! I can't really think of any Est-characters from FE6 onwards aside from Nino. Maybe L'Arachel? She's a Troubadour, but with really good growths, underleveled and joins pretty late. There might be one in Radiant Dawn, I have only just begun playing that so I wouldn't know. Awakening's Est joins you far too early to really be an Est I guess.

Edited by Spoinkinator
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Holsety Corpul, the true way to use Holsety.

Spam Fortify through Chapter 9, promote at the beginning of Chapter 10... and watch him wreck shit. It's hilarious, and he is among my favorite children to use, if you don't care about LTC that is. Plus, he has dat Miracle from his mom, which means he has a very low chance of dying. And did I mention his growths?? They're ridiculous.

Before anyone says anything, yes, I know Sety/Ced are OP and I know Horsety is awesome, but Holsety Corpul is close to my kokoro.

Nino or Ross.

I'm not sure why people consider Elincia an Est. The RD version is a pre-promoted third tier.

Because in PoR it's pretty much:

It seems you are reaching the end game! Have this squishy level 1 Pegasus Knight*!

*who comes with an S in staves and a good personal weapon, but still

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