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(FE7, Solved) Need help to understand some Tiled concepts.


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EDIT6: Decided to change the topic title and erased the edits because I finally got everything working. Short summary of what I've done recently with the help of tutorials. Used Mappy to insert maps, got it working but I didn't understand how to close villages. Gave Tiled a chance, and after some screw-ups on my part, finally got it working and was able to insert maps in the game thanks to Nintenlord's tutorial, I still need to see if the village is destroyed. My mistake is that I wasn't putting a "Main" property in what I called "The Main Layer", but my current questions are below.

EDIT5: Can anyone answer me why was the "Write Map Pointer to" C9C9D8? And what was "Write Map Change ptr to" and why was the pointer chosen C9CA00? The Tutorial says "Here's how it looks like when I insert my map to FE7 and replace Prologue map pointer and Ch2 map changes:"

But what does Chapter 2 has to do with this? This is the last bit I need continue (well, I still need to insert Chapter Events beyond the Prologue, change the tilles of chapters and know how does the game handle the Preparations Screen) so if someone can tell me where to find this, I'll finally be able to continue.

Once again, thanks to anyone reading this, and I wish that I finally get a response. Will try to make a mini-event with the new map to see if the village is destroyed.
EDIT7: Got the map to work using Avril method using this topic as reference: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=56980
However, as the map didn't have any changes, no villages were harmed in that tutorial. I have a village, and a Brigand does go and attacks the village, however, the village isn't destroyed. It stays there, so every turn, the Brigand attack the village, but with no success of destroying it, It's super sad to see a Brigand failing to destroy a village. Even used the weird pointers at the end of the Tiled Map Inserter, and they didn't make a difference. So...what I'm doing wrong? This is the map and the Event script I'm using.
Event script:
#include EAstdlib.event
ORG 0x1000080
POIN Turn_events
POIN Character_events
POIN Location_events
POIN Misc_events
POIN TrapData TrapData
POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
POIN Good Good Good Good
POIN Opening_event Ending_event
UNIT Lyn_t LynLord Lyn_t Level(1, Ally, 0) [1,6] [1,6] [ironSword, Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT Kent_t Mercenary Lyn_t Level(1, Ally, 0) [1,7] [1,7] [ironSword, Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT Batta Brigand 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [3,4] [3,4] [ironAxe] DestroyVillages
UNIT Bandit Brigand 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [3,3] [3,3] [0x00] DestroyVillages
LOU1 Good
LOU1 Bad
BACG 0x02
TEX1 0x815
// Events
// Manual Movement
// Scripted Fights
// Units
// Shop Data
MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
So, any guesses? Do I have to put a Location Event to make the village get destroyed/closed (in case I visit it, of course).
EDIT8: Sigh...updated my map to have a closed village tile, made an event to visit the village and it doesn't close, AND the brigands don't even try to destroy it. At least the village cannot be visited again. Can someone please help me? In this topic, it was the exact same problem:
Yet how they solved it remains unknown to me...
Oh, almost got it! Thanks to the above tutorial, I ALMOST got it to work. Instead of closing the village, it destroys it, but it's something at least. I still don't understand what is the exact function of the Map Reference Table and the Map Changes Reference Table, nor why it has to be those values, but I can figure out that later (at least, I hope so).
Let's see if I can somehow close the village instead of destroying it.
EDIT10: AHHHHHHHHH! Finally, I was able to close that damn village! After all of my time waiting for answers, I finally could close one damn village! Oh my Ashera, why is closing a damn village so complicated anyway?! The Brigands ignore the village, so I don't see if they're capable of destroying it, but it's nothing too important (at least right now).
Finally...thanks to everyone that posted.
Edited by Lagfile
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