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[Solved] Any documentation on writing AI in FE8?


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You'll want to take a look at this thread (edit: FE8 version.). Using "move to location" and "attack unit x" in particular, combined with AI-changing events when the units reach their location or target, you can make the AI do some pretty cool stuff already. For example, I have a map in progress where there's a sort of grid of hallways and different enemies will take different paths to attack the player from multiple directions.

Edited by Alusq
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Your best bet is making all units who are supposed to stick together move toward the same location or unit (they won't split up if there's no reason for them to). You could also use a character slot for an enemy "squad leader" and give all enemies in that squad move-toward-unit AI that makes them move toward their leader but attack units in range when there are targets available. You could even make them do additional stuff after their leader is fought or killed by giving the leader an empty battle or death quote that triggers an event ID, changing all the units in the squad to pursue targets when the leader is fought or retreat to a fortress when the leader is killed........ and THEN when one of those enemies moves on the fortress, you can have a location event that changes their AI to follow after another remaining squad leader. When both squad leaders are killed, there could be an additional event that changes enemies to move towards wherever the throne/gate/enemy boss is for a final assault. The possibilities are surprisingly numerous when you're willing to go deep in chapter design in terms of where enemies will be at what turn (for example, if the player just ends up killing all the mooks before they kill the squad leader, there's little point in making all those AI-related events happen).

It is possible to program your own AI (I should've linked this earlier), but you can generally accomplish most stuff with the vanilla AI system if you plan things out far enough.

Edited by Alusq
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