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Editing Title Screen


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Ok, I know the title is rather vague, so I'll explain it here. I read up on the GBAGE stuff in Blazer's tutorial and I fixed up the title background, Image 1369, to what I wanted it to be.


That worked exactly as I wanted it to, fortunately. Now, I want to edit the text at the bottom, which is at Image 1371. Except I have no idea what the dimensions are for that one. I spent about fifteen minutes trying different sizes, but none of them have seemed to work. How do I find out the dimensions of that image? Is there a Nightmare Module that I can reference to like with all other things or is size just something that I have to keep testing and trying? I looked at the CG editors, Battle Background Editor, and Dialogue Background Editor, but none of them had anything of use for this.

Also, what palette does Image 1135 (2003 Nintendo Presents) have? What dimensions?

Edited by Arjun
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Use GBAGE, open the ROM and go to those images. After exporting them it should become quite clear what the dimensions are. That text is also in 1368, I believe, not 1371.


This tutorial covers how to find palettes.

Edited by Agro
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