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Help - Fin Lover in Gen 2


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I wanted to try out some new pairings for my new playthrough and decided to do FinxLachesis. However I didn't manage to pair them in time and used cheats to pair them up instead. Everything was fine in Gen1.

And now I'm in chapter 7 and Fin is suddenly in love with Lana?

Does this in any way affect Delmud or Nanna and their stats? Or her talk with Fin? Any help would be appreciated ^^


Edited by Crushie
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Do Lachesis and Lana sit in the same spot in the castle? That may be why it happens.

I doubt it will affect anything, but what were Lachesis' stats at the end of ch 5, and what are Nanna's and Finn's stats?

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the game saves space by writing all the gen 2 character data over the gen 1 character data. As such, the codes mean: "do something to whoever is in character slot X", and who this actualy is depends on the generation. You can tell if two charachters share a data slot by checking to see if they share a slot in the castle. Did you leave the code on? IF so, it is forcing fin to fall in love with the person currently with lachese's slot, which is nana in gen 2. Try turning it off and running the opening scene of chapter 7 again (or you might have to turn off the code before chapter 5 ends. I'm not sure when the game checks for lovers for the first time).

Edited by sirmola
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Thanks for the answers!

Yeah it really didn't affect anything, I tried playing a little further and everything was okay. Though I could have noticed earlier that Nanna and Delmud both have Miracle - could have saved me some worries^^

Did you leave the code on? IF so, it is forcing fin to fall in love with the person currently with lachese's slot, which is nana in gen 2.

Just curious... shouldn't Lana have her lover set as Fin too? Because I did leave on Fin's and Lachesis codes.

Edited by Crushie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pairing Fin with Lachesis is tricky sometimes. You should put them together as SOON as you get Lachesis. I also had that happened to me once, and it's kind of a pain having to keep Lachesis away from the main fighting and thus having to keep Fin away WITH her (she's very weak when she starts off and if you want the Knight Ring, you have to keep the triplets alive, which is a pain in the ass if they go flying into the enemy, and they follow and surround her until they're near enemies to which then they'll attack). Once you get to chapter two, if you're planning to NOT fight Eltshan and want Lachesis to talk to him, keeping Fin at her side is a good idea because the other enemy units will attack her if she's in range. That also depends how fast you make it to that part of the chapter too (depending on how many turns are left for them to become lovers).

Using cheats is fine, but yes, you have to shut lover cheats off when you reach gen 2. That will also eliminate Lana's love points for everyone else (because she had a lover previously, even if it was just a code you shut off and not a lover's death), so she'll have to start from scratch for all potential lovers (from scratch unless you plan to pair her with Faval, because they have a love point conversation in chapter ten if they're both unpaired).

No, Delmud and Nanna's stats won't be affected. Stat growths and base stats are determined by the game and auto generated based on the parents. In other words, if you cheat a lover into Fin's gen 2 slot, the stats and growths were already determined when you paired him with Lachesis, and based on their final gen 1 (regarding Fin) levels (if Lachesis made it to say, level 25, and not 30, that registers accordingly).

If you mean Nanna's conversation with Fin in chapter seven, that won't be affected because he's already her father (same deal as above). Cheating in a lover doesn't affect her birth parents which are determined through gen 1.

Honestly, you should only have to turn off the code even while running the game and check his status screen again. Lana's name should be gone as soon as the code's off. But yeah, while Delmud and Nanna are unaffected, Lana's love points for everyone are completely reduced (if you go to the Fortune Teller, it'll say she has no feelings for anybody because of the cheat code you had on previously). You'll have to start over in love points for her if you wanted to pair her.

I know I'm late on viewing this topic, but I figured I may as well poke in some input for you. :)

Edited by Jugdral Defender
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm late on viewing this topic, but I figured I may as well poke in some input for you. :)

Thanks for the detailed answer you gave me! ^^

Yeah it was my first time trying this pairing and I soon realized that I should have planned more carefully for those two. For example I sent Lachesis to talk to Eltshan (while leaving poor Finn to wait somewhere else). I always kinda forget that there is a turn limit to the lover points, so I just go on and don't worry much... and then it's turn 60 or something and I'm still pairing my units and wasting turns -.-

Once I made finn and Altena lovers.

Imagine Areone:

Areone: "Hey Altenna, I'll join you now! We can be lovers!"

Altenna: "Oh hi... weeeeell... You see that guy over there who's like 16 years older than me and my sorta father figure now? Yeah... we're lovers."

Areone: surprised-meme.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the detailed answer you gave me! ^^

Yeah it was my first time trying this pairing and I soon realized that I should have planned more carefully for those two. For example I sent Lachesis to talk to Eltshan (while leaving poor Finn to wait somewhere else). I always kinda forget that there is a turn limit to the lover points, so I just go on and don't worry much... and then it's turn 60 or something and I'm still pairing my units and wasting turns -.-

To be fair, you have to plan carefully for Fin right away. He's the only pairable unit that leaves you early, so if you want him as a father, you'd have to take into account when to start putting him beside the intended lover. Unfortunately it can be a pain to pair him with someone you planned if he doesn't have a lover yet by chapter three and Brigid and Tiltyu are on the map with plenty of turns left to the fifty turn mark.

But yeah, that's why I suggest moving Fin WITH Lachesis when you go to speak to Eltshan, because that way you still speak to him and get the Earth Sword without separating her from Fin. Practicing doing it for a couple or few runs will probably help (I messed up my first run that I tried pairing them in too), as long as you're fine with repeating pairings a couple/few times to get the hang of it.

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