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Child Scramble Convo Topic


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I really like the convos between Marx and Siegbert & Luna and Matoi. Shara's one with Nyx is kinda wtf tho.

Also, if someone wants, I can try and make pastes for all of the parent/child convos I can get. I dunno if I can translate any of them though, because my Japanese is kinda blech.

Anything that helps! Really hoping to see Azura/Kana and Mamui/Shigure.

Flora/Kana: http://pastebin.com/cfG0iUeh

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If you happen to have Rinkah married to Ryoma, I'd like to see Rinkah/Shiro. I can't really translate Japanese either, but I can usually use Chinese to bullshit my way through Japanese to get a gist at least and give a rough summary until someone more competent do an actual translation.

it's the pair I really want to see.

Conveniently enough, I have both of them alone in my Hoshido file, so I'll try and upload that one soon.

Note: I'll be updating this post as I get more.

Felicia and Ophelia: http://pastebin.com/gRbkMrnl

Aqua and Dia: http://pastebin.com/dmUcdBvr

Joker and Shigure: http://pastebin.com/tqUw4xSd

Sakura and Shara: http://pastebin.com/23AtJz9Z

Asama and Mitama: http://pastebin.com/xTZVdGr9 (The link has been removed for some reason??? Why?)

Kamui and Soleil: http://pastebin.com/g7c2F8vu

Oboro and Sophie: http://pastebin.com/LrmF93Fr (In short: Oboro trolls Sophie and comments on her personal skill)

Lazward and Kanna: http://pastebin.com/0kQvnq2v

Belka and Midoriko: http://pastebin.com/Dq7J9JU3

Nishiki and Kinu: http://pastebin.com/11bAbEFh

Kazahana and Kisaragi: http://pastebin.com/utS2jVYJ

Rinka and Shinonome: http://pastebin.com/z47KiQha

Anna and Kanna: http://pastebin.com/jXYgF1Gm

Hinoka and Grey: http://pastebin.com/tSL4RM7S

Kagerou and Shinonome: http://pastebin.com/N2Lxt6s7

Edited by Matt-hue
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Rhajat/Hayato: http://pastebin.com/nVdyRh14

Shiro/Femui: http://pastebin.com/LzQqMe6c

Kaze/Midori: http://pastebin.com/Pp69bmu1

Kaze/Kana and Femui/Midori: http://pastebin.com/m79q2Mb3

The only one out of these I really like is Kaze/Kana, I lol'd at him inheiriting his dad's clueless chick magnet trait. Dude can nail any girl except the one he wants.

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Beruka/Dwyer: http://trabeate.tumblr.com/post/141166798553/belka-deere-motherchild-convo

Takumi/Kiragi: http://pastebin.com/TwVysNeA

Camilla/Kiragi: http://pastebin.com/hK0SGX4M

Kiragi is like the last person I expected to end up a Yandere holy crap

EDIT: But wait there's more!

Elise/Kiragi: http://pastebin.com/sUueVKS9

Setsuna/Kiragi: http://pastebin.com/5bFc0X2q

Saizo/Asugi: http://pastebin.com/n6zh8GKx

Edited by Abvora
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So...Camilla!Kiragi is slowly becoming a Yandere.

I don't know why but I'm okay with this! For some weird reason, I really like the idea of a Yandere!Kiragi.

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I am speechless at that Camilla and Kiragi conversation

Camilla what have you done

She made Kiragi's soul beautiful. Yandere Kiragi is the best Kiragi!

Now Kiragi won't let anyone hurt his loved ones, or else...

I don't know why I love Yandere Kiragi so much, but I do!

need fanart of Yandere Kiragi now!

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To be fair, this isn't the first time this happens in Fire Emblem game.

In Path of Radiance, Astrid, Marcia and Makalov all say they going back to Begnion's army and yet in Radiant Dawn they are with Crimea's army with no explanation why.

I always attributed that to massive gambling debt on Makalov's part... as for the other two? I dunno

Oh could I request to see Laslow Shigure and Azura Soleil? (sorry if i screwed up the spelling)

Edited by iavasechui
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gg Camilla you rubbed on your son

Anyways, thanks for making this topic though, should be interesting and I'm looking forward to reading more :o

mostly curious about Selena!Soleil Beruka!Ophelia, and Kaden!Shigure…hm...

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I always attributed that to massive gambling debt on Makalov's part... as for the other two? I dunno

Oh could I request to see Laslow Shigure and Azura Soleil? (sorry if i screwed up the spelling)

I have no way of contacting the guy doing the translations, otherwise I'd be begging for Corrin/Shigure and Azura/Kana. Sorry :(

Shiro/Elise: http://pastebin.com/0PXUhyph

Caeldori/Kana: http://pastebin.com/chn9ZAx5

Hinoka/Hisame: http://trabeate.tumblr.com/post/141180600198/hinoka-hisame-motherchild-convo

Elise!Shiro is a momma's boy, called it

Edit: Have moar

Hinoka/Kana: http://jokerthebutler.tumblr.com/post/141180494208/hoshido-bond-festival-scramble-dlc-conversation

Nyx/Midori: http://trabeate.tumblr.com/post/141182324248/nyx-midoriko-motherchild-convo

Edited by Abvora
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Kaze/Midori was too cute oh my goshhhh.

Elise/Shiro is so cute too though. I don't know why but it somehow reminded me of Lissa/Owain in Future Past...

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Niles/Nina: http://pastebin.com/0TLssVWu

In which Nina tries to pimp her dad out to other men.

And Azura/Rhajat: http://pastebin.com/wS2RsqE2

stop stalking Corrin god

So Rhajat's gonna make Faceless sing a chorus?

I'd pay good money to see that.

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Laslow/Shigure (in which it's just a disappointing rehash of Olivia/Inigo): http://pastebin.com/RfJAnDxY

Elise/Ophelia (in which Ophelia copies Shiro): http://pastebin.com/hUHPWTAd

Felicia/Rhajat (in which Rhajat makes me worried that all her mom convos are going to involve her stalking Corrin): http://pastebin.com/AzQzDMYA

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Laslow/Shigure (in which it's just a disappointing rehash of Olivia/Inigo): http://pastebin.com/RfJAnDxY

Elise/Ophelia (in which Ophelia copies Shiro): http://pastebin.com/hUHPWTAd

Felicia/Rhajat (in which Rhajat makes me worried that all her mom convos are going to involve her stalking Corrin): http://pastebin.com/AzQzDMYA

Are you even surprised? After it became clear that the localisation made her literally Tharja 2.0, I just assume she'll mention stalking in every support.

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Are you even surprised? After it became clear that the localisation made her literally Tharja 2.0, I just assume she'll mention stalking in every support.

Yeah, but I thought the original would stick closer to Shara.

Also: happy day! Azura/Kana's been translated (and wow, it's long and good): http://trabeate.tumblr.com/post/141186939673/aqua-kanna-motherchild-convo

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Camilla x Kisaragi is very funny, he learned well from his mom... In the other hand, Elise x Kisaragi was actually a small disappointment, what with all the chicken talk lol?

But thank's god Elise x Shinonome was cute, I liked it, Shino wants time with his mom and is so sweet, I hope the english version keep the cuteness!

I have the raw version of Oboro x Kisaragi, it looks that they talk about how Takumi promised to help Oboro to have her design store (Or so I think, maybe I'm wrong) ... And Oboro still call Takumi with the "-sama" but then she correct herself and call him just Takumi... This is the raw version:


キサラギ: 母上、面白そうな出店がいっぱいあるよ!どれから回るか迷っちゃうね

オボロ: ふふふ。嬉しいのはわかるけど あんまりはしゃぎすぎないでね。まだ賊がそこら中にいるんだから。油断しちゃダメよ?

キサラギ: うん! 母上!ちゃんと気をつけるよ!でも、賊がいなくなったら 一緒にいっぱい遊ぼうね!

オボロ: そうね。今まではあまりこういう機会がなかったから今日くらいは あなたの気の済むまで遊んでいいわよ。

キサラギ: 本当に!? やったー!ありがとう、母上!何から遊ぼうかな?どれも楽しそうだもんなー。

オボロ: ふっふっふお楽しみはそれだけじゃないわよ。 あとで、とっておきのアレを 用意してるし。

キサラギ: それってもしかして、母上が新しく見立ててくれた着物のこと?

オボロ: えっ!? な、なんで知ってるのよ!?驚かそうと思って隠してたのに!

キサラギ: この間、母上がニヤニヤしながら\nお部屋でコソコソしてたでしょ?だから、気になって見てたんだ。

オボロ- な、なんてことするのよ!\nせっかくの計画が台無しじゃない!

キサラギ: あはは。ごめんね、母上。でも僕、すごく驚いたし、嬉しかったよ。母上の部屋の前で、目が真ん丸になっちゃったもん。

オボロ: 私はその驚く顔が見たかったのよでも、あなたも日に日に成長しているし服を見立てる機会はまたすぐくるわよね。次こそは絶対にバレないように用意するから、そのときは盛大に驚きなさい。

キサラギ: はーい!わかったよ、母上。そういえば母上は、父上の着物も見立ててたんでしょ?

オボロ- な、何で知ってるの?

キサラギ: えっへへー。父上と話してるとき、嬉しそうに言ってたんだよ。それから、戦争が終わったら母上の呉服屋を応援するって話も。

オボロ: そんな話まで



キサラギ: え?

オボロ: 私のほうがタクミ様いえ、タクミのことをずっと好きだったんだから。

キサラギ: 母上

オボロ: だから想いが通じてあなたみたいな可愛い子供までできて本当に幸せに思ってるわ。ありがとうね、キサラギ



キサラギ: あれれ!?勝手に言ったのは母上じゃないかー!

オボロ: あら? そうだったかしら。悪かったわね。じゃ、着物をあなたに渡すためにも早く賊を倒しちゃいましょう!

キサラギ: 頑張ろうね! 終わったら着物をもらって さっさと野山にしけこむから!父上と母上を二人っきりにするために!

オボロ: 余計な気は遣わないでよろしい!

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It's kinda of a shame that most of Rhajat's mother converstions (so far) start with her stalking the avatar. I mean, at least some of them go do their own thing after mentioning the avatar but still. Like, I know Rhajat is a clone of Tharja and all but it's still shame.

Oh well, at least Rhajat and Kana's converstion was cute.

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