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Female Child Characters


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So, I once saw a thread in the awakening sections where people made child characters for the men, and I thought to myself "Hey, wouldn't that be interesting for the Females in Fates?"

And so this thread came to be. If anyone has an idea for a child that a female unit might have, this would be the place to put your ideas down. It doesn't matter if you just have a name and a general rundown or an entire paralogue and supports mapped out, it's all good. Also doing child units for male Corrinsexuals would work, too.

Anyway, this is my idea for Scarlet's child, sterling:

[spoiler=Sterling]He's the son of Scarlet and a Wyvern rider with high magic (as if he's intended to be a Malig Knight). His appearance is like He has a tendency to hold grudges, but otherwise is friendly and willing to help anyone. Likes shiny things, but not as much as his mother. His paralogue would be about him going to avenge the assassination of his friend, and naturally Scarlet and Corrin go chasing after him. His supports would be with Scarlet, RyomaHis Father, Corrin, All the Second Gen Hoshido females (like every other character), Shiro and Dwyer, and for Revelation, Nina, Ophelia and Percy. His logbook entry would be like this:

The son of Scarlet and an expert wyvern tamer.

He cares about friends, but holds grudges very

easily. he is not very fond of people being

sneaky. Has the sturdiest bones in the army.

Born on 7/19.

I might put more stuff down if I ever think of it. Also, his name is like sterling silver, and silver is a color as well as a metal, and his mother's name is a color, so that's how I picked that.

This is surprisingly fun!

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I need someone to make a child for Flora named Mint because I'm too unimaginative to do so. LOL

EDIT: I really like that character, Sterling. The name itself rolls of the tongue nicely. Sterling.

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I like these topics.

Here are the children I made up for the royal female sibs. They're all female since all the male sibs kids are males.

Sora-Hinoka's daughter

Class: Samurai

Description: Child of princess Hinoka. Very skittish and is terrified of heights. She idolizes her uncle Ryoma, and takes up the katana in his name. Runs away the most in the army.

Kiko-Sakura's daughter

Class: Oni Savage

Description: Child of princess Sakura. Despite many wanting her to, she decided to join a band of brigands rather then the clergy. Hot-headed but reserved. Love her mother the most in the army.

Belinda-Camilla's daughter

Class: Wyvern Rider

Description: Child of princess Camilla. Named after Camilla's mother. Loves her mother but hates all the attention her mother gives to everyone else, especially Corrin. The most doting of her mother in the army.

Yvette-Elise's daughter

Class: Mercenary

Description: Child of princess Elise. Wishes her mother would grow up more and be like the adult she technically is. Practices using swords as she prefers to be in the front in battle. The most grown-up in the army.

I would do more with them, but every time I try to, writers block happens.


I found this really old document in my library titled *Yuugiri x Yukimura The Ship is Real*

I made up a child for them.


Class: Apothecary

Description: Child of Yukimura and Yuugiri. Wishes to raise and sell Golden-Kites for a living. Loves Lady Mikoto the most in the army.

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- Very interested in psychology, although is often mistaken.
- Due to said interest, he's fascinated by people who keep talking about one topic over and over again
- His support with Corrin deals with their attraction to their siblings.

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Class: Mercenary (Growths lean toward spiked defense and resistance, while other stats are left middling)

Personal Skill: Unwavering - When HP is below 1/2, both defense and resistance gain +10

Unit Roster Description: "Flora's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. Does not approve of her mother's chosen profession of maid, finding it to be demeaning and a shame to her position as future leader of the Ice Tribe. The most hard-headed person of the army. Born 5/14."

Supports: (All Routes) Flora, Corrinmui, Felicia and Kana; (Conquest) Seigbert, Ignatius, Forrest, Nina and Soliel; (Revelations) Asugi, Shinonome and Caeldori


-Asugi's nickname for Jasmine is Mint because she always has cool, minty breath.

-Her birthday, May 14, is the Japanese release date of Genealogy of the Holy War.

-As evidenced in several of her supports, Jasmine's ice powers tend to go out of control when she experiences strong emotions—particularly anger.

Jasmine is the daughter of Flora.

She is a very bull-headed and presumptuous person, often taking things at face value. Her childhood was one where she watched her mother—a hostage of the Ice Tribe—dote and fawn over her father, the "son" of the man that had stolen Flora away and shamed her family. She does not understand her mother's feelings for her father and she does not understand the inferiority complex her mother has in regards to Felicia, her aunt. Taking her mother's faults into consideration, Jasmine is a very confident—to the point of arrogance—character and one that refuses to bow down to any that have not proven themselves worth her time.

The goal of her paralogue would be simple. Defeat her, the boss, before a set amount of turns to prove the army's worth to her. Her map would be snow/ice-themed with several map hazards—walking over and falling into frozen water, which would immobilize a character for a turn; heavy snowfall that would hamper movement that can be temporarily dispersed by the usage of Dragon Veins; enemy reinforcements would appear every other turn, consisting of a group of five from varying Nohrian classes, headed by a single promoted unit with the other four members being the leader's pre-promoted class. After the battle, a reward would be given depending on the number of turns taken to complete the map.

Her support with her mother would elaborate on Flora's captivity within Nohr and her essential traumatic bonding with Corrinmui, which eventually cultivated into a marriage.

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Okay, I'm going to try my hand at this:


Daughter of Anna

Class: Apothecary

Anna would pretty much be like Anna... without any actual skills in commerce (Almost as bad at haggling as Hinata is in his supports with Azura and Mozu). Because of this she suffers from a severe inferiority complex and self-esteem issues. While she wants to continue her family business, she finds herself unable to because of how bad she is at her job. I think this creates a paralell with Asugi, who has the talent and potential to continue the line of Saizos but has no interest in doing so. The worst at lying in the army. While she doesn't know it herself when she's recruited, she has more of a talent for research and development of products, so she can still help in the business, just not in the way she expected. Her supports with Anna has her finally realizing that. I'll see if I can think of more details to add here later.

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Class: Diviner

Personal Skill: Molten Skin (adjacent attacking enemy takes 20% HP damage)

"Rinkah's son, raised in the Deeprealms. He was not raised in the ways of the Flame Tribe, and his openness often conflicts with his mother's isolationist mindset. The biggest blabbermouth in the army. Born on 8/21."

Kagutsuchi would be a Diviner with high magic and defense, but low speed and skill and only middling in his other stats. While his openness and honesty have made him somewhat popular among the army, he is often blunt in his honesty, and can't keep secrets. His Paralogue would involve saving him from a group of mercenaries he was serving with but accidentally sold out to another company. His supports with Rinkah detail the clash between their personalities, giving more information on the Flame Tribe in the process. He would otherwise be able to support with Corrin, his father, his sibling (if he has one), Rhajat, Mitama, Sophie, both Kanas, Shiro and Asugi on Birthright, and Forrest and Ignatius in Revelation.

I think I just want an excuse to make a bunch of Shinto-themed children characters for Hoshido.

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I actually came up with a few, specifically for the four princesses a while ago:


Class: Sky Knight *Growths tend to high skill and speed with low magic

Personal Skill: Hero's Determination - When HP below 1/2, all stats +3. Effects double when under 1/4.

Description: "Hinoka's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. I highly idealistic woman, she idolizes her family, leading her to pick up the naginata at a relatively young age. She's very headstrong and is quick to enter fights, often causing trouble. The best at improvising."


Class: Shrine Maiden *Growths tend towards high resistance and magic with low defense

Personal Skill: Natural Order - When healing units, also heals all debuffs.

Description: "Sakura's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. A highly serious, strong-willed and dutiful young girl, Kaguya takes her job as a servant of the Gods more seriously than most people twice her age. Has an odd fondness for nighttime and the moon." Props to you if you get the reference


Class: Wyvern Rider *Growths lean more towards magic and speed with low resistance

Personal Skill: Bewitch - All male enemies within a 2-tile radius suffer +2 damage taken and -2 damage dealt.

Description: "Camilla's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. An elegant, proper, but manipulative lady, she easily charms those around her, a trait she often uses to get men into doing what she wants. Has the weirdest but most contagious laugh."


Class: Troubadour *Growths tend towards high skill and speed with low strength and defense

Personal Skill: Mischievous - All enemies within a 2-tile radius suffer -15 Hit/Avoid at the beginning of every odd turn.

Description: "Elise's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. Though Lucille loves her mother and wishes to be like her, she's very restless and blunt and enjoys pulling pranks just to get a reaction. Has the worst allergies."

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Class: Shrine Maiden *Growths tend towards high resistance and magic with low defense

Personal Skill: Natural Order - When healing units, also heals all debuffs.

Description: "Sakura's daughter, raised in the Deeprealms. A highly serious, strong-willed and dutiful young girl, Kaguya takes her job as a servant of the Gods more seriously than most people twice her age. Has an odd fondness for nighttime and the moon." Props to you if you get the reference

The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Rabbit Princess all the way, bruh.

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Name: Oro

Class: Outlaw *Growths will lean on Spd, Def, and Luk

Personal Skill: Mug - When attacking opponent, Luck% chance of gaining gold.

Description: Charlotte's son raised in the Deeprealms. Unlike his mother, he's brutally honest about his desire for gaining money through any method, yet retains a genuinely kind character toward allies. The most conservative and greedy with money.

Name: Tetsuya

Class: Lance Fighter *Growths focus on more Defensive stats, but will have some of her Strength and Skill.

Personal Skill: Adapt - After battle, Avo.+20 and Hit+20 for one turn. Can only activate once per turn.

Description: Hana's son raised in the Deeprealms. Tetsuya has a rather crass front belying a never-give-up attitude and surprising reflexes in the heat of battle. While Hana is dedicated to Sakura, he denies and detests allegiances to the royal family, but nonetheless fights bravely for and with his allies. Enjoys Peaches the most.

Edited by Jester Capri
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[spoiler=Charlotte's son]Constantine

Class - Axe Fighter

A smooth talking con man who enjoys swindling people of their money. While he appears well dressed and proper, he is an absolute savage in battle. Adjusts his tie more than anyone in the army. Wears a suit underneath his fighter gear.

[spoiler=Kagero's son] Yaiba

Class - Ninja

In contrast to his mother, Yaiba prefers to express himself through music rather than paintings. His compositions on the koto inspire feelings of dread amongst people, leading to more than one incident of entire audiences soiling themselves during his performances. His mother is his biggest fan. The fussiest eater.

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I'd like to take a crack at this. Just for fun.

Name: Del

Mother: Selena

Class: Fighter

Personal Skill:

Description: He is competitive like his mother but is much more friendly with his rivals than Selena is. In fact, Selena is the only person who he gets irritated with. Despite this, he does care for his mother and tries to get her to lighten up. The loudest whistler.

How's that?

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So I got bored doing math homework and... drew Sterling. Yeah. So here's a pretty bad Iphone picture of what his mug would look like:


So, his design came from the Wyvern and Malig Knights, as well as the depths of my imagination. I don't doubt that his design looks similar to another character in the series (or even a few), but I'm far from a professional artist, so it can't be expected for him to be terribly unique. Anyway, I like how it turned out, especially the eyes. I can never draw eyes, but this time they turned out okay.

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Awesome! I always love these topics. :3

[spoiler=Elise's Son]

Name: Lance

Class: Outlaw (High growth in magic, speed and resistance -- meant to become an adventurer)

Personal Skill: Carefree - First debuff effect each round is ignored.

Description: Elise's son raised in the Deeprealms. Lance is extremely laidback and doesn't much care for responsibility. As the son of the fourth royal he believes he'll never need to lead anyone. Despite his slacker attitude he has a heart of gold and especially hates anyone that picks on kids. Is the most sarcastic.

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I love these topics, and I am making some for every character! First up, we have Hinoka's kid!

Name: Kyumi

Class:Archer:Best stat is strength followed by Resistance

Personal Skill: Admirer - When paired up with Takumi, +10 Crit/Ddg/Hit. When paired with Hinoka, Hinoka gets +2 Str/Def/Spd/Res

Description: She’s the daughter of Hinoka and an Archer with high strength. She adores her uncle, Takumi, more than anyone else and decided to pick up a bow to try and follow in his footsteps. Kyumi’s real name is Kyara, but changed her name to resemble her uncle’s name. She is a bubbly girl around Takumi, but around her mother she acts stern and always compares her to Takumi. Her paralogue would have her trying to impress Takumi by defending her village, but it also ends with more development for Hinoka because she always looked up to Takumi, but is ashamed that she could not impress her own daughter. She has supports with all the Hoshidian males, Siegbert, Forrest, and Corrin romanticly.

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Here's Rinkah's son.

Name: Tatsuya

Class: Oni Savage (We don't have a male Oni Savage so...)

Description: A very calm boy. The complete opposite of his mother. Known by many to be wise beyond his years. He is very serious when it comes to training. Meditates the most in the army.

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The rest of the Royal Sister's children!


Class: Priestess

Personal Skill: Close Bond - Units with a C rank support are healed for 50% more HP

She’s the daughter of Sakura and is a Priestess with high Magic and Defense. She loves her mother more than all because she visits almost everyday. She is a shy girl like her mother, but around men she gets hyper. Due to her being the child of the fourth Hoshidian Royal, she is more reckless than the others and is sloppy. She does not clean her mess unless scolded by her mother. Her paralogue starts with Sakura visiting her and walking in on Sakurako’s messy room. After a scolding, they here bandits outside her house, and Sakurako’s father leads them out to safety. After the chapter, Sakura is worried for her child’s safety and demands that she comes with her. After Sakurako refuses at first, Sakura then begins to cry because of how worried she is if more bandits come back. Sakurako did not like seeing her mother cry, so she decided to join them. She has supports with all Hoshidian males, Corrin, Forrest, and Siegbert romanticly. She also supports with Sakura, Father, Kyumi, Emily, and Nina.

Carol (Paralogue can only be done once you have gotten Kana)

Class: Fighter - High Speed and Res

Personal Skill: Protector - When supporting Kana, gains Double the amount of Shield gauge.

She’s the daughter of Camilla and is a Fighter. She loves Kana more than how Camilla adores Corrin. She never leaves Kana’s side, and gives Kana anything they want. However, despite her love for Kana, she despise Corrin. She hates all the attention her mother gives to him. She does not listen to anyone but Kana and her Father. Due to being the 2nd in line for the throne behind Siegbert, she works hard and fight hard. Despite her class, she loathes fighting. If she has to fight, she will, but she tries to avoid killing. Due to this, her supports with Corrin has them bond due to their similarities. Her paralogue starts with her defending a village from bandits. Kana then jumps into help her, be she quickly begins to defend him. At the end of the paralogue, Camilla hugs her daughter, and Carol begins to cry. When Kana talks to Corrin about wanting one of those weapons the bandits left over, and Carol ran to it and gave it to him. Corrin then talks to Camilla and then notices the uncanny resemblance between both of them. Carol has romantic supports with all Nohrian males, Corrin, Shiro, Asugi, and Female Kana. She also supports with Camilla, Father, Kyumi, Soleil, and Nina.


Class: Outlaw - High Magic and Defense

Personal Skill: Devil Blood - If the enemy does more damage than the user, +5 Magic to the user.

She’s the daughter of Elise. Ran away at when she learned that her family was of Royal Blood. She joined a band of Outlaws and they planned to steal Nohrian Gems. She is reckless and does not care for others. She thinks her mother is too childish and that she needs to grow up and act like the adult she is. She enjoys the pain of others, and kills without any hesitation. She likes to make kids suffer and despises. However, despite her killing attitude, she slacks off because she knows she will never have to lead anyone. She lets all the other do work, and when faced in battle against Elise, she scolds her for leaving her Deep Realm and Emily than says she won’t stop until Elise is dead. At the start of her paralogue, she aims at Elise but misses at an Abandoned Palace. Arthur then notes that they are surrounded and shields Elise from another one of Emily’s attack. After the battle, Elise slaps Emily and scolds her for her bad behavior. Emily then laughs and goes on about that Elise is too soft. Elise then demands that Emily comes with her so that she is under her supervision, and Emily agrees just so she can see the harm of others. She supports with all Male Nohrian Kids and Corrin. She also supports with Elise, Father, Carol, Sakurako, Nina, and Mitama.

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Name: Mark

Class: Monk -> Onmyoji/Great Master

Talent: Dark Mage -> Sorcerer/Strategist

Background: The son of Selena and Subaki (the true pairing, come on), Mark is pretty much average at everything he does. Except, his skills at tactical thinking. While in his deep realms, he consumed himself with tomes on how to become an even better tactician. Deciding that he would be a better strategist than Corrin, he lures in the group with falsified information to his trap.

Yes, this Mark is that Mark from Blazing Sword. I figured I'd create him and the only child that would make any remote sense as a child from the one's that have been done is Selena's and he'd also would look so much like his father, that I might as well make him as obvious as can be on who his parents are like his sister, Caeldori.

Mark's deep realm would be a two stage deep realm (still counts as one map). First you need to survive so many waves (10 turns) of Mark's men, before the real bad guys show up and Mark shows up to aid. However, the less men you kill of Mark's men, the more "allies" you'll have to defeat the real threat.

After winning, Mark decides that even against his mother's orders, that he must follow Corrin and learn from him, since he managed to survive two armies and turn the tides. His conversation with Corrin would poke and prod at him so much that Corrin can not believe that Mark lost. It would eventually end with Corrin pointing out that Mark wanted to lose so as to have an excuse to leave his deep realm. As nearly every suggestion that Mark has given is better than anything anyone else could've offered up.

With his mother, Selena, she'd worry about him fighting because he's not really good at it. He comes back with a prophetic answer of "don't worry, mom. It isn't like I'll be transported to another time and place, where it'll be my choices that decide if someone lives or dies". This causes her to flip out, which in turn leads to him finding out the truth about Selena and her own history.

With his father, Subaki, he'll comment on how it is amazing that they look so alike that they could be mistaken for an elder and younger brothers. In fact, they'll talk about the time how they were mistaken and they even actually gave the answers that the other would've given if they had been in their place. Subaki will also admit that he's jealous of Mark's tactical prowess, as it is a gift that not even anything Subaki could do would rival it.

His conversation with Caeldori would be about how Mark is unprepared for the coming events and that they need to practice things. She manages to tick Mark off, to the point that he loses it. The last thing you'd hear is Caeldori's death cry. The next conversation is that you find out that Mark is actually a berserker when he fights and loses himself in the lust of battle. He found this out quickly in his deep realm and strove to keep himself out of combat for fear that he would do exactly what just happened. Caeldori apologizes for her actions and tells Mark that it wasn't his fault, but hers. The two's final conversation is that they would work on mastering Mark's bloodlust and hopefully contain it.

Also he'd have a special conversation with Leo, on how Leo can never beat him and it drives Leo nuts. Mark will eventually let Leo know that he has been studying nearly everything about Leo, as he knew his mother had a rough time beating him. Leo wonders if Mark knows him better than him himself.

I selected Monk as his starting class because he doesn't get into confrontations himself. Also, I wanted to create something unique for him, so he's got his classes split. While being a Monk he gets access to Onmyoji and Great Master. While being a Dark Mage he gets access to Sorcerer and Strategist.

Class wise: Monk is weak, his Basara is okay, Onmyoji is average, Dark Mage is also average, Sorcerer is above average, while the Strategist, of course, would be his bread and butler class you would want him in. The Strategist class would be him using his strategic thinking into his magics and healing, thereby getting around his average worth. His personal starting ability would be +15% Skill Activation Boost to any ally within in a 2 tile radius.

As for what class he is in during Blazing Sword? Monk. Which explains why he never is in combat. Though, with a remake, he'll probably become your healer for the first while.

Also, I realize this goes against my head canon that I mentioned in the head canon thread, but I thought that this was too fun, not to do.

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I did Peri's son and had way too much fun with it. I ship Laslow and Peri, and, well, here it is!

Paix (Can only do the Paralogue after you have gotten Xander)

Class - Mercenary

Personal Skill - Calm Mind - If the enemy can knock out the user, the user gains +4 Defense/Res and +5 Effective Speed.

He’s the son of Peri. Unlike his mother, Paix is calm and is not a blood seeking person. He fights for defense and not for killing like his mother. He works dilligently to learn the art of the sword and is determined to outshine his mother. Paix praises how strong Peri is despite not agreeing with her attitude towards killing. He is the most outgoing of all the children and would protect anyone. He swears allegiance to the royal family and hopes that Xander will make him his retainer whenever Laslow returns to his “home”. Paix once tried to kill Laslow because he wanted to become Xander’s retainer, but Peri scolds him that if you act like this, Xander would never want you as a retainer. Despite this scolding, Paix still want to become his retainer and still tries to kill Laslow(even if he is his father). At the start of his Paralogue, Peri and Laslow enter Paix’s deeprealm. I am going to include a conversation cause why not.

Peri: Phew, we finally made it.

Laslow: Why did you make his Deep Realm this far out Peri, now it’s harder for me to run away

Peri: Run away? Laslow do you hate me?

Laslow:No, it’s just that Paix, what if he tries to kill me again?

Peri: Well, then you are dead if he tries to kill you. What else would you expect?

Laslow: Peri! This is serious. He seems set on being Lord Xander’s retainer.

Peri: Don’t worry, I already warned him that Laslow can only be killed by me!

Laslow: Oh phew, I was gett-WAIT

Peri:Oh silly Laslow, I would never do that to you. Oh there’s Paix!

Paix: Get away from my mother you fiend!

Laslow: Wait what? I have done nothing wrong.

Paix: Lies, you were the one that massacred an entire village!

Peri: Laslow, how could you!

Laslow: I was with you the entire time Peri, it was not me!

Paix: You trying to get your way into Lord Xander’s heart and then you will murder him! You must be a spy, you can’t be a Nohrian!

Laslow: (How does he know I am not from Nohr. This is bad, very very bad)

Peri: Paix, stop! Laslow is not a bad guy!

Laslow: Peri watchout!

Peri: Gah, was that an arrow!

Jamil: Is that the guy who murdered the village?

Paix: Yes, and now we got him surrounded

Jamil: What is his name? I need to shout it loud enough as I avenge my brother!

Paix: His name is Inigo

Jamil: Isn’t he the guy who killed an entire Nohrian city? Looks like it’ my time to avenge the lives of thousands.

Paix: (Pathetic, he feel right for my lies, and my fake bounty. I don’t even know anyone named Inigo)

Laslow: How does he-- I mean stop right now Paix!

Paix: No you stop! This is your last dance Inigo!

Peri: Who’s this Inigo guy Laslow? It’s not you right?

Laslow: Certainly not! I will go gather up the army!

Peri: I can’t wait to go on my daily killing spree!

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Mozu's son,

Name: Itsuki

Class: Monk

Talent: Apothecary

Background and personality: Itsuki was a very sickly and feeble child and was left to die in the deeprealms after abandoned by carers. The boy was then raised by the animals of the woodland, learning to have a complete worship for nature and understand animals fluently. Although he is very weak, he will put his life before these animals and his paralogue would probably entail bandits coming to deforest the place and kill the animals and he would stand up and be captured to be saved. He has a very shy and timid tongue like his mother. He climbs the most trees.

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I'm going to another one for a Hoshido character since I did one for Nohr.

Name: Achal

Mother: Rinkah

Class: Oni Savage (because only getting one of these without reclassing annoys me)

Personal Skill: Fiery Soul-When HP is not full, Def +4

Description-As a child, he was very restless and often got into fights. He always had a sturdy body and is able to take hits that would leave most people crippled. He admires his mother's strength and challenges her to duals often. While not a troublemaker, he can be very stubborn and will wander off on his own to look for fights if he is kept waiting too long. His paralogue would revolve around him leaving his Deepreal against his parents instructions and challenging a gang of brigands by himself. Has the densest bones.

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Not the best at creating original characters so here I go:

Name: Tobias

Mother: Effie

Class: Caviler (Horse is named Orbit)

Personal Skill: Rectify- Increases defense and speed by 6 for 3 turns if the user is hit by an attack with 25% hit or less.

Description: In the Deeprealms, Tobias is a knight who protects the small village he was raised in that Effie and her husband trusted. Tobias has an unhealthy habit of making sure his tasks were completed without any minor errors. When he completes tasks with the smallest of errors, he would go out of his way to make up for those mistakes for his clients such as willing to have his own pay check reduced and in one incident offered a family of 18 he rescued from bandits to stay in his 4 roomed cottage for 2 weeks after their home was burned down before he arrived which they planned on moving from anyway. He has the cleanest teeth in the army and is birthday is 25/09.

Paralogue "Knight of Remedy" : The chapter begins with Effie visiting her son in the Deeprealms, their reunion is cut short when Effie is struck by an arrow from a group of invaders. Despite Effie not receiving a single scratch, Tobias goes out of his way to fend off the invaders on his own prompting his mother stop him from getting himself killed. In his supports with Effie, he says that the reason for his habit of putting things right was due to how he believes his blunders would make him unforgivable and distant by his close ones. However, Effie explains that making blunders doesn't make you a horrible person, apologizes for her absence and tells him that accepting your faults is one of the strongest things you can do.

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