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Fire Emblem Fates Appreciation Thread


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Basically, I'm creating this thread for one purpose: to give me the necessary closure I need to convince me that the Fire Emblem community hasn't all gone straight to hell since Fire Emblem Fates' release. In Nintendo's most recently released Fire Emblem Fates YouTube video: Fire Emblem Fates - A Tale of Two Families: Revelation (Here's the link:)

I posted a very passionate and rant-like comment on how I was sick of all of the negativity that has been geared towards the localization of Fire Emblem Fates, and how it seems to me that the people who are actually fine with NoA's localization of Fire Emblem Fates are stuck as a nonvocal minority, due to the mainstream belief on places like YouTube and Twitter being that NoA has done a terrible job of localizing the game and has basically ruined it. I'm sick of constantly seeing all of this negativity, which is why I am creating this thread. In essence, this thread is a place where people can post things they like about NoA's localization and point out the things they did well, rather than the bad. When you make a post on this thread (which I really hope becomes a popular one), here's what you can expect:

- A positive outlook on Fire Emblem Fates despite the controversy it went through.

- No prejudice against people who have different opinions on changes or altercations in the game.

- A peaceful environment, free from hate and overly-harsh judgement.

When you make a post, it should generally fit the guidelines of "I like Fire Emblem Fates, because...". It should be meaningful and positive, yet simple. Here's an example:

"I like Fire Emblem Fates, because I think the English dubbing for Xander and Elise in the Mingled Tears cut-scene in Chapter 26 of Birthright was done really well."

Also, if you want to go in-depth as to why you believe this, that's more than welcome. Like this:

"Dubbing for Anime cut-scenes in which the character's mouths match the words they're saying in their original language is much more difficult than what you might expect from regular Anime, and the dubbing team handled that one particular cut-scene flawlessly."

If you want to include a funny phrase or picture with your post, that is also perfectly fine. I always enjoy seeing all of the funny stuff the Serenes community comes up with.

Fire Emblem Fates is a fantastic game with a beautiful story and incredible gameplay mechanics, and we shouldn't let a few screw-ups that happened during localization hold it back. We may be a vocal minority, but I'd at least like to give the Serenes Forest community a chance to show some gratefulness for the many ways in which NoA didn't screw it up. Hopefully, this thread will become a place where hostility and aggression towards a great game are a thing of the past, and we can all show some well-deserved and long-overdue appreciation for what is one of the greatest titles on the Nintendo 3DS and a worthy installment to the Fire Emblem franchise. Please, help me be a proud member of the Fire Emblem community once more.


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Story's kinda meh (I've played much worse, but it's certainly nothing special) but the gameplay is top quality in my opinion and the cast of characters is my overall favourite (especially Azura, Oboro, Ryoma and Harold). The music is amazing, I love the new classes and the re-vamped weapons triangle and weapon balance (debuffs instead of durability) is much better than the previous system in my opinion.

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Here, I'll get it started by making the first post:

I like Fire Emblem Fates, because the moments when the Avatar walked in on the opposite gender in the Hot Springs were not removed or in any way altered, and stayed loyal to their original content and mechanics. This is due to the fact that I thought these might also get taken out along with a lot of the other suggestive content that didn't make the cut, but they miraculously stayed, and were translated flawlessly.http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/dsps0etrxul8vthlwfgm.png

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Story's kinda meh (I've played much worse, but it's certainly nothing special) but the gameplay is top quality in my opinion and the cast of characters is my overall favourite (especially Azura, Oboro, Ryoma and Harold). The music is amazing, I love the new classes and the re-vamped weapons triangle and weapon balance (debuffs instead of durability) is much better than the previous system in my opinion.

I'm glad to hear that, but that's not exactly what I'm going for. Specifically, I'm asking you to make a post about things that NoA did right when they were localizing the game (good voice acting, well-done translations, etc.). Still, I'm glad that you like the game so much.

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I have no complaints lol.

Fates really did deliver everything I wanted, the gameplay feels super tight, every new gimmick or modification works flawlessly, the game just looks beautiful and sounds even better, the characters are fun and engaging (sometimes literally wink wink nudge nudge), and it has a plot that does plot things.

The games are fun enough that despite my original intention of "only buy conquest because fuck pokemon splits" I wound up snagging all 3 routes, not for "collect em all!!!" but just to play more fates and I was really pleasantly surprised to find 2 standalone incredibly solid games and 1 top tier crack pairing generator (Jk Rev is fun).

Localization wise, I don't obsessively pour over moonrunes, could not care less outside of "Man I'm really glad I don't have to wear my *buying some condom's* face when I purchase this srpg".

Edited by joshcja
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As far as I'm concerned, the translation and localization is all A-OK. I never found myself going, "wow, I bet the original dialogue here was so much better"--even the infamous "..." support was totally in-character. I have but one gripe with the supporting-ness, and it's in no way the fault of the localization. I actually like the replacement for face-petting--non-waifu characters benefit the most from it, but the scene progression for waifu characters seems much better than petting right from the outset and never doing anything else.

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I think they did a good job localizing the game. Gameplay wise, I'm glad that you have to think more and that low manning is less of a thing and the gameplay mechanics in this game is awesome. I can tell that they put a lot of thought into balancing things. Would definitely like to see more of this in the future.

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Arthur's voice is perfect. Whoever is behind it, I doubt they could have found a better match for his character. Arthur isn't the only one whose voice acting I like, but he definitely stands out.

Azura's singing has been growing on me for a while, too. I had mixed feelings when I first heard it in trailers, but I really like it now. I still think some of the lyrics read kind of awkwardly, but translating it into English while keeping the original music couldn't have been an easy job, and she makes it sound good.

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Since I'm the lazy mod on SF, I'll do this here: TC, don't double-post. Please read the Code of Conduct.

Ahem. . .

There's so many. . .OPTIONS in this game! Everyone has something that they can do, whether it be tanking, straight DPS, or funny gimmicks. The weapons feel a lot more balanced, and archers aren't dead weight. Counter works a lot better when it's on an enemy, and the new magical counter means that I can't mindlessly try to blow up 'zerkers with spells.

In terms of gameplay, Fates is amazing.

Edited by eclipse
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The confession scenes and My Room lines were very well done, well written and well voiced for the most part.

As much as I don't like a lot of the localization changes and voicing, the confessions and My Room dialogue was mostly spot on.

Edited by XaosLogos
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TC, thanks for making this

I love darn near everything about this game tbh. My only complaints are nitpicks at best, since I don't play FE for plot.

I once said that if I got an FE game with characters that have as much depth as 7s as well as map design akin to 7, and the mechanics of Awakening, that game would INSTANTLY be my favorite, and Fates does just that.

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"You know what this place needs? KITTEN POSTERS!" yks0vRK.png


ty for the diabetes Soleil. The entire VA cast did a spot on job on portraying their respective characters IMO - there isn't one voice I didn't like (Nyx was the only exception at first, but the tone gradually grew on me).

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I can't sit here and say its was such a great localization in an effort to be apart of the positivity crowd because it'd be dishonest of me. What NoA did to the localization hurt me in a way that made me feel as though I am incapable of perceiving right and wrong—insulted.

I am however, forever an optimist and fully capable of appreciating what I have in front of me even after the fact it was botched. There is without a doubt more than enough things about the game to love and enjoy but the mindset behind the localization is definitely not something I would encourage.

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I can't sit here and say its was such a great localization in an effort to be apart of the positivity crowd because it'd be dishonest of me. What NoA did to the localization hurt me in a way that made me feel as though I am incapable of perceiving right and wrong—insulted.

I am however, forever an optimist and fully capable of appreciating what I have in front of me even after the fact it was botched. There is without a doubt more than enough things about the game to love and enjoy but the mindset behind the localization is definitely not something I would encourage.

You have something nice to say? Say it here. You want to be bitter? GET OUT.

Anyone else that tries this sort of passive-aggressive nonsense here will be warned, because there ARE things to appreciate in Fates, and TC specifically asked for the good in Fates.

(and it will not be a light warning, either)


Mod yelling over.

Fates finally gave me a reason to use the X button, in the form of Chapter 17 Conquest. When I wasn't being super-vigilant about ranges, someone squishy died. Once I paid attention to every last range indicator, things went a lot more smoothly.

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I'll join this train.

I love what they did to Soliel and Forrest's conversations in the localization. The Japanese version has Soliel harassing Forrest. The localization has a conversation about hair. I don't know about others but I'll take hair over harassment any day.

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Alright, I took some time to cool off and think about what I've done and I'd like to apologize to the OP for my negativity.

I came into the thread initially wanting to pour out what I loved about Fates but that love ended up getting lost in my resentment for NoA and as a result my original post is what happened. I saw today that the moon is reaching it's full shine and I noticed around this time emotions tend to be intense, not just for me but for many others too. But this is beside the point.

To be absolutely clear, I am in love with this game despite it's flaws. I've been playing the Special Edition whenever I had free time since the day I picked it up on release day and I have yet to stop. Norh do I want to. I already purchased map pack 1 on day 1 without thinking and I'll readily do the same for the 2nd batch and thereafter.

So to make amends here are some of the things I actually really like about the game:

1) Silas is now my absolute favorite FE character. He's such a good bro. GOAT for me.

2) I really, really love that weapon duration is no longer a thing.

3) Weapon forging feels more like proper weapon forging.

4) Daggers/Shurikens—the unique ones most especially

5) The inclusion of throwing swords—Kodachi/Parasol

6) The Shining Bow with it's 1~2 range

7) The Seal skills.

8) The Dragon Veins, while a bit gimmicky, gives royal blood some sort of purpose in battle and I appreciate this a lot. (I am aware that eventually an item will arrive that may allow every unit to do this).

9) The map environment is now much more accurately depicted in nearly every battle scene and it contributes immensely to immersion.

10) To add to number 9 the battle scenes themselves are now much more animated and lively and I find myself rarely turning on "Skip all" as a result.

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1) I loved the maps. Also, how they "zoom in" and show the exact part of the map you are fighting on! In Awakening no matter where you were, everyone would always fight on the same patch of grass.

2) The weapon triangle is back and is meaningful.

3) Even with a different name, Lancer/Halberdier class is back!

4) My Castle is pretty good, but it should have more importance on the plot.

5) Accessories are cool as well, except for their ridiculously high prices. If at least you could keep them between saves...

6) Removal of durability. I had doubts about this, but I'm now actually using those weapons instead of stockpiling them!

7) 2D Character animations. I just wish they would be available to see in the Support Log as well.

8) More save slots.

9) Much improved and better Pair Up.

10) 3 Fire Emblem games in one month. What else needs to be said? Although I only played Conquest so far.

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Let's see...

- I love all the new weapons and classes. Hoshido's side especially makes it interesting.The Shining Bow is my favorite weapon. I spent forever on my castle just to get one available because I wanted my Sakura to be amazing and still be an archer. I love how it's 1-2 range like similar weapons.

- I love the My Castle feature. It gave me so much more to do although I feel like walking through the map like in Awakening was sacrificed for it in a way since all the shops are in your castle. Oh well, it saved me the walking and finding.

- I love how I can actually interact with other castles and play with others online. I haven't actually done so but the fact I can interact at all with the games of my friends from overseas makes me quite happy.

- The new skills are all so interesting. I also like how more accessible, in a way, it is to get them. I felt really limited in Awakening.

- Weapon forging feels more meaningful to me now that durability is gone. I also appreciate how clearly visible it is with the +#s.

- I like how the Hero class looks in comparison to Awakening.

- I like how a lot of the generic units look now actually. The capture feature is a charm too which I can see me trying more of in the future.

Eh, that's all I can think of. Everyone else brought up some wonderful points.

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I love a lot of things about this game,

The gameplay, the characters...a lot of it.

Honestly, I like the dub as well.

Kaden, in particular has the best english voice in the game!

And I have no problems with the localization.

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