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Cutest/prettiest/most attractive FE girls~

Magical Glace

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I think we've had a topic like this a while back.

Anyway, for me, I find characters like Hana and (young) Mia to be the cutest, due to their optimism. Even in wartime, people need some levity to reduce the damage from stress.

I find characters like Camilla and Linde to be the prettiest, probably because I love their hairstyles. I'd say the same in terms of attractive girls, since you can't have prettiness without attractiveness.

Edited by Tessie Spoon
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And I commented on the other topic to see that you made one.

Anywho, no particular order.

1. Palla

2. Elincia

3. Ninian

4. Tana

5. Malice

6. Calill

7. Soleil

8. L'arachel

9. Igrene

10. Charlotte

HM: goes to Maribelle, Reina, Eirika, Isadora, and Rinkah.

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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I think I'll do mine by game, I haven't played Shadow Dragon or Fates so here they are:

Binding Blade: Cutest: Lilina, Prettiest: Cecilia

Blazing Sword: Cutest: Nino, Prettiest: Ninian

Sacred Stones: Cutest: Neimi, Prettiest: Between Eirika and Tana

Path of Radiance: Cutest: Mist or Jill, Prettiest: Elincia or Lucia

Radiant Dawn: Cutest: Mist, Prettiest: Micaiah

Awakening: Cutest: Nowi or Cynthia, Prettiest: Lucina or Severa or Cordelia

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Top Ten:

Micaiah, Nowi, Nah, Tiki, Nyx, Camilla, Celica, Rinka, Anna, Lyn.

Honorable Mentions:

Azura, Velouria, Kinu, Ninian, Elincia, Tharja.

Edited by Jin
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I've only really played Blazing Sword, Radiant Dawn and Awakening so I'll probably be missing out some favourites:

Cynthia, Florina, Serra, Rebecca, Mist, Panne, Lyn, Maribelle, Cherche, Elincia, Nephenee, Leanne

It is hard to narrow it down, there are so many great characters. And loads of them have really cute supports, or are highly optamistic despite bleak circumstances, or have a nobel heart, maybe they even have all of them. Personality was a pretty big part in narrowing it down, it really helps make a character stand out as being especially cute. At least to me anyway.

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I have seen characters that looked completely different (and much, much more attractive) in fan art than in their respective games or official artwork, but I won't count fan art.

FE1/3/11/12: Shiida

FE6: Lilina

FE8: Eirika

FE9/10: Titania, Mia, Elincia, Micaiah

FE13: Lucina, Cherche, Adult Tiki

FE14: Azura, Kagero, Hana, Camilla, Ophelia, Lilith

Fates really does have a lot of cuties, though. Ophelia is possibly the cutest/hottest character in the series in my opinion.

I am, of course, going strictly by looks here.

Edited by I fight for my friends.
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I'll do a top ten like in the guys thread.

1. Elincia

2. Azura

3. Fiora

4. Sigrun

5. Titania

6. Elise

7. Jill

8. Leanne

9. Tana

10. Some of Female Robin's options

Tellius has a lot of lovely ladies and gents!

Edited by Anacybele
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Not in any order whatsoever:










Tiki (Not Awakening/adult version)




...At least that's from the top of my head right now.

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In no particular order (Except for the top 5):

1. Sakura

2. Lucina

3. Tiki (Both pre-Awakneing and during Awakening)

4. Emmeryn

5. Leanne

6. Ninian

7. Tanith + Marcia (I can't decide)

8. Natasha

9. Camilla

10. Heather

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Prettiest: Caeda, Palla, Linde

Cutest: Maria, Tiki


Prettiest: Ethlyn, Adean, Ira, Deirdre, Lachesis, Fury, Briggid, Ishtar

Cutest: Tiltyu


Prettiest: Clarine, Tate, Cecilia, Igrene, Sofiya

Cutest: Lilina, Dorothy *shot*


Prettiest: Lyn, Lucius, Priscilla, Fiora, Ninian, Louise, Karla, Ursula

Cutest: Florina, Nino


Prettiest: Eirika, Vanessa, Natasha, Tana, Marisa, L'Arachel, Syrene, Selena

Cutest: Myrrh


Prettiest: Titiania, Sigrun, Leanne, Calill, Lucia, Elincia

Cutest: Mist, Mia, Ilyana, Nephenee


Prettiest: Micaiah, Jill, Elincia, Lucia, Ilyana, Calill, Nephenee, Heather, Titania, Mia, Sigrun, Tanith, Leanne

Cutest: Laura


Prettiest: Miriel, Maribelle, Cordelia, Cherche, Tiki, Lucina, Severa

Cutest: Sumia, Nowi


Prettiest: Azura, Mikoto, Setsuna, Caeldori, Camilla, Selena, Flora,

Cutest: Felicia, Sakura, Kana, Elise, Ophelia

Edited by Quintessence
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Here are mine


Lyn, Louise, Ninian

FE8: (admitadley didn't play this one too much but...)

Eirika is pretty



















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I think I'll stick to "in general" lists in terms of attractiveness...

Blazing Sword

1: Limstella 2: Leila 3: Lyn 4: Karla

Sacred Stones

1: L'Arachel 2: Erika 3: Marisa 4: Syrene 5: Tana

Path of Radiance

1: Astrid 2: Nephenee 3: Elincia 4: Jill 5: Ilyana

Radiant Dawn

1: Micaiah 2: Nephenee 3: Jill 4: Elincia 5: Astrid* 6: Laura 7: Mist 8: Ilyana

Honorable Mentions: Lyre, Vika

*What did they do to your normal portrait! Your PoR one is far superior!...

Shadow Dragon

1: Linde 2: Caeda 3: Lena 4: Nagi

Honorable Mention: Maria (Is she reincarnated as Sakura? I just noticed their similarity...)


1: Cherche* 2:Olivia 3: F!Robin** 4: Cynthia 5: Tiki 6: Lucina

Honorable Mentions: Sumia, Cordelia, Lissa, DLC!Celica

Adorable: F!Morgan

* I don't care much for the official artwork, but I ended up marrying Cherche on my main file.

** Default, the other options are nice too.


1: Ophelia* 2:F!Corrin 3: Flora 4: Felcia 5: Hana 6: Caeldori 7: Azura 8: Selena 9: Elise 10: Sakura 11: Mozu

Honorable Mentions: Scarlet

Adorable: F!Kana

* However, her voice is starting to get to me as of late, and I'm reconsidering if I want to marry her in my endgame file...

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