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Fates OST info


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The official music CDs have music from my castle, amibo battles, DLC content (including memories of bubbles/foam).

It also has instrumentals to some of the more iconic music in the game.



Edited by lucisferre
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The cheapest I could find was on Play-Asia for 79.99 USD. Tempting and I have around $500 I can burn.

Damn, the conflict is strong. I don't want to end up regretting this later.

Edited by AddictPunk
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The cheapest I could find was on Play-Asia for 79.99 USD. Tempting and I have around $500 I can burn.

Damn, the conflict is strong. I don't want to end up regretting this later.

I recommend CD Japan or Amazon.jp



Cheaper than play-asia.

Edit: Updated Url for amazon.

Edited by kingddd
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I recommend CD Japan or Amazon.jp



Cheaper than play-asia.

Amazon's the way to go if you want everything as well.

Please make sure to use the link I posted instead, as there is two versions on Amazon.


The one I linked comes with the bonus clear file.

Edited by Draxal
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I'm getting mine from AmiAmi since I always order stuff from their site. Except that their pre-orders are closed now and they take a bit longer to ship even if you choose the most fastest option, being EMS (3-7 days). They just sent me an email asking for payment today so there is a time gap between paying, payment confirmation, and finally shipping.

Just another thing to keep in mind if anyone is curious about the shipping at AmiAmi :>

Edited by carefreejules
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And the package is beyond huge, and the first printing can badges are SHINNNNNEY.

I didn't now that includes badges!

I preordered it somedays ago thanks to a online-store, I probably will receive mine along with my IK Anthology in 2 weeks... Ugh I can't wait to have it with me, want to hear the music. Btw it supposed to have like a booklet right? How it is? It have something interesting?

Edited by SniperGYS
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Mine shipped yesterday from CDJapan and arrived today! I've listened to most of it now except for disc 7-8. The DLC stuff is stuff we haven't heard yet like Shigure singing.

That was quick. Which shipping did you pay for?

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Is there any news on whether or not we will get a western release for the soundtrack, considering some of the songs like End of All, Lost in Thoughts, and the dances for Nohr and Hoshido were translated to English for the west?

Edited by Tolvir
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My soundtrack arrived yesterday, but I picked it up today. Had a great workout while listening to it!

Also, I ordered mine from CD Japan.

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Well, looks like I had to wait a little longer as I ordered mine from YesAsia with free shipping, but my OST finally arrived today and I'm super excited about it and need to share that with someone. The discs are beautiful and overall it's a great package! Very pleased with it. Looking forward to listening to it.

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