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I was reading about Fire Emblem and I found in Serenes Forest probably the most interesting unused content of FE.

Boyd x Brom
Boyd x Ike
Boyd x Rolf
Boyd x Mist
Boyd x Oscar
Boyd x Titania
Boyd x Ulki
Boyd x Mia
Aran x Laura
Aran x Makalov
Aran x Micaiah
Aran x Mordecai
Aran x Nealuchi
Aran x Nolan
Aran x Sothe
Aran x Danved
Caineghis x Elincia
Caineghis x Giffca
Caineghis x Ike
Caineghis x Kyza
Caineghis x Ranulf
Caineghis x Renning
Caineghis x Lyre
Caineghis x Mist
Caineghis x Mordecai
Caineghis x Nailah
Caineghis x Lethe
Caineghis x Skrimir
Caineghis x Stefan
Caineghis x Titania
Calill x Geoffrey
Calill x Heather
Calill x Muarim
Calill x Nephenee
Calill x Soren
Calill x Tauroneo
Calill x Tormod
Calill x Mia
Calill x Danved
Brom x Elincia
Brom x Heather
Brom x Janaff
Brom x Meg
Brom x Nephenee
Brom x Zihark
Shinon x Gatrie
Shinon x Ike
Shinon x Janaff
Shinon x Rhys
Shinon x Rolf
Shinon x Mist
Shinon x Oscar
Shinon x Sigrun
Shinon x Titania
Edward x Leanne
Edward x Leonardo
Edward x Micaiah
Edward x Nolan
Edward x Sanaki
Edward x Stefan
Edward x Sothe
Ilyana x Gatrie
Ilyana x Laura
Ilyana x Lucia
Ilyana x Micaiah
Ilyana x Mordecai
Ilyana x Oscar
Ilyana x Mia
Ilyana x Zihark
Ena x Gatrie
Ena x Gareth
Ena x Kurthnaga
Ena x Leanne
Ena x Mist
Ena x Nasir
Ena x Volug
Ena x Rafiel
Elincia x Geoffrey
Elincia x Ike
Elincia x Kieran
Elincia x Ranulf
Elincia x Leanne
Elincia x Renning
Elincia x Lucia
Elincia x Marcia
Elincia x Mist
Elincia x Nephenee
Elincia x Nailah
Elincia x Pelleas
Elincia x Sanaki
Elincia x Tibarn
Elincia x Bastian
Fiona x Laura
Fiona x Leanne
Fiona x Leonardo
Fiona x Micaiah
Fiona x Pelleas
Fiona x Tanith
Fiona x Tauroneo
Fiona x Danved
Gatrie x Marcia
Gatrie x Mist
Gatrie x Muarim
Gatrie x Oscar
Gatrie x Rafiel
Gatrie x Astrid
Geoffrey x Kieran
Geoffrey x Kyza
Geoffrey x Renning
Geoffrey x Lucia
Geoffrey x Bastian
Giffca x Gareth
Giffca x Kyza
Giffca x Ranulf
Giffca x Lyre
Giffca x Mordecai
Giffca x Lethe
Giffca x Skrimir
Giffca x Tauroneo
Giffca x Bastian
Gareth x Janaff
Gareth x Kurthnaga
Gareth x Renning
Gareth x Nasir
Gareth x Vika
Haar x Heather
Haar x Jill
Haar x Makalov
Haar x Volug
Haar x Pelleas
Haar x Sigrun
Haar x Tauroneo
Heather x Lucia
Heather x Mist
Heather x Nephenee
Heather x Vika
Heather x Volke
Ike x Kurthnaga
Ike x Ranulf
Ike x Micaiah
Ike x Mist
Ike x Nasir
Ike x Nailah
Ike x Oscar
Ike x Lethe
Ike x Reyson
Ike x Soren
Ike x Sothe
Ike x Titania
Ike x Tibarn
Ike x Volke
Ike x Mia
Ike x Zihark
Janaff x Lucia
Janaff x Oscar
Janaff x Tibarn
Janaff x Vika
Janaff x Ulki
Jill x Mist
Jill x Nealuchi
Jill x Lethe
Jill x Sigrun
Jill x Tauroneo
Jill x Zihark
Kieran x Rhys
Kieran x Renning
Kieran x Lyre
Kieran x Marcia
Kieran x Oscar
Kieran x Reyson
Rhys x Rolf
Rhys x Mist
Rhys x Nailah
Rhys x Oscar
Rhys x Titania
Rhys x Ulki
Rhys x Mia
Kyza x Ranulf
Kyza x Lyre
Kyza x Meg
Kyza x Mordecai
Kyza x Muarim
Kyza x Zihark
Kurthnaga x Micaiah
Kurthnaga x Nasir
Kurthnaga x Pelleas
Kurthnaga x Skrimir
Kurthnaga x Sothe
Laura x Meg
Laura x Micaiah
Laura x Nealuchi
Laura x Nolan
Laura x Tanith
Ranulf x Lyre
Ranulf x Mordecai
Ranulf x Lethe
Ranulf x Skrimir
Ranulf x Tibarn
Ranulf x Zihark
Leanne x Leonardo
Leanne x Naesala
Leanne x Nealuchi
Leanne x Nailah
Leanne x Oliver
Leanne x Sanaki
Leanne x Tibarn
Renning x Lucia
Renning x Bastian
Renning x Vika
Leonardo x Micaiah
Leonardo x Nolan
Leonardo x Pelleas
Leonardo x Skrimir
Leonardo x Sothe
Lyre x Nephenee
Lyre x Pelleas
Lyre x Lethe
Lyre x Astrid
Lyre x Titania
Lyre x Zihark
Rolf x Marcia
Rolf x Mist
Rolf x Oscar
Rolf x Rafiel
Rolf x Tauroneo
Lucia x Astrid
Lucia x Bastian
Makalov x Marcia
Makalov x Naesala
Makalov x Astrid
Makalov x Bastian
Makalov x Volke
Marcia x Sigrun
Marcia x Astrid
Marcia x Tanith
Marcia x Ulki
Meg x Micaiah
Meg x Nephenee
Meg x Astrid
Meg x Vika
Meg x Ulki
Meg x Zihark
Micaiah x Naesala
Micaiah x Nailah
Micaiah x Nolan
Micaiah x Volug
Micaiah x Rafiel
Micaiah x Soren
Micaiah x Skrimir
Micaiah x Stefan
Micaiah x Sothe
Micaiah x Tauroneo
Micaiah x Tormod
Mist x Oscar
Mist x Titania
Mist x Mia
Mordecai x Oliver
Mordecai x Lethe
Mordecai x Stefan
Mordecai x Ulki
Mordecai x Danved
Mordecai x Zihark
Muarim x Lethe
Muarim x Sothe
Muarim x Titania
Muarim x Tormod
Muarim x Vika
Muarim x Zihark
Naesala x Nealuchi
Naesala x Oliver
Naesala x Rafiel
Naesala x Reyson
Naesala x Sanaki
Naesala x Sothe
Naesala x Tibarn
Naesala x Vika
Nasir x Stefan
Nasir x Volke
Nasir x Ulki
Nealuchi x Nolan
Nealuchi x Rafiel
Nealuchi x Reyson
Nealuchi x Tauroneo
Nealuchi x Vika
Nephenee x Pelleas
Nephenee x Danved
Nephenee x Zihark
Nailah x Volug
Nailah x Rafiel
Nailah x Reyson
Nailah x Tibarn
Nolan x Sothe
Oliver x Rafiel
Oliver x Reyson
Oliver x Tanith
Oliver x Tormod
Oliver x Danved
Volug x Rafiel
Volug x Soren
Volug x Tormod
Volug x Mia
Oscar x Tanith
Oscar x Titania
Oscar x Mia
Pelleas x Tauroneo
Rafiel x Tibarn
Lethe x Sanaki
Lethe x Skrimir
Lethe x Zihark
Reyson x Tanith
Reyson x Tibarn
Reyson x Tormod
Reyson x Ulki
Sanaki x Sigrun
Sanaki x Tanith
Soren x Skrimir
Soren x Stefan
Soren x Titania
Sigrun x Skrimir
Sigrun x Tanith
Skrimir x Tibarn
Skrimir x Mia
Stefan x Vika
Sothe x Astrid
Sothe x Tormod
Sothe x Volke
Tauroneo x Volke
Tauroneo x Zihark
Titania x Tibarn
Tibarn x Ulki
Tibarn x Mia
Tormod x Vika
Tormod x Danved
Bastian x Volke

This is a list of the supports that would be featured in FE 10,for some whatever reason the developers decided to cut this (probably time reasons) and we had some generic supports conversation,if we can call this supports.I found this list at Serenes Forest itself,it was found on the game data,but there wasn't found a thing of these supports. So I am here to propose a game,Why don't we start making supports for FE 10 and see what we could have got!

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Glaceon started an RD fan support thread in the writing section, you can refer to that one. :)

What was actually going to happen in RD is that the C and B supports would be rather generic while the A supports would be more fleshed out, so I only wrote an A support for Ike x Elincia instead of all three. I gave them an ending as well because I'm too much of an Ike x Elincia fanatic not to. lol I also planned to write A supports for Kieran x Marcia and Boyd x Mia, but I still don't quite have an idea of what to do for them yet... -_- I mean, I have the concepts I want to use, but I don't know how to put them in words.

EDIT: Here, went and got the link to the thread for ya. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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This sounds like it could be fun:

Mia x Skrimir

Support C :

Skrimir: Hmm... Hey! You there! Skinny Beorc girl!

Mia: !? Are you talking to me?

Skrimir: Yes, I'm talking to you, the girl that thinks that she can fight up front like the strong! What are you doing fighting on the frontlines? You should be staying back and supporting the strong. People like you have no use on the frontlines.

Mia: What!? How can you say that!? I'm plenty strong! I train everyday to keep myself in tip-top shape! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean that I shouldn't be fighting in the fray!

Skrimir: You may think you're strong, and perhaps by Beorc standards you are, but towards the might of laguz, you are nothing.

Mia: Oh yeah? We'll see about that, let's have at it, right here! Right now!

Skrimir: Hahaha. You will regret this little beorc girl.

Support B

Skrimir: ...

Mia: ... So how did you like that!? You lost. Just like all the rest of them. Typical. Men like you never cease to amaze me; you have a lot of bravado until you're beaten, and then you sulk there silently in the corners as if I took your manhood.

Skrimir: I don't understand, how can one of your size possess so much strength? You aren't very powerful, but you are extraordinarily difficult to fight. Every attack I made towards you felt like I couldn't even touch you, as if you could read my movements.

Mia: Training. Lots and lots of training. It's clear from the way you fight, that you don't actually really KNOW how to fight, but instead rely on your opponents being intimidated by your presence. You'll never actually defeat an opponent that's properly trained or even simply a veteran fighter.

Skrimir: Laguz do not have to fight, we simply sharpen our claws, bare our fangs and fight.

Mia: So you're telling me that you've never once sparred against someone to better yourself or understand your bodily movements better?

Skrimir: Bah! I know my body. I simply ride the winds and move in such a way that I do not need to understand my body more than I already do!

Mia: Do you? Because if you did, you wouldn't have had such a difficult time against me.

Skrimir: (Hmph).

Mia: (Wait a minute, white robes, he does wear white...! Could he actually be my rival!? The fierce opponent I was told about all these years!? I always assumed it would be a fellow swordsmen and a beorc, but... What if...?)

Mia: Okay then, if you know your body so well, prove it to me! See if you can best me!

Skrimir: Very well little beorc! You shall see the might of a laguz! This time I'm on to your tricks!

Support A

Mia: Phew. That... Was intense! I can't believe it Skrimir, but I have to say, that was much improved from last time.

Skrimir: You see? Little-- Mia, I know my body quite well! I am the heir to Gallia, I cannot lose.

Mia: Ah, but I don't recall you actually winning that little tussle either.

Skrimir: That was only a technicality! If I hadn't destroyed that tree and knocked over the tents, I most certainly would have won.

Mia: So you say, but there's no way I would have lost, you only knocked that tree over because I was too quick for you to touch!

Skrimir: Oh, so are you saying I never touched you at all? And who was it that was over at the healer asking for a spell or two?

Mia: Ha! That's customary after a good match to receive some rejuvenation! And what about you? I could have sworn I saw you with a salve or two after that! Heck, you looked relieved that we didn't have to fight any longer between all of those heavy pants!

Skrimir: ...

Mia: ...

Skrimir: Tomorrow. We settle this. At sunrise. No one will be in our way this time.

Skrimir leaves

Mia: Yes! He MUST be my rival! I can't wait for this! I've waited so many years for this! I... I ... Need to get my sword ready!

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Glaceon started an RD fan support thread in the writing section, you can refer to that one. :)

What was actually going to happen in RD is that the C and B supports would be rather generic while the A supports would be more fleshed out, so I only wrote an A support for Ike x Elincia instead of all three. I gave them an ending as well because I'm too much of an Ike x Elincia fanatic not to. lol I also planned to write A supports for Kieran x Marcia and Boyd x Mia, but I still don't quite have an idea of what to do for them yet... -_- I mean, I have the concepts I want to use, but I don't know how to put them in words.

I didn't now about this thread,it has some really good supports,I should move this topic there..I'll do it later.I also have some concepts,I am trying to put these in words to participate here.

Oddly enough I just finished a support for Edward X Oliver.But it isn't on the list.When I finish other I will post it here

Edited by Ace Pelleas
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