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Advice on Conquest pairings?


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OK, so after finishing Conquest a few days ago, I've decided to have a second run of it, so I can use the characters I benched and get the children that I missed the first time. I don't care which marriges are optimal or anything like that, just which support convos would you say are the best for these characters? Which describe the characters best or are the most enjoyable, etc.

So, the characters I'm using for sure are:











And possibly Azura as a Pegasus Rider.

So, which of these character's supports do you think I should go for? It also doesn't have to just be the ones included here, you could have BerukaxKaze, or OdinxNyx etc.

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So, if you're looking for stuff that's just good writing. . .

- Odin/Laslow is interesting if you liked Awakening

- I haven't found a conversation with Selena that I liked

- Laslow/Peri's pretty cool

- Benny works pretty well with anyone. Ditto Mozu.

- Charlotte is hit-or-miss IMO, with a bias towards "hit". However, that's because I can't stand her character gimmick.

- I guess I'd go with Arthur/Effie?

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Benny x Beruka seems like another good choice as well. Arthur x Effie makes an outstanding Percy. I thought about trying out Xander x Mozu sometime. Maybe either in Revelations or a second run of Conquest.

Odin seems to work well with either Elise or Nyx.

Edited by MeddlingMage
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- I actually enjoyed Laslow x Male Corrin (not sure if it's the same with Female Corrin). Though to fully appreciate it, you must have played Awakening. There are a lot of suggestions/references Laslow makes that really change the mood of the conversation to something fairly serious, which is a nice break from his usual antics.

- Do not pair up Ophelia (Odin's child) with Soleil (Laslow's child). The C and B supports between the two are a big reason as to why Soleil is considered to be a controversial character. Most of her other supports are fine, though.

- Benny's an underrated character. I could just be biased towards his gimmick, but I like the supports I've seen from him thus far.

- I love Mozu with a lot of other characters. She was actually the first character I ever married in Fates, and I've liked her platonic supports as well. Like Eclipse said, there isn't really a character she works poorly with. Though then again, as someone who grew up in a community that strongly values hard manual labor and outdoor recreation, perhaps I'm biased.

- People say Nyx is another underrated character. Amusingly enough, even though she constantly reiterates that she's very old, people keep thinking she's a young girl. Well, most characters I've seen do, anyway. I don't know any good supports with her, but you might want to test the waters with her.

- Flora's a good character as well, but her supports are very limited. She also comes somewhat late-game, so you've got trouble if you're wanting to grind all her supports out. However, if you marry Flora, then you won't have to worry about screwing another unit out of having a kid.

- People seem to be obsessed with Velouria (Keaton's kid). She's a lot like Keaton, though with the added bonus of her strong affection for her father. It could be because she's a furry, but I don't hate her. To me, she seems like a dog in a humanoid form, which is fine because I like dogs. If you hate canines, then steer clear.

- Camilla isn't particularly overrated, though I think to say that she's the most well-written female character in Fates might be stretching it. Sort of like how she makes a certain other thing stretch in guys, hue hue hue.

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Arthur - I enjoy his supports with Azura (they turn out to have a childhood connection), Selena (she takes Arthur under her wing and attemps to fix his bad luck; if you take it to S-support she's the one to take iniative, which I like) or Effie

Odin - Odin/Laslow is great. His supports with Azura deal with their pasts and are quite sweet up through A-rank. His S-rank with Camilla is one of his stronger ones, although I also prefer him with Peri more than I do Laslow/Peri (Peri's more proactive in her supports with Odin).

Laslow - once again, I enjoy Laslow's supports with Azura (I like most of Azura's supports, evidently) for the dancer/singer connection. Laslow/Charlotte is amusing and they agree to an open relationship at the end of their S-support, which seems pretty mutually beneficial. Laslow/Mozu is super, super sweet and one of my favourites for Laslow, although probably not one of Mozu's best.

Benny - As someone who doesn't always like to chat, I can appreciate Benny/Beruka. Benny/Charlotte is pretty great as they evidently have history together and are at ease around each other.

Mozu - goes well with literally everyone; she has the best supports in the game, I think, so it's hard to single any out.

Selena - My Conquest favourites for her are Arthur (as mentioned above) and she also handles Laslow pretty well - at the very least, their A-support is amusing.

Camilla - I like Camilla with Niles for some of the background information on Camilla that it brings out. I also like Camilla/Kaze.

As for characters you haven't mentioned, support-wise I like Jakob/Nyx, Beruka/Kaze (as you say!), Niles/Elise.

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Another thing you might want to consider doing is supporting Gunter in this playthrough, as his supports are easy enough to get (he only supports Jakob and Corrin) and you can't really get them in any other route. Though if you don't have DLC to support grind, then you might want to just leave him out of it. Though because his base stats in Conquest are so high when he joins you, he never really ceases to be helpful.

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OK, so after finishing Conquest a few days ago, I've decided to have a second run of it, so I can use the characters I benched and get the children that I missed the first time. I don't care which marriges are optimal or anything like that, just which support convos would you say are the best for these characters? Which describe the characters best or are the most enjoyable, etc.

So, the characters I'm using for sure are:











And possibly Azura as a Pegasus Rider.

So, which of these character's supports do you think I should go for? It also doesn't have to just be the ones included here, you could have BerukaxKaze, or OdinxNyx etc.

Everyone does Laslow/Peri and personally I'm kinda sick of it so I recommend Laslow x Azura. Arthur has a good support with Azura too.

I really like Selena with Xander.

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Camilla and Keaton make a great Velouria, although tbh her supports with Niles are far better - Kaze's too.

Since I really like Siegbert having his canon blonde hair, I usually put Xander with Charlotte - the stats are good, Xander and Siegbert can get access to Charlottes classes which are great for strength builds.

I put Niles with Azura my first time around and it was sweet, but after I did Laslow/Azura I never went back. Both Shigure and Soleil are super strong for it and it's hilarious that Soleil's mother can sing and dance and so can her brother, and her father and grandmother are great dancers too....but then we have Soleil, who's the odd duck.

Nyx and Leo are good for Forrest's stats, although he and felicia work out fine as well.

Odin and Elise are adorable as heck AND make a great ophelia

Beruka and Benny make an Ignatius with crazy high defense and in their supports they're both quiet people, so they're comfortable with each other.

Arthur and Effie are easy to pair up for a crazy strong Percy - and I like that Effie encourages Arthur to just be himself.

Peri and Niles is interesting, although I too have trouble picking a husband for Peri in the first place

Silas works well with just about anyone in Nohr

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