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second sealing for stats?


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so i second sealed nowi earlier into a manakete again after she got to level 30 since none of her stats capped but im wondering, is this a good thing to do or is there something better? do i keep them at one class till all their stats cap, then once they do just go to another class and get all those stats capped too(not just with nowi, i mean with anyone)? i always use to just stop after level 20 then maybe second seal them, and if theyre a manakete i would just keep them at 30, but obviously that doesnt get you as far as you could go with stats.

so what should i do?

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For stats, capping is based on class. A general with cap Spd who second seals into a Swordmaster will no longer have cap Spd. But a Swordmaster with cap Spd who second seals into a general will have cap Spd.

Of course, capping only really matters in the last class (why would you bother leveling up Spd in Swordmaster if you were going to end up with capped Spd anyway in a different final class).

You can substitute any two classes for their comparisons (Manakete and whatever you considered to second seal to in terms of stat caps).

You're "something better" are skills from your class pool. Different classes offer different skills you can unlock on a character. You can accumulate as many skills as you have skills available under the equip skills menu (you can equip any 5 at a given time). Of course, you may experience limitations at first. Is dropping weapon rank/stats of one class worth the new skills and stats of the original class? That really depends on a lot of conditions that only you'll really know. Sometimes skills are extremely desirable (like galeforce) which trump the desire for milking stats until 20.

If you were grinding for an Apo team, then you would be second sealing until you had all 5 skills needed for that specific xenologue. Then cap all the relevant stats in your final class (example: Olivia doesn't need cap stats, but would appreciate special dance; example 2: your warrior doesn't need any magic unless you needed to squeeze +3 from pair up).

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