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Tiled map changes


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How exactly do I trigger a tile change using events if I made the map using Tiled?

I have a village that should be destroyed, and the destroyed village layer set up, but how do I actually get the tiles to change when a brigand destroys the village?

Also, when attempting to insert a map using the Tiled map inserter, I get an error message that says that the map changes have no ID. I set up all of the properties of the tile change layer, so I don't see why this would occur. I used Markyjoe1990's tutorial as a guide, and I am using a different version of Tiled than he did.

Edited by Nysing
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the changes for the village should be automatic if you used tiled. The destroyed village tile layer must be under the normal gate change version.

like so:


i have a hunch on your error message, for your x and y coordinates on the tile layers, the x and y has to be the same square, as in the upper left hand corner's square of your tile area, and not x being the upper left hand corner and the y being the lower right hand corner of your tile areas. if this is not the case, post an image of all but one of your tile layers active(checked, uncheck the main and other layers) that includes the properties in the image.

I'm also not sure if this is for FE7 or FE8, if this is for FE8, what I listed above may or may not work.

Edited by Rickochet
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Okay, can you tell me what the coordinates of the upper left hand corner of your destroyed village is? The first square should be 13,3. If not, you should make it so.

As for triggering a tilechange, like I said before, it should happen automatically. If you set up the events correctly, everything should be automatic.

Under location events in your events, you should have something like Village(0x20, village1, 13,5)

Replace "village1" with whatever is your label for your events, and 13,5 should be what you have based on what you have shown me. Then further down your event text file, maybe between Opening_event and Ending_event, you will have:

(Keep in mind, this is an example event, the listed values are arbituary. the actual numbers are based on whatever it is YOU want.



BACG 0x01

TEX1 0x808



If you have a similar setup, bandits pillaging the village should make it be "destroyed" automatically and when you have a unit visit the village, the event above should play and at the end of it the gate should close.

What version of Tiled are you using? It looks similar to the one I use and the one in MarkyJoe's guide with the exception of the boxes in a different layout.

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The corner of the tilechange is 13,3.

What I'm attempting to do is have the village destroyed before the chapter even starts. So a scripted scene occurs where an enemy walks over to a village and then it is destroyed. So a bandit never actually pillages it in game. The village won't be able to be visited because it will be destroyed in the opening scene.

I'm using the latest version of Tiled.

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You're certain that when you mouse over the upper left hand corner of your tilechange, it is 13,3? Because if thats the case, then everything should be insert just fine. Maybe try putting "Main" on your main layer's properties with a blank for the numbers. You can also zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel if you mouse over the mini map box, maybe you have a spare tile somewhere outside your screen.

For that, you would have to do a manual tile change, I don't remember the code for it off the top of my head but I know its in the ultimate tutorial and there are at least 2-3 other posts either here on SF or at FEU that deals with manual tile change. Though, I do know if you do it manually you will have to do make sure the sound effect and the "village has been pilfered" notification card has to be played manuallly as well. You'll have to find the offsets for these in the NMM read me files.

Similarly you could just start off the chapter with the bandits standing on top of a destroyed village and then cut to the dialogue to show the audience that it has been destroyed. The mind will fill in the rest. And it'll be less work for you in the long run.

Edited by Rickochet
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I'm not sure what else to tell you then. Try deleting all the layers except for the main one and then doing those layers again. Or if that doesn't work, try inserting that map into the ROM with only a main layer than once its inserted, do the layers and try to re-insert again and see if that works.

Try to narrow down to what you think may be causing the problem.

Edited by Rickochet
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