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Opinions on that Fire Emblem Fates character #1 - #65 (Check first page)


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Jakob is utterly amazing. It only took him until his Corrin C support to prove himself to be a manipulative, selfish and possessive piece of shit. Jakob probably scores higher then Tharja in my list of most hated characters because he seriously has the gall to claim that his willingness to kidnap a woman and forcing her into submission is proving his love. This would be a new low on it's own but he threatened Rinkah with kidnapping right after he rejected the idea that he could actually make a personal sacrifice for the sake of the relationship and move over to her. God, this guy is an entitled asshole.

Oh yeah, and he is a mediocre fighter and an awful healer unlike Felicia who at least excels on the latter. But I suppose he can't be too bad since he can nap himself a few high level skills early on if you play as a female Corrin.


Employee of the month in Conquest, no contest. Considering that she is basically Obelix I would love to like her a lot more then I do. But a comic relief character like her needs people to actually react to her quirkiness. It's not funny if she simply proclaims that she is hungry to the empty air, it's just annoying. Also, unlike in Asterix comics people in Fire Emblem actually die when they take a beating, so this is a pretty disturbing reaction towards defeating an enemy. I mean, you would think people would get their appetite ruined by the sights of dead bodies. Then of course there is that whole "serves Nohr" issue. Fortunately while she never gets to actually talk about what she thinks of the war just like everyone else, her devotion to a semi-decent person at least makes her aligence understandable and prevents her from being entirely unsympathetic.

Edited by BrightBow
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Alright, I missed the one from yesterday, and since Jakob's on the menu, I'll talk about him first to tie in what I've said about him when talking about Felicia.

Little Jacob

As I've said before, just because I said I preferred Felicia doesn't mean I dislike Jakob. The real problem I ever have with him is that he seems to be a jerk to just about everyone who isn't royalty. That's fine; Niles has a similar thing going for him, and I praised the hell out of him. But the thing I don't particularly like is that Jakob just does it unprovoked, as if to keep himself aloof. Sometimes, however, he actively tries to irritate and harass some characters (like Rinkah). Just... why do that?

Aside from that, I do like Jakob quite a bit. He's often a lecturer, except when he's approached by someone older than himself (Gunter). He tries to teach Corrin and Felicia, and has an ongoing tea-making competition with his son that's quite charming. He does talk of his past, particularly with Azura (their supports which I like), and it explains really well why it is he is so devoted to Corrin; it's definitely more than one can say about Felicia and Flora's strange devotion to Corrin. I would wager a guess that the fact that his parents abandoned him is why he tries to keep himself aloof of most others.

Now that we got to talking about Little Jakob, it reminded me that I haven't yet married Jakob in one of my files that I'm currently doing a casual run on, and I'd really like to get Dwyer. I'll get on that...


I'd say the reason she's so bad at art is because she's a rather plain character. No really; most great artists had at least one interesting trait (usually a mental illness), but all there really is to Kagero aside from her interest in art is her devotion to Hoshido and its future king as well as her former relationship with Saizo. But her being uninteresting doesn't really make her a poorly written character... wait, actually it kind of does. I don't really have much else to say about her other than I'm not sure why IS was so fixated on making her the go-to damsel in distress for the Mokushujin part of every route. If you're banking on tits to sell the dame, you're better off with Charlotte or Cowmilla.


They really are just a watered down Morgan, tbh. Kana's only two traits are loving "Papa/Mama" and wanting to do fun stuff with other people. But then again, since Kana jeers at Shigure for being "a teenager" and has a generally youthful physique, I'd assume that they're literally a child, and thus the desire to play at least is justified. Except children are more complex than that, and many at the very least express disdain for their parents. It's just obvious that Kana exists mostly to appease the player and make them gush at their own virtual creation. And when I think of that, it just irks me; there's just something about the idea of neglecting my real life pets for some fictional pet/kid that feels so very wrong. Often when I come upon a pet or child character in a video game, that's where my mind goes to, so I usually don't like it.


Alright, so here's the thing; I often hear about how people prefer the Hoshidan retainers to the Nohrian ones, and I think it's because many Nohrian retainers are really gimmicky. Effie is one such gimmick character; her thing is being a ridiculously strong meathead who has to eat a lot and loves training (Not!GokuTM). This is a gimmick we see in a ton of different media, and often for female characters it'll comes packed with a shit ton of aggression, sometimes even misandry. But Effie doesn't really have that; the reason she's a meathead is solely because of Elise.

The problem I have with gimmick characters is that while they can be fun and entertaining, they're usually unrealistic and hardly relatable. They also typically stay astray of any real emotion, so all you have is the joke. Effie is just ridiculously buff and adores Elise, and while some of her supports with other characters helps build those characters up, they don't really build herself up in any substantial way. And as some have pointed out, her joke doesn't really tie in with her supports in a meaningful manner; it just shows up and that's it.

I also like how her loyality to Elise never comes off as creepy...

I can at least appreciate this of her, though.

Of all the gimmick characters, Effie's probably the most likeable, though.

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19) Kagero - I'm not sure how, but somehow she become one of my favorite units actually, thanks to my birthright file. I keeped her for Revelation too, and she totally rocked my game, destroying generals with no problem. She is cool too.

20) Kana - My Dragofoxy kid, he is cute and all, but I don't use him that much like Morgan in Awakening, and I really didn't like how the localization "killed" the S supports, if localization team didn't wanted to put him in actual marriage, they could have made like with FKana and Kiragi support but noooo, let friendzone the poor kid minus with Selkie... And poor kid ended alone in my file since Selkie is his sister lol. After realising that out of me, I will add that I don't like their personal skill, I want the kid in another class but that make the personal skill pointless

21) Jacob - His backstory is interesting, and kinda I can see why he is very rude with people, I think I give him credits for acepting that he is rude with others, as a unit he is Ok, but I don't see something remarcable over others... Maybe I need to try him in another class

22) Effie - Ok, I'm not a fan of Knights-Generals class, actually I never use them... Until now that I'm playing conquest and since I'm not using lot of conquest characters (just the siblings, Niles and her), she stayed in the team, and she is doing very well

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Jakob - Oh man. Ohhh man. This guy is a complete asshole to non-royalty and it's despicable. Yet at the same time it makes him more interesting than I expected him to be. At least his supports with Azura and Mozu delve into it, but man I have such a love-hate relationship with him. Though, because he's such an asshole to a lot of people I can only see him with Corrin. Yep, this is surprisingly my main ship for F!Corrin. Azura is a close second though if she isn't married to Corrin already *shot*

Effie - Love her. Both her Japanese and English characters are really fun, her strength is impressive, and her relationship with Elise is adorable. Her backstory really had me admiring her determination to grow stronger, and her stats really show it. I know people might not like her because of her gimmick, but I personally enjoy it.

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Goes out of his way to be an asshole and is rarely called out on it. I haven't properly compared the two, but I believe he's even toned down in the English version. The good he does is not enough to make up for how he acts, and like many characters in Fates, proves that Intelligent Systems do not know how social interactions work since no one would ever put up with this guy, not to mention they wouldn't marry him. Either that or the writers just don't care enough to add even a shred of believability to him and just want to squeeze as much quirkiness they can out of him and twist him into yet another Corrin worshipper without a proper identity.


I don't get it. Why is eating a lot considered fun in Japanese entertainment? She's as bland as Kagerou and a waste of one of the few likeable designs, barring the boob holders and ass window. There's just nothing to her character aside from training, eating, being strong and being loyal to Elise.

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Jakob is a solid unit, best jagen/10. He's apretty strong early to midgame wrecking ball in rev/br and is a fantastic utility unit in early game CQ. As a character he's pretty hilarious when not supporting MU. I find his jerkish butlery ways amusing.

Blasphemy incoming: Effie can die in a hole, using her as a not pairup bot makes lunatic CQ 3 times more difficult. She's the reason people struggle with chapters like 17 and 20. In a classic FE sense she is a really strong unit, and that's the trap. She's just poorly suited to the game she resides in as CQ is something of a gamechanger and makes her archetype much much less viable and those early resources don't grow back.

I do love the shit out of her supports though, BOULDER SUPLEX.

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#21: Effie

I like her. Her amazing strength growth gives me life, and I comprehend her devotion to Elise more than other characters' devotions to others. With that, I kind of hate that she's a more jokey character, though, especially in the localization.

#22: Jakob

I'm not too fond of him. I mean, he is definitely not a nice guy (toward just about anyone but Corrin), but neither is Saizo and he's one of my favorites. Maybe I find him harder to connect with because I prefer Felicia and Flora to him in terms of character and stats, and as a female myself, am a bit disappointed that the maid/butler you start out with is gender-dependent.

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He's alright, decent unit, good backstory, problem was finding him a wife, most of his S-supports suck.


Great tank for the beginning in Conquest, and even after Xander and Benny join she can be useful due to her great speed growth, I always make her a GK and she kicks ass. But that's all the good I can say of her tbh, I really dislike her personality, in both english and japanese.

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Wooow, I really wanted to get to know Jakob when he first appeared in some Japanese trailer or gameplay or whatever I remembered. He seemed so cool. By the time I got the game, I wasn't really fond of his personality. He's pretty mean towards characters that aren't Corrin (and perhaps Azura, I think?). Perhaps he grows into a better character throughout their supports but I never spent enough time with him to find out.


It took a long while for Effie's voice to grow on me since it's so different in Japanese but it did... and I still don't like it... but I can overlook that. She's great as a useful, particularly in Conquest. As a character, I don't care much for her obsession with food but her strength is really something from what I've gotten in a few of her supports. I think her friendship with Elise is quite nice. Pink.

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Jakob is a decent unit and a fun character. However, I've mostly used a M!MU, and when I've used a F!MU, he gets benched for PMU reasons or because he gets replaced by Elise. Also, people say reclassing him to Great Knight makes him into a monster, but I find his stats once reclassed to be inadequate and lacking in comparison to everyone else. I prefer Felicia simply because she's a much more reliable healer and doesn't have her main job taken away once Elise or Sakura join.

Effie is a great unit, although I'm still a little salty they changed her demeanor so much. She was a lot softer-spoken in the Jpn version, but now she's just a flat-out tomboy. They even increased how much she talks about eating and lifting that she honestly seems like a different character. She's still a broken unit in Conquest.

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Great design. Haven't seen much of his personality to have an opinion either way. He has a good support with Nyx. I used him as a GK in Conquest but I don't see what the big deal is, he's average at best to me.


I'm not a Knight person, I only really like Gatrie, and now Effie. She's super useful as a wall and she can also hit hard, and with a Guard Naginata she's literally untouchable. Shame that her personality is so unremarkable, though I guess it's nice that the jock character is a woman.

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Jakob: What an ass. Especially to those who don't really deserve it. By the time he joins (for me at least) I have other characters filling the role he fills better than he can. Yeah, he does have some good supports, but like so many other characters, he exists just to be on Team Corrin. Sigh. Really neat design though, the perfect combination of practical domestic and bodyguard.

Effie: As a unit, Effie is awesome. She can both tank (reasonably) well and hits like a ton of bricks. Her poor movement is easily solved with a pair of boots that you get if you have more than two routes installed (or if you killed shura you bastard) and her other stats are solid. I just wish they didn't change her personality during translation. She was a lot more amusing as a dainty girl who was very much confused when people were shocked to see her bench press a mountain rather than a one note jock who is so fanatically loyal to her boss that pretty much all of her supports begin and end with Elise (at least it isn't creepy like with so many of Corrin's...). And no offense to Marshia Ray, she has a lovely voice, but I still haven't gotten used to hearing her voice from Effie, and I don't think I ever will. Design wise, well, the pink armor is adorable, I can tolerate boob armor, because fantasy (actually a horrible idea as far as armor goes, it leaves the sternum vulnerable, thus leading to collapsed rib cages) the butt window is still jarring.

Quick question: Before she was a retainer, was Effie a child laborer in Windmire's many mines? I could have sworn she said something along those lines whenever she is manning a mine in My-Castle

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Jakob: He's mean spirited to almost anyone, annoying, not one of the best units... Yet I love him for some reason. His personality is just really fun for me, and while sometimes he can cross the line, I still find him to be an enjoyable character which I want to have in my party. As a unit, he's alright. Butler is one of my favorite classes in Fates though, so he was in almost every fight he could.

Effie: I loved her at first, she was a Knight and I love that class, her personality was fun and she was a real powerhouse. But then... as time moved on, I started getting bored of her. Her personality was not really interesting at all and the jokes were to predictable after a certain point. Not to mention that she compites against one of my favorite characters in Conquest. Still though, as a unit she was amazing.

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Jakob - Does decently well in his default class, which I prefer.

Effie - My favorite build is to have her A+ Mozu, and be the Sniper that Nohr deserves. With her personal skill on top of Quick Draw, things die quickly.

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I use him more then Felicia simply because I prefer butlers and I find him easier to use. Kind of a dick. Appealing appearance and voice wise. That's about all. Kinda creepy, too much of a dick.


Don't care for the English version. A bit too much like Sully but not as tolerable. Pretty hair color though.

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Jakob: I like him, he may be a dick in some supports but I think that's a common trope for fictional butlers like Alfred Pennyworth. I'd say he is better than the maid sisters in terms of combat, but healing is a different story. I like his supports with Nyx and his personal skill helped me clear chapter ten Conquest with 0 casualties. If he was a jaegan, he would be a jaegan done right.

Effie: So fun to use in battle and laughs at the end game when she gets Wary Fighter. I didn't mind her localisation changes, I think her voice is weak but she still wins the funniest female confession scene in Fates. She reminds me of Pam Poovey from the TV show Archer, both in personality and fighting skills.

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Jakob: He looks stylish, but he's such an ass. I always pity whoever I end up marrying him to. As a unit, he's very useful for the early game (I play a female Corrin), but usually gets replaced by mid game.

Effie: I love her. She saved me so many times in Conquest. Her character is gimmicky as heck, but she was so useful in combat it didn't bother me as much. The butt window irritates me though.

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Today's characters are Leo and Hayato, what is your opinion on those two?

I don't have much of an opinion on Leo since I haven't used him much.

Don't have an opinion on Hayato's character either since I only got one support conversation out of him, use wise, he's your best sage, much better than Orochi, and can actually handle himself, though I ended up benching him and using his daughter Rhajat. even though his daughter's mother was Hana, she still did a better job than him, maybe because of that witch class that I gave to Rhajat.

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Leo is kinda just there atm. I like his character, but I haven't been exposed to too much of it. As a unit he's fine, but Brynhildr is kind of a crappy personal weapon. At least his class is good and his growths work with it.

Hayato is a more tolerable Ricken. I do like him as a unit, he works like Ricken gameplay-wise as well, but better as well.

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23) Leo- The least interesting of the Nohr royals (still likable), so I'm kinda surprised that Leo x Corrin is so popular. Much better as a Sorcerer than Dark Knight (A class that's pretty meh in this game despite looking cool).

24) Hayato- I like his outfit, the idea that he is the parent of someone like Rhajat and his sassy mouth, his English voice actor is having the time of their life voicing him.

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23) Leo- The least interesting of the Nohr royals (still likable), so I'm kinda surprised that Leo x Corrin is so popular. Much better as a Sorcerer than Dark Knight (A class that's pretty meh in this game despite looking cool).

24) Hayato- I like his outfit, the idea that he is the parent of someone like Rhajat and his sassy mouth, his English voice actor is having the time of their life voicing him.

>Implying that annoying little child Elise is more interesting than a person who uses their mind

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>Implying that annoying little child Elise is more interesting than a person who uses their mind

You have not taken a look at Elise good enough.

Leo - Not as bad as Camilla Character-wise, but the weakest of all royals in the game. I find his personal tome to be the worst of the legendary weapons. . His character is a bit bland, His child tough, is great.

Hayato - I like the guy! He is a lot more tolerable than Ricken and has some strong supports to boot. His criticial quotes are hilarious as well, and his daughter is my favourite mage in the fire emblem series. I personally find him to be a great Basara!

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You have not taken a look at Elise good enough.

Leo - Not as bad as Camilla Character-wise, but the weakest of all royals in the game. I find his personal tome to be the worst of the legendary weapons. . His character is a bit bland, His child tough, is great.

Hayato - I like the guy! He is a lot more tolerable than Ricken and has some strong supports to boot. His criticial quotes are hilarious as well, and his daughter is my favourite mage in the fire emblem series. I personally find him to be a great Basara!

Most of the stuff that I've seen of Elise made me cringe in pain because of her retardness, I just hate her a lot, but I'll get to that when she gets her turn.

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Like Takumi, Elise has plenty character development, especially in Birthright. But yeah, back to the matter at hand

Didn't like her there or her death, infact, her death made me literally laugh instead of forcing me to feel sad.

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