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How to overcome emotional scenes ?


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*Disclaimer* Spoilers up ahead.

Alright so about couple of minutes ago I beated Chapter 16 and 17 of Revelations. I've played through Conquest, read the story of Birthright and I was looking forward to have Scarlet join my crew. I have done many researches on her stats, her reclassing and all which made me realise she could be a good unit. I grinded her supports with MyUnit and played the next chapter and then...

I am sure you already know what happened, she died yep.

Now Kana is an orphan and I really feel bad for her it's even more depressing than Flora because you didn't get the time to bond.

The pain is big but doesn't come even close to Ryoma's suicide which got me sad for a couple of days.

Which made come to my question today:

How do you overcome emotional scenes ?

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Skip the cutscenes.

It's fine you'll see your waifu again, and live happily ever after as king and queen of Valla.

But I have to ask.

Was it the death, or Scarlet cuckolding you with Ryoma just before she jumped that really stung? :p

Edited by joshcja
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The most emotional I got with them killing off Scarlet was how Chapter 23 literally steals the "Nessiah-revives-Kylier-and-makes-you-fight-her" scene from Yggdra Union.

And it somehow manages to be even worse.

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Can't say I felt much of anything but laughter when...

Ryoma seppukus himself, it looks like he stabbed his balls and Flora turning herself on fire in a blizzard of all damn places while monologuing. I think like only Elise garnered some sort of sympathy but really what Xander did next left it with no impact and in general I've seen such cliche death scenes where someone else takes the hit for you to not be impressed unless it was much potent to a story or I felt something for a character. Little sister characters are like thrasht tier anime characters for me but that's just me and anyone else can disagree.

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Can't say I felt much of anything but laughter when...

Ryoma seppukus himself, it looks like he stabbed his balls and Flora turning herself on fire in a blizzard of all damn places while monologuing. I think like only Elise garnered some sort of sympathy but really what Xander did next left it with no impact and in general I've seen such cliche death scenes where someone else takes the hit for you to not be impressed unless it was much potent to a story or I felt something for a character. Little sister characters are like thrasht tier anime characters for me but that's just me and anyone else can disagree.

It's hilarious to think Ryoma stabbed his balls but the funniest nutbuster of the game has to be the infamous groans of increasing discomfort.

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Sadly though some scenes could have been more impactful like Kaze's death which when you think about it is one of the dumbest deaths on the entire game because had he seen the bomb he would have survived and Drug dealer Midori would be born.

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I felt a brief lance of sadness when Xander and Elise died in BR. I thought Ryoma was cool when he seppuku'd his balls CQ. I only truly shed a tear for Zola in BR. I only shook my head when Flora released her mixtape in BR. I saved Kaze because I was not going to let him die so stupidly in BR. Lilith died? Izana should have lived in RV.

The first three of those scenes were executed relatively well in the narrative. In particular, Zola went through a character arc through the span of, like, two chapters. Flora, on the other hand, was a good character with sensible conflicts, only to be killed off in the most idiotic manner during the one route. A lot of the deaths in the game was done for shock value and to add "stakes" but ended having about as much effect as a game full of random jump scares—there is no build up, no connection to the characters and no reason to be there.

On a side note, I don't generally cry during games. The only portion of a game to date that I have sobbed like a baby about—and continue to do so each time I play—is during the first stage of Clock Tower 3.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Picking to side with Hoshido made me feel emotional (I played Conquest first, and marrying Xander makes playing Birthright so much more fun). I'm weak.

You dishonor Nhor, and your family.

Commit Sodoku in the style of your new land traitor.

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You dishonor Nhor, and your family.

Commit Sodoku in the style of your new land traitor.

You dishonor Nhor, and your family.

Commit Sodoku in the style of your new land traitor.

I believe it's pronounced "Seifuku"
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I really didn't feel anything but hatred and anger towards the game while I played it.

All the moments in this game meant to feel dramatic are hollow and contrived, and even some of the scenes that aren't dramatic just feel utterly stupid. The most this game got out of me was mocking laughter anytime it said the MU managed to prevent casualties.

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It just happens. The emotional scenes did work the first one or two times when I was playing the game, then after a while I just started to feel nothing at all.

Rarely does an emotional scene actually cause me to feel emotional past the first couple times. Only a very good one can make me feel as such every single time I see it.

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I'm kinda triggered mad when everyone hates on Flora's death in Birthright. I think it's written very well considering events that happen and Flora as a character.

Edited by TrueEm
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My usual remedy for these kind of situations is to play Smash and beat the crap out of Corrin for a while. Although admittedly the last few chapters in Conquest were so infuriating that I had to put down the game altogether.

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Spoilers below.

As soon as elise died in I stopped playing br. I was so mad. This route could've easily been the happiest route but NOOOO, gotta throw them cinnamon rolls right into siegfred. Then I started revelation, and found out scarlet randomly dies, not that I really care of course but I thought I'd mention this since she dies in the beginning of the chapter, and if you pull out and do side missions, shes just magically back alive.

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Only the Xander/Elise death scene was sort of emotional, and it would have been better if Elise died on the spot or said something that didn't have the length of a monologue.

Every other death was hollow and pointless, death for the sake of death. I'd rather have everyone survive, like in Awakening, if Intelligent Systems can't give us a reason to care about death. I love tragedy, and if I prefer Awakening's lack of deaths, you know Fates really messed up.

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I'm overcoming the emotions of fighting (and killing) Takumi and Oboro in Conquest with a bunch of Takumi's and Oboro's recruited from other castles. So, now half my team in Conquest are different Takumis and Oboros... And one Oboro!Kiragi I found. This is making Conquest more enjoyable for me but still make me feel sad, so, the last healing for me will be to play Birthright with only Takumi and Oboro and a weaponless Corrin after I beat Conquest

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