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Need help optimizing support triangles.


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So I've been playing FE7Chaos Mode and have decided that I should REALLY be getting some supports going on because I'm missing out of free stats. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the optimal setups are and my google fu is failing me. Plus I need to figure out who to put in my 12th team slot for ch20 and this will probably help. Here's the team I have so far

Hector (C with Eliwood)

Eliwood (C with Hector)







Marcus (who will be dumped as soon as my other mages start promoting. 25% speed growth is NOT going to last him)



and my last slot is likely to be either Dart, because I KNOW he goes well with Rebecca and Wil, Lucius because hey, Lord. (he may be lvl 3 but those bases should let him be babied up...maybe) or Fiora (who will likely not match Serra's stats but make up for it by having +4 speed on her because of how heavy swords are). Or anyone else I have at this point really. I'm sure I could baby someone up if I need to.

So yeah. Any ideas on how to pair up this crew for optimal support bonuses? Thus far I have the lords likely forming a triangle because they're along regardless because the game forces them at times, Wil and Rebecca will probably go together and cry whenever they meet a mage, Sain will probably cover either Serra or Priscilla, depending on who I bring in for the final slot. The problem I'm noticing with this is that a lot of my pairs don't really have a good person to round off the remaining two support slots with. Thanks in advance for any advice you have.

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Optimizing supports in this game is fairly troublesome, since there's a few characters that are fun to use but have zilch for support options (Canas), or support options that require fair amounts of grinding to get (Serra).

I'm not familiar with FE7Chaos and the class changes, but the first thing I spy with these characters is Serra's lack of choices. Serra's growth with Hector is super low (15 +1 I believe) and Hector/Lyn A usually works fairly well. Priscilla has no options (besides Lucius if you choose to use him) besides Sain, so they should probably go together. Canas also suffers, with (imo) his only decent support options are B with Pent or A with Bartre. Pent doesn't appear till more than halfway through the game and only grants a B, while Bartre grows at a mediocre rate and also isn't great as a character.

Dart/Wil/Rebecca make a good triangle, so you can mix the B supports there. Same with Raven/Lucius/Priscilla and the 3 lords.

With that being said, here is what I scrambled together;

Eliwood: Marcus A, Eliwood B

Hector: Lyn A, Eliwood B

Lyn: Hector A

Rebecca: Lowen A, Wil B

Wil: Dart A, Rebecca B

Serra Sain A, Lucius B

Priscilla:Lucius A, Sain B

Sain: Serra A, Priscilla B

Canas: :(

Lowen Rebecca A, Marcus B

Marcus: Eliwood A, Lowen B

Lucius: Priscilla A, Serra B

Dart: Wil A

Apologies for any mistakes there, just winging it!

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