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I'll definitely like to replay Fire Emblem Gaiden story all over again since we have a new remake right now. I hope that more Fire Emblem fans will enjoy experiencing the Gaiden story in Echoes to enjoy the new battle system in Valentia.

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10 minutes ago, CT075 said:


The best part of this is that now all of the names are localized.



i have a feeling heads will roll from some of these

it kinda makes me wonder, are these thrown through google translator and unofficially just slapped on there or are these official - I kinda understand Robin -> Tobin for FE2 in that case, because well, Robin.

guess we'll have to see

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Just now, Tryhard said:

t kinda makes me wonder, are these thrown through google translator and unofficially just slapped on there or are these official - I kinda understand Robin -> Tobin for FE2 in that case, because well, Robin.

That's the weirdest part; some of them are reasonable/actually look thought out (Fury -> Erinys, Holyn -> Culainn) and then there's shit like Silque. Also, Robin vs Tobin sure is a decision, but FE14 Arthur co-exists with FE4 Arthur.

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I'm really psyched for the Gaiden remake. I'm really looking forward to seeing all of Gaiden's characters get redesigns, seeing how nice I found Alm and Cellica's designs. I actually knew it was a Gaiden remake in the Direct once they mentioned Mila and Doma. As for the amiibos, I'll wait until they reveal what they actually do before getting them (I've always been more of a functionality-only person when it comes to collecting things). Though I'll admit, I never expected them to get amiibo, and I'm very pleasantly surprised about it.

As for Fire Emblem Heroes, I'm looking forward to it due to it incorporating a lot of characters from the previous Fire Emblems (I especially like how there's a good amount of non-lord characters). And even though it's a really small touch, I actually find the red/blue/green colour coding beyond genius. I mean, fans of Pokemon will easily be able to match up those colours from the fire/water/grass traingle to the weapon triangle match-ups.

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8 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

There's quite a few in the Genealogy section alone (Faval -> Febail, Ferry -> Erinys, Tinny -> Tine, Noish -> Naoise, etc.). I might go through and compile a list just for fun.

There's a LOT of name changes!  But who's bright idea was it to change Ellerean to Arlen?  Though Klein to Clarisse was really good, and I can live with Marisha.

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Just now, saisymbolic said:

I chose Arthur as my first legend. I bet I'm, like, the only one.

I'm probably going to be one of maybe three people picking Wolt, so you're not alone.

1 minute ago, CT075 said:

That's the weirdest part; some of them are reasonable/actually look thought out (Fury -> Erinys, Holyn -> Culainn) and then there's shit like Silque. Also, Robin vs Tobin sure is a decision, but FE14 Arthur co-exists with FE4 Arthur.

And FE 1/3 Cain with FE5 Cain.

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Yoooooooo I've never played Gaiden but have wanted to so now I'm like, super stoked. But seriously? A new FE game on 3DS already? I did NOT expect that at all. The art seems to look more traditional - maybe just me? The way it's colored reminds me of RD. Anywho, I'm just so ready. Also, new console FE? Hell yeah.

*can't contain excitement* I saw someone say since it's just so sudden and that they hope it wasn't rushed, but I'm going to guess that this has been worked on for a while and they're unveiling it as a surprise. Idk and idc. I'm just ready.

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I guess all these names in the poll are official they going to be put into this mobile game. So apparently it's Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade now and we have some names that are weird to say the least. I can't wait to have to memorize another sets of names....  at least no one can argue what is official now even if the some of the official ones are stupid.

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2017 / 2018 is already looking good for FE. The only game I got to play before Awakening was Shadow Dragon, so it's nice to get a chance to try the older ones.

FE Heroes looks cool and thankfully the didn't pull a Super Mario Run and keep it IOS only!!

I only saw that there's new FE game on the switch, but no info other than that. (I guess will just have to find out about that later)


Btw does anyone have the link for voting on FE Heroes or is it not up yet?

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24 minutes ago, Thane said:


  Reveal hidden contents

You control two armies.

Alm's consists of beefcakes.

Celica's of glorious magic users and pegasi.

You fight against overpowered zombie dragons from, like, very early on.

Magicians have spells which cost HP.

Nothing ever hits.

You can "explore" dungeons.

Weapons don't break.

Nothing ever hits.

Enemies can summon stuff which prolongs the maps by a literal fuckton. You can counter this with summons of your own in case you like watching 1991 NPC's duking it out.

Speaking of A.I, I hope you like Witches who can teleport anywhere and wipe the floor with Alm's army...should the A.I be so inclined as to use that spell.

There's loot in the game which would be perfect for newer installments of the series, and I can't believe Gaiden was so ahead of its time in that regard.

Nothing seriously ever hits.

It's got a lot of good ideas, but it mostly falls on some less than stellar execution. This game could bring back those ideas and fix some of the things that didn't work so well.

So uh, apparently I can't make spoiler tags anymore.




Thanks for the info. Now it'll be interesting to what does change!

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So it looks like IntSys is sticking to a 3-year gap in between main titles. Hopefully they can find a new head character designer, because I'm a little tired of Kozaki's ridiculous stuff now...

Echoes looks pretty damn awesome; never played Gaiden, so this will be a new experience.


Lol'd at Ricken/Marth's VA going all-in for Lon'qu, instead of someone he actually voiced.

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Okay, so I'm hyped. Can't wait to try out the Gaiden remake, and I'm curious about what FE16/Switch is gonna be like. And awesome, FE Warriors Switch/3DS (I'll probably be getting both, like I plan to for Hyrule Warriors.) FE:Heroes looks fun, time to add another gacha game to my phone's repertoire XD. I'm kinda disappointed no wave 3 DLC for Fates, I want to grind Lodestar brands and supports dangnabbit!!!!

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2 minutes ago, MissShake said:

I think it said pre registration starts tomorrow :)

Yeah I also heard that but what's worse is that the only South American country listed in the planned availability list for release is Brazil, which is saddening to me! /index.php?/profile/2223-jave/" rel="">@Jave I think we should go in a corner and cry T_T


However I hope they expand it to more countries here, and not live again the anxiety and suspense with Pokemon GO.

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This was a very nice Direct. FE Heroes looks neat, but unfortunately my phone is basically an ancient rock that only calls and texts, so I won't personally be able to play it. Still, good for the people who can. The FE2 Remake is nice-looking, too. It was one of those games that I've tried to play, but was definitely a product of its time with a lot of overall clunkiness that always made it hard to get into. So, being able to play an updated version will be nice. Lastly, FE Warriors getting a New3DS release was huge for me, too, since I probably won't be able to afford a Switch until at least a year after launch (which will be just in time to get the new FE Switch game that was announced in this Direct, and maybe the new Xenoblade game, too).

All in all, possibly my favorite Direct in the last few years.

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Gaiden Remake - No avatar!  I'm so happy!  No Krises!  Yay!  ...Unlike Fates, I will be getting this.  Also will probably get the Alm/Celica amiibo.

FE16 (I'm assuming Echoes/the Gaiden remake will be considered FE15, since we count Shadow Dragon and New Mystery as 11/12): No info, so not much to say here.

Warriors: No new info beyond a bit of Chrom's moveset.  Oh well.

Heroes: I'm... oddly hyped for this.  It actually looks pretty fun.  Not a huge fan of needing the RNG to be nice for your favorite character (I just want my Wolt~!)  but the fact we're getting literally everyone is dang awesome.  Also, the graphical style/spritework is absolutely adorable, I love it.


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New 3DS handles 50 or so smash characters, don't understand why it couldn't For Warriors.

'Cuz Warriors games have, like, hundreds of mobs fighting you and your hundreds of generic allies at all times.  It's a surprise that older models of 3DS can handle Warriors games at all (even if barely, from what I hear).


On topic, I'm definitely interested in Gaiden's remake.  I played the original a bit, but never completed it.  Definitely the odd one out in the series, though since the most recent games are taking cues from it (namely indestructible weapons and the ability to travel around a map), it seems fitting they'd bring it back.  I'll definitely pick it up as soon as I can.

FE Warriors... I mean, I was half expecting that if we got more than just news on a couple titles, we wouldn't get much from this.  We'll see more in the future, though I do believe our old heroes from Valentia suddenly became much more likely.

I'm not really a mobile player; I even skipped out on some that would probably really be appealing to me, like Fallout Shelter.  FE Heroes might be the first mobile game I'll play.  Who knows?

I came into the Direct not expecting more than coverage of the games we already got coming, and so I was completely surprised when I learned that we'd be getting yet another main entry into the series.  I'll be following news of this new game, for sure.

A little disappointed by lack of news on Fates DLC, but to be honest, it's been almost a year since the game came out in the U.S., and a year and a half since it first released in Japan.  The only games I know where they'd continue releasing DLC after that point would be MMOs.  Maybe some outliers, but generally speaking, they don't wait several months between DLC releases.  So basically, I wasn't putting all my chips into getting DLC... even if I'm still a little salty about it, but that saltiness isn't directed at this... uh, Direct.

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