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Fe8 Eventing, Changing Maps Mid Chapter


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Ok, so does anybody know how in FE8 events, I can be in a map, and make a unit move off the map and go into another map?

in the same way valter fights with seth in the prologue scene, and seth rescues eirika and runs off to another map. (The Prologue Chapter Map)

In addition, is there anybody who can point me to a AN FE8 ORIENTED tutorial for map making and inserting.

Because even when i get to tiled to make the maps, I have all the tiles for the map, but still I don't know how to really make a good map. Is there any way I can learn

that, or am I just not creative? I don't know how the mountains really work or how most of the tiles connect besides the obvious ones like the village or castles.

As far as the inserting, I can save the map, but I REALLY don't understand what you have to do after you make the map as far as nightmare, the actual insertion, AND ESPECIALLY NOT THE OFFSETS.

Please someone point me in the right direction or help me.

Thanks so much.

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Tutorial for inserting maps
Alternative tutorial for inserting maps

Mapping Tutorial Part 1
Mapping Tutorial Part 2
Mountain Tutorial


16 hours ago, Ephraim115 said:

In addition, is there anybody who can point me to a AN FE8 ORIENTED tutorial for map making and inserting.

The process is the same for all GBAFE titles.


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For the first tutorial, I don't understand from this point on:

Pretty empty, so we'll fill it up. Tiled file is the file you saved in Tiled, so choose it. The ROM is the ROM you wish to insert the map to and the Offset is the offset of some free space in the ROM. If your map has some map changes you wish to insert, check the Insert map changes? checkbox. Now, just because the map is in the ROM the game won't automatically know where it is, so you'll need to insert the pointers as well. You can do that with two ways, either you use Event reference editors to insert the pointers or you find out the offset of the pointers and let the inserter do it for you. Either way is fairly straightforward, so i won't cover them. Here's how it looks like when I insert my map to FE7 and replace Prologue map pointer and Ch2 map changes:


I just don't get the pointers and offsets. there seems to be a reference table for fe7 that markyjoe made, but i don't see any for fe8. I have no idea how to get to the pointers or which offsets i can pick. Can I replace maps or does it always have to be blank space?

If so where can I find a bunch of free space in fe8?

thanks again.

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FE8 has free space from 0x00B2A700 to 0x00C00000.
Getting the pointers right can be tricky. It's probably easier to leave that part unchecked. Just insert the map to free space and then use the Event Reference Nightmare module to update the pointer instead. It's recommended to insert stuff to free space instead of overwriting existing stuff. You run a very strong chance of overwriting other data and borking your ROM if you overwrite.

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ok so I'll leave the pointers thing unchecked. but what are they and what do they do? Point the game to the map?

If I i just insert the map to free space and leave everything else unchecked, you mentioned that i should later update the pointers in the event reference module.

Update them from where? Where would I get the information? Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm really not sure how it works.

I'm somewhat familiar with the event reference module but not entirely

thanks again...

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1 hour ago, Ephraim115 said:

ok so I'll leave the pointers thing unchecked. but what are they and what do they do? Point the game to the map?

Exactly. One pointer tells the game where to find the map, the other pointer will tells the game where to find the tile changes.


If I i just insert the map to free space and leave everything else unchecked, you mentioned that i should later update the pointers in the event reference module.
Update them from where? Where would I get the information?
I'm somewhat familiar with the event reference module but not entirely

You would use the Event References Nightmare module (sometimes called the event table module) to change the pointer of the map you're replacing.
Think of the Event References as a list of important stuff the game needs. Mainly tilesets, maps, map changes, and events. The list has pointers, which tell the game where in the ROM in can find the data it's looking for. Kind of like a phone book.


Here's what the pointer to the prologue's map looks like on a fresh FE8 ROM. The leading 8 tells the game it's looking at a pointer. The rest of the number (1B76F4) is the offset where the map data lives in the ROM.

As an example, let's say you inserted your map at 0xB30000 and that you want to replace the prologue map. Your pointer would be 0x8B30000. You'd go to the prologue map entry in the event references module, and replace what's there with the new pointer.

Edited by Primefusion
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Ok, thank you, I actually for the first time inserted a map.

Would you be able to explain to me, the tile animation 1, tile animation 2, and the triggerable map changes?

Also, what exactly are map changes, and what do they do? How can I point those as well?

Thanks so much

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