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Let's make FE Heroes from FE Rom Hacks


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So I saw people making create-a-hero posts for past Fire emblem characters and I thought: "Why not make one for characters from FE Hacks?" So, yeah to start I made one for Anakin from the Last Promise. If you need help, go to the link below to get a format for your Heroes. Credit to Sire for making this.


The Sleeping Vigilante

Name: Anakin
Orb Affinity: Blue Tome
Starting Star Rank: 3 or 4 Star

Character Description: A man from the continent of Blaine. A bit lazy, but is a good motivator. Appears in The Last Promise

HP: Average(3)
ATT: Average (3)
SPD: Good(4)
DEF: Terrible(1)
RES: Excellent(5)

MOV: 2, Infantry
Weakness: Infantry

5* Weapon: Ellight (MT 11, Range 2 || Effective against colorless foes)
4* Weapon: Divine (MT 9, Range 2)
3* Weapon: Shine (MT 6, Range 2)
1* Weapon: Lightning(MT 4, Range 2)

Support Skill: Motivate-Selected Ally moves again

3* Special Skill: Wrath (After 4 actions, unit's attack is doubled if HP<50)
4* Special Skill: Painbringer (After 3 actions, unit's attack is doubled if HP<75)

Skill A: Renewal (Restores 10 HP every 4 turns. Learnable at 3*)
Skill B: Miracle (Survives with one HP from a lethal hit if speed is higher than foe; learnable at 4*)
Skill C: Fortify Speed (Grants 4+ speed if adjacent to ally; learnable at 4*)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * Quotes * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Level Up, Growth Quotes, & Summon Quotes
1-2 Up: "Ah well. I'll do better next time."
3-4 Up: "Hey look! I actually improved!"
5-6 Up: "Excellent; this calls for a...ZZZZZZ"

Learn Skill: "Glad to have been awake to experience this."

Summoned Quote: "ZZZZZZZZ....huh what? Oh boy is this another dream? Huh what? You need my help do you? Then I shall gladly assist....as long as I can take naps whenever I want.

Battle Quotes

Selection 1: "*Snork*?"
Selection 2: "Yeah?"
Selection 3: "So tired...."

Critical 1: "So tired...."
Critical 2: "Take....this...."
Critical 3: "I won't give up!"

Defeat: "Not...here..."

Detailed Character Screen Quotes

Quote 1: "I wonder if this place has any soft pillows....."
Quote 2: "I might not look it, but I'm a key leader of a resistance back in my world. Hey what's so funny?"
Quote 3: "Hmmm? Need me for something?"
Quote 4: "I wonder if anyone else I know is here...."
Quote 5: "Hey, how about we chat for a while? I barely know anything about you."

Home Castle Quotes

Normal 1: "ZZZZZZZZ....Gah! I'm up! I'm up!"
Normal 2: "Man that Alfonse guy is so serious. Reminds me of a certain guy I know...."
Normal 3: "I never thought I would have to fight again. Especially after....never mind."
Normal 4: "I wonder if Shon, Kellik, or Siegfried are here. It'll be grand if they were."

Normal 5: "If you need help summoning, bring me along; my voice will help bring people together-HEY! Where are you going?"

Guest Greetings: "Hey, you're (name) right? I'm supposed to say hello to you. And now, for a nap."

5 Star, Level 40 Special Dialogue:

"Mmmmm, that was a good nap. Huh? Oh hey (name). Yeah sorry; guess I was napping again. You know, I haven't had a good nap in a long time since I left home. However, after staying here for a while, growing and meeting new people, I've been able to sleep like I used to. I'm beginning to feel happy to be here; fighting for a just cause again and fighting alongside those I trust....especially you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm yours as long as you need me Summoner. Whew! Man was that a speech and a half! I guess I better get back to bed! Goodnight (name)! ZZZZZZZZ....."

Edited by escotanner
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