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FE Switch setting reveal ! (you won't believe it. Valentians hates it. HOT BABE PIC INSIDE)


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I quote you the official press article. The grammar is kida wonky I admit, but I'm pretty excited about this myself.

The last twits from Nintendo made it quite clear, but now it's official

I mean, we talked about this so much about it last year that it was just too obvious to talk. They're  clearly surfing on the buzz to sell, but it can leads to lot of interresting idea.

Meanwhile, ■☻▲ is such a rich world, that it can leads to lots of interresting things. I mean, Mounted units will reda freaking raptors (Yeah, they aren't really raptors I know) instead of horse (who don't existed in ■☻▲, in case you forgot.). And the political and religious conflicts can lead to a pretty great story too.

(and the Goddess Voluxia may apperars as well. Not sure who will be the artist for this title, though Kozaji's was really great.)

So, what are your opinions on this reveal. Are you hyped ? Or do you think we heard about ■☻▲ enough already, and it's becomming ridiculous ?

I'm not sure myself, but Ireally hope to see much


...Ah, yes, I nearly forgot ? I promised you a Hot Babe  in the Topic, right ?

Here it is :






Edited by Tamanoir
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On 4/1/2017 at 9:19 PM, Tamanoir said:

Meanwhile, ■☻▲ is such a rich world, that it can leads to lots of interresting things. I mean, Mounted units will reda freaking raptors (Yeah, they aren't really raptors I know) instead of horse (who don't existed in ■☻▲, in case you forgot.). And the political and religious conflicts can lead to a pretty great story too.


I know this is supposed to be satire, but having Cavaliers and Paladins ride Dinosaurs would be the greatest thing FE has ever done.

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12 hours ago, blah the Prussian said:

I know this is supposed to be satire, but having Cavaliers and Paladins ride Dinosaurs would be the greatest thing FE has ever done.

Cavalier gets a Velociraptor

Paladin gets a Tyrannosaurus 

Great Knight gets an armored Tyrannosaurus but it's gauntlets are comically too big for its wimpy arms

Also Beaststone users that transform into Dinosaurs.


Like above post said, it's all satire but it would the greatest thing ever done in the history of FE.

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13 hours ago, Big Smoke said:

Cavalier gets a Velociraptor

Paladin gets a Tyrannosaurus 

Great Knight gets an armored Tyrannosaurus but it's gauntlets are comically too big for its wimpy arms

Also Beaststone users that transform into Dinosaurs.


Like above post said, it's all satire but it would the greatest thing ever done in the history of FE.

Pfft, pussy Velociraptors? Give me Dakotaraptors any day. Also, give GKs Giganotosauruses.

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