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When Should I Promote

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First off, forgive me if this is not the right place for this.  I've hardly used these threads.

To get to the point, how should I handle promotions in FE: Echoes SoV?

It doesn't seem to be the standard 20/20 strategy, or am I wrong?

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I'd say ASAP, pretty much. Any stats lower than the base stats of the new class are raised to the base of the new class.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Promote ASAP. Promoting in this game i increases stats based on the Class' base stats. Someone can explain it better than me but basically, waiting until Lv.20 does nothing but hurt you.

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As early as possible. You'll soon find that growth rates in this game are much lower than in previous ones, and you'll want to reap the benefits of new class abilities sooner rather than later.

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This seems to be the #1 most asked question about Echoes.

The most important thing to understand is how promotion stat gains work in Gaiden/Echoes.

Promotion increases your stats to the promoted class' BASE stats, if your unit's stats are lower than those. It doesn't give you a set boost to each stat the way other FEs do.

Let's say the class you want to promote into has 10 base speed.

If your unit is level 10 and has 7 speed, when you promote, you have 10 speed.

If you get your unit another level and they gain a point in speed, they now have 8 speed... and will have 10 speed upon promotion.

If you level your unit a few more levels and they now have 11 speed, and then you promote them... they will have 11 speed upon promotion.

This means you get the most benefit out of promoting right away. You don't really lose out on any stats or levels if you delay promotion, but you don't gain anything by it either.

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1. If you plan on playing through Echoes normally (not grinding but doing sidequests and dungeons), then promote as soon as possible. The stat gains and class-specific upgrades are worth the promotion. I have been doing this on Hard Classic and can handle most maps without relying on Mila's Turnwheel. For reference, I am at the start of Chapter 4.

2. If you are planning on Postgame content and like to grind, then feel free to get up to 20 before promoting. This is especially the case for characters who are not in the Mercenary line, as Dread Fighters can loop back to Villager for more level ups. In the long run, waiting until 20 will likely give you more in terms of stats.

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