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FE Warriors - All ENG Localized Supports


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Current progress: Added missing Caeda x Celica support

With the game datamined and all the localized supports out, I've decided to compile all the English supports on one page with spoiler tags. Big thanks to @Corbin, @VincentASM, @Azure Sen, @unique and shadowstrike.tumblr.com for helping to clean these supports.




Lianna: Rowan...where are my cookies? They were here a minute ago. They were a gift from Lissa.

Rowan: Oh... They were a gift?

Lianna: What's wrong? Why are you making that face?

Rowan: Before you get mad at me, I just want you to know...they were pretty gross.

Lianna: How do you know...? You ate them?!

Rowan: You should be thanking me! I did you a favor-- Oh, look! Did you see that over there? Something's glowing...

Lianna: You really think I'm going to fall for that? Hey, wait up!

Rowan: Look! There! ...Fireflies!

Lianna: Seriously, Rowan? Stop trying to cha-- Did you say fireflies? Ah! It's so pretty... Do you remember that one time Mother spotted fireflies?  I was so excited, I turned around too quickly and twisted my ankle!

Rowan: I do remember! I wanted to carry you home, but Mother wouldn't let me. I just wanted to be a hero! But she was right. I probably would've dropped you.

Lianna: I doubt you could even carry me now!

Rowan: Yeah I could! But with me protecting you, you'll never get hurt again!

Lianna: I don't know about that, but you are a lot stronger than you used to be. It's hard to believe you were once a little boy aimlessly swinging a wooden sword.

Rowan: Aw, a compliment! Thanks, Sis! You know, you're not so bad on the battlefield yourself. You've kept me in line more than once! I don't have the head for battle plans.

Lianna: Lucky you! You don't have to think about being responsible for so many lives. I'm always second-guessing myself,  wondering which allies I've let down.

Rowan: I worry about that stuff too. I'm not completely oblivious! But you're way stronger than you think you are. And this is coming from me! You know I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.  

Lianna: Of course! I'm really lucky to have you for a brother, Rowan.  

Rowan: Thanks... Huh, all this talk is making me hungry!

Lianna: Me too. I'd offer you some cookies, but someone already ate them... ­

Rowan: We're back to this again? I was hoping you forgot all about it.

Lianna: Not a chance! I think I deserve an apology, don't you? !

Rowan: Uh, sure... Let me just...  ...Was that Lissa? I'd better go!

Lianna: That won't work this time, Rowan! Get back here!



Rowan: Hey, Takumi! Did you see me fight today? I looked pretty good out there!

Takumi: Eh. I've seen better.

Rowan: ...What did you say?

Takumi: I said I've seen better! Any halfway decent archer could have taken you out....

Rowan: I...uh...I meant to leave myself open. To draw fire away from our soldiers!

Takumi: And you sure struggled with those armored units...

Rowan: Well, but I won, didn't I?

Takumi: Pfft. Barely. What's gonna happen when you face a REAL challenge?

Rowan: I will overcome and win! What do I have to do to earn your approval?

Takumi: Reach your potential.

Rowan: But...I have reached my potential!

Takumi: If you say so. I happen to disagree. ...When you've truly reached your potential, you won't need my approval... Or the approval of anyone else. Like a brother...or a sister...

Rowan: Teach me, Takumi. How did you reach your potential?

Takumi: …

Rowan: ... Takumi? Did I say something wrong?

Takumi: No. Sorry. It's...it's nothing. I shouldn't be lecturing you. I haven't reached MY potential...

Rowan: You can't be serious. But if you are...why don't we train together?

Takumi: Give it a rest, Rowan. I'm not going to spar with you.

Rowan: Come on! You think I need practice...and you're not satisfied with yourself either. We can kill two birds with one stone.

Takumi: Us sparring is not going to solve anything. Just calm down.

Rowan: Well, if you won't fight me, I guess that makes me the winner by default!

Takumi: All right, now you've done it. I have no choice but to humble you!

Rowan: You think it'll be easy, huh? How do you expect to draw your bow against me?

Takumi: The sword has an advantage over.the bow in close quarters, it's true... But who said I'd be using my bow?

Rowan: What?! The great archer Takumi...not using a bow?

Takumi: Surely you're not afraid of a little hand-to-hand combat. If you insist on using that sword, I'd be happy to disarm you with my katana.

Rowan: You...you're proficient with the katana? I suppose I should have expected... I'm humbled already. You're so strong, and yet you still strive for more.

Takumi: Yeah, well, this is all just talk. Rest up. We'll fight tomorrow.

Rowan: Agreed! I look forward to earning your approval!

Takumi: Yeesh. Kids these days. Shame I'm going to have to embarrass him...



Marth: I remember you telling me you don't want to become a king. Why is that?

Rowan: It should be pretty obvious. Kings are weak--it's as simple as that. They need others to protect them, and they can't do anything on their own. I'm gonna be a knight instead, strong enough to protect everyone.

Marth: I'd agree that a king cannot act alone... But does that mean he is weak? After all, he has found people willing to lay down their lives for him. Now consider your enemies--they may be giving their lives to protect friends. Does it make you strong to kill someone who has their own honorable intentions? Can you cut down your foe knowing that their death will hurt their friends?

Rowan: I... I can! I will! There's no time for such hesitation in battle, anyway. As long as I need to protect my sister...or defend this kingdom...  I won't let doubt stop me from doing what has to be done!

Marth: You're right. Your sword must be backed by unwavering confidence.  That confidence comes from your bond with your sister and kingdom. Such connections are nurtured by a king, and they help to defend his realm.

Rowan: How does that work?

Marth: Simply put, people who love the king and the land will fight hard to protect them. Think about it... Your desire to defend your kingdom brought us all together. We fight hard to help you because of the love you clearly have for Aytolis.

Rowan: Oh... Well...

Marth: And when we all work together, there's nothing that can stop us. This is the kind of power a king can wield. He may not always fight on the front lines, but he can still protect his people.

Rowan: ...I still think I'm better in the thick of a fight. My sister has the brains to rule.

Marth: Hah. I don't mean to be pushy. I'm not trying to talk you into becoming king. I just thought you could use another perspective. I myself hope to become a king who can nurture the bond with his people.

Rowan: I don't know if I'm cut out to be that kind of king, but you are for sure!

Marth: Thank you for saying so. There's still a long road ahead, but I'm focused on it. If by chance you decide you do want to become king... ­I hope my words can be a source of inspiration for you. Remember that everything I do is to nurture the bonds between my friends.

Rowan: I'll keep it in mind for sure. I've seen it firsthand on the battlefield, after all. You're an invaluable ally. I'll never forget your courage.



Robin: Phew, we won. Thank goodness my strategy played out how I hoped.

Rowan: Your strategy? You mean my skills. Did you see how many enemies I cut down?

Robin: You still don't trust my tactical sense? I thought I had earned your approval.

Rowan: Pull your weight in a fight, and you'll always have my approval! But you gotta admit, knights are far more important than tacticians.

Robin: You still don't understand that there's more to war than just swordsmanship. Let's hold a short symposium on the art of battle. You may learn something.

Rowan: Art? Knights don't need art! They just need to train and become strong.              

Robin: It's a pity you feel that way. To think, you'd be a splendid knight otherwise. You may not need tactics to charge in headfirst, but there are other ways.  Let's say, for example...  The enemy has 10 times your forces. Even with strong knights, could you win?

Rowan: Well, victory in that case would be difficult...

Robin: But with a keen strategy--sneak attacks, pincers, diversions... See what I mean? You have to admit, strategy and tactics are just as important as any weapon.

Rowan: Even so, coming up with strategy is a tactician's job. Not a knight's.

Robin: Not true. A tactician can only plan for the future, not foresee it perfectly. The tide of battle shifts constantly. The front line must know how to adapt. Knights must have good judgment and adapt on the fly; otherwise the plan fails.

Rowan: In other words...knights can't always just do what the tacticians say?

Robin: Precisely. Tacticians paint the broad strokes; knights fill in the details.

Rowan: So if a knight is strong enough to fight and smart enough to employ strategy...

Robin: I know where you're going with this. If you can protect your friends with your brains as well as your brawn... Your skill as a knight will be peerless.

Rowan: I like the sound of that. That's what I'll become!

Robin: That's the spirit. I'm sure you can do it!

Rowan: In that case, would you mind teaching me strategy?

Robin: I wouldn't mind at all. I'll teach you everything I know. Let's start with what informs strategy. I have a list right here... ­

Rowan: That is a really long list...   Somewhere out there an enemy knight is actually putting in the time to study. I can't let some enemy outclass me...All right, I'll do it. You must be a master tactician, huh? Do you know everything about strategy?

Robin: Hardly. Strategy is always changing, so I'm always studying.

Rowan: Then let's study together. We'll each grow in our fields!

Robin: I'm sure you'll one day not only become a fine knight but a fine king as well.

Rowan: Huh? Become a fine what and a what when?

Robin: You'll be great, Rowan. Now let's get started!



Rowan: Guh! Ha-yaaaah! Haa-OOH!! Celica?! Ugh, you scared me!

Celica: Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to! You were so focused I didn't want to interrupt.

Rowan: Sneaking up on people while they're training is dangerous.

Celica: You didn't hurt yourself, did you?

Rowan: No, I'm fine. Is there something you want to ask me?

Celica: I was just wondering... How come you're always training so hard?

Rowan: I'm gonna be a knight. And a knight's gotta be strong, right?

Celica: But that means you'll have no choice except to march into battle.

Rowan: So? That's kind of the point. It's our duty to fight.

Celica: So, the more battles you win, the more dangerous they'll become.

Rowan: I'm not afraid, Celica. I can't protect anyone if I don't fight. Besides, I'm strong in body and mind. I can stand up to any foe!

Celica: I guess you're right... I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you.

Rowan: Why is that?

Celica: You remind me of a childhood friend. His name is Alm. He was always very brave, even when we were children. But once he became strong enough...he cast himself into war.  Our opposing views led to an argument and I said something terrible to him. I couldn't stop him from fighting, so I lost him as a friend. That can't happen to you.

Rowan: You're worried I'll push the people close to me away? I won't let that happen.

Celica: How can you be so sure?

Rowan: Because of my sister. She can be kind of bossy, but she's cautious. She's always complaining to me about...well, me, but... I know she'll stop me if I try to do something reckless. It's in those moments I realize that she complains because she cares.

Celica: You trust your sister to look out for you, but what about when she's not around?

Rowan: That's when my friends are there for me. They're sure to set me straight. For example, I know I can count on you.

Celica: How do you know that?

Rowan: You came to talk to me because you're worried. It shows you care. So I'll be fine no matter where I am or who I'm with, especially if it's you.

Celica: OK, if I'm by your side, promise me something. If I warn you you're being reckless, you'll stop and think it through. I don't want war to get in the way of our friendship like it did with Alm.

Rowan: You got it, Celica. It's a promise. If I'm ever about to do something stupid, just let me know And in return, I'll become strong enough to protect everyone.

Celica: Thank you... I'll remember your promise!



Rowan: Hiyaah!

Xander: Hah! Such exertion for a simple move.

Rowan: Gods!

Xander: Oh ho! You still have much to learn. Attack with confidence!

Rowan: Xander…you’re too strong. I can’t land a single blow! What’s your secret?

Xander: There is no secret–only years upon years of hard training. If you wish to reach this level, you must never give up!

Rowan: So…there’s hope? You think one day I could be your equal?

Xander: Of course. With the right guidance, you could surpass me. But it will not be easy.

Rowan: Oh, you’re kidding! Er, I mean…I find your support encouraging.

Xander: …Tell me. What is it that motivates you? Why do you crave strength and power?

Rowan: So I can protect the people I love!

Xander: That is a noble aim. But what of your lineage? You will be king, will you not?

Rowan: Not a chance. If my father taught me anything, it’s that kings are weak. I won’t end up like him, that’s for sure! My sister may take the crown for all I care. I’m focused on the sword.

Xander: Are you so sure about your father?

Rowan: Of course I am. I’ve been told that he was often sick and could barely fight.

Xander: Ah, but have you considered that fighting is not the only way to wield power? Faith, conviction, and intelligence will always win over brute strength.

Rowan: I don’t understand…

Xander: When I imagine your father, I think of the villages and people who followed him. Why do you think they followed him, if he was so feeble physically?

Rowan: I don’t care! If I don’t have the strength to protect everyone, I’m nothing….Forgive me. I understand your point, but I can’t look up to my father.

Xander: One should not speak of one’s own father that way. I suggest you learn from his wisdom while cultivating the strength you crave. After all, there are kings both mighty and wise. Like my own father, King Garon.

Rowan: So…your father is both a fearsome warrior and a wise leader?

Xander: Yes. He isn’t perfect, but he has no lack of strength or conviction. That is why I am devoted to him, no matter what. I…I apologize. This is not about me. This is about your path to the throne. You would be wise to expand your goals beyond mere physical strength.

Rowan: …Yes, you’re probably right. With that said…this lesson is not over. 

Xander: Come and get me!

Rowan: All right! Put your guard up! I intend to actually land a blow this time…Yaaaaah !



Rowan: Huh! Hyah! Hah, hwah! Man, I'm so sore after that last battle. Think I'll call the training here.
Lucina: Rowan, here you are. Training your sword skills, I see. I wanted to make sure you were all right after that last battle. But you're just fine, by the look of things.
Rowan: Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks for checking. How about you, Lucina? You all right?
Lucina: I'm fine. Fighting battles back-to-back is common where I come from.
Rowan: Your world must be facing some pretty tough times for that to be common.
Lucina: It... I don't think words could do it justice, honestly. 
Rowan: So I guess we'd better sort this world out soon so you can get back and help. 
Lucina: That's my hope.
Rowan: Traveling back in time must be such a strange feeling.  Isn't it weird seeing your father as his younger self? 
Lucina: Well, I guess it is a little weird, now that you mention it. But more than anything, I'm just glad he's alive. Nothing else matters. Sorry, I should explain... In my world, my father was killed in battle. 
Rowan: Oh, I'm sorry... I don't mean to bug you with all these questions.  
Lucina: It's OK. I came here to help him avoid that fate, so talking about it is good. 
Rowan: If you do manage to change the past and save him, what happens to future Lucina?    
Lucina: I think about that often. Should I go back to my own time or just continue living in the past? Either way, there's no guarantee that the future will change based on the past. 
Rowan: But that means all your fighting could be for nothing.
Lucina: That could be the case. When I left, my world was just a burned-out husk. It pains me to think of my world in such a decrepit state.
Rowan: Well, that settles it. We're going!     
Lucina: What? Going where?
Rowan: After we bring peace to this land, we'll go to yours and settle things there. We can't just leave it as some ghost town. We'll all work together to revive it!  
Lucina: My world has fallen to destruction and chaos. There's little left worth saving.
Rowan: But you and the others are helping us in this world. We've gotta repay you. It's only right, don't you think? That's what friends do for each other.
Lucina: You're kind for offering, Rowan. And the way you say it... Something tells me you could actually do it.  
Rowan: You got that right!
Lucina: But you're needed here. You're supposed to lead this kingdom. It makes me glad to hear you want to help, but you can't deny your own duty. 
Rowan: But, Lucina, I...
Lucina: Your obligations are to this world. My obligations are to my own.
Rowan: In that case, promise to make it home in one piece so you can keep fighting.
Lucina: I promise, Rowan. And I expect the same of you.



Elise: Aha! There you are! I found you!

Rowan: Hello, Elise! Are you here for another game? What'll it be today? Not another game of tag, right? I trounced you yesterday!

Elise: Oh, you're getting overconfident! Well, today I thought we'd play hide-and-seek.

Rowan: Hide-and-seek it is. I look forward to another effortless victory.

Elise: Yeah, yeah... Keep on bragging. I'm not gonna lose today!  

Rowan: Very well! You can hide first. I'll start counting...

Elise: Here I go! No peeking...

Rowan: Now where did she get off to? Maybe in here? Hmm, nope. Not here either. Hey, Elise! I'm still gonna find you! Ugh, I've been at this all day! Lianna is gonna be mad...  ...But I can't just surrender. Elise! I'm still coming for you!

Elise: Heehee! You still can't find me? Why don't you just give up?

Rowan: I can hear her voice...but where is she?! Uuuuggghhh. All right, I give up. You win, OK? Come on out!

Elise: Yay! Now we're tied!

Rowan: There you are! Where in the world did you go?

Elise: Wouldn't you like to know!

Rowan: All right, all right. I've admitted defeat. You don't have to rub it in. So, come on--tell me where you were hiding!

Elise: You're not gonna like it...but I was hiding behind you the whole time.  

Rowan: What?! You can't be serious.

Elise: I'm kind of an expert at hide-and-seek! I've got other tricks up my sleeve too.

Rowan: Ooh, other tricks? Teach them to me! Maybe I can use them in battle...

Elise: I dunno... If I teach you everything, will you still want to play again?

Rowan: Of course! I can't go out on such a humiliating loss. Once you teach me your tricks, it'll be a fair matchup, won't it?

Elise: I suppose that's true. All right, I'll do it! So... The ultimate hide-and-seek move is to disguise yourself as a different person! Then you'd be able to hide in plain sight.

Rowan: That's genius! ­

Elise: Thanks! Now, there's something I want you to teach me--how to run faster!  Because then it'll be a fair matchup when we play tag, too.

Rowan: Haha! Well, OK, but I have to warn you...it involves training.

Elise: I don't care. I just want to be faster! Promise that you'll coach me!

Rowan: Of course! Let's get together and start training tomorrow.

Elise: Yay! I'm gonna get so fast... Just you wait and see!





Lianna: Rowan...where are my cookies? They were here a minute ago. They were a gift from Lissa.

Rowan: Oh... They were a gift?

Lianna: What's wrong? Why are you making that face?

Rowan: Before you get mad at me, I just want you to know...they were pretty gross.

Lianna: How do you know...? You ate them?!

Rowan: You should be thanking me! I did you a favor-- Oh, look! Did you see that over there? Something's glowing...

Lianna: You really think I'm going to fall for that? Hey, wait up!

Rowan: Look! There! ...Fireflies!

Lianna: Seriously, Rowan? Stop trying to cha-- Did you say fireflies? Ah! It's so pretty... Do you remember that one time Mother spotted fireflies?  I was so excited, I turned around too quickly and twisted my ankle!

Rowan: I do remember! I wanted to carry you home, but Mother wouldn't let me. I just wanted to be a hero! But she was right. I probably would've dropped you.

Lianna: I doubt you could even carry me now!

Rowan: Yeah I could! But with me protecting you, you'll never get hurt again!

Lianna: I don't know about that, but you are a lot stronger than you used to be. It's hard to believe you were once a little boy aimlessly swinging a wooden sword.

Rowan: Aw, a compliment! Thanks, Sis! You know, you're not so bad on the battlefield yourself. You've kept me in line more than once! I don't have the head for battle plans.

Lianna: Lucky you! You don't have to think about being responsible for so many lives. I'm always second-guessing myself,  wondering which allies I've let down.

Rowan: I worry about that stuff too. I'm not completely oblivious! But you're way stronger than you think you are. And this is coming from me! You know I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.  

Lianna: Of course! I'm really lucky to have you for a brother, Rowan.  

Rowan: Thanks... Huh, all this talk is making me hungry!

Lianna: Me too. I'd offer you some cookies, but someone already ate them... ­

Rowan: We're back to this again? I was hoping you forgot all about it.

Lianna: Not a chance! I think I deserve an apology, don't you? !

Rowan: Uh, sure... Let me just...  ...Was that Lissa? I'd better go!

Lianna: That won't work this time, Rowan! Get back here!

* Corrin


Lianna: ...Hrmph.     
Corrin: Lianna? Is something wrong? 
Lianna: Ah, Corrin! No, no! It's nothing. 
Corrin: Really? Because it didn't sound like nothing. 
Lianna: Heh... I guess I'm just a little preoccupied.     
Corrin: What's on your mind? 
Lianna: It's no big deal. It's just...I feel like my brother and I are so inexperienced. You're all fighting this war for our kingdom, and we're barely helping!
Corrin: How can you say that? You two are clearly giving this your all. 
Lianna: We are, but...our abilities pale in comparison to everyone else's. 
Corrin: Of course you feel like underachievers! Look who's on your team! Uh, that came out wrong, didn't it? I just mean...don't compare yourself to others. Because the strength of your allies is YOUR strength too!  
Lianna: You think? I know I should be grateful that you all are here in the first place. I just can't help but wonder what would've happened if you weren't! 
Corrin: Let me ask you this: Do you think our being sent here was simply coincidence?     
Lianna: What do you mean? 
Corrin: Every decision you've made, every action you've taken has led to this very moment. I don't think the fact that we're fighting together is a coincidence at all. Your will is what set our fates in motion. We're here because of you!
Lianna: You really believe that, Corrin? 
Corrin: Of course I do! There is a drawback, however. Our time together will, unfortunately, be brief.   
Lianna: I know... 
Corrin: I really wish we could be here to see how everything turns out in your kingdom. But only you and your brother can carve out its future. I know, deep in my heart, that you will succeed! You're getting stronger every day. Your kingdom will thrive under your leadership! 
Lianna: Thank you, Corrin. I'll do my best!
Corrin: I feel so silly talking to you like this. I'm hardly in a position to give advice. There's a lot I could learn from you and your brother.
Lianna: Ha! What could you possibly have to learn from us?
Corrin: Don't laugh! You may not always get along, but you have each other's respect. I hope that in the future Nohr and Hoshido can coexist in the same way.
Lianna: I'm sure you'll make it happen. Everyone in your families loves you so much! 
Corrin: Oh, I know. They won't let me forget it! But I appreciate your confidence in me.   
Lianna: And yours in me!

* Leo


Leo: Royal twins... That's quite unusual, isn't it?

Lianna: You think so? I guess I thought big royal families like yours were more of an oddity.

Leo: Yes, there are a lot of us. But we all have different mothers, you know. It's actually a pretty common practice for royal families in my world.

Lianna: Ah, I see. In Aytolis and Gristonne the king or queen can have only one spouse.

Leo: Of course! That's how it is in Nohr, too!

Lianna: Are you saying your mother was the king's...mistress?!

Leo: Don't be so shocked. All our mothers were. Well...except for Xander's.

Lianna: How do all those mothers live together and still get along?

Leo: Get along? Heh... How optimistic of you.  In Nohr even the children of mistresses have a claim to the throne. So our mothers have always competed for the king's affection.

Lianna: You mean it's sibling against sibling, all to see who will inherit the throne?

Leo: At times, it is. I'm sure Aytolis has seen some similar conflict... Still, you ARE the older sibling... I'd assume the throne is yours to take.

Lianna: It's...complicated. As the older sister I do have a bit of an advantage. However, in Aytolis, male heirs can be given preference anyway. I'd be relieved to see my brother become king, but he's...hesitant.

Leo: Ha! I've noticed that you two are always encouraging the other to take the throne! To be honest, I'm quite jealous of your situation.

Lianna: But you and your siblings get along so well! My brother and I are constantly biting each other's head off.

Leo: It doesn't seem that way to me. Maybe you fight because you're willing to be honest with each other.

Lianna: Maybe... Well, I'm jealous too. I've always wanted an older brother or sister.

Leo: You can have Xander if you want! I'm just kidding. We all like one another, you know, in our own special ways.

Lianna: How could you not? You're all so  wonderful... Even you, Leo. ­That's why I just can't believe it when you say you're all in competition.

Leo: Things weren't always so great between the children of the king of Nohr... You could learn a thing or two about palace intrigue just from the stories. But I'll spare you that. It really doesn't seem like something you'd need here.

Lianna: Are you trying to protect me? Hm. So there is a tiny speck of kindness and warmth under that cold exterior...

Leo: Is that how you see me? Actually...I'll take that as a compliment. I hope we have another chance to talk again soon, Lianna. I'd like to hear more about Aytolis and your...cooperative ways.

Lianna: Of course! I'm sure there's a lot we could learn from each other.

* ??? DLC Spoilers (Only found in English. Potentially an early draft left in by accident.)


Niles: Well, well, well... Look who it is!

Lianna: Make it quick, Niles. I'm really not in the mood to deal with you right now. I've already had to put up with all the ghastly jokes you've taught my brother.

Niles: Which jokes are those?

Lianna: I don't know. The ones that aren't particularly funny.

Niles: Maybe you didn't like them because you just didn't understand them.

Lianna: Oh I understood them...understood them to be unbecoming of a royal.

Niles: I can't for the life of me remember what joke you're talking about. Just whisper it to me right here. I promise not to tell anyone...

Lianna: That's enough, Niles!

Niles: How about I whisper it to you then? Perhaps I could even teach you a few jokes your brother doesn't even know.

Lianna: Please stop talking now...

Niles: I see. You'd prefer I'd just write them down for you...

Lianna: Honestly!

Niles: My dear princess, how can I possibly correct my behavior if--

Lianna: Just STOP telling the jokes! And STOP teaching...the..knock...I...I...ugh!

Niles: Princess? Are you alright?! Your face is all red--Princess! Can you hear me!? What's going on? ...What?... Did I... I annoyed you so much, you passed out. That might be a record for me!

Lianna: Oh, I'm sorry.

Niles: No, no. I should be the one apologizing. I've never seen you so emotional. I was pretty amusing actually. Until it wasn't.

Lianna: So you're done now?

Niles: I am. Prince Leo would be pretty upset if something happened to you.

Lianna: Oh. So you ARE capable of respect! Then are we agreed that you'll leave my brother alone from now on?

Niles: Hmm... I don't know about that. Prince Rowan really does love my jokes.

Lianna: Enough about the jokes! Who thinks knock-knock jokes are THAT funny?

Niles: Obviously not you.

Lianna: Do you want me to pass out again? Listen... Could you at least throw in a one-liner or riddle every now and then?

Niles: It's a deal, Princess.

Lianna: Good! And you know I'm going to hold you to it.

* Caeda


Caeda: Great job out there! Are you unharmed?

Lianna: Yes, I'm fine. What about you?

Caeda: I'm all right. I'm on my pegasus for most of the battle, so I don't tire so easily.

Lianna: Ha!

Caeda: Huh? What is it?

Lianna: Nothing. I...I was just thinking that you're pretty easy to talk to...for a princess.

Caeda: Do I not seem very princessly? Well, my kingdom is a small one, and fairly young.

Lianna: Oh, I didn't mean it like that! You're just friendlier than I thought you'd be. But you mentioned your kingdom! What's it like?

Caeda: Ah, I'm glad you're interested. My kingdom is called Talys. It's one of seven kingdoms, and it's on an island east of the Archanean continent.

Lianna: Seven kingdoms... And Marth was the prince of Altea?

Caeda: That's right. Altea was a prosperous kingdom and an ally to Talys. Thanks to that alliance, Marth had a place to escape to when he needed it.

Lianna: Escape? Why? Did something happen to Altea?

Caeda: It was conquered in a devastating war. We offered Marth shelter for a time... But in the end, it was he who protected us. Talys was attacked by pirates, and Marth led his knights of Altea to fight back. That is why I offered my support when he raised troops and journeyed out.

Lianna: Wow. You guys have been through a lot together, haven't you? I'm kind of jealous. My adventuring partner has always just been my brother.

Caeda: But you two help each other all the time, the way all good siblings would.

Lianna: But it's totally different from what you two have. We're always fighting. My brother isn't nearly as perceptive as Marth.

Caeda: Perhaps you only see it that way because your bond allows for complete honesty. In truth, Marth and I have not yet reached that kind of bond.

Lianna: Oh... So you haven't told Marth how you really feel about him?

Caeda: I have not. I guess I thought feelings so strong would be obvious.

Lianna: You'd think, but...what would it hurt to be completely honest with him? If you think it works for my brother and me, it should work for you two. Right?

Caeda: Yes, I think you're right... I just need to act honestly. Thank you for the advice.  

Lianna: ...Ha!

Caeda: What are you laughing about now?

Lianna: I'm just surprised, I guess. I've never really had someone to talk to like this.

Caeda: In that case, can I come to you for advice again?

Lianna: Of course! I'd be happy to talk about whatever you want!

* Sakura


Sakura: Lianna! You're wounded! Please, let me take a look at your leg.

Lianna: No, no. It's nothing! I've fought with injuries much worse than this.

Sakura: A-are you sure? It doesn't look like nothing to me...

Lianna: Truly, I'm fine...ugh!!!

Sakura: Look at you! You're in pain! Fuss all you like, but I'm going to treat you.

Lianna: I-if you insist...I'm sorry to be so much trouble.

Sakura: Ah, yes...this should do the trick. See? There was no need to hide anything.

Lianna: Thank you. I just... I didn't want to be a bother, that's all.

Sakura: A bother...? Why would you think that?

Lianna: Did you see me out there today? Fighting alongside everyone else? I was useless. The only thing I managed to achieve was this injury!

Sakura: A-and so you were just going to sit here and suffer through it? You can't do that!

Lianna: I-I know, I know... I'm sorry, Sakura. I never meant to make you worry. I just didn't want to be even more of a burden on everyone, and--

Sakura: But you aren't a burden at all! Nobody thinks so! Everyone's really impressed by how you communicate out on the battlefield! And people around here aren't known for their generous praise... So chin up!

Lianna: Thank you, Sakura. You've made me feel a whole lot better.

Sakura: R-really? Haha! I'm glad to hear it!

Lianna: I don't know what I--or any of us for that matter--would do without you. It's reassuring to know that you're out there with us, ready to heal our wounds.

Sakura: Y-you're so sweet! I hope this means you won't be hiding any more injuries... At least not from me. I know a thing or two about pretending to be brave.

Lianna: ...Hm? What do you mean?

Sakura: I understand why you'd want to hide your wounds from the others.

Lianna: You do?

Sakura: Of course! I'm surrounded by all this strength and sense of duty... I'm always worried that I won't be able to keep up...just like you.

Lianna: Sakura... You aren't just saying this to make me feel better, are you?

Sakura: N-no! I...I just thought you should know we have more in common than you think.

Lianna: Please! I wish I were as kind as you...or as thoughtful. Talking to you always puts me at ease. I'm sure everyone else feels the same.

Sakura: Y-you're making me blush... But thank you for your kind words. Now you're making ME feel better!

Lianna: Then I guess it was a good thing that we had this chance to talk. Ha! Maybe it was fortunate I tripped over that rock.

* Ryoma 


Lianna: Wow, Ryoma. You know, uh...so much about the history of Hoshido.

Ryoma: Oh. I went off on a tangent there, didn't I... What were we talking about again?  

Lianna: You had a question for me...

Ryoma: Oh, yes. I've sensed that you're quite hesitant to take the throne. Why is that?

Lianna: Oh, I don't know... Well...I just don't think I'd be very good at it.

Ryoma: Is that so? I can't imagine how you came to that conclusion.

Lianna: Look at me. I don't have the personality of a queen, let alone the natural abilities. My brother, on the other hand, is a force of nature. He would make a great king!

Ryoma: I see. As a prince of Hoshido, I've had similar concerns. Like you, I believe that a ruler must be an effective leader.

Lianna: Exactly! So you agree that my brother--

Ryoma: Not necessarily... I also believe that there is more than one way to lead. Some rulers naturally inspire their people. Others must convince those they lead.

Lianna: OK...

Ryoma: You and your brother would both make good, yet very different, leaders. In an ideal world you could share the crown, but that's impossible.

Lianna: Actually...it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened in Aytolis.

Ryoma: Interesting... Ha! That sounds like the perfect solution for you two. Such an arrangement would be out of the question in Hoshido or Nohr!

Lianna: It hasn't happened in Gristonne either. It's definitely not...typical. But even if my brother and I DID share the throne, we'd always be fighting!

Ryoma: Or perhaps you would bring out the best in each other... I've noticed that you're very cerebral, constantly analyzing every situation. And your brother... Well, he's always ready for action, isn't he?

Lianna: That's putting it lightly...

Ryoma: Don't you see? He would push you to act and you would push him to think. In any case, I hope you consider it...but first we must take back the kingdom.

Lianna: OK, I'll think about it. I'd be a fool to ignore your advice.

Ryoma: A shared throne... I never thought it was possible. ­Maybe I've been too bound by tradition to consider what's best for my kingdom. What could we achieve if we worked with our opposition, rather than against them?

Lianna: Sounds like YOU should be taking your own advice! You're going to be a wonderful king, Ryoma. I can already tell.

Ryoma: Thank you... I know you and your brother will lead your kingdom down a great path. People like us hold not only our future but the future of many in our hands. We can't let them down!

* Chrom 


Lianna: There you are, Chrom. I wanted to thank you for helping me out earlier. I shouldn't have gone off like that, all by myself. Thank goodness you were there!

Chrom: Of course! I'm just happy you're safe.

Lianna: It seems like every time we meet you're saving my life. “Thank you” is starting to sound like an understatement!

Chrom: I wouldn't worry too much about it. Even I need to be saved now and then. In any case, I'm sure you would do the same for me.

Lianna: Obviously! But...you're so quick to action. I don't know if I have rapid-fire instincts like that.  Usually I just overthink things until it's too late to do anything at all! I guess it's something I have to work on.

Chrom: Hm... Are you so sure that's a negative quality?

Lianna: I'll never be able to save anyone if I'm always stuck in my head. I see how you act without hesitation-- how you throw yourself into danger. It's amazing! I could never do that.

Chrom: I think you're wrong, but I'd caution you against using me as an example. I'm often criticized for the same qualities you now praise. Maybe that instinctive approach works when there's an immediate danger... But it's certainly no way to act when there are greater things at stake.

Lianna: I guess...

Chrom: Sometimes I wish I had the ability...the impulse to stop and think things through. The point is...we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Lianna: You know...your behavior is a little reckless, Chrom.

Chrom: Well, now! Is that any way to thank me for my kind words?

Lianna: You're the one who started talking about your weaknesses! But I see your point. You're the guy who takes care of problems as they pop up... And I focus on what's looming ahead. Is that what you meant?

Chrom: It is. When we combine our strengths is when we are most successful!

Lianna: Well, I'll do whatever I can to keep our team safe. You're all so wonderful!

Chrom: It is an incredible army we've put together here. ­

Lianna: Especially since we have you.  I'm so grateful that you're on our side... I'll never forget what you've done for us.

Chrom: It has been an honor. Even if I am able to return to my world, you will always hold a place in my heart.

Lianna: ...Ahem! I guess we better get out there, right?

Chrom: I'll do my best to keep you safe.

Lianna: And I you.

* Lyn 


Lianna: Lyn, is it true that you came to this world all by yourself? You must've been very lonely before you met up with us.

Lyn: Oh, you don't have to worry about me! I'm used to being alone. That's how I lived back on the plains.

Lianna: Back on the plains? But I thought you were from a noble family.

Lyn: Only technically. My mother was from a noble family, but not my father. He was the son of a Lorca chieftain. A nomad. My parents eloped in secret, and I was raised as a simple plains dweller.

Lianna: Did you have any idea who you were...or who your mother was?

Lyn: No... My parents were killed by a group of bandits before they could tell me. After that, the Lorca scattered. And I, well... I just lived on my own.

Lianna: How terrible! I'm sorry for bringing all this up.

Lyn: It's OK. It happened a long time ago...

Lianna: But I think it explains a lot.

Lyn: You mean why I don't act like an average member of the noble class?

Lianna: Oh, no! That's not what I meant at all. It explains your strength. Your compassion.  You're so-- I don't know....True to yourself. Me? I'm always worried about acting like a proper princess or big sister. So I'm constantly second-guessing myself and making mistakes.

Lyn: I understand. I was a bit bewildered to learn about my family's...history. Suddenly I was part of the nobility! It made me question everything.

Lianna: You were worried about the same things as me?

Lyn: I was...at first. Then, on my travels, I met some very dear friends. A reliable tactician, an interesting pair of knights, and a Pegasus Knight as well!. Ha ha! They called themselves Lyndis's Legion. I realized that those friendships defined me more than any noble bloodline.

Lianna: Interesting... It's funny. Just like you have your friends from the Legion, I have all of you. So maybe I should worry less about being a princess and more about being a friend.

Lyn: Agreed! Things like social status shouldn't matter when among friends. We risk our lives for each other, after all.

Lianna: That's true... I guess I've been pretty foolish all this time!

Lyn: Not at all! In fact, you're one of the most genuine people I know. You're also one of the biggest worriers I know. And I love you for that!

Lianna: Thank you, Lyn. Well, I'll try not to worry quite so much about all this!

Lyn: Good! You shouldn't. But if you do....you'll still have my friendship.





Ryoma: Hyah! Hiiiiyaah!

Chrom: Haaaah! Ha-taaaah!

Ryoma: Shall we call it a day here?

Chrom: Good idea. Sparring with you wears me out twice as fast. Still, I can see we are both benefiting from these matches.

Ryoma: Always to a draw, but I suspect I'll best you soon.

Chrom: I wouldn't count on it. I've finally figured out Hoshidan sword techniques. I was thrown off by your posture at first, but now I can handle it with ease!

Ryoma: With ease, huh? Well, your quirky Ylissean style is old news to me, too!

Chrom:  ...

Ryoma:  ...   

Chrom: Haha! Isn't this fun, Ryoma?

Ryoma: Yes, Chrom. This is truly enjoyable.

Chrom: I never realized how thrilling it could be to face off against an unfamiliar fighter. It's not something you experience every day, but we have both grown from it. Your blows are so precise--you find the slimmest openings in my guard. I need to be as methodical and calculating as you with my technique.

Ryoma: The strength of your style is its fluidity. There's never just one means of attack. Your style is clearly informed by experience more than training.

Chrom: Hearing that from you does wonders for my confidence! And yes--but training and experience are not the only factors at play. It's my bonds with my friends that helped me grow into the swordsman I am now.

Ryoma: To hear you say it, I realize that that may be true of me as well. My connections with my siblings inspire me to withstand the strictest of training. They allow me to rouse myself for harsh battles without so much as a flinch. That is the power our links have.

Chrom: And I've made even more since coming here! Each and every friend I find will make me even stronger. And it goes without saying, Ryoma... Our bond is irreplaceable.

Ryoma: I admit, I feel the same. It is truly an honor to have one of your caliber as a friend and sparring partner. ­And as long as we share this bond, there's nothing to fear.

Chrom: We do form a force without equal. My friends will rest easy knowing I can protect them.

Ryoma: And no sane enemy will dare threaten my siblings.

Chrom: Well, I think we've had enough rest with all this talking. Don't you agree?

Ryoma: You read my mind. Another match?

Chrom: And you took the words right out of my mouth. Now, here I come!

* Camilla 


Camilla: Corrin? Hello? Are you here?

Chrom: Ah, I've just sent Corrin on a delivery. It shouldn't take long.

Camilla: You sent someone of Corrin's royal stature on a simple delivery? If anything goes wrong, I will personally take it out on you tenfold!

Chrom: What?! Let's be reasonable here!

Camilla: Prince and captain you may be, but if Corrin is harmed, your name is mud.

Chrom: I'll take the blame in that case. But really, Camilla, what could go wrong?

Camilla: Any number of things! Misreading the map, falling off a cliff...you name it!

Chrom: You know, Frederick was in a similar state when Lissa first went out on her own.

Camilla: The slightest scratch must be answered with an ocean of blood...

Chrom: C-Camilla...this has moved past doting into disturbing...

Camilla: What's so wrong with being concerned for one's family?

Chrom: You treat Corrin like a child, for one thing. It can become smothering.

Camilla: But you have Frederick, who fusses similarly over you.

Chrom: That's very true. When I warn you to pull back, I speak from experience. Every time I go out without checking with him, he upbraids me for hours.

Camilla: Isn't it a retainer's duty to know where his lord is at all times?

Chrom: Well, let me put it this way. If I so much as sneeze, he starts knitting a new scarf.

Camilla: Such impressive devotion... My question is, why are you ever not wearing one?

Chrom: Maybe I'm not being clear. He insists on doing everything for me, however trivial.

Camilla: Is it true that he once pinned posters of you all over camp to raise morale?

Chrom: Let's not speak of that incident. I was so embarrassed that I longed for death.

Camilla: Oh dear. Is that all Frederick is to you? A nuisance?

Chrom: No, no... His heart's in the right place. And he's served me for a long time. But I can never leave camp without him shadowing me to my every destination.

Camilla: As well he should! I try to keep Corrin within arm's reach at all times. No farther, preferably, than...this.

Chrom: A-all right! I don't need a demonstration!

Camilla: How adorable you are with flushed skin... Does my nearness bother you?    

Chrom: That's not the issue!

Camilla: No? Then you won't mind feeling the effects of my warm embrace either.         

Chrom: Camilla!

Camilla: Oh, don't worry. I only have room in my heart for Corrin. I'll see you later, Chrom.

* Robin


Chrom: A Gleamstone hidden within me... I still can't quite believe it.

Robin: I'd have trouble believing it myself, if I hadn't been there.

Chrom: Do you remember what the temple sage told us about the legend of this land?

Robin: That power resides in the Gleamstones carried by heroes from other worlds.

Chrom: Exactly. He mentioned heroes, and I'm no hero.

Robin: You really believe that? I thought you were a hero long before coming here.

Chrom: You remember what happened back in Ylisse, right? If I was a true hero, there wouldn't be so much suffering in my own home. If only I could get stronger...

Robin: Regardless of what happened in the past, you've never been one to just sit back.  You fight with all your strength for the protection of everyone, don't you? That's the Chrom that the people, as well as the Shepherds, rely upon.

Chrom: And yet, Ylisse's problems remain. The people have been suffering since the last war, and I can't do a thing about it... Except for worry, and be a burden. It's so pathetic.

Robin: A burden? Pathetic? You're the only one who thinks that, Chrom. If you see someone in need, you help them. Isn't that just your way? Just like when you found me. You had no reason to help me, and yet you did.

Chrom: That is the only way I know how to live my life.

Robin: It's those unwavering ideals that motivate so many people to fight by your side. This is just my opinion, but...being a hero doesn't mean you have to be perfect. A hero is someone who cares for the people around him, and who guides them.

Chrom: So, by that logic...without anyone around, a hero is just a normal person?

Robin: That's...one interpretation... But still, you're always surrounded by friends.

Chrom: Yeah... You're right! Because I can't do anything by myself!

Robin: That's what you're taking away from all this?

Chrom: Just look at how much I rely on you. Without your aid, who knows where I'd be.

Robin: Oh, come on... You're starting to embarrass me! It's the way you believe in your friends like this that makes you a hero to me. ­That's why I'm proud that you were chosen as a hero in this world. 

Chrom: Well, if that's the case...I'll just have to become worthy of the title of hero. And our first step is saving this land! You're coming with me, right, Robin?

Robin: Of course! The future you aim for will be the path I walk. Nothing can stand in our way.

Chrom: Let's go! We're in this together!

* Marth


Chrom: Hm... Did I move too far ahead? 

Marth: Chrom! You're alive!

Chrom: Marth. Thank you for coming... Behind you!

Marth: You have my thanks. I came here to save you, but instead you saved me.

Chrom: No thanks are necessary... This whole mess was my fault

Marth: Don't be so hard on yourself Anyway, let us be off

Chrom: Right! You really helped me out. I tend to get ahead of myself when it comes to battle.  You, on the other hand, fight while also watching out for your comrades.

Marth: I cannot simply stand by and watch as those I fight alongside are hurt, But you are always more than brave on the battlefield, Chrom. You know, You remind me of King Anri. 

Chrom: The founder of the Kingdom of Altea? To be compared to him is a little overwhelming. I'm not that great. But you hold within you the power to accomplish greatness, just like the king. Of the two of us, I think you're far more deserving of the name Hero-King. 

Marth: Do you truly believe so? 

Chrom: I do. When I return home, I'll tell stories of my battles alongside the great Marth.

Marth: But I get so focused on helping everyone that I lose sight of my own safety. It is sad to think that one lauded as the Hero-King cannot care for himself

Chrom: No! I won't accept that!

Marth: I apologize if I said something to upset you.

Chrom: ...I'm the one who should apologize. It's impossible not to expect great things from a legendary hero. And when we look at you, we can't help but feel that you truly deserve the title. So please, don't be so hard on yourself. 

Marth: Thank you, Chrom. You are the first one to explain it that way. In any case, I must improve myself before I am worthy of the title of Hero-King

Chrom: Marth...

Marth: But I will no longer make apologies for being less than perfect. And some day, I will be as worthy of the title as you say. This, I swear to you!

Chrom: And I swear to become as brave and kind a soul as you. As long as we share this bond that spans time itself, I'm sure I can do it. For the sake of both our futures... 

Marth: Let us join our power and take the next battle! Our swords together shall carve a path for us both!

* Lianna


Lianna: There you are, Chrom. I wanted to thank you for helping me out earlier. I shouldn't have gone off like that, all by myself. Thank goodness you were there!

Chrom: Of course! I'm just happy you're safe.

Lianna: It seems like every time we meet you're saving my life. “Thank you” is starting to sound like an understatement!

Chrom: I wouldn't worry too much about it. Even I need to be saved now and then. In any case, I'm sure you would do the same for me.

Lianna: Obviously! But...you're so quick to action. I don't know if I have rapid-fire instincts like that.  Usually I just overthink things until it's too late to do anything at all! I guess it's something I have to work on.

Chrom: Hm... Are you so sure that's a negative quality?

Lianna: I'll never be able to save anyone if I'm always stuck in my head. I see how you act without hesitation-- how you throw yourself into danger. It's amazing! I could never do that.

Chrom: I think you're wrong, but I'd caution you against using me as an example. I'm often criticized for the same qualities you now praise. Maybe that instinctive approach works when there's an immediate danger... But it's certainly no way to act when there are greater things at stake.

Lianna: I guess...

Chrom: Sometimes I wish I had the ability...the impulse to stop and think things through. The point is...we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Lianna: You know...your behavior is a little reckless, Chrom.

Chrom: Well, now! Is that any way to thank me for my kind words?

Lianna: You're the one who started talking about your weaknesses! But I see your point. You're the guy who takes care of problems as they pop up... And I focus on what's looming ahead. Is that what you meant?

Chrom: It is. When we combine our strengths is when we are most successful!

Lianna: Well, I'll do whatever I can to keep our team safe. You're all so wonderful!

Chrom: It is an incredible army we've put together here. ­

Lianna: Especially since we have you.  I'm so grateful that you're on our side... I'll never forget what you've done for us.

Chrom: It has been an honor. Even if I am able to return to my world, you will always hold a place in my heart.

Lianna: ...Ahem! I guess we better get out there, right?

Chrom: I'll do my best to keep you safe.

Lianna:  And I you.

* Lucina


Lucina: Um, Father...
Chrom: Lucina? Why do you look so serious? 
Lucina: I've been fighting to change my world's future for so long. I have fought my hardest each and every day, but I've never had a chance to relax.
Chrom: You have overcome more hardships than most just to make it this far. 
Lucina: But ever since coming to this world, my life has changed so drastically... I still want to change the future, but now I want to save this kingdom as well. After meeting such wonderful allies and journeying with you... Well, I must admit, I'm enjoying myself. It's been a long time since I've felt this. 
Chrom: If you're having so much fun, why do you look so miserable? 
Lucina: It seems wrong to enjoy myself with this world in such dire straits. I can't let myself lose sight of how serious things are! 
Chrom: You're right about the state of things, but you can't let that consume you. I can smile because I'm looking forward to the time we'll spend together.     
Lucina: You are? Father... Thank you! Then I suppose it is OK to feel like I'm having fun... once in a while.
Chrom: Exactly! And how do you want to spend our time?
Lucina: I'd really like to refine my sword skills with you.
Chrom: Very well. But it's more like I'll be taking lessons from you! 
Lucina: Oh, I'm sure we'll be evenly matched, as always. You taught me all my techniques. I'm just excited we can practice together again!
Chrom: Well then, we'll start tomorrow! Is there anything else you want to do together? 
Lucina: Hrm... Perhaps we could...take the occasional walk?     
Chrom: Of course! And what else? 
Lucina: Can we...do our laundry together, too?
Chrom: Frederick may have something to say about that, but I don't mind. 
Lucina: We can really do all those things? I'm so glad!
Chrom: But is that really all you want to do? Not anything...big or significant, I guess?
Lucina: Father, these are not just trivial tasks to me. Spending a carefree day with you is exactly what I want! It's like a dream this day ever came at all. I worry I'll be cursed for being so happy...
Chrom: You've worked so hard to get where you are. Why would you be cursed for this? You're no longer on your own. There is no need to carry that weight alone. 
Lucina: Thank you for saying that...
Chrom: You can depend on me from now on. In fact, it would make me happy if you did.
Lucina: Despite the chaos of our lives, you really think we can have a normal relationship?
Chrom: Through thick and thin, we're father and daughter. We'll make it work!
Lucina: Thank you, Father! We'll be together from now on.
Chrom: And together, Lucina... we will change our fate!

* Elise


Elise: Hey, Chrom! You should come play a game!

Chrom: A game? Uh-oh... OK, I'm ready.

Elise: What do you mean, “Uh-oh”? We're just gonna play hide-and-seek!

Chrom: Oh... You haven't set any traps, have you?

Elise: Traps? Why would I do something so dangerous when we can finally just play?

Chrom: Y-yes, I suppose that's a good point... That's how people normally play, right? When playing with Lissa, I must be on the lookout for all manner of pranks.

Elise: What kind of pranks?

Chrom: Like digging pitfalls in hiding places. Or releasing frogs. Or pitfalls full of frogs.

Elise: Lissa sounds so funny! You two must be really close, huh?  I'm super close with my siblings too, but... I've never tried playing pranks on them!

Chrom: At first I thought you and Lissa were alike, but now I see that's not the case.

Elise: I thought you and my brother Xander were alike at first, too. But you two have nothing in common! You're so much more mischievous than he is!

Chrom: Just what part of me is mischievous?

Elise: Well, you destroy castle walls, and you cook food that makes people faint. Xander would never do anything like that!

Chrom: Ugh, I didn't destroy a wall... But that would be one way to temper physical strength...

Elise: Really? In that case, do you think I could get stronger by destroying walls?

Chrom: If you put in the hard work every day... Sure, I see how that could work.

Elise: All right! Then I'll give it all I've got! I'm gonna break a wall right now!

Chrom: I'm glad you're motivated, but don't go breaking too many of our walls.

Elise: Hmm... If Xander caught me, I'd be in big trouble. He always looks so serious, and he says things like “Royalty should be dignified.” I wish he and I were close like you and Lissa, and that he would play with me...

Chrom: I'm sure he'd play if you asked. It's a fact that all brothers adore their little sisters.  

Elise: Even a serious-faced brother with a wrinkle between his eyebrows? ­

Chrom: Even one of those! Prince Xander isn't always that serious, is he?

Elise: His face may not look it, but he's actually really nice.

Chrom: Then you should ask him. But I don't mind standing in for him today.

Elise: Oh, yay! Actually, I thought of a new game we could play! I haven't tried it out yet, but... will you play it with me?

Chrom: Of course--any game you want. What kind is it?

Elise: It's a contest! We'll pick flowers while singing and weave them into necklaces! But the best part is, we do it all while dancing! So let's get started, OK?

Chrom: Th-this is a game?! She may be more formidable than Lissa...

* Lyn


Lyn: A word, Chrom. You went pretty deep into the enemy lines back there, no?

Chrom: Did I? I lost sight of you at some point, granted, but I was in no real danger

Lyn: Did you forget what you said to me after the previous battle? “Lyn, try not to get too far ahead of the main force. You might get hurt.” Ringing any bells?!

Chrom: I may have said something to that effect.

Lyn: There's no “may have” about it! What's with the double standard? Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'll drop dead from the slightest touch!

Chrom: I assure you, it has nothing to do with you being a woman I just think my heavy armor gives me an advantage when fighting on the front line.

Lyn: All right. I get it. You think you know how strong I am just by looking at me I swear, you're just as bad as Hector!

Chrom: You're making me nervous with that glare....

Lyn: Well, I'll make you eat those words! Consider this a challenge!

Chrom: Oof... I accept on these terms: if I win, I act as vanguard, and you follow behind

Lyn: Same for me, then. If I win, YOU hang back and let me charge ahead! Let's go, right now! The sooner we get this over with, the better!
Lyn: You're better than I gave you credit for.

Chrom: Same to you... I thought you weren't in my league. I hate to say this, but I call a draw. Next time, I'll come out on top.

Lyn: In your dreams! I'll work from sunup to sundown to find a way to beat you! Till then, though, how do we decide who gets to march on the front line?

Chrom: Oh, right... That was the point of the whole competition to begin with... Well, from all I've seen, I'm loath to stop you from leading any charge you want.

Lyn: Thanks, but I tied, not won. You ought to get to take the lead too. 

Chrom: I worry that if we both lead, we'll only get in one another's way.

Lyn: Hmm. What if we stick close together and dive into the fray at the same time? The two of us together would be like a hurricane sweeping across the plain!

Chrom: Hah! I like the sound of that. Even the most valiant warrior can be surrounded or overwhelmed when alone. I worried you would come to that fate, but I'll breathe easier if we fight as one.

Lyn: You're not immune either. That armor won't protect you from everything.

Chrom: Then we agree. In which case, neither of us need restrain ourselves. Next time, let's act together as the vanguard The closer we get, the worse it's going to be for our enemy!





Takumi: Ahh...nothing like hitting the sack at the end of a long day... Wait a second. Something isn't...WHO'S THERE?! Gah! It's...some kind of...FACE...up in the ceiling!

Lissa: Heehee! Gotcha!

Takumi: What?! Who are you? Come out and fight me to the death!

Lissa: Takumi, it's just me--Lissa!

Takumi: Lissa! It sure didn't look like you! Anyway, thanks for taking a few years off my life.

Lissa: Yeesh! I'm sorry. It was just a prank. I didn't think I'd scare you THAT much.

Takumi: Are you kidding? Hiding in the shadows and putting that...THING on the ceiling?

Lissa: It's a portrait of Chrom, if you must know. Frederick drew it!

Takumi: That's supposed to be Chrom? I was sure it was some sort of demon. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you would never EVER do anything like that again.

Lissa: Well, OK. I'll be sure to never EVER do anything to upset you ever again.

Takumi: ...Gee, that sounds awfully familiar. Haven't we had this talk before?

Lissa: Oh, have we?

Takumi: Yes. Do you not remember stitching the word “jerk” on the back of my hair tie? I wore that hair tie in three different battles before I noticed!

Lissa: Oh, yeah! That was...inappropriate, I guess. I'm sorry. I just enjoy getting a rise out of you. But I'll stop now. Really.

Takumi: Well, all right. I mean...you should. ...Sorry if I reacted a bit harshly. But what makes me so prankable?

Lissa: Honestly? It's because you seem like you're always on edge. I thought maybe teasing you a little bit would help you relax and have some fun.

Takumi: But you realize, of course, that these pranks have me even MORE on edge! I could relax and be friendly with you if I knew nothing terrible would happen. So, just try coming up and talking to me next time, OK? I promise I'll be relaxed.    

Lissa: All right, Takumi. It's a deal! It's kind of ironic, isn't it? ­I teased you because you were uptight, but the teasing just made it worse! I'm glad we had this talk. Hey, in a way, my pranks actually DID work!

Takumi: Hmpf. Well, now that you've completely destroyed any hope of an early bedtime... How about sharing a cup of tea with me?

Lissa: I'd love to! Oh, there was just one other thing...

Takumi: One second, all right? I've got to get the kettle boilAAAAUUUGH!

Lissa: ...Yeah. I was gonna warn you about the trap that I dug right there. You have to believe me when I say that I set that up BEFORE our little talk...

Takumi: Sure, sure. Now help me out of here...

* Sakura


Lissa: Something wrong, Sakura? You don't seem to be your usual self.

Sakura: I-I'm sorry. I just...keep thinking about that last battle. I was no help at all!

Lissa: What?! How could you say that? I saw you out there healing everyone's wounds! If you weren't there, I don't think I would even be standing here now.

Sakura: Maybe...but I was so scared! You, on the other hand, showed such bravery.

Lissa: That doesn't mean I wasn't scared... To be honest...I don't know if I've ever gone into battle without being afraid.

Sakura: Is that true? Never?! How do you overcome your fear?

Lissa: I dunno. I guess I just hate sitting on the sidelines. Especially when people I love are in danger. I have to protect them!

Sakura: Me too... In those moments, I can feel the courage well up inside me.

Lissa: Exactly! And my big brother has had some close calls... He needs me around!

Sakura: Oh my! Is Chrom really so reckless...?

Lissa: Seriously, he is! I can't take my eyes off him for a second. Luckily, since he's met Robin, he's stopped using ONLY brute force.

Sakura: That's so funny! He always seems so calm and composed to me!

Lissa: No way! Earlier he just ran off and dove into a crowd of enemy forces. He shouted something about being a decoy and leading them away. Yeesh...

Sakura: The way you're describing him reminds me a bit of my big sister Azura.

Lissa: I didn't know you had another big sister!

Sakura: I do! In battle, she'll often put herself in danger while trying to help someone. Off the battlefield, she's calm and thinks things through...

Lissa: She sounds a bit like my big sister, actually.

Sakura: Huh? I didn't know you had any more siblings!

Lissa: Oh, yes! My sister's kind and gentle, but also really strong willed! I hope to be a lot like her one day.

Sakura: ...I'd like to be like Azura, too.

Lissa: But, Sakura, you already are! You're kind, and you're braver than you think.

Sakura: So are you, Lissa! You're always out on the battlefield, caring for others... I think you're very much like your sister already!

Lissa: Thank you, Sakura... We should be brave for each other, so we can both become like our sisters! We can do it!

* Elise


Elise: Hey, Lissa? Do you know of any ways to act more mature?

Lissa: I've been wondering that same thing lately.

Elise: I was just outside playing and I wound up covered in mud. Camilla washed my clothes, but it made me feel like such a kid.

Lissa: I've been there...

Elise: I want to be as mature and grown-up as Camilla. And as beautiful too!

Lissa: Yeah, she is pretty... My older sister is the same way--mature and beautiful! I've always admired her. Someday I hope to be as kind and graceful as she is.

Elise: I guess we just can't help but admire our big sisters... But how can we become more like them?

Lissa: Well, Frederick told me I have to go to bed early if I want to grow. So I've been going to bed earlier than usual. Do I look taller to you?

Elise: Hmm... I don't know how tall you were before, so I can't really tell.

Lissa: I knew I should have marked my height on the wall...

Elise: But isn't doing the opposite and staying up late a more mature thing to do?

Lissa: Yeah, I always imagine everyone else staying up late talking battle tactics.

Elise: So let's meet up tonight! Just the two of us. Talking tactics is kind of boring, though... but we could eat sweets while we talk!

Lissa: Ooh, that sounds more fun already! I'm still not sure about tactics, though...

Elise: Oh, I know! I asked Camilla to teach me about makeup. How about you learn with me? Makeup is essential to looking mature, right?

Lissa: Now that's a grown-up thing to do. How often should we meet up?

Elise: The more the better. We don't know how long we have until we return home.

Lissa: Oh yeah... Someday we'll have to go back, won't we? And that means we won't be able to see each other anymore.

Elise: Oh, I would hate that! We finally became friends.

Lissa: OK, Elise, let's promise each other something... Even after we go back to our own worlds, we vow to someday meet again.

Elise: Yes, I promise! I promise to come see you again, Lissa!

Lissa: I wonder if we'll be as mature as our big sisters by then.

Elise: I'm sure of it. I'll be so mature, just like Camilla. You won't even recognize me!

Lissa: I can't wait to see! I bet you'll be even prettier than her.

Elise: You really think so? But I bet you'll be even more graceful, so I'm excited to see you again.

Lissa: I can't wait to visit you after this.

Elise: I'll bring the sweets!

* Xander


Lissa: Xander! Perfect timing! People really look up to you, right? Frederick and Ryoma are tall, but you really stand out.
Xander: Hm… I suppose you might say I cast a long shadow.
Lissa: I’m not making a metaphor–I’m wondering how you got so tall! I want to be taller, but I can’t seem to grow an inch!
Xander: Oh… Well, I guess you are a bit on the delicate side.
Lissa: Hmph, don’t call me delicate!
Xander: I’m, uh… I’m just repeating what Chrom said.
Lissa: Aww, I can’t believe he told you that.
Xander: Don’t be embarrassed. In my youth, I too wanted little more than to grow up.
Lissa: I knew you’d understand! I want to look all grown-up already.I want to be beautiful and graceful like my sister, or like Camilla. But I’m not nearly as tall as either of them.
Xander: Hmm, I see… Now that I think about it, Elise has had similar concerns lately. But if you’re looking for some secret way to grow… Well, I did nothing special.
Lissa: Aww. There aren’t any tricks you can think of? Like tying your hands and feet to different horses to stretch yourself out?
Xander: …That is not as effective as one would think.If anything, it was my strict training regimen. I’ve always been very active. And this may be obvious, but eating right is very important. Do you have a balanced diet?
Lissa: Actually, I have selective taste buds…I just can’t stand foods that smell,or anything that’s super tough.Like bear meat! I can’t believe that it’s so popular with some people. It’s exactly what I don’t want to eat!
Xander: Maybe you’ve just never had it cooked properly. I enjoy a nice fatty cut. 
Lissa: Yuck, you sound just like Robin!
Xander: I can teach you how to cook it. If you boil it right, you can get rid of the smell.
Lissa: Ugh, well…if I eat that, maybe I’ll become more bearlike?
Xander: I’m having trouble picturing you with fur.
Lissa: Hmph, I meant as tall as a bear! I’ll try doing the things you said. And
just you watch my progress! I’ll train every day and eat so much bear meat that one day I’ll be bigger than you. And then I’ll look down at you and make
you change your name to Mr. Delicate!
Xander: If anyone can do that, Lissa, I’m sure it’s you. I’m still growing myself. I must always continue to grow, as a prince of Nohr.
Lissa: But there’s no way you can get any taller, Xander!
Xander: I’m not speaking in terms of height…I look forward to seeing your progress.

* Cordelia


Lissa: You look nice today, Cordelia! But then you always look beautiful.

Cordelia: Oh, uh...thank you?

Lissa: You even make crushing an enemy look ladylike! I don't know how you do it... ­

Cordelia: You want something, don't you?

Lissa: Haha! Not at all. I just think you're amazing. And I hope one day I'll be as beautiful a lady as you.

Cordelia: You keep using that word--beautiful. I'm not sure the description really fits me...

Lissa: Of course it does! Honestly, I think it falls short. Even my brother thinks so! He's always going on and on about you. How you're a hard worker, talented, on and on. He really likes you.

Cordelia: Huh? H-he likes me?

Lissa: Maybe he used the word “admire”? One of the two.

Cordelia: Ah, so he respects me... Yes, that makes more sense. In any case, I'm honored to receive Chrom's praise. Thank you.

Lissa: No problem!

Cordelia: You know, Lissa... Your own hard work hasn't escaped my notice.

Lissa: Yeah. I guess I try hard at stuff.

Cordelia: It's just one of your many wonderful qualities.

Lissa: Really?! Like what else?

Cordelia: Ha ha! Like just now. You're so excitable, and sweet, and innocent.

Lissa: But that's all little kid stuff! I wanna be a mature lady, like you! You know...smart, kind...generous.

Cordelia: Well, you're those things too. I think you're just as strong as me.

Lissa: Really?

Cordelia: Of course. Every day you remind me more and more of Exalt Emmeryn. Your strength, your kindness... I'm reminded of her every time I look at you.  ­

Lissa: I dunno. We're so...different.

Cordelia: Maybe, but you're still sisters! You have more similarities than differences. ­  

Lissa: You know what? You're right! But even apart from that, you're still my number-one role model!

Cordelia: Then I will try to be a lady worthy of your admiration.

Lissa: Hehe! I can't wait till I'm a beautiful lady like you. Then we'll be best friends!

Cordelia: Oh, Lissa. We already are!

* Lucina 


Lucina: Lissa, could you bring me that bow? 
Lissa: Sure thing! And what about this sword here? 
Lucina: Oh, yes, I haven't repaired that one-- Eek!
Lissa: What is it?! 
Lucina: Th-there's...a bug! A huge bug, and it's...it's squirmy!     
Lissa: A bug? Where?!
Lucina: It's right by your feet! Hold still, and I shall exterminate it!  
Lissa: It's near me?! Ahh, gross! What the... Ugh, yuck, it is squirmy! Lucina, help!
Lucina: I will not let it bring you harm, Lissa! I will change your fate...and that of this bug! 
Lissa: Wait, Lucina! That's the Falchion! 
Lucina: Father's sword? I couldn't possibly sully it by slaying a bug... 
Lissa: It's coming for you! Our talking has given it an opening! 
Lucina: A crafty foe... N-no, don't come over here!
Lissa: Ugh, it really is gross... But I guess it's up to me to defeat it! Have some of this!
Lucina: Lissa, don't swing your axe so wildly! We're in a tent!
Lissa: But these are desperate times!
Lucina: My only recourse is to sacrifice my cape. I will immobilize the enemy and crush it! 
Lissa: But if you do that, you'll never be able to wear that cape again! 
Lucina: I won't let it lay a finger--leg--whatever--on you! Now, prepare your-- Wait... It's gone. Did it escape through an opening?Phew, what a relief. This whole ordeal has left me drained. 
Lissa: That was the most exhausting battle I've fought in ages. 
Lucina: I apologize I could not act sooner. Next time, I will obliterate it.   
Lissa: Heeheehee...     
Lucina: What are you laughing at? 
Lissa: It just dawned on me...how funny it was for us to panic over a silly bug. 
Lucina: Hmm, you're right... For some reason, it was kind of fun. But I don't think it was the bug's doing. I have always hated them.
Lissa: You're just like me--I can't stand them either. Playing around like this makes me feel like we're really family, Lucina.
Lucina: Heh... That does have a nice ring to it. I wonder... Do we have any other similarities? A favorite food, or a talent?
Lissa: We must! After all, you're my...time-travel...future-niece!
Lucina: I'm sure you're right. We're alike in more ways than...
Lissa: Hm? What's the matter? By...my feet? Another bug?! Eek!
Lucina: J-just leave it to me, Lissa! This time, I shall strike a fatal blow for sure!

* Anna


Anna: Lissa! Perfect timing. Is there something you need?

Lissa: Well, I have enough weapons already... Maybe some cooking supplies?

Anna: That wouldn't have been my first guess. Why do you want those?

Lissa: I'm not a very good cook, but I've always wanted to learn. So I probably start with a pot or something, right?

Anna: Oh, you've triggered my business alarm. I have just the thing!

Lissa: Great! What is it?

Anna: Heh heh... I call it Anna's School of Chefalry!

Lissa: “Chefalry”? Oh, like how to cook? You teach that?

Anna: Sure! Nowadays, selling skills has a way better return on investment than items.

Lissa: Selling skills? Return on investment? This sounds complicated.

Anna: Oh, it's exceedingly simple, trust me. You pay. I teach. You learn! Money will be raining from the sky! Hehehe... Hahaha... Aah-hahahaha!

Lissa: But...are you a good enough cook to teach people how?

Anna: Once you're the first to sign up for a course, we'll find out together, won't we? I'll even give you a first-student discount! Just spread the word about the class! When everyone tastes your amazing cooking, my class will fill right up.

Lissa: Ahh, I get it. In return for the lesson, I'll be a living advertisement.  

Anna: You catch on quick! Now let's! Get! Cooking!


Lissa: Anna, I was on chef duty yesterday! How was the meal? I'm worried I used too much heat.

Anna: Well, it was a little well-done, but the rich flavor covered it up.

Lissa: Whew! Thank you, Anna. You're a good cook and a good teacher.

Anna: Aw, you're making me blush! Teaching is no different than running a business.

Lissa: Don't be so humble. I've been telling everyone how great your class was. They all seemed pretty jealous. I think your new business is about to take off.

Anna: Yeah, people have been asking me about it nonstop. You're a regular sales magnet! Maybe I should get you to promote my shop, too.

Lissa: I didn't do anything--the food spoke for itself. But I'd be glad to help your shop.

Anna: Well, you've got yourself a new job! Wait, will I have to pay you? ­

Lissa: Teaching me how to cook was payment enough.

Anna: In that case, I'll cram you full of kitchen expertise!

Lissa: I'd love to learn how to cook all sorts of meals...and desserts too!

Anna: Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll graduate to teaching. The school will expand... More students will enroll... And I'll get filthy rich!

Lissa: Just leave it to me! You keep teaching and I'll keep cooking!





Frederick: Excuse me, milady...but are you doing your own laundry? 
Corrin: Yes, I thought I'd give it a try! ...It's not going very well.
Frederick: Is that so? Here, let me have a look. So...with thick clothing, try folding it like this as you rinse.
Corrin: Ahh...that works so much better! It's the first time I've done laundry, I'm afraid. I've always just left it to Flora or Felicia... Or Camilla, if she was visiting. But I thought I should take it upon myself to learn household basics like this.  
Frederick: I take it Flora and Felicia were your retainers?
Corrin: Actually, they were primarily maids. Strictly speaking, Jakob was my retainer.  And I've almost forgotten Gunter...a knight, and a mentor of sorts. ...Yeah. So you can see, I'd love to learn how to be a bit more independent. 
Frederick: Well, I'd be happy to share my knowledge with you, Princess Corrin.     
Corrin: Great! So, what's first?
Frederick: Well...we could spend a bit more time mastering the art of laundry... 
Corrin: Oh, there's an art to it? Hah! Very well, teach me!  
Frederick: Certainly. Now, stain removal is a key skill for any wartime launderer. Begin by wetting the stain with water, and then pinch and rub it. Go on--give it a try. 
Corrin: Rub the stain with my finger...like this? It's not doing anything... 
Frederick: Try using your whole hand, like this. You see? 
Corrin: Hmm. It's harder than it looks. Like this?
Frederick: Here, let me demonstrate once more. Like this. 
Corrin: Wow! It's already gone! Are you sure you're not using some kind of spell? 
Frederick: Would that I could. No, this is the result of ordinary practice.
Corrin: All right, let me give it another try with this one. Oh, wait... You've already removed all the stains!    
Frederick: And thus concludes your lesson.
Corrin: But, Frederick...you did it all yourself. I'm not sure I learned anything. 
Frederick: My apologies. The next time you need a stain removed, let's try again. 
Corrin: It's a deal. See you later, Frederick! 
Frederick: Erm, pardon me, milady, but you've piqued my curiosity. Tell me more of your retainers' duties. 
Corrin: Well, sure. What is it you'd like to know?
Frederick: Anything. I may be able to teach you something that will surprise them.
Corrin: Ha! Assuming I ever get the hang of your first lesson... But what am I saying? With you as a teacher, I know I'm in good hands. Thanks again, Frederick. I'm really lucky to have a friend like you.
Frederick: It is my honor to serve you, milady. Now then, let's find something to stain this garment with, and resume our lesson.

* Hinoka


Hinoka: All right, I've got my vulnerary, spare gauntlets...everything I need. 
Frederick: Princess Hinoka! You should leave this preparation work to me.  
Hinoka: Frederick? You want to pack my travel bag? Go for it. 
Frederick: Thank you, milady. I must say, you did seem to be doing an admirable job. But isn't this the sort of thing you'd usually delegate to a retainer? 
Hinoka: You haven't met Azama and Setsuna. Neither of them are really cut out for this kind of work. 
Frederick: Well, what work DO they handle? Surely your laundry, at the very least?
Hinoka: It's easier to do my own than it is to constantly save Setsuna from drowning.
Frederick: Drowning...in the act of doing laundry? Surely you jest. 
Hinoka: I wish. If there's any danger in a task, she will discover it.
Frederick: But...what of all the cleaning and tidying? Please tell me you're not doing it all! 
Hinoka: Of course I do! I prefer my things to be cleaned rather than broken to bits. And that's a best-case scenario if Setsuna is doing the work. Now, Azama is a bit more careful and does a solid job. But he berates me the whole time. And he's annoyingly accurate! 
Frederick: This is unbelievable. Should I meet this fool, I will teach him some respect. 
Hinoka: Believe me, it's easier to just do everything myself.
Frederick: I never could have imagined you were in such a dire situation. No wonder you are so adept at these menial tasks. Your hand has been forced.
Hinoka: The thing is... I wouldn't trade those two for anyone else.
Frederick: How can you say that?! What possible value can they offer?
Hinoka: Well, despite their quirks, they're plenty capable on the battlefield. It might seem to be an odd arrangement, but it works for us. 
Frederick: Fascinating. Tell me, do you at least entrust them with landscaping duties?     
Hinoka: Landscaping? What's that? 
Frederick: Pulling weeds, tending the gardens, arranging decorative rocks... 
Hinoka: Decorative rocks?! Frederick, tell me you're not wasting time on such drivel! 
Frederick: I hardly think Chrom's decorative rocks qualify as drivel!
Hinoka: You would do anything for Chrom, wouldn't you? I mean...it's admirable. I just can't believe the kind of standard you're setting. 
Frederick: Thank you, milady. It does please me to hear my efforts praised. Still, I can't help but feel guilty about your situation. If I meet your retainers in the future, perhaps I could educate them properly.
Hinoka: You're welcome to try. Knowing you, you might actually succeed! Maybe you could even give me some feedback on my leadership too.
Frederick: It would be my honor. Thank you, Lady Hinoka.

* Xander


Xander: Hmm! Very impressive, Frederick. You were in complete command of that battle. A flawless performance.
Frederick: Thank you, milord. That is high praise indeed coming from you.
Xander: I still have much to learn.Would you grant me the honor of a sparring session sometime? I would love to add Ylissean swordplay to my repertoire.
Frederick: Gladly, milord. Similarly, I am curious about Nohrian battle techniques.
Xander: Excellent! Now, don’t hold back. Be honest if you see any flaws in my form.
Frederick: Of course, Prince Xander.
Xander: …Whew. So, what do you say?
Frederick: Well…if there is one small criticism to be made…I believe you may be focusing too intently on your form.
Xander: Interesting. I suppose I am a bit obsessed with that. I could adapt more freely to an enemy’s movements in battle…
Frederick: Perhaps, but let me caution you… Lord Chrom is notorious for this. He is brilliant at improvisation, but occasionally he loses focus. At its worst, it leads to wild, ineffective flailing. The opposite of your approach.
Xander: I see. So, perhaps a balanced approach is best.
Frederick: That would be my recommendation. I apologize if I have overstepped my place.
Xander: Frederick, please! You’ve given me exactly what I needed: honest feedback.
Frederick: Thank you, milord. I am impressed by your drive for improvement.
Xander: Well, I have no choice but to be dedicated. I am not a natural talent.
Frederick: Is dedication itself not a talent? Who else would continue to push
himself as you do?
Xander: Careful… You’re encouraging me to work even harder.
Frederick: Hah! Please don’t overdo it, milord.
Xander: Thank you again. Still, I endeavor to become Chrom’s equal in battle.
Frederick: You are closer than you think. You only just learned Ylissean swordplay…And yet I can see that you’ve already incorporated elements of it in battle.
Xander: Well, give me a few more days and let me see what else I can show you.
Frederick: I look forward to it! I will do my best to keep up.
Xander: This has been most agreeable. I’m glad we were able to learn from each other. It reminds me of sparring with my father…If we could do this again sometime, I’d appreciate it.
Frederick: It would be my honor, milord. Rest assured, I’ll give it everything I’ve got!
Xander: You can count on me to do the same. Good day, Frederick.

* Camilla 


Camilla: Frederick, darling...whatever are you doing?

Frederick: I am merely grooming this gravel path for Chrom's footsteps. Routine work.

Camilla: Truly? How fascinating. I had no idea you were so in love with Chrom!

Frederick: Milady, that is not accurate. I am merely a retainer devoted to his master.

Camilla: Mmm-hmm. Well then, what other sorts of things do you do for your master?

Frederick: Well, naturally I research all of the locations he visits in advance... I create meal plans to help manage his diet and fitness... And, of course, I try to follow his every step...just in case I am needed. But if I am able to save him a trip by running errands myself...that is ideal.

Camilla: Well, I'm impressed! I may borrow a few of those ideas to help Corrin! As it is, my first duty is to kill anyone or anything that would dare harm her. And naturally I do her laundry and tidy her quarters... Why, I would even bathe her by hand... If she would permit it!

Frederick: ...I have failed. It did not occur to me to help wash the small of Chrom's back. I must correct this oversite at once! (Seems to be a spelling error here, should read "oversight")

Camilla: Wait! Before you rush off to the hot springs... I still have a few more questions for you!

Frederick: Very well. What else do you wish to know?

Camilla: I wish to know EVERYTHING about the duties you perform for Chrom. If there is even one tiny thing that could make Corrin happier, I will do it.

Frederick: I understand completely. Now, let me think... Ah, yes. I have considered composing a war song to inspire Chrom during battle. My idea was to pair this song with some sort of motivational banner... And then, following the victory, three days of celebration and feasting.

Camilla: My goodness. That idea...is simply... tremendous! I love it! Oh, Frederick, let's do it! For both Chrom and Corrin!

Frederick: Really? You'll join me? I do say...it is one of my better ideas.

Camilla: I agree. Now, firstly, we will need to obtain the materials for a large flag...

Frederick: Certainly. But first...would you mind if I finished grooming this path?

Camilla: Of course not! In fact, I'll help you. After all, Corrin may walk on this path as well. Let's make it perfect for her!

Frederick: Excellent. Why don't you start over there, and I'll work over here. Together we can create a path that will be perfect for our masters' strides!

* Lucina


Frederick: Ah, Lucina. I've prepared some tea and a little snack for you.     
Lucina: Oh! Well, thank you, Frederick.
Frederick: Additionally, I have repaired the seams in your tent and done some tidying up. 
Lucina: Uhh...thank you. But really, that's too much. You shouldn't have.
Frederick: Nonsense. It is my duty. Incidentally, how long would your ideal scarf be? 
Lucina: Now, this is really too much! Frederick, I can knit my own scarf. Hand that over!    
Frederick: No, that's for Chrom!     
Lucina: Wha--oh no! It's unraveling!
Frederick: Do not move! The yarn is tangled, but I believe it can be salvaged... 
Lucina: No! Ugh... There goes the whole ball of yarn... I'm sorry, Frederick. I've messed it all up. This will take forever to untangle.
Frederick: No, it's my fault. Clearly the knitting wasn't tight enough. But please, leave the untangling to me. You should not be doing menial work. Your time is better spent doing more important things. 
Lucina: Frederick, I appreciate your help, but you can't dote on me like this. There are others who need your aid more than I do.
Frederick: Well, I would defer to Chrom's judgment... ...Ah. Of course. You must be speaking of Chrom himself. Is that what you meant? 
Lucina: ...Yes! Imagine if something happened while you were busy with me... I won't be the straw that breaks the pegasus's back... Meaning you, obviously.
Frederick: Yes, I understand this expression. But you must know that protecting you is as important as protecting Chrom. That doesn't mean I will neglect my duties to Chrom, though. Not ever.
Lucina: I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've been feeling so guilty...
Frederick: Do you find it hard, depending on others?
Lucina: Well...yes! I suppose I share my father's responsibility to defend our people. I feel I should not rely on anyone else... And I guess I can be a bit stubborn.
Frederick: Surely I have demonstrated that you can rely on me, Lucina. And moreover, I am not the only one who can help. So, please... Allow all of us to serve you and do not feel guilty for accepting it. 
Lucina: ...Yes. Thank you again, Frederick. I will do my best.
Frederick: That said, you must not worry yourself with such trivial things. Like knitting! 
Lucina: But...I enjoy knitting. #   
Frederick: Well, that makes two of us. I suppose if you insist...
Lucina: We can finish knitting this scarf together!
Frederick: Very well. Now, let me show you a little secret called knit one, purl two...

* Marth


Frederick: Pardon me, Prince Marth. Let me clean that up.

Marth: Oh! Very well. ...Actually, I was going to get that eventually.

Frederick: Oh, I don't mind. This is the sort of work I handle, milord.

Marth: Are you sure? I don't want to get used to having others do work for me.

Frederick: I see. But did your former retainers not handle these sorts of things?

Marth: Why would you assume that?

Frederick: Pardon me if I have offended you, but is that not what retainers are for? Surely you were surrounded by capable and trustworthy ones?

Marth: Yes, yes, of course. But they were talented knights, not mere servants. Jagen, my guardian...Abel, with his steady hand...and Cain--what a temper on him. I owe a great deal to all of them.

Frederick: Do you speak of the Bull and the Panther? Those names are legend in my time! To think I never connected them to you... As a retainer myself, I was raised on stories of their craft and service.

Marth: That is comforting to hear. They are all deserving of such honor. But you, Frederick, are just as talented and dependable as they. And your relationship with Lord Chrom is a model of harmony and respect.

Frederick: Milord...I'm honored. Truly, such praise coming from you... Your kind heart knows no limit. The Bull and the Panther are lucky to have you.

Marth: I admit I'm a bit jealous that you and Chrom are united here...

Frederick: Yes, I suppose I am quite lucky... Milord, in the absence of your retainers, perhaps you would allow me to serve. My first duty is still to Chrom, of course, but maybe I could be of some help.

Marth: Thank you, Frederick. I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. Mind you, I don't require anyone to hold my hand. But I am pleased to know I can rely on your strength and courage.

Frederick: Of course, milord. My arm is yours!

Marth: There is one condition, however. You must allow me to do something in return. Perhaps I could help with your work, or fight by your side on the battlefield... ­ Not as your master, but as a friend walking the same path.

Frederick: Thank you, milord! As you said earlier, I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. You can count on my support going forward. As a friend.

Marth: Very well! With our combined strength, we shall overcome anything in our path!

Frederick: Indeed.  Onward, milord! I mean...Marth. ...May I call you Marth?

* Leo 


Frederick: Prince Leo...do you have a moment?

Leo: I suppose. What is it?

Frederick: There's something that's been bothering me. I wasn't sure I should say anything...

Leo: You've been keeping something from me?

Frederick: ...Yes. I have thought long and hard about the implications. But ultimately, I decided that it needed to be said.

Leo: Good gods, man! Don't keep me in suspense any longer. What is it?!

Frederick: Well, Prince Leo...it's about your...                      

Leo: My what?

Frederick: Your collar, milord. It's...inside out.

Leo: No, no, no, that's not possible...  ...Oh. Damn.

Frederick: I was hoping you'd just notice... eventually...but here we are. I could not in good conscience remain silent any longer, milord.

Leo: Is this what you were hinting at with all that talk about fashion?

Frederick: Yes, milord. I was not bold enough to tell you straight out. I apologize.

Leo: No, no. It's my fault, of course. You must come to me directly if this ever happens again. A fashion yes-man is no good to me. I need someone who can speak the truth.

Frederick: I understand. Then, since we are speaking openly...

Leo: Please! Let me hear it.

Frederick: You have worn your collar inside out precisely 36 times since we met. I thought perhaps I might be able to prevent a 37th.

Leo: Thirty-six... Arrgh! Someone must die! ...I mean, thank you.

Frederick: You're welcome. And there's one other thing.

Leo: Very well. Get it over with.

Frederick: The other morning, you nearly wore your nightcap into battle.

Leo: No! I caught myself before actually walking into battle. How did you know?

Frederick: Well, I was positioned nearby to speak to you about something else... Namely, that you had brought your pillow instead of your spell book...

Leo: D-did I really?! ­

Frederick: I was quite surprised to see you look directly at the pillow several times...

Leo: That is enough, Frederick. In the future, I need you to be more proactive.

Frederick: Yes...I understand. If I see that your trousers are on inside out and backwards, I should speak up. I will be happy to add this to my list of daily duties, milord.

Leo: Has it come to this? Do I really need a wardrobe guardian? I ...Yes. Yes, I suppose I do. Thank you, Frederick. You're a true friend.



* Ryoma


Cordelia: Hya! Ya! Er…ya!
Ryoma: Still waiting for your partner, Cordelia? Or are you on your own today?
Cordelia: It’s just me, Lord Ryoma. I’ve never had much luck in finding sparring partners.
Ryoma: Hmm… I would imagine people would line up to train with a genius like you.
Cordelia: Genius? I don’t know about that… Actually, I think it might be that kind of reputation that keeps people away… Since I started as a knight, people have avoided me for fear I’d embarrass them. Apparently I have a habit of winning…So now I mostly train alone.
Ryoma: I see… 
Cordelia: It’s better than not training at all! There are so many people depending on me… I have to be ready in case I’m needed. I refuse to let my allies down. It doesn’t matter if people think I’m a genius if I can’t protect those in need.
Ryoma: You really are a model warrior, Cordelia. Serious, smart, focused…I’m reminded of my retainers back at home, Saizo and Kagero–ninjas.
Cordelia: What’s a ninja?
Ryoma: A master of many skills. Kagero is an inspector, a protector, a strategist…And Saizo completes any task–no matter how unpleasant–with no complaint. Sometimes I worry that they don’t feel their work is appreciated…
Cordelia: I wouldn’t worry about that, Ryoma! Anyone would be honored to be working for you. I mean, I don’t have a liege myself, but I’m sure you’d be a good one. I bet Saizo and Kagero love working for you.
Ryoma: Isn’t that funny! For a second there, you sounded just like Saizo. He once told me there was no greater joy than serving a liege you respect. And that was all the reward he needed. I even think Kagero said something similar once…
Cordelia: Ha! They sound like happy retainers to me. Just like I said, you have nothing to worry about–they’re glad to serve you!
Ryoma: Yes… I can only hope they know how proud I am to be their liege. Cordelia…how would you feel about training with me every now and again? Perhaps I could break you of your pesky habit of winning all the time!
Cordelia: Of course, Lord Ryoma! I’d be happy to spar with you.
Ryoma: Excellent. There’s just something very… familiar about you. I enjoy your company. You have the same spirit as my retainers!
Cordelia: It’s really sweet how much you care about them. I wonder what else I’ll learn about you in these training sessions…
Ryoma: I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I don’t have many secrets.
Cordelia: We’ll see! In all seriousness, I’m happy I’ll have the chance to get to know you better.
Ryoma: The feeling’s mutual.

* Hinoka


Hinoka: Ha! ...Urrgh! You're not gettin' away with that! Hyaa!
Cordelia: Arggh! OK, OK...you win. That was amazing, Lady Hinoka.     
Hinoka: Eh, it was close. 
Coredlia: No, it really wasn't. I've never met a Pegasus Knight of your ability before. Are you up for sparring again tomorrow? This is good training.
Hinoka: I was just going to ask you the same thing.
Cordelia: Then it's a plan! Well, I'd better get back to work. 
Hinoka: Again?! C'mon, Cordelia. How much work could you possibly have to do? 
Cordelia: I need to organize equipment, inventory weapons, look over the accounts-- 
Hinoka: OK, stop. That sounds so boring... Can't you get someone else to do it? 
Cordelia: It's my duty to do these things. I can't just hand them off to someone else!  Anyway, I'd better be on my way. See you tomorrow!
Hinoka: Wait a sec! Cordelia! Training isn't over quite yet.  
Cordelia: But I thought... I mean, you beat me. 
Hinoka: Right, but now I believe you need to train yourself to rest! 
Cordelia: People are counting on me, Lady Hinoka.
Hinoka: Yes! They're counting on you to fight! What good are you if you're exhausted? Even just now you were having trouble with your lance. How do you think I won? 
Cordelia: Are you sure you didn't win simply because I haven't trained hard enough? I can train AND do my work too. In fact, it's my responsibility to do both!
Hinoka: Hah! This might be the first time I've met a warrior who works TOO hard. Listen, I'm just worried about you, Cordelia. Can't I help somehow? 
Cordelia: I appreciate your concern, but... delegating is one skill I've not mastered. 
Hinoka: Fair enough! I'll delegate for you. First things first, I'll do all your work today. 
Cordelia: Lady Hinoka! There are too few hours in the day! You'll never finish in time...  
Hinoka: Uh, then how were you going to do it? Never mind, don't answer that. Just leave it to me. I do this kind of stuff all the time in Hoshido. Seriously. My retainers are completely useless.    
Cordelia: I can't let you--
Hinoka: You're not letting me! I'm doing it! Now...just laze around for a bit. 
Cordelia: Laze around? Hah! I'm not sure I know how to do that, but if you insist, I'll try. ...Thank you, Hinoka. You may have a tough exterior, but you're very generous.
Hinoka: Oh, stop with the waterworks! Anyone would suggest the same thing. And after today, you'll split all your duties with me. OK? We work together. We rest together. That's that.
Cordelia: By your command... In the meantime, I guess I better go figure out how to laze.

* Sakura


Cordelia: Lady Sakura! Are these the herbs you were looking for?

Sakura: Th-they are! I couldn't find any when I went looking earlier. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble...

Cordelia: Not at all! I just happened upon them. And I'm always happy to do you a favor, Lady Sakura.

Sakura: How sweet of you to say! You remind me a lot of my retainer, Subaki.

Cordelia: Really? How so?

Sakura: Well, you do kind of look similar, but it's more than that... It's more like...your auras! That's it. You're both so p-positive. And everyone always talks about what a perfectionist he is. Just like you!

Cordelia: I...I don't know if I'd use the word "perfectionist" to describe myself...

Sakura: Then there's the fact that he's such a hard worker. I don't think I've ever seen him sit idle. It's a little worrying sometimes, the way he pushes himself...

Cordelia: It sounds like he holds himself to very high standards. I suppose I can sympathize with that impulse.

Sakura: See? You're not so different. Oh, but...that means I have to worry about you too, doesn't it? N-not that it's not a good thing to want to be perfect all the time. I-it's just...it's just, if you push yourself too far, you could hurt yourself... And the last thing I want is for you to get hurt, Cordelia. You and Subaki both mean so much to me...

Cordelia: Lady Sakura! Don't get yourself so worked up! I know my own limits... Come to think of it, I had a similar conversation not too long ago... Someone told me that I could learn to ask others for help a bit more often. Of course, being me, I immediately set out to get better at asking for help. But now, thinking back on it, I'm starting to wonder if I kind of missed the point...

Sakura: Maybe a little... I'm sure your friend didn't want you to feel like you had to try even harder. The reason I...a-and perhaps your friend, want you to reach out to others...is not because you need to be perfect. You're perfect the way you are!

Cordelia: Oh, Lady Sakura...thank you. You've cleared a few things up for me. Good thing I found those herbs, huh? Hey, next time you see Subaki, you should say the same thing to him.

Sakura: Good idea! I do want him to know how important he is to me...

Cordelia: Since he can't be here, I hope you'll consider me a suitable replacement.

Sakura: I have no doubt that you are! B-but don't overwork yourself, OK? Not on my account!

Cordelia: Yes, Lady Sakura. I promise to ask for help if I need it. Happy?

Sakura: Yes! I'll look forward to it!

* Lucina


Lucina: Cordelia, is something the matter? You're looking at me a little funny... 
Cordelia: Oh, I am? Sorry, it's just that your movements are so similar to Chrom's. It's kind of mesmerizing.
Lucina: Heh, really? In what ways are they similar? 
Cordelia: Well, for example, you sheathe your swords exactly the same way. 
Lucina: That's quite specific. Is there anything else?  
Cordelia: Hmm... The way you use your finger to turn the pages of a book... And how you both slice meat to such a deliberate thickness... The number of times you blink, and... OH! The way your hair twists into cowlicks! 
Lucina: I had no idea you were watching my father or me so closely! I suppose I should be grateful... I never notice little details like that. So if not for you, all those...quirks we have in common would've escaped me.
Cordelia: How funny! Every time I look at you, I can't help but see traces of your father.
Lucina: Do you...do you think that means one day I could be as amazing as he is? 
Cordelia: You're already amazing! Like I said, you two have a lot in common.
Lucina: I understand that we have a lot of the same habits, but... He's a man of character and an amazing swordsman... I'm eons behind him!
Cordelia: You have nothing to worry about, Lucina. Greatness is in your blood. 
Lucina: I don't know... We're technically the same age and look at him. He's perfect! 
Cordelia: Your father's anything but perfect. Even he'd admit that. Besides, you shouldn't obsess over being perfect. I learned that from Chrom. Everyone has their shortcomings! That's why we need and must support our allies.     
Lucina: Yes, that makes sense... And it takes some of the pressure off. I do always try my best to be a sufficient and reliable ally.
Cordelia: You are! Our friendship has already been a source of strength for me.     
Lucina: Really? That's so good to hear!
Cordelia: Lucina... you're young, smart, beautiful... Keep working hard and you'll be fine. 
Lucina: Beautiful? That means a lot coming from you! You're the most beautiful woman I know! I'm sure my father feels the same way.     
Cordelia: Y-you think so? Not that I care or anything... I-I guess it's nice, uh, to get that confidence boost.
Lucina: I can't imagine you needing a boost of confidence! But if you ever do, I hope you know I'm always happy to sing your praises.
Cordelia: Thank you, Lucina. I think we both have plenty to be confident about.
Lucina: You know what? I believe you're right.

* Lissa


Lissa: You look nice today, Cordelia! But then you always look beautiful.

Cordelia: Oh, uh...thank you?

Lissa: You even make crushing an enemy look ladylike! I don't know how you do it... ­

Cordelia: You want something, don't you?

Lissa: Haha! Not at all. I just think you're amazing. And I hope one day I'll be as beautiful a lady as you.

Cordelia: You keep using that word--beautiful. I'm not sure the description really fits me...

Lissa: Of course it does! Honestly, I think it falls short. Even my brother thinks so! He's always going on and on about you. How you're a hard worker, talented, on and on. He really likes you.

Cordelia: Huh? H-he likes me?

Lissa: Maybe he used the word “admire”? One of the two.

Cordelia: Ah, so he respects me... Yes, that makes more sense. In any case, I'm honored to receive Chrom's praise. Thank you.

Lissa: No problem!

Cordelia: You know, Lissa... Your own hard work hasn't escaped my notice.

Lissa: Yeah. I guess I try hard at stuff.

Cordelia: It's just one of your many wonderful qualities.

Lissa: Really?! Like what else?

Cordelia: Ha ha! Like just now. You're so excitable, and sweet, and innocent.

Lissa: But that's all little kid stuff! I wanna be a mature lady, like you! You know...smart, kind...generous.

Cordelia: Well, you're those things too. I think you're just as strong as me.

Lissa: Really?

Cordelia: Of course. Every day you remind me more and more of Exalt Emmeryn. Your strength, your kindness... I'm reminded of her every time I look at you.  ­

Lissa: I dunno. We're so...different.

Cordelia: Maybe, but you're still sisters! You have more similarities than differences. ­  

Lissa: You know what? You're right! But even apart from that, you're still my number-one role model!

Cordelia: Then I will try to be a lady worthy of your admiration.

Lissa: Hehe! I can't wait till I'm a beautiful lady like you. Then we'll be best friends!

Cordelia: Oh, Lissa. We already are!

* Caeda


Cordelia: Lady Caeda, I've finished polishing your equipment. I also took care of the fitting.

Caeda: Oh! Why, thank you, Cordelia! I hope you know that you don't really need to do all that for me.

Cordelia: I do, but...I can't help it. You're my idol! You're Lady Caeda, the legendary Pegasus Knight!

Caeda: “Legendary”? That's...that's a little... excessive. The only legend I've ever associated myself with is that of Prince Marth.

Cordelia: Don't be so modest. You soar with perfect grace! Your shadow alone inspires fear in your foes below! And your kindness has swayed even the hearts of your enemies, they say!

Caeda: Now you're exaggerating... Though I appreciate the compliment. You command a great deal of respect as well, Cordelia. I'd love to possess your bravery, skill in scouting, organizational abilities...  

Cordelia: Really?! It's an honor to hear you say that! W-would you mind if I asked you something, Lady Caeda?

Caeda: Of course not. What would you like to know?             

Cordelia: I heard this legend... It was about three Pegasus Knights. Sisters. It's said that they could join forces and perform a powerful special attack. Would you happen to know of them, by chance? I believe they lived in your time...

Caeda: Are you speaking of the Whitewings of Macedon's Pegasus Knights?

Cordelia: So they do exist! I've wanted to learn their technique ever since I heard the legends.

Caeda: I've seen them use the maneuver you're talking about. But I'm sorry to tell you I never learned it myself.

Cordelia: Oh. So you probably wouldn't be able to teach it to me then. Unless... Well, you have seen it, right? Maybe you could re-create it!

Caeda: Maybe. However, you need three people to perform the move, like the sisters.

Cordelia: You, Lady Hinoka, and I are all Pegasus Knights. We could do it! We'd simply need to learn how to harmonize our movements. Don't you think it would be worthwhile to at least give it a try? ­

Caeda: I...I suppose. I guess I never really considered it before...  ...But why not? I think our bonds are strong enough to make it work! I must say, your passion is infectious, Cordelia. Let's find Lady Hinoka and get started right away!

Cordelia: Really?! Ha! I can't believe that I get to learn this move alongside my idol! If we do manage to pull it off, it'll be like achieving two lifelong dreams at once.

* Camilla (Only found in English. Likely scrapped in release version of the game.)


Camilla: You know, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I think you're lovely, Cordelia.

Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla?! This is so sudden! What are you talking about?

Camilla: I think it's wonderful how you're strong, cute, and conscientious of your surroundings. And you've got such gorgeous, long legs... You should be proud of yourself.

Cordelia: O-Oh no! I was actually thinking that I'd rather be more like you...

Camilla: Oh my! Whatever for?

Cordelia: You're kind, beautiful, and reliable, and above all, you're, well... How do I say this...feminine, perhaps? I mean, I admire your feminine shape.    

Camilla: Hmm, but I think your slender figure is attractive, too, you know.

Cordelia: That's not true! Lady Camilla, tell me, how did you get them to grow so large?!

Camilla: Let's see... Really, all I did was eat well and sleep well. I I don't know what else to tell you. I didn't really do anything special.

Cordelia: What...?! P-Please tell me you're joking, Lady Camilla... If you didn't do anything, that means no amount of effort will do anything, right...?

Camilla: Oh dear, don't be so upset. Being large up top is a problem in itself.

Cordelia: I-it is...?

Camilla: Yes. It's difficult to find armor that fits, and I can't wear the clothes I'd like.

Cordelia: I worry about that, too. Adult-like clothes don't suit me, and swimwear, well...

Camilla: But I think you'd look better in patterns and fitted clothes than I do. Oh, I know! Let's go into town together next time. I'll pick out clothes for you!

Cordelia: Lady Camilla... I'd only feel bad if you were to be so kind to me.

Camilla: Oh, it'll be fine. You just haven't realized how attractive you are yet, that's all. It's nice that you don't cut corners, but you mustn't fuss too much. There, there.

Cordelia: You're so accepting and motherly. You've got me completely beat--wait, motherly?!

Camilla: What's wrong, Cordelia? Did you think of something?

Cordelia: Lady Camilla, if I were overflowing with as much maternal instincts as you, then...!

Camilla: Perhaps. They do see that what's on the inside is reflected on the outside...

Cordelia: That's exactly right! I must find a book about motherhood right away!

Camilla: How about you experience my motherly behaviour instead? Come...let me hug you.

Cordelia: Oh, b-but, um... This is awkward... ­

Camilla: Heehee... You really are a sweet, lovely girl.

Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla! Please, that's enough. You're embarrassing me!

Camilla: Aww... You're so lovely and strong... If you were to be obedient to me... Speaking of which, you remind me of one of my retainers. I might just have to take you back to Nohr with me one of these days.

Cordelia: Wait, what? You're... you're joking, right? I'm...

Camilla: Heehee, yes. But I do want to spend more time with you while we're in this world.

Cordelia: Of course! I would love to spend time with you, as time allows. It's a promise!





Robin: Phew, we won. Thank goodness my strategy played out how I hoped.

Rowan: Your strategy? You mean my skills. Did you see how many enemies I cut down?

Robin: You still don't trust my tactical sense? I thought I had earned your approval.

Rowan: Pull your weight in a fight, and you'll always have my approval! But you gotta admit, knights are far more important than tacticians.

Robin: You still don't understand that there's more to war than just swordsmanship. Let's hold a short symposium on the art of battle. You may learn something.

Rowan: Art? Knights don't need art! They just need to train and become strong.              

Robin: It's a pity you feel that way. To think, you'd be a splendid knight otherwise. You may not need tactics to charge in headfirst, but there are other ways.  Let's say, for example...  The enemy has 10 times your forces. Even with strong knights, could you win?

Rowan: Well, victory in that case would be difficult...

Robin: But with a keen strategy--sneak attacks, pincers, diversions... See what I mean? You have to admit, strategy and tactics are just as important as any weapon.

Rowan: Even so, coming up with strategy is a tactician's job. Not a knight's.

Robin: Not true. A tactician can only plan for the future, not foresee it perfectly. The tide of battle shifts constantly. The front line must know how to adapt. Knights must have good judgment and adapt on the fly; otherwise the plan fails.

Rowan: In other words...knights can't always just do what the tacticians say?

Robin: Precisely. Tacticians paint the broad strokes; knights fill in the details.

Rowan: So if a knight is strong enough to fight and smart enough to employ strategy...

Robin: I know where you're going with this. If you can protect your friends with your brains as well as your brawn... Your skill as a knight will be peerless.

Rowan: I like the sound of that. That's what I'll become!

Robin: That's the spirit. I'm sure you can do it!

Rowan: In that case, would you mind teaching me strategy?

Robin: I wouldn't mind at all. I'll teach you everything I know. Let's start with what informs strategy. I have a list right here... ­

Rowan: That is a really long list...   Somewhere out there an enemy knight is actually putting in the time to study. I can't let some enemy outclass me...All right, I'll do it. You must be a master tactician, huh? Do you know everything about strategy?

Robin: Hardly. Strategy is always changing, so I'm always studying.

Rowan: Then let's study together. We'll each grow in our fields!

Robin: I'm sure you'll one day not only become a fine knight but a fine king as well.

Rowan: Huh? Become a fine what and a what when?

Robin: You'll be great, Rowan. Now let's get started!

* Corrin


Robin: Do you have a minute, Corrin? I've been wanting to talk to you... Tell me--do you believe our choices are really ours to...choose?     
Corrin: I'm not sure I follow...
Robin: Are our decisions our own, or do you think they're already made for us? 
Corrin: Well, that's a terrifying prospect! What's gotten you thinking about this?
Robin: I'm not really sure... I guess the idea of destiny has just been on my mind. And I can't shake the worry that my feelings and impulses aren't my own.
Corrin: Hmm. Well, I've always believed that my choices are mine and mine alone. Like fate is just a series of paths one can take, but it's up to you to decide which. So my future is still guided by will.
Robin: OK... I think I understand what you're saying. 
Corrin: And if some godlike being thinks she can tell me what to do... I'm gonna find her and put an end to her high jinks!
Robin: You don't think she'd see it coming? She'd be a god, after all. 
Corrin: So it's not a perfect plan... Anyway, what do you believe? 
Robin: I would like to believe that I do more than just choose a path.     
Corrin: What other option is there?     
Robin: To build my own. I don't want to be at the center of many ever-branching paths. I want to carve out a single path for myself, as I go. In short, I want to be the architect of my own fate.
Corrin: I can see how that idea might be appealing. But I can't help but believe that my will serves something bigger than myself.
Robin: And I can only hope that the opposite is true. 
Corrin: ...I guess choice plays a different role for you than for me. 
Robin: Think about it! I'm a tactician. You're royalty. What can we do but try to play the hands we are dealt?   
Corrin: Hah! Nothing, I guess! Though we do agree on one thing--that our decisions have consequences. Your perspective has me thinking, though... 
Robin: Well, if you're ever in need of a different point of view, I hope you come see me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's overthinking outcomes.
Corrin: Excellent! I'll offer you the same service. Maybe I'll convince you to take a premade path every once in a while.
Robin: I guess that wouldn't be SO bad. I look forward to more philosophical debates in our future, Corrin.
Corrin: Me too.

* Xander


Xander: Did you write these war council briefs, Robin? I don’t recognize the handwriting.
Robin: I did! I’ve just been trying to make my script a little more…legible. Actually, I got the idea from you, Lord Xander. Your writing is so polished! What a difference it makes when you can actually read what you just wrote.
Xander: Indeed. It’s heartening to see someone skilled, like you, seek self-improvement. My retainers, Peri and Laslow, do not show the same drive.
Robin: Really? Maybe they just don’t like to talk about it.
Xander: I don’t know about that. If there’s one thing Laslow likes to do it’s talk… He’s great at his work, when he’s not too busy flirting to do it.
Robin: I see. But what about Peri? I’ve heard stories of her bloodlust on the battlefield…
Xander: Oh, Peri has her quirks. One of which is not sitting still for more than a minute. She’s irreplaceable in battle, but as for  the less violent parts of the job…
Robin: You need Laslow, despite his flirtatious tendencies. You know, charm’s not the worst quality to have.
Xander: That’s what I used to think as well! Until he started reporting for duty in tears, worked up over his latest rejection.
Robin: I don’t envy you there, Lord Xander.
Xander: I just wish there was a way to curb his desire for female attention.
Robin: That is a challenging proposition. Let me think… Maybe…maybe what he really needs is a little more confidence. Couldn’t you give him some kind of pep talk?
Xander: I’m not sure I feel comfortable getting so…er, personal with my retainers.
Robin: Q-quite right. My apologies. Wait…I’ve got it! What if all his interactions with women led him back to something work related?
Xander: An interesting thought… But how could that be accomplished?
Robin: The next time Laslow has his heart set on a young lady, you should hire her! That way, whenever he thinks about her, he will also think about work!
Xander: You have confidence in this plan?
Robin: I do! I have complete confidence.
Xander: Then perhaps I’ll give it a go. You’ve been quite helpful today, Robin. You’ve given me hope that Laslow might someday improve.
Robin: It’s an honor to assist you, Lord Xander. I’d be happy to help whenever you need me.
Xander: Thank you. I’ll be coming to you for more brilliant ideas soon enough.

* Leo 


Leo: Hmph... I've been bested! You really trounced me there, Robin.

Robin: By the skin of my teeth... Honestly, I didn't think it would be so close.

Leo: I knew that 64th move was a mistake. I could've used a pincer attack from there!

Robin: Eh, a pincer then would have actually hastened my victory by two moves. It's a fairly standard technique we use on the battlefield in Ylisse.

Leo: You're saying you were anticipating that? I thought you'd never played this game before... Have I been duped?

Robin: No, but I've played very similar games, where you use the board as a battlefield.

Leo: As have I, though clearly my experience was not as useful as yours. In Nohr we have a game called chess that's a lot like this.  I'm the best in my family! I was sure could beat you too. Although now that I've gotten the hang of it...care for a rematch?

Robin: We can play as many times as you like. I'm sure we'll learn a lot from each other.  And beating you never gets old!

Leo: Hrm. Line up your pieces. The first thing you'll learn is taking defeat with dignity. I think you're underestimating me, by the way. One battle doesn't win a war.

Robin: Oh, I don't believe you'll be a pushover. You kept me on the ropes for most of that last game. That famous Nohrian strategy confused me more than once! Let's just say I'd hate to meet you on the battlefield!

Leo: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice?

Robin: Not at all! I'm very interested in learning about your battle tactics and techniques!

Leo: Of course you are! That would give you quite an advantage in this game.

Robin: No, no, Leo! I'm talking about your literal battle tactics! Like on the field. I'm sure if we combined our expertise, our strategic options would expand.

Leo: I see what you're saying now. I guess as a tactician you're always looking for new ideas, aren't you?  

Robin: So will you teach me, Leo?

Leo: Of course...but only if you beat me in this next match. And I won't make it easy! ­

Robin: Interesting... You're on! Now that something's actually at stake, I have a feeling this game will get heated.

Leo: I'm looking forward to it. We'll see how long your confidence lasts... Are we ready now? Good. Why don't you take the first move, Robin? You're going to need all the help you can get.

Robin: Ha! Get ready, Leo. You're about to see a true tactician at work!

* Chrom 


Chrom: A Gleamstone hidden within me... I still can't quite believe it.

Robin: I'd have trouble believing it myself, if I hadn't been there.

Chrom: Do you remember what the temple sage told us about the legend of this land?

Robin: That power resides in the Gleamstones carried by heroes from other worlds.

Chrom: Exactly. He mentioned heroes, and I'm no hero.

Robin: You really believe that? I thought you were a hero long before coming here.

Chrom: You remember what happened back in Ylisse, right? If I was a true hero, there wouldn't be so much suffering in my own home. If only I could get stronger...

Robin: Regardless of what happened in the past, you've never been one to just sit back.  You fight with all your strength for the protection of everyone, don't you? That's the Chrom that the people, as well as the Shepherds, rely upon.

Chrom: And yet, Ylisse's problems remain. The people have been suffering since the last war, and I can't do a thing about it... Except for worry, and be a burden. It's so pathetic.

Robin: A burden? Pathetic? You're the only one who thinks that, Chrom. If you see someone in need, you help them. Isn't that just your way? Just like when you found me. You had no reason to help me, and yet you did.

Chrom: That is the only way I know how to live my life.

Robin: It's those unwavering ideals that motivate so many people to fight by your side. This is just my opinion, but...being a hero doesn't mean you have to be perfect. A hero is someone who cares for the people around him, and who guides them.

Chrom: So, by that logic...without anyone around, a hero is just a normal person?

Robin: That's...one interpretation... But still, you're always surrounded by friends.

Chrom: Yeah... You're right! Because I can't do anything by myself!

Robin: That's what you're taking away from all this?

Chrom: Just look at how much I rely on you. Without your aid, who knows where I'd be.

Robin: Oh, come on... You're starting to embarrass me! It's the way you believe in your friends like this that makes you a hero to me. ­That's why I'm proud that you were chosen as a hero in this world. 

Chrom: Well, if that's the case...I'll just have to become worthy of the title of hero. And our first step is saving this land! You're coming with me, right, Robin?

Robin: Of course! The future you aim for will be the path I walk. Nothing can stand in our way.

Chrom: Let's go! We're in this together!

* Tiki


Tiki: Good morning, Robin!

Robin:  ...Zzzz...

Tiki: Robin, wake up! I have to talk to you about something really important!  

Robin: ...Zzzz... Hrm, Chrom... Next battle, I'll... ...Hrmgrmhrm...

Tiki: Well not that important, I guess. It's about our powers!

Robin: ...Urgh... C-Chrom...? No!

Tiki: Robin, it's me! Tiki! Are you OK?!

Robin: I must live! ...Alongside... Zzz...

Tiki: Aww! Robin, you're sweating like crazy! And you're so pale...

Robin: Err... Why did this...happen to me...?

Tiki: It's just a dream, Robin! It's just a dream! Wake up! Please, wake up!

Robin: ...Err... OH! Tiki? What are you-- What's going on?!

Tiki: Shh, shh. It was just a dream... Yeesh, you had me worried there for a second.

Robin: Oh... I must've overslept. Thanks for waking me up.

Tiki: You were talking in your sleep just now. Something about Chrom?

Robin: No matter how many times I have this dream, I can't recall details...

Tiki: Really? That happens to me too! In my dreams I turn into an uncontrollable monster that attacks all my friends! The next thing I know, I wake up to the sound of my voice screaming “Don't!”

Robin: Those dreams sound awful.

Tiki: They are! I barely ever sleep because I'm always afraid it'll happen again.

Robin: Me too. I've had this nightmare many times.

Tiki: Hey! That's another thing we have in common! Actually, that's what I came here to talk to you about!

Robin: Oh? What else do you think we have in common?

Tiki: Well, I can't put my finger on it, but... I feel like I've known you for a really long time--that maybe our powers are linked.

Robin: That's funny... I've had the same feeling about you. Like we're kind of the same, but...also completely different.

Tiki: Heehee! Exactly! Whatever this force is that's binding us, it's pretty special. ­

Robin: It is. Hey! Talking to you has made me forget all about that nightmare.  I bet if we stick together, our nightmares don't stand a chance!

Tiki: Yeah! Tell me next time you wanna take a nap. I'll keep those bad dreams away!

Robin: I'll do that. And of course I'd be happy to return the favor.

Tiki: I'm loving this plan!

Robin: I have a feeling we have a lot of good dreams in our future.

Tiki: Me too, Robin.

* Lyn


Lyn: Robin, are you OK after that fight? Let me take a look.

Robin: I'm fine, thanks to you. You don't need to worry about me so much. Not all tacticians are helpless in battle. I've been in plenty of fights. I can take care of myself out there.

Lyn: I'm sorry--you're right. Force of habit, I guess.

Robin: That's a pretty intense habit. You watched me like a hawk. Not a single enemy got anywhere near me. What makes you so intent on protecting me?

Lyn: I'm just used to fighting that way. In my home world, I always kept the tactician close and safe. You triggered my natural instinct.

Robin: So you travel with a tactician in your home world too?

Lyn: I do, and they're every bit as brilliant as you. Actually, you have a lot in common. 

Robin: I'd like to meet this tactician someday if I can. I'd love to compare theories on war and tactics and devise new strategies.

Lyn: I'd be glad to introduce you. But I must warn you, they can be a bit...aloof....?I'm not even sure they would carry on a conversation with you.

Robin: Ahh, the strong-but-silent type. But you're on good terms, right?

Lyn: Well, sort of... They're always very quiet, even on the battlefield. Not everyone needs to talk to issue orders.

Robin: I'm sorry... What? How does one order the troops without words?

Lyn: Good question! I can somehow always tell. It's like there's an invisible arrow.

Robin: Are we talking about...telepathy? This sounds like a very advanced tactician.

Lyn: I couldn't tell you. What I do know is that they're still in training.

Robin: How strange. Though they do sound very important to you.

Lyn: So you understand why I get this sudden urge to protect you. You may not like it, but protecting you will make me feel better.

Robin: Something tells me you won't take no for an answer. But I can't just stand around and let others fight for me. I want to be just as good as your telepathic tactician.

Lyn: I'm sure you can get there! But no matter how good you get, you'll still let me protect you, right?

Robin: Of course, Lyn. If it'll make you feel better, I'll rely on you from now on.

Lyn: Just leave it to me, Robin!





Elise: Oh, Lucina! Here you are! 
Lucina: What's going on, Elise? Is it an enemy attack?! 
Elise: No, I just wanted to play. I was looking for you all over. 
Lucina: That's a relief... But wouldn't you rather enjoy the calm while you can?
Elise: We can't just sit around. Xander says downtime is as important as work time. 
Lucina: So we should rest as hard as we work? I think that makes sense... These calm moments ARE a good time to bond a little.
Elise: Uhh, yeah. Exactly! That's why I want to play with you. 
Lucina: Oh, I see... But... 
Elise: What's the matter? Do you not like me or something? 
Lucina: That's not it at all. It's that you and I are from different worlds. One day we'll be forced apart.  The closer we get, the harder it will be to say good-bye. 
Elise: Oh, that's all it is? I was worried you didn't like me. Not being able to see you anymore will be really sad... But that just means we should make the most of our time together!
Lucina: How will that help?
Elise: As long as we have our memories, we can think about each other anytime. 
Lucina: That's true... If you remember someone, they are never truly gone.
Elise: Whatcha thinking about, Lucina?
Lucina: Although he is alive here, my father died in my world when I was young... It was my memories of him that drove me to try and find a way to save him. ...Now I understand what you mean. So let's have an incredible time today! What do you want to do?
Elise: Yay! Thanks, Lucina! I wanna play tag!
Lucina: Tag? How exactly does one play? 
Elise: You've never played?! You've gotta be kidding me!   
Lucina: Well, I've played very few games to begin with...  
Elise: OK, I'll teach you. It's super easy! I'll run away, all right? And then you count to 10. And then you chase me! If you catch me, we trade roles and I chase you!
Lucina: It's a running exercise? I see...  Playing and training are combined in Nohr.
Elise: If thinking that helps you get into it, then sure. Tag, you're it!
Lucina: What? What's it?
Elise: You'll never catch me!

* Hinoka


Lucina: Hinoka, you fought wonderfully in that last battle! 
Hinoka: Thanks, Lucina. I've always been comfortable in the thick of it. 
Lucina: I can tell. Your naginata technique is perfect.
Hinoka: That's because I've been training since childhood. I was desperate for strength. 
Lucina: What drove you to train at such an early age?
Hinoka: I was determined to save Corrin. 
Lucina: She was in danger? What happened? 
Hinoka: When she was much younger, the king of Nohr stole her from us.  I could have protected her had I been stronger...  So I took up the naginata and swore that I would make things right. But even now that she's back... I cannot become complacent. 
Lucina: You accomplished your goal, didn't you? Surely you deserve a break. 
Hinoka: If I let my guard down, I'd be inviting another kidnapping. I'll protect Corrin no matter the cost. You're pretty strong yourself, Lucina. What drives you? 
Lucina: I had no choice. I wouldn't have survived, otherwise. My world was on the verge of destruction in the face of a powerful enemy. Every battle saw us driven back. I lost many friends, and then...my father.
Hinoka: Chrom died in your world?!
Lucina: I couldn't believe it either. Even now it's painful to think about. That's why I needed to be stronger than the others. So I could lead my friends in a world of despair and save my father in the past. 
Hinoka: You faced something that would break most people, and you overcame it...
Lucina: I finally met my father in this world...  And yet, I still haven't changed my fate.
Hinoka: It sounds like your fight has only just begun. 
Lucina: In a way, it has. My father, and the world I come from... I will save them both.
Hinoka: With comrades to help you, and your own obvious strength... I believe in you, Lucina. If anyone can defy fate, it's you.
Lucina: Thank you, Hinoka. It makes me glad to know you have faith in me. ¬It means a lot coming from someone as strong as you. There's no doubt in my mind you'll be able to protect Corrin from here on. !  
Hinoka: As long as I remain diligent. 
Lucina: Me too. And I think we both can do it! 
Hinoka: Working together, we're unstoppable!

* Frederick


Frederick: Ah, Lucina. I've prepared some tea and a little snack for you.     
Lucina: Oh! Well, thank you, Frederick.
Frederick: Additionally, I have repaired the seams in your tent and done some tidying up. 
Lucina: Uhh...thank you. But really, that's too much. You shouldn't have.
Frederick: Nonsense. It is my duty. Incidentally, how long would your ideal scarf be? 
Lucina: Now, this is really too much! Frederick, I can knit my own scarf. Hand that over!    
Frederick: No, that's for Chrom!     
Lucina: Wha--oh no! It's unraveling!
Frederick: Do not move! The yarn is tangled, but I believe it can be salvaged... 
Lucina: No! Ugh... There goes the whole ball of yarn... I'm sorry, Frederick. I've messed it all up. This will take forever to untangle.
Frederick: No, it's my fault. Clearly the knitting wasn't tight enough. But please, leave the untangling to me. You should not be doing menial work. Your time is better spent doing more important things. 
Lucina: Frederick, I appreciate your help, but you can't dote on me like this. There are others who need your aid more than I do.
Frederick: Well, I would defer to Chrom's judgment... ...Ah. Of course. You must be speaking of Chrom himself. Is that what you meant? 
Lucina: ...Yes! Imagine if something happened while you were busy with me... I won't be the straw that breaks the pegasus's back... Meaning you, obviously.
Frederick: Yes, I understand this expression. But you must know that protecting you is as important as protecting Chrom. That doesn't mean I will neglect my duties to Chrom, though. Not ever.
Lucina: I'm so glad to hear you say that. I've been feeling so guilty...
Frederick: Do you find it hard, depending on others?
Lucina: Well...yes! I suppose I share my father's responsibility to defend our people. I feel I should not rely on anyone else... And I guess I can be a bit stubborn.
Frederick: Surely I have demonstrated that you can rely on me, Lucina. And moreover, I am not the only one who can help. So, please... Allow all of us to serve you and do not feel guilty for accepting it. 
Lucina: ...Yes. Thank you again, Frederick. I will do my best.
Frederick: That said, you must not worry yourself with such trivial things. Like knitting! 
Lucina: But...I enjoy knitting. #   
Frederick: Well, that makes two of us. I suppose if you insist...
Lucina: We can finish knitting this scarf together!
Frederick: Very well. Now, let me show you a little secret called knit one, purl two...

* Cordelia


Lucina: Cordelia, is something the matter? You're looking at me a little funny... 
Cordelia: Oh, I am? Sorry, it's just that your movements are so similar to Chrom's. It's kind of mesmerizing.
Lucina: Heh, really? In what ways are they similar? 
Cordelia: Well, for example, you sheathe your swords exactly the same way. 
Lucina: That's quite specific. Is there anything else?  
Cordelia: Hmm... The way you use your finger to turn the pages of a book... And how you both slice meat to such a deliberate thickness... The number of times you blink, and... OH! The way your hair twists into cowlicks! 
Lucina: I had no idea you were watching my father or me so closely! I suppose I should be grateful... I never notice little details like that. So if not for you, all those...quirks we have in common would've escaped me.
Cordelia: How funny! Every time I look at you, I can't help but see traces of your father.
Lucina: Do you...do you think that means one day I could be as amazing as he is? 
Cordelia: You're already amazing! Like I said, you two have a lot in common.
Lucina: I understand that we have a lot of the same habits, but... He's a man of character and an amazing swordsman... I'm eons behind him!
Cordelia: You have nothing to worry about, Lucina. Greatness is in your blood. 
Lucina: I don't know... We're technically the same age and look at him. He's perfect! 
Cordelia: Your father's anything but perfect. Even he'd admit that. Besides, you shouldn't obsess over being perfect. I learned that from Chrom. Everyone has their shortcomings! That's why we need and must support our allies.     
Lucina: Yes, that makes sense... And it takes some of the pressure off. I do always try my best to be a sufficient and reliable ally.
Cordelia: You are! Our friendship has already been a source of strength for me.     
Lucina: Really? That's so good to hear!
Cordelia: Lucina... you're young, smart, beautiful... Keep working hard and you'll be fine. 
Lucina: Beautiful? That means a lot coming from you! You're the most beautiful woman I know! I'm sure my father feels the same way.     
Cordelia: Y-you think so? Not that I care or anything... I-I guess it's nice, uh, to get that confidence boost.
Lucina: I can't imagine you needing a boost of confidence! But if you ever do, I hope you know I'm always happy to sing your praises.
Cordelia: Thank you, Lucina. I think we both have plenty to be confident about.
Lucina: You know what? I believe you're right.

* Marth


Lucina: Thank you for your reinforcements, Lord Marth. Just what I'd expect from the Hero-King. It is an honor to share your battlefield.
Marth: Please, Lucina. I did nothing to warrant such praise. 
Lucina: You showed up when I needed you most. It was just as the legends say! Rescuing your allies and driving back your foes in one fell swoop! Beloved not only by his comrades, but known to charm his enemies as well.
Marth: I assure you, those stories are greatly exaggerated.
Lucina: That cannot be! I grew up believing in these tales. Hero-King Marth was the hope for all who lived in my world. That's why I... I took your name and fought to spread that hope. 
Marth: But you must realize not everything is as the legends say. 
Lucina: Well, I guess you are a bit different from what I imagined. It's said you slew a dragon, so I pictured you as a relentless warrior. But in reality you're calm and kind, and you care for your friends. And you just... I mean... You're amazing! That's what I'm trying to say!
Marth: When you put it that way...it makes me very uncomfortable.
Lucina: And so humble, too!
Marth: If you say so. If I may change the subject, why did you use my name? You would make a fine leader in your own right. I'm sure people would have rallied behind you on your own merits. 
Lucina: I needed a strong symbol of hope. The Fell Dragon seized control of my world and plunged it into despair. Your name was the only one capable of raising spirits and support. As I said, Lord Marth... your legend is hope itself.
Marth: I see... Lucina, you've been through some truly difficult battles.
Lucina: I have... And I think, above all others, the person who benefited from your name... Well, I think it was me. Calling myself Marth gave me the courage of the true Hero-King. ...I'm sorry. I've felt the need to apologize since we first met. Even if it was to save my future, using your name was selfish.
Marth: No apology necessary. If it was that useful, I'm more than glad. Besides, I am certain your deeds were worthy of my name.
Lucina: Thank you, Marth. You have always been a great source of strength. Even now. 
Marth: But looking at you here, it seems you never needed my name to begin with. Judging from your strength, you will one day give rise to your own legend. 
Lucina: I... I don't...
Marth: I must do my best as well, so I too can become the Hero-King you aspire to be. There is no telling what awaits me after this. I must be ready for anything. 
Lucina: Since I have been given the honor of fighting alongside you... I will give everything I have to bring my skill closer to yours. Even if just a little.
Marth: Let us fight with all we have. For both our futures!

* Anna


Lucina: Hmm...     
Anna: Lucina? You're staring again.
Lucina: S-sorry! I thought I was being subtle.
Anna: At first it was kinda funny, but... you really gotta get over this. 
Lucina: I know, I know. It's just... you look so much like her!     
Anna: My sister in your world?   
Lucina: Right!
Anna: OK, then. Who's cuter, her or me?
Lucina: That's a difficult question. Because you're both you... 
Anna: Eh, I'll just ask Chrom. He's also met a couple of Annas in his world, I think. 
Lucina: Yes, I've heard him talk about that. I guess they're all merchants too.
Anna: Wait. So you weren't talking about one of my sisters in Chrom's world? Then which Anna were you talking about? 
Lucina: Well, I lived in the future of my father's world... I apologize - it's very confusing.
Anna: So the Anna you met, the one that looks just like me, is...
Lucina: A different Anna from the future.
Anna: OK, I get it now. So... what is Anna from the future like? 
Lucina: Like you, she's a merchant. I went to her shop all the time! Or I guess she was... My world was destroyed by Grima, the Fell Dragon. As far as I know, the only ones who survived were my friends and me. 
Anna: That means my sister might be... dead? 
Lucina: Honestly... I don't know what happened to her. I do know that when Ylisse fell... not a lot of people got out... I'm sorry. I wish I could've saved her! 
Anna: There's no need to apologize to me! And I dunno... maybe she's still out there.    
Lucina: I hope that's the case...  
Anna: Seriously, my sisters and I... we're tough. Look at us! Somehow we're able to live under any and every conceivable tyranny! Lucina: I guess when you put it that way, she's probably fine.
Anna: Yep! And I'm sure she understood why you couldn't save her yourself. I bet she loved you, Lucina. How could she not? I know I could never be mad at you!
Lucina: Oh, Anna! 
Anna: So don't worry about it, OK?  
Lucina: Yes, OK... And thank you. You know, I believe our friendship is somehow connected to the other Anna. Maybe that's why I've felt so close to you since we first met. It almost feels like a gift from Anna of my world... and from you.  
Anna: Well then...you're welcome!

* Chrom


Lucina: Um, Father...
Chrom: Lucina? Why do you look so serious? 
Lucina: I've been fighting to change my world's future for so long. I have fought my hardest each and every day, but I've never had a chance to relax.
Chrom: You have overcome more hardships than most just to make it this far. 
Lucina: But ever since coming to this world, my life has changed so drastically... I still want to change the future, but now I want to save this kingdom as well. After meeting such wonderful allies and journeying with you... Well, I must admit, I'm enjoying myself. It's been a long time since I've felt this. 
Chrom: If you're having so much fun, why do you look so miserable? 
Lucina: It seems wrong to enjoy myself with this world in such dire straits. I can't let myself lose sight of how serious things are! 
Chrom: You're right about the state of things, but you can't let that consume you. I can smile because I'm looking forward to the time we'll spend together.     
Lucina: You are? Father... Thank you! Then I suppose it is OK to feel like I'm having fun... once in a while.
Chrom: Exactly! And how do you want to spend our time?
Lucina: I'd really like to refine my sword skills with you.
Chrom: Very well. But it's more like I'll be taking lessons from you! 
Lucina: Oh, I'm sure we'll be evenly matched, as always. You taught me all my techniques. I'm just excited we can practice together again!
Chrom: Well then, we'll start tomorrow! Is there anything else you want to do together? 
Lucina: Hrm... Perhaps we could...take the occasional walk?     
Chrom: Of course! And what else? 
Lucina: Can we...do our laundry together, too?
Chrom: Frederick may have something to say about that, but I don't mind. 
Lucina: We can really do all those things? I'm so glad!
Chrom: But is that really all you want to do? Not anything...big or significant, I guess?
Lucina: Father, these are not just trivial tasks to me. Spending a carefree day with you is exactly what I want! It's like a dream this day ever came at all. I worry I'll be cursed for being so happy...
Chrom: You've worked so hard to get where you are. Why would you be cursed for this? You're no longer on your own. There is no need to carry that weight alone. 
Lucina: Thank you for saying that...
Chrom: You can depend on me from now on. In fact, it would make me happy if you did.
Lucina: Despite the chaos of our lives, you really think we can have a normal relationship?
Chrom: Through thick and thin, we're father and daughter. We'll make it work!
Lucina: Thank you, Father! We'll be together from now on.
Chrom: And together, Lucina... we will change our fate!

* Lissa


Lucina: Lissa, could you bring me that bow? 
Lissa: Sure thing! And what about this sword here? 
Lucina: Oh, yes, I haven't repaired that one-- Eek!
Lissa: What is it?! 
Lucina: Th-there's...a bug! A huge bug, and it's...it's squirmy!     
Lissa: A bug? Where?!
Lucina: It's right by your feet! Hold still, and I shall exterminate it!  
Lissa: It's near me?! Ahh, gross! What the... Ugh, yuck, it is squirmy! Lucina, help!
Lucina: I will not let it bring you harm, Lissa! I will change your fate...and that of this bug! 
Lissa: Wait, Lucina! That's the Falchion! 
Lucina: Father's sword? I couldn't possibly sully it by slaying a bug... 
Lissa: It's coming for you! Our talking has given it an opening! 
Lucina: A crafty foe... N-no, don't come over here!
Lissa: Ugh, it really is gross... But I guess it's up to me to defeat it! Have some of this!
Lucina: Lissa, don't swing your axe so wildly! We're in a tent!
Lissa: But these are desperate times!
Lucina: My only recourse is to sacrifice my cape. I will immobilize the enemy and crush it! 
Lissa: But if you do that, you'll never be able to wear that cape again! 
Lucina: I won't let it lay a finger--leg--whatever--on you! Now, prepare your-- Wait... It's gone. Did it escape through an opening?Phew, what a relief. This whole ordeal has left me drained. 
Lissa: That was the most exhausting battle I've fought in ages. 
Lucina: I apologize I could not act sooner. Next time, I will obliterate it.   
Lissa: Heeheehee...     
Lucina: What are you laughing at? 
Lissa: It just dawned on me...how funny it was for us to panic over a silly bug. 
Lucina: Hmm, you're right... For some reason, it was kind of fun. But I don't think it was the bug's doing. I have always hated them.
Lissa: You're just like me--I can't stand them either. Playing around like this makes me feel like we're really family, Lucina.
Lucina: Heh... That does have a nice ring to it. I wonder... Do we have any other similarities? A favorite food, or a talent?
Lissa: We must! After all, you're my...time-travel...future-niece!
Lucina: I'm sure you're right. We're alike in more ways than...
Lissa: Hm? What's the matter? By...my feet? Another bug?! Eek!
Lucina: J-just leave it to me, Lissa! This time, I shall strike a fatal blow for sure!

* Rowan


Rowan: Huh! Hyah! Hah, hwah! Man, I'm so sore after that last battle. Think I'll call the training here.
Lucina: Rowan, here you are. Training your sword skills, I see. I wanted to make sure you were all right after that last battle. But you're just fine, by the look of things.
Rowan: Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks for checking. How about you, Lucina? You all right?
Lucina: I'm fine. Fighting battles back-to-back is common where I come from.
Rowan: Your world must be facing some pretty tough times for that to be common.
Lucina: It... I don't think words could do it justice, honestly. 
Rowan: So I guess we'd better sort this world out soon so you can get back and help. 
Lucina: That's my hope.
Rowan: Traveling back in time must be such a strange feeling.  Isn't it weird seeing your father as his younger self? 
Lucina: Well, I guess it is a little weird, now that you mention it. But more than anything, I'm just glad he's alive. Nothing else matters. Sorry, I should explain... In my world, my father was killed in battle. 
Rowan: Oh, I'm sorry... I don't mean to bug you with all these questions.  
Lucina: It's OK. I came here to help him avoid that fate, so talking about it is good. 
Rowan: If you do manage to change the past and save him, what happens to future Lucina?    
Lucina: I think about that often. Should I go back to my own time or just continue living in the past? Either way, there's no guarantee that the future will change based on the past. 
Rowan: But that means all your fighting could be for nothing.
Lucina: That could be the case. When I left, my world was just a burned-out husk. It pains me to think of my world in such a decrepit state.
Rowan: Well, that settles it. We're going!     
Lucina: What? Going where?
Rowan: After we bring peace to this land, we'll go to yours and settle things there. We can't just leave it as some ghost town. We'll all work together to revive it!  
Lucina: My world has fallen to destruction and chaos. There's little left worth saving.
Rowan: But you and the others are helping us in this world. We've gotta repay you. It's only right, don't you think? That's what friends do for each other.
Lucina: You're kind for offering, Rowan. And the way you say it... Something tells me you could actually do it.  
Rowan: You got that right!
Lucina: But you're needed here. You're supposed to lead this kingdom. It makes me glad to hear you want to help, but you can't deny your own duty. 
Rowan: But, Lucina, I...
Lucina: Your obligations are to this world. My obligations are to my own.
Rowan: In that case, promise to make it home in one piece so you can keep fighting.
Lucina: I promise, Rowan. And I expect the same of you.





Camilla: Oh! Princess Sakura...what are you doing here?

Sakura: Oh-op! You s-surprised me!

Camilla: Well, you precious thing! I didn't mean to scare you.

Sakura: It's OK. Just give me a moment...

Camilla: This conversation would be easier if you looked at me, you know.

Sakura: I'm sorry. It's just...to be honest...I get nervous with so much eye contact...

Camilla: Oh, please! Just talk to me like I'm one of your sisters! It's no big deal.

Sakura: But you're so...different...from my sisters. Sorry, I'm just an anxious person.

Camilla: Are you scared of me? There's no reason for that anymore.

Sakura: No! I mean...maybe a little bit... The thing is, I'd like to get to know you, Camilla. But you're so intimidating!

Camilla: I do seem to have an effect on people... But darling, I'd like to know you, too! So, let's see. What should we talk about?

Sakura: Well, we're both Corrin's sisters... Oh! Why are you sitting so close to me?

Camilla: Was I? I hadn't noticed. Here, why don't I tell you a cute story about Corrin?

(Some time later)

Camilla: ...And then Corrin sat right in the pie! Heehee! Oh, we laughed and laughed...

Sakura: That's really funny! I probably would have done the same thing... What kind of pie was it, anyway?

Camilla: Oh, it was just my usual... Apple pie with a little kick of cardamom.

Sakura: Mmm...that sounds good! Is that a traditional Nohrian recipe, or...?

Camilla: It is! You mean to say you don't have apple-cardamom pie in Hoshido? Don't even answer that. You simply MUST try it. I'll bake one sometime!

Sakura: Y-you'd share a homemade pie with me? I'd really like that! I...I could even make some Hoshidan specialties!

Camilla: You'll bake for me? Oh, and look how much more comfortable you've gotten!

Sakura: You know...I don't think I'm terrified of you anymore.

Camilla: How wonderful! That means we can get even closer.

Sakura: ...By closer, you mean, like, getting to know each other better? Right?

Camilla: Of course! And closer physically. Come now, scoot over here...

Sakura: Um...I'm OK right here.

Camilla: My goodness, you're precious. Here, let's try holding hands.

Sakura: Holding hands?! ...But why?

Camilla: To be closer! Oh, look...Your face is all red!

Sakura: Um... I... I...

Camilla: Look me in the eyes and say whatever you want, darling.

Sakura: ...I can't think of anything!

* Lissa 


Lissa: Something wrong, Sakura? You don't seem to be your usual self.

Sakura: I-I'm sorry. I just...keep thinking about that last battle. I was no help at all!

Lissa: What?! How could you say that? I saw you out there healing everyone's wounds! If you weren't there, I don't think I would even be standing here now.

Sakura: Maybe...but I was so scared! You, on the other hand, showed such bravery.

Lissa: That doesn't mean I wasn't scared... To be honest...I don't know if I've ever gone into battle without being afraid.

Sakura: Is that true? Never?! How do you overcome your fear?

Lissa: I dunno. I guess I just hate sitting on the sidelines. Especially when people I love are in danger. I have to protect them!

Sakura: Me too... In those moments, I can feel the courage well up inside me.

Lissa: Exactly! And my big brother has had some close calls... He needs me around!

Sakura: Oh my! Is Chrom really so reckless...?

Lissa: Seriously, he is! I can't take my eyes off him for a second. Luckily, since he's met Robin, he's stopped using ONLY brute force.

Sakura: That's so funny! He always seems so calm and composed to me!

Lissa: No way! Earlier he just ran off and dove into a crowd of enemy forces. He shouted something about being a decoy and leading them away. Yeesh...

Sakura: The way you're describing him reminds me a bit of my big sister Azura.

Lissa: I didn't know you had another big sister!

Sakura: I do! In battle, she'll often put herself in danger while trying to help someone. Off the battlefield, she's calm and thinks things through...

Lissa: She sounds a bit like my big sister, actually.

Sakura: Huh? I didn't know you had any more siblings!

Lissa: Oh, yes! My sister's kind and gentle, but also really strong willed! I hope to be a lot like her one day.

Sakura: ...I'd like to be like Azura, too.

Lissa: But, Sakura, you already are! You're kind, and you're braver than you think.

Sakura: So are you, Lissa! You're always out on the battlefield, caring for others... I think you're very much like your sister already!

Lissa: Thank you, Sakura... We should be brave for each other, so we can both become like our sisters! We can do it!

* Tiki 


Sakura: Whew...that was intense. Are you OK, Tiki? You were right in the thick of it!

Tiki: Yep! I'm OK. Did I help any?

Sakura: Of course you did! But how did you learn to fight like that? You're just a child!

Tiki: I'll have you know that I'm actually over a thousand years old.

Sakura: Um... Wh-what? Did you just say a thousand years?!

Tiki: Yep! Although I missed almost all of my birthday parties...

Sakura: That's a lot of birthdays... Wait, but how can you be that old?!

Tiki: Manaketes live a really long time!

Sakura: Oh...please accept my apology. I shouldn't have called you a child. Do all Manaketes look so much like children?

Tiki: Not at all. Ban-Ban looks like he's old enough to be someone's grandpa. Even though we live a long time, we do still age. I just look extra young 'cause I was asleep for most of those thousand years.

Sakura: You were...asleep? What happened?

Tiki: Not long after I was born, I was put into a deeeeeep sleep. And then after years and years passed, I woke up and met Mar-Mar and all them. I was told my sleep was to help contain the power of the Divine Dragon.

Sakura: Do you remember anything from all that time you were asleep?

Tiki: Not really. I had scary dreams while I slept...

Sakura: Aw! Being asleep for a thousand years sounds terrible! I don't think I could do it.

Tiki: ...It was pretty lonely. I try to meet lots of people now, because I don't ever want to be alone again!

Sakura: Tiki... I...I...

Tiki: Spit it out, Sakura! Heehee. Do you feel lonely too?

Sakura: Sometimes, yes. I hate it... I-I'm not very good at talking to people. I stumble over my words, and...and...But it's different talking to you!

Tiki: Really? You really think so? Hey, I've got a good idea! Let's make sure to talk to each other all the time!

Sakura: That's what I was going to suggest. You could be like my little sister! If...if that's OK with you...

Tiki: That'd be great! Neither of us will get lonely if we stick together.

Sakura: Thank you, Tiki. I feel like we're friends already!

Tiki: That's 'cause we are, Sakura! Heehee!

* Cordelia 


Cordelia: Lady Sakura! Are these the herbs you were looking for?

Sakura: Th-they are! I couldn't find any when I went looking earlier. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble...

Cordelia: Not at all! I just happened upon them. And I'm always happy to do you a favor, Lady Sakura.

Sakura: How sweet of you to say! You remind me a lot of my retainer, Subaki.

Cordelia: Really? How so?

Sakura: Well, you do kind of look similar, but it's more than that... It's more like...your auras! That's it. You're both so p-positive. And everyone always talks about what a perfectionist he is. Just like you!

Cordelia: I...I don't know if I'd use the word "perfectionist" to describe myself...

Sakura: Then there's the fact that he's such a hard worker. I don't think I've ever seen him sit idle. It's a little worrying sometimes, the way he pushes himself...

Cordelia: It sounds like he holds himself to very high standards. I suppose I can sympathize with that impulse.

Sakura: See? You're not so different. Oh, but...that means I have to worry about you too, doesn't it? N-not that it's not a good thing to want to be perfect all the time. I-it's just...it's just, if you push yourself too far, you could hurt yourself... And the last thing I want is for you to get hurt, Cordelia. You and Subaki both mean so much to me...

Cordelia: Lady Sakura! Don't get yourself so worked up! I know my own limits... Come to think of it, I had a similar conversation not too long ago... Someone told me that I could learn to ask others for help a bit more often. Of course, being me, I immediately set out to get better at asking for help. But now, thinking back on it, I'm starting to wonder if I kind of missed the point...

Sakura: Maybe a little... I'm sure your friend didn't want you to feel like you had to try even harder. The reason I...a-and perhaps your friend, want you to reach out to others...is not because you need to be perfect. You're perfect the way you are!

Cordelia: Oh, Lady Sakura...thank you. You've cleared a few things up for me. Good thing I found those herbs, huh? Hey, next time you see Subaki, you should say the same thing to him.

Sakura: Good idea! I do want him to know how important he is to me...

Cordelia: Since he can't be here, I hope you'll consider me a suitable replacement.

Sakura: I have no doubt that you are! B-but don't overwork yourself, OK? Not on my account!

Cordelia: Yes, Lady Sakura. I promise to ask for help if I need it. Happy?

Sakura: Yes! I'll look forward to it!

* Lianna 


Sakura: Lianna! You're wounded! Please, let me take a look at your leg.

Lianna: No, no. It's nothing! I've fought with injuries much worse than this.

Sakura: A-are you sure? It doesn't look like nothing to me...

Lianna: Truly, I'm fine...ugh!!!

Sakura: Look at you! You're in pain! Fuss all you like, but I'm going to treat you.

Lianna: I-if you insist...I'm sorry to be so much trouble.

Sakura: Ah, yes...this should do the trick. See? There was no need to hide anything.

Lianna: Thank you. I just... I didn't want to be a bother, that's all.

Sakura: A bother...? Why would you think that?

Lianna: Did you see me out there today? Fighting alongside everyone else? I was useless. The only thing I managed to achieve was this injury!

Sakura: A-and so you were just going to sit here and suffer through it? You can't do that!

Lianna: I-I know, I know... I'm sorry, Sakura. I never meant to make you worry. I just didn't want to be even more of a burden on everyone, and--

Sakura: But you aren't a burden at all! Nobody thinks so! Everyone's really impressed by how you communicate out on the battlefield! And people around here aren't known for their generous praise... So chin up!

Lianna: Thank you, Sakura. You've made me feel a whole lot better.

Sakura: R-really? Haha! I'm glad to hear it!

Lianna: I don't know what I--or any of us for that matter--would do without you. It's reassuring to know that you're out there with us, ready to heal our wounds.

Sakura: Y-you're so sweet! I hope this means you won't be hiding any more injuries... At least not from me. I know a thing or two about pretending to be brave.

Lianna: ...Hm? What do you mean?

Sakura: I understand why you'd want to hide your wounds from the others.

Lianna: You do?

Sakura: Of course! I'm surrounded by all this strength and sense of duty... I'm always worried that I won't be able to keep up...just like you.

Lianna: Sakura... You aren't just saying this to make me feel better, are you?

Sakura: N-no! I...I just thought you should know we have more in common than you think.

Lianna: Please! I wish I were as kind as you...or as thoughtful. Talking to you always puts me at ease. I'm sure everyone else feels the same.

Sakura: Y-you're making me blush... But thank you for your kind words. Now you're making ME feel better!

Lianna: Then I guess it was a good thing that we had this chance to talk. Ha! Maybe it was fortunate I tripped over that rock.

* ??? DLC Spoilers (Only found in English. Potentially an early draft left in by accident.)


Sakura: *Sniff!* Oh, all those people...

Niles: (Is that Princess Sakura? She's even prettier when she cries...) Princess Sakura? What's the matter?

Sakura: Oh, Niles! I...I was just thinking of all those wounded soldiers today... I tried to help as many as I could, it just...it just still didn't feel like enough.

Niles: No matter how many soldiers get injured, there's still only one of you. It's madness to think you could heal every last one!

Sakura: Maybe...but if only I could soothe them or put their minds at ease. I don't know how much longer I can stand watching my friends get hurt.

Niles: Hmm... Then I guess you don't have a choice, do you? If you don't like seeing people get wounded, stay off the battlefield. What good are you if all you do is stand there and mope about it?

Sakura: You're right. The only solution is to stay home and give it all up. B-but could I really do that? If I'm choosing between being useless and being useful...I choose the latter.

Niles: Don't be a fool!

Sakura: W-what?!

Niles: Oh, Princess Sakura... So naive... Think about it. Every time you heal a soldier, they must return to the fray.

Sakura: I, uh...and?

Niles: And that soldier is bound to get injured again. So what's the point?

Sakura: ...Oh, Niles. You're pretty clever.

Niles: Huh?

Sakura: The point is we all keep fighting, no matter how much it hurts us. Even me. You used a little reverse psychology on me, didn't you? That was nice of you.

Niles: Uh...me? Nice? Heh heh! You know me, always trying to do a good deed.

Sakura: It's so sweet of you to worry about me. But I shouldn't be distracting you with my tears.

Niles: (Ha! If only she knew how much I liked the distraction...) (This plan really backfired, didn't it?) That's right. I just think you need to toughen up a bit. Then next time you cry, it'll make it all the more satisfying.

Sakura: You're right! Wait...what do you mean by satisfying?

Niles: Oh, you'll find out eventually.

Sakura: O-OK...I-I'll look forward to it. See you later!

Niles: Hmm... She sure keeps me on my toes. Let's see where this little relationship takes us, shall we? Maybe one day she'll come crying right into my arms...





Elise: Oh, Lucina! Here you are! 
Lucina: What's going on, Elise? Is it an enemy attack?! 
Elise: No, I just wanted to play. I was looking for you all over. 
Lucina: That's a relief... But wouldn't you rather enjoy the calm while you can?
Elise: We can't just sit around. Xander says downtime is as important as work time. 
Lucina: So we should rest as hard as we work? I think that makes sense... These calm moments ARE a good time to bond a little.
Elise: Uhh, yeah. Exactly! That's why I want to play with you. 
Lucina: Oh, I see... But... 
Elise: What's the matter? Do you not like me or something? 
Lucina: That's not it at all. It's that you and I are from different worlds. One day we'll be forced apart.  The closer we get, the harder it will be to say good-bye. 
Elise: Oh, that's all it is? I was worried you didn't like me. Not being able to see you anymore will be really sad... But that just means we should make the most of our time together!
Lucina: How will that help?
Elise: As long as we have our memories, we can think about each other anytime. 
Lucina: That's true... If you remember someone, they are never truly gone.
Elise: Whatcha thinking about, Lucina?
Lucina: Although he is alive here, my father died in my world when I was young... It was my memories of him that drove me to try and find a way to save him. ...Now I understand what you mean. So let's have an incredible time today! What do you want to do?
Elise: Yay! Thanks, Lucina! I wanna play tag!
Lucina: Tag? How exactly does one play? 
Elise: You've never played?! You've gotta be kidding me!   
Lucina: Well, I've played very few games to begin with...  
Elise: OK, I'll teach you. It's super easy! I'll run away, all right? And then you count to 10. And then you chase me! If you catch me, we trade roles and I chase you!
Lucina: It's a running exercise? I see...  Playing and training are combined in Nohr.
Elise: If thinking that helps you get into it, then sure. Tag, you're it!
Lucina: What? What's it?
Elise: You'll never catch me!

* Hinoka


Elise: Hey, Hinoka! Come play with me!
Hinoka: Sorry, I'm heading out to train. You can join me if you like.
Elise: Whaaat? Don't you know it's a day off?! Playing is just as important as training. If your body doesn't rest, neither will your mind! 
Hinoka: You forget we're from two different kingdoms. We can't be friends. 
Elise: I didn't forget. What would be wrong with becoming friends? There's no reason we can't get along and play together.
Hinoka: Well, even if we were friends, I don't know any games anyway. I've spent my whole life training to rescue Corrin from Nohr. 
Elise: Is it the idea of playing with a Nohrian you can't get over?  If that's the problem, the only solution is to do it and see that it's not so bad! 
Hinoka: Why do you want to play with me so much, anyway? There are other people.
Elise: But I wanna be friends with you. 
Hinoka: Fine, all right... What do you want to play? 
Elise: Hmm, well... I won't stand a chance if we play tag... I read about a Hoshidan game that sounds fun. Do you know oh-rig-ami? 
Hinoka: You mean origami? It's not really a game, but I know a little. 
Elise: Yeah, that's it! You can make all sorts of things out of paper. I wanna make a bird! 
Hinoka: I can teach you how to make a crane... 
Elise: Hmm... Umm... Like this... Ah! I'm done! Pretty good, right? 
Hinoka: It's a little misshapen... Look at mine. This is how it should look. But the wings on yours are different shapes! 
Elise: I like how mine looks.
Hinoka: Well, for this next one let's compete to see whose looks the best.
Elise: You're on! But first...could you show me how to do it right? 
Hinoka: Hey, wait... I'm supposed to be teaching you, but I'm doing all the learning.
Elise: Maybe we should do something else? 
Hinoka: No, I'm learning plenty. How to just let my mind rest and enjoy something. Corrin and I used to do things like this before she was taken. I had forgotten... Our whole family would fold origami together and play all sorts of games. 
Elise: Ahh, so you know how to play after all. You just forgot.
Hinoka: I suppose so. I started training and dreamed of the day we'd all be together. Relaxing with you brought all those childhood memories back. Thank you, Princess Elise. It really feels like my mind is at rest.
Elise: I'm the one who should be thanking you. You're really nice. Maybe we can play more from now on. We could fold so many cranes! Your wish will come true if you make a thousand, right?
Hinoka: That's right. I'm surprised you know that.
Elise: OK, let's try to make a thousand. And let's wish for peace in our world... So we can do this again someday.

* Chrom


Elise: Hey, Chrom! You should come play a game!

Chrom: A game? Uh-oh... OK, I'm ready.

Elise: What do you mean, “Uh-oh”? We're just gonna play hide-and-seek!

Chrom: Oh... You haven't set any traps, have you?

Elise: Traps? Why would I do something so dangerous when we can finally just play?

Chrom: Y-yes, I suppose that's a good point... That's how people normally play, right? When playing with Lissa, I must be on the lookout for all manner of pranks.

Elise: What kind of pranks?

Chrom: Like digging pitfalls in hiding places. Or releasing frogs. Or pitfalls full of frogs.

Elise: Lissa sounds so funny! You two must be really close, huh?  I'm super close with my siblings too, but... I've never tried playing pranks on them!

Chrom: At first I thought you and Lissa were alike, but now I see that's not the case.

Elise: I thought you and my brother Xander were alike at first, too. But you two have nothing in common! You're so much more mischievous than he is!

Chrom: Just what part of me is mischievous?

Elise: Well, you destroy castle walls, and you cook food that makes people faint. Xander would never do anything like that!

Chrom: Ugh, I didn't destroy a wall... But that would be one way to temper physical strength...

Elise: Really? In that case, do you think I could get stronger by destroying walls?

Chrom: If you put in the hard work every day... Sure, I see how that could work.

Elise: All right! Then I'll give it all I've got! I'm gonna break a wall right now!

Chrom: I'm glad you're motivated, but don't go breaking too many of our walls.

Elise: Hmm... If Xander caught me, I'd be in big trouble. He always looks so serious, and he says things like “Royalty should be dignified.” I wish he and I were close like you and Lissa, and that he would play with me...

Chrom: I'm sure he'd play if you asked. It's a fact that all brothers adore their little sisters.  

Elise: Even a serious-faced brother with a wrinkle between his eyebrows? ­

Chrom: Even one of those! Prince Xander isn't always that serious, is he?

Elise: His face may not look it, but he's actually really nice.

Chrom: Then you should ask him. But I don't mind standing in for him today.

Elise: Oh, yay! Actually, I thought of a new game we could play! I haven't tried it out yet, but... will you play it with me?

Chrom: Of course--any game you want. What kind is it?

Elise: It's a contest! We'll pick flowers while singing and weave them into necklaces! But the best part is, we do it all while dancing! So let's get started, OK?

Chrom: Th-this is a game?! She may be more formidable than Lissa...

* Lissa 


Elise: Hey, Lissa? Do you know of any ways to act more mature?

Lissa: I've been wondering that same thing lately.

Elise: I was just outside playing and I wound up covered in mud. Camilla washed my clothes, but it made me feel like such a kid.

Lissa: I've been there...

Elise: I want to be as mature and grown-up as Camilla. And as beautiful too!

Lissa: Yeah, she is pretty... My older sister is the same way--mature and beautiful! I've always admired her. Someday I hope to be as kind and graceful as she is.

Elise: I guess we just can't help but admire our big sisters... But how can we become more like them?

Lissa: Well, Frederick told me I have to go to bed early if I want to grow. So I've been going to bed earlier than usual. Do I look taller to you?

Elise: Hmm... I don't know how tall you were before, so I can't really tell.

Lissa: I knew I should have marked my height on the wall...

Elise: But isn't doing the opposite and staying up late a more mature thing to do?

Lissa: Yeah, I always imagine everyone else staying up late talking battle tactics.

Elise: So let's meet up tonight! Just the two of us. Talking tactics is kind of boring, though... but we could eat sweets while we talk!

Lissa: Ooh, that sounds more fun already! I'm still not sure about tactics, though...

Elise: Oh, I know! I asked Camilla to teach me about makeup. How about you learn with me? Makeup is essential to looking mature, right?

Lissa: Now that's a grown-up thing to do. How often should we meet up?

Elise: The more the better. We don't know how long we have until we return home.

Lissa: Oh yeah... Someday we'll have to go back, won't we? And that means we won't be able to see each other anymore.

Elise: Oh, I would hate that! We finally became friends.

Lissa: OK, Elise, let's promise each other something... Even after we go back to our own worlds, we vow to someday meet again.

Elise: Yes, I promise! I promise to come see you again, Lissa!

Lissa: I wonder if we'll be as mature as our big sisters by then.

Elise: I'm sure of it. I'll be so mature, just like Camilla. You won't even recognize me!

Lissa: I can't wait to see! I bet you'll be even prettier than her.

Elise: You really think so? But I bet you'll be even more graceful, so I'm excited to see you again.

Lissa: I can't wait to visit you after this.

Elise: I'll bring the sweets!

* Tiki


Elise: Whoa! So you're saying you were asleep for a thousand years?!

Tiki: Yep, that's right.

Elise: You must have been so well rested. I always wake up during the night...

Tiki: It actually wasn't that great. I was trapped in a nightmare. I was all by myself. It was lonely...

Elise: A thousand-year nightmare? That does sound rough. If I was around, I would've curled up beside you to keep you company. Hey, let's bunk together from now on! So if you have a nightmare, I'll be right there.

Tiki: I think I would enjoy that. But...

Elise: But what?

Tiki: Someday we'll have to say good-bye.  Becoming friends will make going back to separate worlds that much harder.  Just the thought of not being able to see you anymore is bad enough.  

Elise: We'll see each other again, Tiki I know because something similar happened to me before. I used to sneak out of the castle and meet up with my friend Effie. I got in big trouble when the royal guards found out. I couldn't go into town anymore, and Effie couldn't come to the castle. We had to stop seeing each other just as the two of us had become friends.

Tiki: Being forced apart like that must have been hard.

Elise: It was super tough. But just as I was hoping to see her the most, she returned! Effie had become a royal guard so she could see me! She said it took a crazy amount of training. She had to run up rivers against the stream, and lift rocks under waterfalls.

Tiki: That's amazing! She must have really missed you.

Elise: If we get separated, I'll do whatever I can to bring us back together. I'll see you again even if I must cleave through mountains and jump through fire!

Tiki: Heehee! And I'll do everything I can to see you again, too. No matter how long it takes and no matter what gets in my way! ­I'll wait for you for as long as I can. Even if it's another 1,000 years!

Elise: But if we can't see each other again, we'll still be friends. Whenever we get lonely, we can just think of each other and be together.

Tiki: I'll think of you all the time, Elise.

Elise: So don't be afraid of separating, because you'll be OK no matter what.

Tiki: You got it! But for now...we can still bunk together, right?

Elise: Of course. If you have a nightmare, I'll curl up beside you!

Tiki: Thank you, Elise. I'm gonna sleep great tonight, I just know it!

* Rowan


Elise: Aha! There you are! I found you!

Rowan: Hello, Elise! Are you here for another game? What'll it be today? Not another game of tag, right? I trounced you yesterday!

Elise: Oh, you're getting overconfident! Well, today I thought we'd play hide-and-seek.

Rowan: Hide-and-seek it is. I look forward to another effortless victory.

Elise: Yeah, yeah... Keep on bragging. I'm not gonna lose today!  

Rowan: Very well! You can hide first. I'll start counting...

Elise: Here I go! No peeking...

Rowan: Now where did she get off to? Maybe in here? Hmm, nope. Not here either. Hey, Elise! I'm still gonna find you! Ugh, I've been at this all day! Lianna is gonna be mad...  ...But I can't just surrender. Elise! I'm still coming for you!

Elise: Heehee! You still can't find me? Why don't you just give up?

Rowan: I can hear her voice...but where is she?! Uuuuggghhh. All right, I give up. You win, OK? Come on out!

Elise: Yay! Now we're tied!

Rowan: There you are! Where in the world did you go?

Elise: Wouldn't you like to know!

Rowan: All right, all right. I've admitted defeat. You don't have to rub it in. So, come on--tell me where you were hiding!

Elise: You're not gonna like it...but I was hiding behind you the whole time.  

Rowan: What?! You can't be serious.

Elise: I'm kind of an expert at hide-and-seek! I've got other tricks up my sleeve too.

Rowan: Ooh, other tricks? Teach them to me! Maybe I can use them in battle...

Elise: I dunno... If I teach you everything, will you still want to play again?

Rowan: Of course! I can't go out on such a humiliating loss. Once you teach me your tricks, it'll be a fair matchup, won't it?

Elise: I suppose that's true. All right, I'll do it! So... The ultimate hide-and-seek move is to disguise yourself as a different person! Then you'd be able to hide in plain sight.

Rowan: That's genius! ­

Elise: Thanks! Now, there's something I want you to teach me--how to run faster!  Because then it'll be a fair matchup when we play tag, too.

Rowan: Haha! Well, OK, but I have to warn you...it involves training.

Elise: I don't care. I just want to be faster! Promise that you'll coach me!

Rowan: Of course! Let's get together and start training tomorrow.

Elise: Yay! I'm gonna get so fast... Just you wait and see!





Hinoka: Ha! ...Urrgh! You're not gettin' away with that! Hyaa!
Cordelia: Arggh! OK, OK...you win. That was amazing, Lady Hinoka.     
Hinoka: Eh, it was close. 
Coredlia: No, it really wasn't. I've never met a Pegasus Knight of your ability before. Are you up for sparring again tomorrow? This is good training.
Hinoka: I was just going to ask you the same thing.
Cordelia: Then it's a plan! Well, I'd better get back to work. 
Hinoka: Again?! C'mon, Cordelia. How much work could you possibly have to do? 
Cordelia: I need to organize equipment, inventory weapons, look over the accounts-- 
Hinoka: OK, stop. That sounds so boring... Can't you get someone else to do it? 
Cordelia: It's my duty to do these things. I can't just hand them off to someone else!  Anyway, I'd better be on my way. See you tomorrow!
Hinoka: Wait a sec! Cordelia! Training isn't over quite yet.  
Cordelia: But I thought... I mean, you beat me. 
Hinoka: Right, but now I believe you need to train yourself to rest! 
Cordelia: People are counting on me, Lady Hinoka.
Hinoka: Yes! They're counting on you to fight! What good are you if you're exhausted? Even just now you were having trouble with your lance. How do you think I won? 
Cordelia: Are you sure you didn't win simply because I haven't trained hard enough? I can train AND do my work too. In fact, it's my responsibility to do both!
Hinoka: Hah! This might be the first time I've met a warrior who works TOO hard. Listen, I'm just worried about you, Cordelia. Can't I help somehow? 
Cordelia: I appreciate your concern, but... delegating is one skill I've not mastered. 
Hinoka: Fair enough! I'll delegate for you. First things first, I'll do all your work today. 
Cordelia: Lady Hinoka! There are too few hours in the day! You'll never finish in time...  
Hinoka: Uh, then how were you going to do it? Never mind, don't answer that. Just leave it to me. I do this kind of stuff all the time in Hoshido. Seriously. My retainers are completely useless.    
Cordelia: I can't let you--
Hinoka: You're not letting me! I'm doing it! Now...just laze around for a bit. 
Cordelia: Laze around? Hah! I'm not sure I know how to do that, but if you insist, I'll try. ...Thank you, Hinoka. You may have a tough exterior, but you're very generous.
Hinoka: Oh, stop with the waterworks! Anyone would suggest the same thing. And after today, you'll split all your duties with me. OK? We work together. We rest together. That's that.
Cordelia: By your command... In the meantime, I guess I better go figure out how to laze.

* Caeda


Hinoka: Princess Caeda. Tending to your pegasus as diligently as ever, I see.
Caeda: I've seen you doting on your pegasus with just as much affection, Hinoka. 
Hinoka: Ha, you got me there. Say, I wanted to ask...  I hear the pegasuses of your world only allow women to ride them. Is that true?
Caeda: It is. They are loyal only to women who are pure of heart. 
Hinoka: That makes them a lot more discerning than our Hoshidan pegasuses. 
Caeda: How do yours differ? 
Hinoka: They don't choose their riders, for one. And men are known to be Sky Knights. And if pegasuses from your world decide who rides... I'm lucky to be from Hoshido. I don't think I could have ridden a pegasus if I'd been born in Talys. 
Caeda: Why is that? I'm sure you would've been a fantastic Pegasus Knight. 
Hinoka: Something tells me my heart is not quite as pure as yours. I doubt a pegasus of your land would take to me.
Caeda: Oh, I'm sure that's all just in your head. Come, look at my pegasus.     
Hinoka: What about him? 
Caeda: He doesn't seem bothered by you. He doesn't balk when you approach, at least. I'm sure he'd let you ride. He can sense that you're worthy.     
Hinoka: You really think so?
Caeda: You're kind and gentle in your own way, even if you don't realize it. I'm always awestruck when I see your bravery on the battlefield. 
Hinoka: Caeda, if you keep laying it on that thick, you're going to make me blush.     
Caeda: I'm just being honest.
Hinoka: I might start to believe that if I hear it often enough. You're very convincing. I wish I could be like that. 
Caeda: Just tell people how you feel. If you're honest, they'll understand.
Hinoka: There you go again, summing things up so perfectly. Maybe it's worth a try. 
Caeda: It's easier than you think. Especially for one who speaks her heart.
Hinoka: I guess that's one way of describing me. But I think speaking from the heart comes more naturally for you. 
Caeda: Oh, Hinoka. Now it's my turn to feel a blush coming on!
Hinoka: Heheh... I'm just being honest, too! I look forward to fighting alongside you and your pegasus again.
Caeda: Let's watch each others' backs out there.

* Lucina 


Lucina: Hinoka, you fought wonderfully in that last battle! 
Hinoka: Thanks, Lucina. I've always been comfortable in the thick of it. 
Lucina: I can tell. Your naginata technique is perfect.
Hinoka: That's because I've been training since childhood. I was desperate for strength. 
Lucina: What drove you to train at such an early age?
Hinoka: I was determined to save Corrin. 
Lucina: She was in danger? What happened? 
Hinoka: When she was much younger, the king of Nohr stole her from us.  I could have protected her had I been stronger...  So I took up the naginata and swore that I would make things right. But even now that she's back... I cannot become complacent. 
Lucina: You accomplished your goal, didn't you? Surely you deserve a break. 
Hinoka: If I let my guard down, I'd be inviting another kidnapping. I'll protect Corrin no matter the cost. You're pretty strong yourself, Lucina. What drives you? 
Lucina: I had no choice. I wouldn't have survived, otherwise. My world was on the verge of destruction in the face of a powerful enemy. Every battle saw us driven back. I lost many friends, and then...my father.
Hinoka: Chrom died in your world?!
Lucina: I couldn't believe it either. Even now it's painful to think about. That's why I needed to be stronger than the others. So I could lead my friends in a world of despair and save my father in the past. 
Hinoka: You faced something that would break most people, and you overcame it...
Lucina: I finally met my father in this world...  And yet, I still haven't changed my fate.
Hinoka: It sounds like your fight has only just begun. 
Lucina: In a way, it has. My father, and the world I come from... I will save them both.
Hinoka: With comrades to help you, and your own obvious strength... I believe in you, Lucina. If anyone can defy fate, it's you.
Lucina: Thank you, Hinoka. It makes me glad to know you have faith in me. ¬It means a lot coming from someone as strong as you. There's no doubt in my mind you'll be able to protect Corrin from here on. !  
Hinoka: As long as I remain diligent. 
Lucina: Me too. And I think we both can do it! 
Hinoka: Working together, we're unstoppable!

* Frederick 


Hinoka: All right, I've got my vulnerary, spare gauntlets...everything I need. 
Frederick: Princess Hinoka! You should leave this preparation work to me.  
Hinoka: Frederick? You want to pack my travel bag? Go for it. 
Frederick: Thank you, milady. I must say, you did seem to be doing an admirable job. But isn't this the sort of thing you'd usually delegate to a retainer? 
Hinoka: You haven't met Azama and Setsuna. Neither of them are really cut out for this kind of work. 
Frederick: Well, what work DO they handle? Surely your laundry, at the very least?
Hinoka: It's easier to do my own than it is to constantly save Setsuna from drowning.
Frederick: Drowning...in the act of doing laundry? Surely you jest. 
Hinoka: I wish. If there's any danger in a task, she will discover it.
Frederick: But...what of all the cleaning and tidying? Please tell me you're not doing it all! 
Hinoka: Of course I do! I prefer my things to be cleaned rather than broken to bits. And that's a best-case scenario if Setsuna is doing the work. Now, Azama is a bit more careful and does a solid job. But he berates me the whole time. And he's annoyingly accurate! 
Frederick: This is unbelievable. Should I meet this fool, I will teach him some respect. 
Hinoka: Believe me, it's easier to just do everything myself.
Frederick: I never could have imagined you were in such a dire situation. No wonder you are so adept at these menial tasks. Your hand has been forced.
Hinoka: The thing is... I wouldn't trade those two for anyone else.
Frederick: How can you say that?! What possible value can they offer?
Hinoka: Well, despite their quirks, they're plenty capable on the battlefield. It might seem to be an odd arrangement, but it works for us. 
Frederick: Fascinating. Tell me, do you at least entrust them with landscaping duties?     
Hinoka: Landscaping? What's that? 
Frederick: Pulling weeds, tending the gardens, arranging decorative rocks... 
Hinoka: Decorative rocks?! Frederick, tell me you're not wasting time on such drivel! 
Frederick: I hardly think Chrom's decorative rocks qualify as drivel!
Hinoka: You would do anything for Chrom, wouldn't you? I mean...it's admirable. I just can't believe the kind of standard you're setting. 
Frederick: Thank you, milady. It does please me to hear my efforts praised. Still, I can't help but feel guilty about your situation. If I meet your retainers in the future, perhaps I could educate them properly.
Hinoka: You're welcome to try. Knowing you, you might actually succeed! Maybe you could even give me some feedback on my leadership too.
Frederick: It would be my honor. Thank you, Lady Hinoka.

* Elise


Elise: Hey, Hinoka! Come play with me!
Hinoka: Sorry, I'm heading out to train. You can join me if you like.
Elise: Whaaat? Don't you know it's a day off?! Playing is just as important as training. If your body doesn't rest, neither will your mind! 
Hinoka: You forget we're from two different kingdoms. We can't be friends. 
Elise: I didn't forget. What would be wrong with becoming friends? There's no reason we can't get along and play together.
Hinoka: Well, even if we were friends, I don't know any games anyway. I've spent my whole life training to rescue Corrin from Nohr. 
Elise: Is it the idea of playing with a Nohrian you can't get over?  If that's the problem, the only solution is to do it and see that it's not so bad! 
Hinoka: Why do you want to play with me so much, anyway? There are other people.
Elise: But I wanna be friends with you. 
Hinoka: Fine, all right... What do you want to play? 
Elise: Hmm, well... I won't stand a chance if we play tag... I read about a Hoshidan game that sounds fun. Do you know oh-rig-ami? 
Hinoka: You mean origami? It's not really a game, but I know a little. 
Elise: Yeah, that's it! You can make all sorts of things out of paper. I wanna make a bird! 
Hinoka: I can teach you how to make a crane... 
Elise: Hmm... Umm... Like this... Ah! I'm done! Pretty good, right? 
Hinoka: It's a little misshapen... Look at mine. This is how it should look. But the wings on yours are different shapes! 
Elise: I like how mine looks.
Hinoka: Well, for this next one let's compete to see whose looks the best.
Elise: You're on! But first...could you show me how to do it right? 
Hinoka: Hey, wait... I'm supposed to be teaching you, but I'm doing all the learning.
Elise: Maybe we should do something else? 
Hinoka: No, I'm learning plenty. How to just let my mind rest and enjoy something. Corrin and I used to do things like this before she was taken. I had forgotten... Our whole family would fold origami together and play all sorts of games. 
Elise: Ahh, so you know how to play after all. You just forgot.
Hinoka: I suppose so. I started training and dreamed of the day we'd all be together. Relaxing with you brought all those childhood memories back. Thank you, Princess Elise. It really feels like my mind is at rest.
Elise: I'm the one who should be thanking you. You're really nice. Maybe we can play more from now on. We could fold so many cranes! Your wish will come true if you make a thousand, right?
Hinoka: That's right. I'm surprised you know that.
Elise: OK, let's try to make a thousand. And let's wish for peace in our world... So we can do this again someday.





Camilla: Oh! Princess Sakura...what are you doing here?

Sakura: Oh-op! You s-surprised me!

Camilla: Well, you precious thing! I didn't mean to scare you.

Sakura: It's OK. Just give me a moment...

Camilla: This conversation would be easier if you looked at me, you know.

Sakura: I'm sorry. It's just...to be honest...I get nervous with so much eye contact...

Camilla: Oh, please! Just talk to me like I'm one of your sisters! It's no big deal.

Sakura: But you're so...different...from my sisters. Sorry, I'm just an anxious person.

Camilla: Are you scared of me? There's no reason for that anymore.

Sakura: No! I mean...maybe a little bit... The thing is, I'd like to get to know you, Camilla. But you're so intimidating!

Camilla: I do seem to have an effect on people... But darling, I'd like to know you, too! So, let's see. What should we talk about?

Sakura: Well, we're both Corrin's sisters... Oh! Why are you sitting so close to me?

Camilla: Was I? I hadn't noticed. Here, why don't I tell you a cute story about Corrin?

(Some time later)

Camilla: ...And then Corrin sat right in the pie! Heehee! Oh, we laughed and laughed...

Sakura: That's really funny! I probably would have done the same thing... What kind of pie was it, anyway?

Camilla: Oh, it was just my usual... Apple pie with a little kick of cardamom.

Sakura: Mmm...that sounds good! Is that a traditional Nohrian recipe, or...?

Camilla: It is! You mean to say you don't have apple-cardamom pie in Hoshido? Don't even answer that. You simply MUST try it. I'll bake one sometime!

Sakura: Y-you'd share a homemade pie with me? I'd really like that! I...I could even make some Hoshidan specialties!

Camilla: You'll bake for me? Oh, and look how much more comfortable you've gotten!

Sakura: You know...I don't think I'm terrified of you anymore.

Camilla: How wonderful! That means we can get even closer.

Sakura: ...By closer, you mean, like, getting to know each other better? Right?

Camilla: Of course! And closer physically. Come now, scoot over here...

Sakura: Um...I'm OK right here.

Camilla: My goodness, you're precious. Here, let's try holding hands.

Sakura: Holding hands?! ...But why?

Camilla: To be closer! Oh, look...Your face is all red!

Sakura: Um... I... I...

Camilla: Look me in the eyes and say whatever you want, darling.

Sakura: ...I can't think of anything!

* Chrom


Camilla: Corrin? Hello? Are you here?

Chrom: Ah, I've just sent Corrin on a delivery. It shouldn't take long.

Camilla: You sent someone of Corrin's royal stature on a simple delivery? If anything goes wrong, I will personally take it out on you tenfold!

Chrom: What?! Let's be reasonable here!

Camilla: Prince and captain you may be, but if Corrin is harmed, your name is mud.

Chrom: I'll take the blame in that case. But really, Camilla, what could go wrong?

Camilla: Any number of things! Misreading the map, falling off a cliff...you name it!

Chrom: You know, Frederick was in a similar state when Lissa first went out on her own.

Camilla: The slightest scratch must be answered with an ocean of blood...

Chrom: C-Camilla...this has moved past doting into disturbing...

Camilla: What's so wrong with being concerned for one's family?

Chrom: You treat Corrin like a child, for one thing. It can become smothering.

Camilla: But you have Frederick, who fusses similarly over you.

Chrom: That's very true. When I warn you to pull back, I speak from experience. Every time I go out without checking with him, he upbraids me for hours.

Camilla: Isn't it a retainer's duty to know where his lord is at all times?

Chrom: Well, let me put it this way. If I so much as sneeze, he starts knitting a new scarf.

Camilla: Such impressive devotion... My question is, why are you ever not wearing one?

Chrom: Maybe I'm not being clear. He insists on doing everything for me, however trivial.

Camilla: Is it true that he once pinned posters of you all over camp to raise morale?

Chrom: Let's not speak of that incident. I was so embarrassed that I longed for death.

Camilla: Oh dear. Is that all Frederick is to you? A nuisance?

Chrom: No, no... His heart's in the right place. And he's served me for a long time. But I can never leave camp without him shadowing me to my every destination.

Camilla: As well he should! I try to keep Corrin within arm's reach at all times. No farther, preferably, than...this.

Chrom: A-all right! I don't need a demonstration!

Camilla: How adorable you are with flushed skin... Does my nearness bother you?    

Chrom: That's not the issue!

Camilla: No? Then you won't mind feeling the effects of my warm embrace either.         

Chrom: Camilla!

Camilla: Oh, don't worry. I only have room in my heart for Corrin. I'll see you later, Chrom.

* Cordelia (Only found in English. Likely scrapped in release version of the game.)


Camilla: You know, I've been meaning to tell you this, but I think you're lovely, Cordelia.

Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla?! This is so sudden! What are you talking about?

Camilla: I think it's wonderful how you're strong, cute, and conscientious of your surroundings. And you've got such gorgeous, long legs... You should be proud of yourself.

Cordelia: O-Oh no! I was actually thinking that I'd rather be more like you...

Camilla: Oh my! Whatever for?

Cordelia: You're kind, beautiful, and reliable, and above all, you're, well... How do I say this...feminine, perhaps? I mean, I admire your feminine shape.    

Camilla: Hmm, but I think your slender figure is attractive, too, you know.

Cordelia: That's not true! Lady Camilla, tell me, how did you get them to grow so large?!

Camilla: Let's see... Really, all I did was eat well and sleep well. I I don't know what else to tell you. I didn't really do anything special.

Cordelia: What...?! P-Please tell me you're joking, Lady Camilla... If you didn't do anything, that means no amount of effort will do anything, right...?

Camilla: Oh dear, don't be so upset. Being large up top is a problem in itself.

Cordelia: I-it is...?

Camilla: Yes. It's difficult to find armor that fits, and I can't wear the clothes I'd like.

Cordelia: I worry about that, too. Adult-like clothes don't suit me, and swimwear, well...

Camilla: But I think you'd look better in patterns and fitted clothes than I do. Oh, I know! Let's go into town together next time. I'll pick out clothes for you!

Cordelia: Lady Camilla... I'd only feel bad if you were to be so kind to me.

Camilla: Oh, it'll be fine. You just haven't realized how attractive you are yet, that's all. It's nice that you don't cut corners, but you mustn't fuss too much. There, there.

Cordelia: You're so accepting and motherly. You've got me completely beat--wait, motherly?!

Camilla: What's wrong, Cordelia? Did you think of something?

Cordelia: Lady Camilla, if I were overflowing with as much maternal instincts as you, then...!

Camilla: Perhaps. They do see that what's on the inside is reflected on the outside...

Cordelia: That's exactly right! I must find a book about motherhood right away!

Camilla: How about you experience my motherly behaviour instead? Come...let me hug you.

Cordelia: Oh, b-but, um... This is awkward... ­

Camilla: Heehee... You really are a sweet, lovely girl.

Cordelia: L-Lady Camilla! Please, that's enough. You're embarrassing me!

Camilla: Aww... You're so lovely and strong... If you were to be obedient to me... Speaking of which, you remind me of one of my retainers. I might just have to take you back to Nohr with me one of these days.

Cordelia: Wait, what? You're... you're joking, right? I'm...

Camilla: Heehee, yes. But I do want to spend more time with you while we're in this world.

Cordelia: Of course! I would love to spend time with you, as time allows. It's a promise!

* Frederick 


Camilla: Frederick, darling...whatever are you doing?

Frederick: I am merely grooming this gravel path for Chrom's footsteps. Routine work.

Camilla: Truly? How fascinating. I had no idea you were so in love with Chrom!

Frederick: Milady, that is not accurate. I am merely a retainer devoted to his master.

Camilla: Mmm-hmm. Well then, what other sorts of things do you do for your master?

Frederick: Well, naturally I research all of the locations he visits in advance... I create meal plans to help manage his diet and fitness... And, of course, I try to follow his every step...just in case I am needed. But if I am able to save him a trip by running errands myself...that is ideal.

Camilla: Well, I'm impressed! I may borrow a few of those ideas to help Corrin! As it is, my first duty is to kill anyone or anything that would dare harm her. And naturally I do her laundry and tidy her quarters... Why, I would even bathe her by hand... If she would permit it!

Frederick: ...I have failed. It did not occur to me to help wash the small of Chrom's back. I must correct this oversite at once! (Seems to be a spelling error here, should read "oversight")

Camilla: Wait! Before you rush off to the hot springs... I still have a few more questions for you!

Frederick: Very well. What else do you wish to know?

Camilla: I wish to know EVERYTHING about the duties you perform for Chrom. If there is even one tiny thing that could make Corrin happier, I will do it.

Frederick: I understand completely. Now, let me think... Ah, yes. I have considered composing a war song to inspire Chrom during battle. My idea was to pair this song with some sort of motivational banner... And then, following the victory, three days of celebration and feasting.

Camilla: My goodness. That idea...is simply... tremendous! I love it! Oh, Frederick, let's do it! For both Chrom and Corrin!

Frederick: Really? You'll join me? I do say...it is one of my better ideas.

Camilla: I agree. Now, firstly, we will need to obtain the materials for a large flag...

Frederick: Certainly. But first...would you mind if I finished grooming this path?

Camilla: Of course not! In fact, I'll help you. After all, Corrin may walk on this path as well. Let's make it perfect for her!

Frederick: Excellent. Why don't you start over there, and I'll work over here. Together we can create a path that will be perfect for our masters' strides!

* Anna


Camilla: Hello there, Anna. Do you carry any rare items in this little shop of yours?

Anna: Indeed we do, Camilla! But, uh...how rare are we talking?

Camilla: I'm after something that can only be found in this world.

Anna: Interesting... How about one of these pots? They're supposed to be legendary.

Camilla: I don't know...they're just pots, aren't they? What's legendary about them?

Anna: It grants wishes! Make a wish, and if the pot breaks--by accident--wish granted!

Camilla: Are you sure it works? Here, let me test it right now!

Anna: Uh... What about this? It's a poisonous mushroom from a local forest! Eat it, and you'll have unstoppable hiccups for three days and three nights!

Camilla: What an...unusual poison.

Anna: Right?! It's the real deal, which is why it's so expensive. Care for a free sample?

Camilla: Hmm... I like both the pots and the mushrooms. I'll take your entire stock.

Anna: Seriously?! That's a hundred pots, er...I mean--great!

Camilla: Perfect. They'll make excellent souvenirs.

Anna: Souvenirs? For who?

Camilla: For my retainers. They're the two most adorable girls you'd ever meet. There's Selena, who's all charm and grace...until you cross her. Or until she loses. She's a moody one, but loyal. Then there's Beruka, a former assassin. She almost killed me, so I brought her on. Want to hear something sweet? She never bathes without her dagger.

Anna: Y-yeah. That's...s-sweet.

Camilla: I'm sure they're both out of their minds with worry since I disappeared. So I thought a few unique gifts would make it up to them.

Anna: Are you sure you don't want to buy them something more...sentimental?

Camilla: Oh, no! The pots and the mushrooms are absolute perfection. The pots are for Selena. She loves to cook. And Beruka just adores anything poisonous! 

Anna: How endearing.

Camilla: Ha ha! She'll probably make all sorts of nefarious plans with those mushrooms... Only to realize they merely induce a mild case of the hiccups! ­

Anna: Well, I didn't expect such a strong demand for these items...  I wasn't sure I'd be able to sell them at all, much less in one day! I'll have to track down some more somehow... Thank you, Camilla! This has been an eye-opening experience!

Camilla: I'm the one who should be thanking you, Anna. But this may not be enough pots. Will you tell me when you get more in stock?

Anna: Of course! Anything for my new favorite customer! 

* Caeda


Caeda: He doesn't take to people very often.

Camilla: If he is a prickly one, he's sheathed his spines for me. I think he's sweet.

Caeda: I'm glad you get to see this side of him.

Camilla: Tell me, Princess, have you ever ridden a wyvern before? From observing you in action, I think you would take naturally to it.

Caeda: You flatter me, Camilla. But I'm satisfied with my current mount. He is my sworn companion in my mission to protect Marth.

Camilla: Ah, yes, Prince Marth. You and he are quite the pair, aren't you?

Caeda: O-oh, I-I don't know if I'd say that. I-I have my hopes, but who knows... That aside, there's another reason I can't give this one up. Promise not to laugh?

Camilla: I would never. Whatever you say is safe with me.

Caeda: Though I am a princess, I spend most of my time traveling with Marth. At times, our forces must make camp. And it gets very dark in the wild.

Camilla: Oh, I know full well. Though where I come from, it's dark even in the day.

Caeda: That sounds...terrible! I'm actually quite afraid of the dark. It's only when I know my pegasus is near that I can sleep soundly.

Camilla: Oh, how darling. He sounds like a beloved family member. I myself sleep better at night when one of my siblings is sleeping nearby.

Caeda: Yes, you do seem very close to them. Say, do you think I might sit behind you the next time you go for a ride? I'd like to see for myself how comfortable riding a wyvern is.

Camilla: A beautiful young princess like you may ride wherever you like, dear.

Caeda: Oh, um... I-I'm not nearly so pretty as you though, Camilla.

Camilla: You can't deny that you have many charms. Have you not seen how eager people are to please you after a few kind words?

Caeda: As long as Marth is with me, I don't need anyone else.

Camilla: Ah, young love... The two of you are so close, I fear there's no room in your heart for me.

Caeda: E-er... Well--

Camilla: I'm only teasing. I must say, you are especially susceptible to it. ­

Caeda: Oh... You had me so flustered that I became utterly tongue-tied.

Camilla: Still, it's no tease when I tell you that I'd like us to be better friends.

Caeda: Oh, agreed! I would love nothing more. It's been refreshing to talk openly with someone from such a different world.

Camilla: Quite. And, Caeda...should you have trouble sleeping, you know where I am.

Caeda: O-oh! Wait. You're teasing again. Ahahaha...





Rowan: Hey, Takumi! Did you see me fight today? I looked pretty good out there!

Takumi: Eh. I've seen better.

Rowan: ...What did you say?

Takumi: I said I've seen better! Any halfway decent archer could have taken you out....

Rowan: I...uh...I meant to leave myself open. To draw fire away from our soldiers!

Takumi: And you sure struggled with those armored units...

Rowan: Well, but I won, didn't I?

Takumi: Pfft. Barely. What's gonna happen when you face a REAL challenge?

Rowan: I will overcome and win! What do I have to do to earn your approval?

Takumi: Reach your potential.

Rowan: But...I have reached my potential!

Takumi: If you say so. I happen to disagree. ...When you've truly reached your potential, you won't need my approval... Or the approval of anyone else. Like a brother...or a sister...

Rowan: Teach me, Takumi. How did you reach your potential?

Takumi: …

Rowan: ... Takumi? Did I say something wrong?

Takumi: No. Sorry. It's...it's nothing. I shouldn't be lecturing you. I haven't reached MY potential...

Rowan: You can't be serious. But if you are...why don't we train together?

Takumi: Give it a rest, Rowan. I'm not going to spar with you.

Rowan: Come on! You think I need practice...and you're not satisfied with yourself either. We can kill two birds with one stone.

Takumi: Us sparring is not going to solve anything. Just calm down.

Rowan: Well, if you won't fight me, I guess that makes me the winner by default!

Takumi: All right, now you've done it. I have no choice but to humble you!

Rowan: You think it'll be easy, huh? How do you expect to draw your bow against me?

Takumi: The sword has an advantage over.the bow in close quarters, it's true... But who said I'd be using my bow?

Rowan: What?! The great archer Takumi...not using a bow?

Takumi: Surely you're not afraid of a little hand-to-hand combat. If you insist on using that sword, I'd be happy to disarm you with my katana.

Rowan: You...you're proficient with the katana? I suppose I should have expected... I'm humbled already. You're so strong, and yet you still strive for more.

Takumi: Yeah, well, this is all just talk. Rest up. We'll fight tomorrow.

Rowan: Agreed! I look forward to earning your approval!

Takumi: Yeesh. Kids these days. Shame I'm going to have to embarrass him...

* Xander


Takumi: Huh...only 90 out of 100 bull's-eyes today. Pathetic. Guess I'd better rerack. I'm not leaving here until I hit 96 or more.

Xander:  Prince Takumi! What are you still doing out here? It's getting dark! Have you been at this all day? Surely you require a break...

Takumi: No. Not until I'm satisfied with.my performance. ...Why do you care, anyway?

Xander: Because training too hard will actually worsen your skills. And we need you.

Takumi: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've already mastered your weapon. Me? I don't have the luxury of rest...

Xander: Haha! The luxury of rest! Prince Takumi, listen well… When I was around your age, I trained much like you do. To excess.

Takumi: ...Is that so?

Xander: Oh, yes. I often trained until I could no longer hold a sword. I was proud of my efforts, until I realized I was in fact setting myself back. I spent almost as much time bedridden from exhaustion as I did actual training.

Takumi: I still have a hard time seeing you fail at anything...

Xander: That was not my only folly! Another time I wandered off to fight Faceless alone. In the dark forests of Nohr, I lost sight of the trail back home... I wandered lost for days. When finally I .returned, I was parched and near death.

Takumi: How could you have done something so reckless?

Xander: The same reason you're out here shooting arrows in the dark. Pride... I was impatient. I thought I could become powerful quickly. ...But there is no shortcut. If you train too hard, you will get hurt. I never realized before how much you remind me of myself.

Takumi: Xander...I can tell that you speak the truth. But I simply can't wait!

Xander: Yes. You're as stubborn as I was, too. Well, I have an idea... Prince Takumi, allow me to join you in your training.

Takumi: ...Are you serious?

Xander: If you're going to be reckless, you may.as well have some supervision. As someone who has been where you are now, I can offer guidance. And I can pull you back just when you're about to go over the limit.

Takumi: Well, I certainly won't turn down training from a skilled warrior!

Xander: Excellent. We can begin once you've taken a short break. The last thing I want to see is your arm in a sling from too much training.

Takumi: Thank you, Xander.  Just don't get mad when I upstage you in battle!

Xander: Heh... I'll worry about that when it happens.

Takumi: All right! I'll see you back here tomorrow at dawn! You won't regret this, Xander! Thanks again!

* Lissa


Takumi: Ahh...nothing like hitting the sack at the end of a long day... Wait a second. Something isn't...WHO'S THERE?! Gah! It's...some kind of...FACE...up in the ceiling!

Lissa: Heehee! Gotcha!

Takumi: What?! Who are you? Come out and fight me to the death!

Lissa: Takumi, it's just me--Lissa!

Takumi: Lissa! It sure didn't look like you! Anyway, thanks for taking a few years off my life.

Lissa: Yeesh! I'm sorry. It was just a prank. I didn't think I'd scare you THAT much.

Takumi: Are you kidding? Hiding in the shadows and putting that...THING on the ceiling?

Lissa: It's a portrait of Chrom, if you must know. Frederick drew it!

Takumi: That's supposed to be Chrom? I was sure it was some sort of demon. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you would never EVER do anything like that again.

Lissa: Well, OK. I'll be sure to never EVER do anything to upset you ever again.

Takumi: ...Gee, that sounds awfully familiar. Haven't we had this talk before?

Lissa: Oh, have we?

Takumi: Yes. Do you not remember stitching the word “jerk” on the back of my hair tie? I wore that hair tie in three different battles before I noticed!

Lissa: Oh, yeah! That was...inappropriate, I guess. I'm sorry. I just enjoy getting a rise out of you. But I'll stop now. Really.

Takumi: Well, all right. I mean...you should. ...Sorry if I reacted a bit harshly. But what makes me so prankable?

Lissa: Honestly? It's because you seem like you're always on edge. I thought maybe teasing you a little bit would help you relax and have some fun.

Takumi: But you realize, of course, that these pranks have me even MORE on edge! I could relax and be friendly with you if I knew nothing terrible would happen. So, just try coming up and talking to me next time, OK? I promise I'll be relaxed.    

Lissa: All right, Takumi. It's a deal! It's kind of ironic, isn't it? ­I teased you because you were uptight, but the teasing just made it worse! I'm glad we had this talk. Hey, in a way, my pranks actually DID work!

Takumi: Hmpf. Well, now that you've completely destroyed any hope of an early bedtime... How about sharing a cup of tea with me?

Lissa: I'd love to! Oh, there was just one other thing...

Takumi: One second, all right? I've got to get the kettle boilAAAAUUUGH!

Lissa: ...Yeah. I was gonna warn you about the trap that I dug right there. You have to believe me when I say that I set that up BEFORE our little talk...

Takumi: Sure, sure. Now help me out of here...

* Lyn


Lyn: Takumi! What was that? You were out of control in that battle!

Takumi: You again? Look, stop worrying about.me, OK? I have to test myself in battle to get stronger! There's no other way.

Lyn: But if you die, it'll all be for nothing, won't it? Won't you think of your family, if not the greater good?

Takumi: Trust me--all I do is think of my family. I need to earn my siblings' respect. I'd rather die than show any weakness in front of them...

Lyn: Are you serious?

Takumi: ...Uh, yes? What's your point?

Lyn: What could make you think your family expects that of you?!

Takumi: Well...where should I start?

Lyn: No, I don't believe you. I've met Ryoma and the others. They would grieve terribly if you were wounded or killed!

Takumi: Nah, they'd still have Corrin. They like her better anyway...

Lyn: That isn't true at all. There's only one Takumi. You're irreplaceable. What if Ryoma died? Don't you think your other siblings would care?

Takumi: Of course! No one can replace Ryoma!

Lyn: So why don't you believe Ryoma feels the same way about you?

Takumi: ...Because I'm weak.

Lyn: First, you're not weak. Second, what does that have to do with anything? Let me tell you a story about my good friend Florina.  She's a Pegasus Knight, but not a very capable one, if I'm honest. She was assigned to protect me, but it usually works out the other way around.

Takumi: So you have a weak, useless protector. Doesn't that bother you?

Lyn: Of course not! She's one of my closest friends in the world. And her strength, or lack of it, has nothing to do with that. Or take Sakura. She's much weaker than you. Do you not care about her?

Takumi: N-no! I'd do anything for her!

Lyn: That's how I know Ryoma, Hinoka, and Corrin feel the same way about you.

Takumi: You may have a point. Even though you're incredibly annoying.  I...I suppose I have some thinking to do.

Lyn: Good for you, Takumi. I was really worried about you..! Believe it or not, there are other people who care about you, too.

Takumi: If you're saying what I think you're saying...then thanks for protecting me. But I won't need protecting forever. Just watch. Soon I'll be strong enough to protect YOU...and everyone else.

Lyn: Hey, I look forward to it.





Leo: Royal twins... That's quite unusual, isn't it?

Lianna: You think so? I guess I thought big royal families like yours were more of an oddity.

Leo: Yes, there are a lot of us. But we all have different mothers, you know. It's actually a pretty common practice for royal families in my world.

Lianna: Ah, I see. In Aytolis and Gristonne the king or queen can have only one spouse.

Leo: Of course! That's how it is in Nohr, too!

Lianna: Are you saying your mother was the king's...mistress?!

Leo: Don't be so shocked. All our mothers were. Well...except for Xander's.

Lianna: How do all those mothers live together and still get along?

Leo: Get along? Heh... How optimistic of you.  In Nohr even the children of mistresses have a claim to the throne. So our mothers have always competed for the king's affection.

Lianna: You mean it's sibling against sibling, all to see who will inherit the throne?

Leo: At times, it is. I'm sure Aytolis has seen some similar conflict... Still, you ARE the older sibling... I'd assume the throne is yours to take.

Lianna: It's...complicated. As the older sister I do have a bit of an advantage. However, in Aytolis, male heirs can be given preference anyway. I'd be relieved to see my brother become king, but he's...hesitant.

Leo: Ha! I've noticed that you two are always encouraging the other to take the throne! To be honest, I'm quite jealous of your situation.

Lianna: But you and your siblings get along so well! My brother and I are constantly biting each other's head off.

Leo: It doesn't seem that way to me. Maybe you fight because you're willing to be honest with each other.

Lianna: Maybe... Well, I'm jealous too. I've always wanted an older brother or sister.

Leo: You can have Xander if you want! I'm just kidding. We all like one another, you know, in our own special ways.

Lianna: How could you not? You're all so  wonderful... Even you, Leo. ­That's why I just can't believe it when you say you're all in competition.

Leo: Things weren't always so great between the children of the king of Nohr... You could learn a thing or two about palace intrigue just from the stories. But I'll spare you that. It really doesn't seem like something you'd need here.

Lianna: Are you trying to protect me? Hm. So there is a tiny speck of kindness and warmth under that cold exterior...

Leo: Is that how you see me? Actually...I'll take that as a compliment. I hope we have another chance to talk again soon, Lianna. I'd like to hear more about Aytolis and your...cooperative ways.

Lianna: Of course! I'm sure there's a lot we could learn from each other.

* Ryoma


Ryoma: Pardon me, Prince Leo, but do you have a few moments to, erm...hang out?

Leo: Hang out? This is so unlike you, Prince Ryoma.

Ryoma: Yes, well... Hinoka suggested that particular verbiage... But it was my idea to come see you and take a break from my duties.

Leo: I see. I don't mind, of course, but I can't help but notice you're unarmed. In a different time, I would act on this opportunity. What would you have done?

Ryoma: Hmm. It's a fair question. I would be at a slight disadvantage with no blade.

Leo: A slight disadvantage? That's putting it mildly, I'd think.

Ryoma: Well, those days are over, are they not? Besides...if you were going to attack me, I assume I'd already be gravely wounded.

Leo: Heh. Anyhow, there is something I've been meaning to ask you. The other day, you covered me in battle and sustained an injury in the process.  I had no idea you'd put yourself in danger for me. After all, it wasn't long ago that we were mortal enemies.

Ryoma: Hmph. It was nothing--a mere scratch.

Leo: Perhaps, but I can't seem to let it go. I feel I owe you a debt now.

Ryoma: You're thinking about this the wrong way, Prince Leo. Consider what each of us means to this war. We must look out for each other!

Leo: Yes, that's true. So you were acting in the interest of the greater good?

Ryoma: Exactly. Fighting over past grievances will get us nowhere.

Leo: Indeed. And teaming up has been effective, I might add. So I suppose I don't have to worry about you attacking ME out of the blue either!

Ryoma: You certainly do not. In fact, the reason I came to see you is... I have begun to consider you a friend.

Leo: My, my. I have done well for myself, becoming friends with the great Ryoma! In all seriousness, I consider you a friend as well. But I must caution you--in times like this, it does not pay to become too friendly. You should be thinking of your own life in battle--you are that important! Although it hurts my ego to admit it, we cannot afford to lose you...

Ryoma: Well...thank you, Leo. I promise you that I will consider my own well-being. ­ And, if I might add...I believe I could learn a few things from you.  The way you always stay composed in battle is admirable. And you have the ability to cut right to the core of things. I lack that trait.

Leo: Then by all means...let us learn from each other. We will grow stronger together than we ever could individually. ...Just don't be surprised if I surpass you before long... I jest, Ryoma.

* Robin


Leo: Hmph... I've been bested! You really trounced me there, Robin.

Robin: By the skin of my teeth... Honestly, I didn't think it would be so close.

Leo: I knew that 64th move was a mistake. I could've used a pincer attack from there!

Robin: Eh, a pincer then would have actually hastened my victory by two moves. It's a fairly standard technique we use on the battlefield in Ylisse.

Leo: You're saying you were anticipating that? I thought you'd never played this game before... Have I been duped?

Robin: No, but I've played very similar games, where you use the board as a battlefield.

Leo: As have I, though clearly my experience was not as useful as yours. In Nohr we have a game called chess that's a lot like this.  I'm the best in my family! I was sure could beat you too. Although now that I've gotten the hang of it...care for a rematch?

Robin: We can play as many times as you like. I'm sure we'll learn a lot from each other.  And beating you never gets old!

Leo: Hrm. Line up your pieces. The first thing you'll learn is taking defeat with dignity. I think you're underestimating me, by the way. One battle doesn't win a war.

Robin: Oh, I don't believe you'll be a pushover. You kept me on the ropes for most of that last game. That famous Nohrian strategy confused me more than once! Let's just say I'd hate to meet you on the battlefield!

Leo: Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice?

Robin: Not at all! I'm very interested in learning about your battle tactics and techniques!

Leo: Of course you are! That would give you quite an advantage in this game.

Robin: No, no, Leo! I'm talking about your literal battle tactics! Like on the field. I'm sure if we combined our expertise, our strategic options would expand.

Leo: I see what you're saying now. I guess as a tactician you're always looking for new ideas, aren't you?  

Robin: So will you teach me, Leo?

Leo: Of course...but only if you beat me in this next match. And I won't make it easy! ­

Robin: Interesting... You're on! Now that something's actually at stake, I have a feeling this game will get heated.

Leo: I'm looking forward to it. We'll see how long your confidence lasts... Are we ready now? Good. Why don't you take the first move, Robin? You're going to need all the help you can get.

Robin: Ha! Get ready, Leo. You're about to see a true tactician at work!

* Frederick


Frederick: Prince Leo...do you have a moment?

Leo: I suppose. What is it?

Frederick: There's something that's been bothering me. I wasn't sure I should say anything...

Leo: You've been keeping something from me?

Frederick: ...Yes. I have thought long and hard about the implications. But ultimately, I decided that it needed to be said.

Leo: Good gods, man! Don't keep me in suspense any longer. What is it?!

Frederick: Well, Prince Leo...it's about your...                      

Leo: My what?

Frederick: Your collar, milord. It's...inside out.

Leo: No, no, no, that's not possible...  ...Oh. Damn.

Frederick: I was hoping you'd just notice... eventually...but here we are. I could not in good conscience remain silent any longer, milord.

Leo: Is this what you were hinting at with all that talk about fashion?

Frederick: Yes, milord. I was not bold enough to tell you straight out. I apologize.

Leo: No, no. It's my fault, of course. You must come to me directly if this ever happens again. A fashion yes-man is no good to me. I need someone who can speak the truth.

Frederick: I understand. Then, since we are speaking openly...

Leo: Please! Let me hear it.

Frederick: You have worn your collar inside out precisely 36 times since we met. I thought perhaps I might be able to prevent a 37th.

Leo: Thirty-six... Arrgh! Someone must die! ...I mean, thank you.

Frederick: You're welcome. And there's one other thing.

Leo: Very well. Get it over with.

Frederick: The other morning, you nearly wore your nightcap into battle.

Leo: No! I caught myself before actually walking into battle. How did you know?

Frederick: Well, I was positioned nearby to speak to you about something else... Namely, that you had brought your pillow instead of your spell book...

Leo: D-did I really?! ­

Frederick: I was quite surprised to see you look directly at the pillow several times...

Leo: That is enough, Frederick. In the future, I need you to be more proactive.

Frederick: Yes...I understand. If I see that your trousers are on inside out and backwards, I should speak up. I will be happy to add this to my list of daily duties, milord.

Leo: Has it come to this? Do I really need a wardrobe guardian? I ...Yes. Yes, I suppose I do. Thank you, Frederick. You're a true friend.





Lianna: ...Hrmph.     
Corrin: Lianna? Is something wrong? 
Lianna: Ah, Corrin! No, no! It's nothing. 
Corrin: Really? Because it didn't sound like nothing. 
Lianna: Heh... I guess I'm just a little preoccupied.     
Corrin: What's on your mind? 
Lianna: It's no big deal. It's just...I feel like my brother and I are so inexperienced. You're all fighting this war for our kingdom, and we're barely helping!
Corrin: How can you say that? You two are clearly giving this your all. 
Lianna: We are, but...our abilities pale in comparison to everyone else's. 
Corrin: Of course you feel like underachievers! Look who's on your team! Uh, that came out wrong, didn't it? I just mean...don't compare yourself to others. Because the strength of your allies is YOUR strength too!  
Lianna: You think? I know I should be grateful that you all are here in the first place. I just can't help but wonder what would've happened if you weren't! 
Corrin: Let me ask you this: Do you think our being sent here was simply coincidence?     
Lianna: What do you mean? 
Corrin: Every decision you've made, every action you've taken has led to this very moment. I don't think the fact that we're fighting together is a coincidence at all. Your will is what set our fates in motion. We're here because of you!
Lianna: You really believe that, Corrin? 
Corrin: Of course I do! There is a drawback, however. Our time together will, unfortunately, be brief.   
Lianna: I know... 
Corrin: I really wish we could be here to see how everything turns out in your kingdom. But only you and your brother can carve out its future. I know, deep in my heart, that you will succeed! You're getting stronger every day. Your kingdom will thrive under your leadership! 
Lianna: Thank you, Corrin. I'll do my best!
Corrin: I feel so silly talking to you like this. I'm hardly in a position to give advice. There's a lot I could learn from you and your brother.
Lianna: Ha! What could you possibly have to learn from us?
Corrin: Don't laugh! You may not always get along, but you have each other's respect. I hope that in the future Nohr and Hoshido can coexist in the same way.
Lianna: I'm sure you'll make it happen. Everyone in your families loves you so much! 
Corrin: Oh, I know. They won't let me forget it! But I appreciate your confidence in me.   
Lianna: And yours in me!

* Robin


Robin: Do you have a minute, Corrin? I've been wanting to talk to you... Tell me--do you believe our choices are really ours to...choose?     
Corrin: I'm not sure I follow...
Robin: Are our decisions our own, or do you think they're already made for us? 
Corrin: Well, that's a terrifying prospect! What's gotten you thinking about this?
Robin: I'm not really sure... I guess the idea of destiny has just been on my mind. And I can't shake the worry that my feelings and impulses aren't my own.
Corrin: Hmm. Well, I've always believed that my choices are mine and mine alone. Like fate is just a series of paths one can take, but it's up to you to decide which. So my future is still guided by will.
Robin: OK... I think I understand what you're saying. 
Corrin: And if some godlike being thinks she can tell me what to do... I'm gonna find her and put an end to her high jinks!
Robin: You don't think she'd see it coming? She'd be a god, after all. 
Corrin: So it's not a perfect plan... Anyway, what do you believe? 
Robin: I would like to believe that I do more than just choose a path.     
Corrin: What other option is there?     
Robin: To build my own. I don't want to be at the center of many ever-branching paths. I want to carve out a single path for myself, as I go. In short, I want to be the architect of my own fate.
Corrin: I can see how that idea might be appealing. But I can't help but believe that my will serves something bigger than myself.
Robin: And I can only hope that the opposite is true. 
Corrin: ...I guess choice plays a different role for you than for me. 
Robin: Think about it! I'm a tactician. You're royalty. What can we do but try to play the hands we are dealt?   
Corrin: Hah! Nothing, I guess! Though we do agree on one thing--that our decisions have consequences. Your perspective has me thinking, though... 
Robin: Well, if you're ever in need of a different point of view, I hope you come see me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's overthinking outcomes.
Corrin: Excellent! I'll offer you the same service. Maybe I'll convince you to take a premade path every once in a while.
Robin: I guess that wouldn't be SO bad. I look forward to more philosophical debates in our future, Corrin.
Corrin: Me too.

* Ryoma


Corrin: Hey, Ryoma. What are you up to?
Ryoma: I was just meditating. It is a type of Hoshidan mental training. 
Corrin: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt. 
Ryoma: It's fine. Would you like to join me? 
Corrin: What does it accomplish? 
Ryoma: It will nurture your concentration and patience, and help you quiet your mind. 
Corrin: Well, it certainly sounds useful... And you can show me how? 
Ryoma: Of course! First, sit. Now, cross your legs and rest your feet on your thighs. 
Corrin: Ohhh, owowow! It hurts! My ankles feel like they're going to snap! 
Ryoma: Ahaha, such a flair for drama! I would expect nothing less from a first-timer.  Cross your legs like this instead. This is not physical training, after all. 
Corrin: Hmgh... Erm... You mean like this? 
Ryoma: Exactly--very good, Corrin. Now just hold that position.  
Corrin: G-got it! 
Ryoma: Typically you would meditate to lose yourself, but we've spoken so little... So let's talk. How are you doing? Is there anything troubling you? 
Corrin: Heh, I'm not a kid anymore, you know. I'm doing fine. Everyone is kind to me. And what's better is I'm able to spend time with family like you.
Ryoma: I'm glad to hear that. 
Corrin: Speaking of, we haven't had much time to talk since coming here. 
Ryoma: Then we'd best make use of it! Tell me about yourself. Whether it's about you, what happened in Nohr, or how you feel about Hoshido. 
Corrin: There's so much I want to tell you, but I want to hear about you as well. 
Ryoma: I'd be happy to tell you all you want. The rest of the family is eager to talk too. 
Corrin: I look forward to that, Ryoma. I hope we can all get together soon and just chat for hours. 
Ryoma: I'm sure everyone would enjoy that. Corrin... You are truly an irreplaceable part of our family. Let us be ever ready to support each other. 
Corrin: Thank you, Ryoma. I'll be sure to do my part.
Ryoma: Well, let's call it here for the meditation. You can relax now. 
Corrin: Phew, it's finally over? Ohh, but my leg's asleep! Owowow!
Ryoma: Now that is what meditation is all about. It will get easier with training.
Corrin: Don't just laugh--help me up! You just said we should support each other!
Ryoma: OK, OK, here you go. But let's talk again sometime soon.
Corrin: Maybe not exactly like this, but... talking to you was pretty relaxing. 
Ryoma: It allowed me to clear my head as well. I'll look forward to our next session.

* Xander


Corrin: Hey, Xander, look at those rabbits. I think they're a family!
Xander: Where? Oh, I see them... Hmm, I don't think I ever saw those in Nohr.
Corrin: Oh, and look at the plumage on that bird. Remarkable!
Xander: Well, it seems you're becoming quite the naturalist. 
Corrin: I guess you could say that. Or I'm just making up for all those years in Nohr... You know, this might sound odd given our situation...but I'm happier than ever. I missed so much being trapped in an ancient fortress!
Xander: I feel different here, too, and I wasn't confined in Nohr like you were. I am happy to see you in such high spirits. 
Corrin: I could say the same thing about you. In Nohr, you always looked so dour.  Whenever I saw someone with that look, I told them to stop feeling so Xander.    
Xander: Oof... Really? I had no idea. I always thought I was in a reasonably good mood...
Corrin: Ehh... You just always seemed to be frowning.
Xander: Well, I always strove to display an air of dignity. When I was much younger, some visiting dignitaries told me I appeared casual. The implication being that I was not behaving like a firstborn prince.
Corrin: So your serious demeanor was a reaction to that? I suppose you also must have been exhausted from all your training. 
Xander: In fact, that was because I was hurrying to get to your fortress. 
Corrin: Hah, you hurried to see me? It wasn't like I was going anywhere... 
Xander: I know you're teasing, Corrin, but...it is still a sensitive subject for me. 
Corrin: I'm sorry, Xander. I didn't mean to cross the line. I'm just happy to be able to wander beyond old castle walls. All my life, you were this stern presence... But now I finally feel like we can have a normal relationship!
Xander: You're right. I must relinquish the stoicism I held for so many years. 
Corrin: There's no Nohr or Hoshido in this world, Xander. We're free from that conflict and hatred!
Xander: I never realized how much that must have weighed on you...
Corrin: I'm sorry, Xander. It's just that I think we could all stand to lighten up a bit. 
Xander: By “all,” I assume you also speak of those from Hoshido...
Corrin: Yes, absolutely! We should put aside all of our differences, don't you think?
Xander: ...Because it is you asking, I will consider your request.
Corrin: Thank you, Xander. Shall we get started with a quick visit to the Hoshidan tent?
Xander: You're going to need to give me a little time to get used to this.
Corrin: Oh, come on, Brother! What could possibly go wrong?

* Tiki


Corrin: Your dragon form is a real thing of beauty, Tiki.
Tiki: Thanks! Yours is pretty cool too. It's kind of cute!
Corrin: That's the first time I've heard that... But I guess it's a fair compliment. Thanks. 
Tiki: You're welcome! I'm so glad there's another dragon here with me. 
Corrin: Your dragon form is a lot stronger than mine, though. 
Tiki: Well, you're strong even as a human. I'm pretty jealous of that. I'm kind of useless without my dragonstone. I need Mar-Mar and the others to protect me when I'm like this. 
Corrin: You have a point. I haven't seen you using weapons or magic...  But you're still just a child, so they can't expect that much of you. 
Tiki: Hey, don't call me a child! You know I'm older than you are!
Corrin: Heh, sorry. I guess I forgot... 
Tiki: Hmph, now you're just teasing. Hmm, I wonder... Do you think you'll age like other humans? 
Corrin: That's how things have been going so far. 
Tiki: Ohh, I'm so jealous of that, too! 
Corrin: Well I'm envious of how long you've lived. 
Tiki: Why's that? Every friend I make, they'll die way before I do... 
Corrin: That may be the case... But if you hadn't lived for this long, you and I would have never met. You may say good-bye to a lot of people, but you also meet so many. 
Tiki: Hmm, yeah... The only reason I met Mar-Mar was because I've lived so long. And you, of course. I'm glad to have met you too! 
Corrin: That's my point exactly. If it weren't for our differences, things may not have worked out this way. 
Tiki: I'll do my best to treasure the moments I do have with my friends.  
Corrin: That's a great outlook. You really are a clever girl! 
Tiki: Hey, you're treating me like a kid again!
Corrin: Aww, I can't help it. You're just so cute in this form!  It's easy to think of you as a little sister.
Tiki: Do you think we look alike or something? 
Corrin: Hmm... Not really. But if I've learned one thing, it's that blood ties mean nothing. I consider you as important as any of my siblings. 
Tiki: So that means we can be friends from now on, right? 
Corrin: Of course. Anytime you want to talk, just come to me.

* Frederick


Frederick: Excuse me, milady...but are you doing your own laundry? 
Corrin: Yes, I thought I'd give it a try! ...It's not going very well.
Frederick: Is that so? Here, let me have a look. So...with thick clothing, try folding it like this as you rinse.
Corrin: Ahh...that works so much better! It's the first time I've done laundry, I'm afraid. I've always just left it to Flora or Felicia... Or Camilla, if she was visiting. But I thought I should take it upon myself to learn household basics like this.  
Frederick: I take it Flora and Felicia were your retainers?
Corrin: Actually, they were primarily maids. Strictly speaking, Jakob was my retainer.  And I've almost forgotten Gunter...a knight, and a mentor of sorts. ...Yeah. So you can see, I'd love to learn how to be a bit more independent. 
Frederick: Well, I'd be happy to share my knowledge with you, Princess Corrin.     
Corrin: Great! So, what's first?
Frederick: Well...we could spend a bit more time mastering the art of laundry... 
Corrin: Oh, there's an art to it? Hah! Very well, teach me!  
Frederick: Certainly. Now, stain removal is a key skill for any wartime launderer. Begin by wetting the stain with water, and then pinch and rub it. Go on--give it a try. 
Corrin: Rub the stain with my finger...like this? It's not doing anything... 
Frederick: Try using your whole hand, like this. You see? 
Corrin: Hmm. It's harder than it looks. Like this?
Frederick: Here, let me demonstrate once more. Like this. 
Corrin: Wow! It's already gone! Are you sure you're not using some kind of spell? 
Frederick: Would that I could. No, this is the result of ordinary practice.
Corrin: All right, let me give it another try with this one. Oh, wait... You've already removed all the stains!    
Frederick: And thus concludes your lesson.
Corrin: But, Frederick...you did it all yourself. I'm not sure I learned anything. 
Frederick: My apologies. The next time you need a stain removed, let's try again. 
Corrin: It's a deal. See you later, Frederick! 
Frederick: Erm, pardon me, milady, but you've piqued my curiosity. Tell me more of your retainers' duties. 
Corrin: Well, sure. What is it you'd like to know?
Frederick: Anything. I may be able to teach you something that will surprise them.
Corrin: Ha! Assuming I ever get the hang of your first lesson... But what am I saying? With you as a teacher, I know I'm in good hands. Thanks again, Frederick. I'm really lucky to have a friend like you.
Frederick: It is my honor to serve you, milady. Now then, let's find something to stain this garment with, and resume our lesson.

* Lyn


Corrin: I hope you don't mind me saying, Lyn,.but your sword technique is a bit odd.
Lyn: In what way?
Corrin: I've never seen movements like yours. They're close to Hoshidan.
Lyn: This style is common among the people of the plains. That's where I'm from. My father was chief of the Lorca tribe.
Corrin: You've lived your whole life on the plains?
Lyn: That's right. Some call us nomads because of all the traveling we do.
Corrin: What do you do with your houses?
Lyn: We don't need any. Instead we carry these big tents called yurts. We move with the seasons, in search of water, food, and shelter.
Corrin: I can't even imagine living like that! So what are the plains like? How expansive are they?
Lyn: They're easily the largest on the continent! The sky is a great big canopy, and a sea of grass stretches as far as you can see!
Corrin: It really goes on that far? It sounds like an amazing sight.
Lyn: It really is. I wish I could show you. The grass is so soft you don't need a pillow, and your horse can run forever. I wouldn't trade the sense of being one with the land for anything.
Corrin: It sounds amazing. Just hearing how you talk about it is making me misty-eyed! Even if it's just a glance, I would love to see the plains you call home. I lived in a tower for as long as I can remember. I was never able to enjoy wide-open spaces or nature...
Lyn: You couldn't leave? Ever?
Corrin: That's right. It's why I try to experience so much of the outside world now.
Lyn: Unbelievable! I would go stir-crazy, being cooped up like that.
Corrin: My Nohrian siblings were with me, so it wasn't all bad. It wasn't too lonely, and I didn't want for much. It was a good life. And besides, now I get to experience everything for the first time...That's kind of a gift, right?
Lyn: It's good to be optimistic, but I worry you're a bit too accepting.
Corrin: Oh, I don't know about that. I just make do with what I have.
Lyn: When this war is over, I'm taking you to see the plains. That's final! You of all people should get to see their beauty firsthand.
Corrin: You'll really take me? I am so excited to see them! We'll have to work out how, but there must be some way, right?
Lyn: You're right. If we put our heads together, we can figure it out. Let's work together to find a way! By Mother Earth and Father Sky, we will make it happen!

* Celica


Celica: There were too many injuries in that last battle...

Corrin: You always look so miserable after a battle, Celica

Celica: Because it's all so avoidable. Nobody would get hurt if nobody fought, right?

Corrin: Of course. There's no denying that.

Celica: I believe war should be avoided. Cut it off at its roots and find a different way.

Corrin: You're right. I think that same thing whenever we fight. I can't help but wonder if there's a peaceful resolution

Celica: I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my thoughts.

Corrin: The thing is, I haven't been able to find that peaceful resolution. When the time comes, all I can do is fight to protect my friends.

Celica: It's the same for me... But I don't want war to become such a natural thing. So in times like those I pray for the goddess to have mercy and end the war.

Corrin: So you're pretty spiritual?

Celica: I am a princess of Zofia, as well as a priestess of the Earth Mother, Mila. Mila is the goddess who created our kingdom, and she blesses our land.

Corrin: So it's the goddess that fills you with such affection and kindness. But ultimately, the decision of how to act is up to you?

Celica: And act I must. I once failed to protect a dear friend due to my indecision. But indecisiveness doesn't seem to be a problem for you. I'm a little jealous... You always know exactly what to do, and you act with such confidence.

Corrin: Well, between you and me, I'm not all that confident. What if there's some angle I missed? Some option I overlooked? Is the path I've chosen the right one? What if it leads to innocent people being dragged into my problems? I worry about these things constantly.

Celica: I had no idea you felt that way...

Corrin: All I can do is try to make decisions I won't regret later. If I've honestly done all I can, I must accept the results and move on.

Celica: You really are strong, Corrin. I could learn a thing or two from you. I will do everything within my power. Maybe then I can solve things peacefully. At least, that's how I feel after speaking with you.

Corrin: I think speaking with you has allowed me to clear my head too. Until the day these wars end, let's work together to do all we can.

Celica: And if we do, maybe one day war will be a thing of the past. Do you think so?

Corrin: I do, Celica. Let's give it our all.





Corrin: Hey, Ryoma. What are you up to?
Ryoma: I was just meditating. It is a type of Hoshidan mental training. 
Corrin: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt. 
Ryoma: It's fine. Would you like to join me? 
Corrin: What does it accomplish? 
Ryoma: It will nurture your concentration and patience, and help you quiet your mind. 
Corrin: Well, it certainly sounds useful... And you can show me how? 
Ryoma: Of course! First, sit. Now, cross your legs and rest your feet on your thighs. 
Corrin: Ohhh, owowow! It hurts! My ankles feel like they're going to snap! 
Ryoma: Ahaha, such a flair for drama! I would expect nothing less from a first-timer.  Cross your legs like this instead. This is not physical training, after all. 
Corrin: Hmgh... Erm... You mean like this? 
Ryoma: Exactly--very good, Corrin. Now just hold that position.  
Corrin: G-got it! 
Ryoma: Typically you would meditate to lose yourself, but we've spoken so little... So let's talk. How are you doing? Is there anything troubling you? 
Corrin: Heh, I'm not a kid anymore, you know. I'm doing fine. Everyone is kind to me. And what's better is I'm able to spend time with family like you.
Ryoma: I'm glad to hear that. 
Corrin: Speaking of, we haven't had much time to talk since coming here. 
Ryoma: Then we'd best make use of it! Tell me about yourself. Whether it's about you, what happened in Nohr, or how you feel about Hoshido. 
Corrin: There's so much I want to tell you, but I want to hear about you as well. 
Ryoma: I'd be happy to tell you all you want. The rest of the family is eager to talk too. 
Corrin: I look forward to that, Ryoma. I hope we can all get together soon and just chat for hours. 
Ryoma: I'm sure everyone would enjoy that. Corrin... You are truly an irreplaceable part of our family. Let us be ever ready to support each other. 
Corrin: Thank you, Ryoma. I'll be sure to do my part.
Ryoma: Well, let's call it here for the meditation. You can relax now. 
Corrin: Phew, it's finally over? Ohh, but my leg's asleep! Owowow!
Ryoma: Now that is what meditation is all about. It will get easier with training.
Corrin: Don't just laugh--help me up! You just said we should support each other!
Ryoma: OK, OK, here you go. But let's talk again sometime soon.
Corrin: Maybe not exactly like this, but... talking to you was pretty relaxing. 
Ryoma: It allowed me to clear my head as well. I'll look forward to our next session.

* Leo


Ryoma: Pardon me, Prince Leo, but do you have a few moments to, erm...hang out?

Leo: Hang out? This is so unlike you, Prince Ryoma.

Ryoma: Yes, well... Hinoka suggested that particular verbiage... But it was my idea to come see you and take a break from my duties.

Leo: I see. I don't mind, of course, but I can't help but notice you're unarmed. In a different time, I would act on this opportunity. What would you have done?

Ryoma: Hmm. It's a fair question. I would be at a slight disadvantage with no blade.

Leo: A slight disadvantage? That's putting it mildly, I'd think.

Ryoma: Well, those days are over, are they not? Besides...if you were going to attack me, I assume I'd already be gravely wounded.

Leo: Heh. Anyhow, there is something I've been meaning to ask you. The other day, you covered me in battle and sustained an injury in the process.  I had no idea you'd put yourself in danger for me. After all, it wasn't long ago that we were mortal enemies.

Ryoma: Hmph. It was nothing--a mere scratch.

Leo: Perhaps, but I can't seem to let it go. I feel I owe you a debt now.

Ryoma: You're thinking about this the wrong way, Prince Leo. Consider what each of us means to this war. We must look out for each other!

Leo: Yes, that's true. So you were acting in the interest of the greater good?

Ryoma: Exactly. Fighting over past grievances will get us nowhere.

Leo: Indeed. And teaming up has been effective, I might add. So I suppose I don't have to worry about you attacking ME out of the blue either!

Ryoma: You certainly do not. In fact, the reason I came to see you is... I have begun to consider you a friend.

Leo: My, my. I have done well for myself, becoming friends with the great Ryoma! In all seriousness, I consider you a friend as well. But I must caution you--in times like this, it does not pay to become too friendly. You should be thinking of your own life in battle--you are that important! Although it hurts my ego to admit it, we cannot afford to lose you...

Ryoma: Well...thank you, Leo. I promise you that I will consider my own well-being. ­ And, if I might add...I believe I could learn a few things from you.  The way you always stay composed in battle is admirable. And you have the ability to cut right to the core of things. I lack that trait.

Leo: Then by all means...let us learn from each other. We will grow stronger together than we ever could individually. ...Just don't be surprised if I surpass you before long... I jest, Ryoma.

* Cordelia


Cordelia: Hya! Ya! Er…ya!
Ryoma: Still waiting for your partner, Cordelia? Or are you on your own today?
Cordelia: It’s just me, Lord Ryoma. I’ve never had much luck in finding sparring partners.
Ryoma: Hmm… I would imagine people would line up to train with a genius like you.
Cordelia: Genius? I don’t know about that… Actually, I think it might be that kind of reputation that keeps people away… Since I started as a knight, people have avoided me for fear I’d embarrass them. Apparently I have a habit of winning…So now I mostly train alone.
Ryoma: I see… 
Cordelia: It’s better than not training at all! There are so many people depending on me… I have to be ready in case I’m needed. I refuse to let my allies down. It doesn’t matter if people think I’m a genius if I can’t protect those in need.
Ryoma: You really are a model warrior, Cordelia. Serious, smart, focused…I’m reminded of my retainers back at home, Saizo and Kagero–ninjas.
Cordelia: What’s a ninja?
Ryoma: A master of many skills. Kagero is an inspector, a protector, a strategist…And Saizo completes any task–no matter how unpleasant–with no complaint. Sometimes I worry that they don’t feel their work is appreciated…
Cordelia: I wouldn’t worry about that, Ryoma! Anyone would be honored to be working for you. I mean, I don’t have a liege myself, but I’m sure you’d be a good one. I bet Saizo and Kagero love working for you.
Ryoma: Isn’t that funny! For a second there, you sounded just like Saizo. He once told me there was no greater joy than serving a liege you respect. And that was all the reward he needed. I even think Kagero said something similar once…
Cordelia: Ha! They sound like happy retainers to me. Just like I said, you have nothing to worry about–they’re glad to serve you!
Ryoma: Yes… I can only hope they know how proud I am to be their liege. Cordelia…how would you feel about training with me every now and again? Perhaps I could break you of your pesky habit of winning all the time!
Cordelia: Of course, Lord Ryoma! I’d be happy to spar with you.
Ryoma: Excellent. There’s just something very… familiar about you. I enjoy your company. You have the same spirit as my retainers!
Cordelia: It’s really sweet how much you care about them. I wonder what else I’ll learn about you in these training sessions…
Ryoma: I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I don’t have many secrets.
Cordelia: We’ll see! In all seriousness, I’m happy I’ll have the chance to get to know you better.
Ryoma: The feeling’s mutual.

* Chrom


Ryoma: Hyah! Hiiiiyaah!

Chrom: Haaaah! Ha-taaaah!

Ryoma: Shall we call it a day here?

Chrom: Good idea. Sparring with you wears me out twice as fast. Still, I can see we are both benefiting from these matches.

Ryoma: Always to a draw, but I suspect I'll best you soon.

Chrom: I wouldn't count on it. I've finally figured out Hoshidan sword techniques. I was thrown off by your posture at first, but now I can handle it with ease!

Ryoma: With ease, huh? Well, your quirky Ylissean style is old news to me, too!

Chrom:  ...

Ryoma:  ...   

Chrom: Haha! Isn't this fun, Ryoma?

Ryoma: Yes, Chrom. This is truly enjoyable.

Chrom: I never realized how thrilling it could be to face off against an unfamiliar fighter. It's not something you experience every day, but we have both grown from it. Your blows are so precise--you find the slimmest openings in my guard. I need to be as methodical and calculating as you with my technique.

Ryoma: The strength of your style is its fluidity. There's never just one means of attack. Your style is clearly informed by experience more than training.

Chrom: Hearing that from you does wonders for my confidence! And yes--but training and experience are not the only factors at play. It's my bonds with my friends that helped me grow into the swordsman I am now.

Ryoma: To hear you say it, I realize that that may be true of me as well. My connections with my siblings inspire me to withstand the strictest of training. They allow me to rouse myself for harsh battles without so much as a flinch. That is the power our links have.

Chrom: And I've made even more since coming here! Each and every friend I find will make me even stronger. And it goes without saying, Ryoma... Our bond is irreplaceable.

Ryoma: I admit, I feel the same. It is truly an honor to have one of your caliber as a friend and sparring partner. ­And as long as we share this bond, there's nothing to fear.

Chrom: We do form a force without equal. My friends will rest easy knowing I can protect them.

Ryoma: And no sane enemy will dare threaten my siblings.

Chrom: Well, I think we've had enough rest with all this talking. Don't you agree?

Ryoma: You read my mind. Another match?

Chrom: And you took the words right out of my mouth. Now, here I come!

* Marth


Ryoma: You carry yourself with such grace for one so young, Prince Marth. Your swordsmanship is most impressive and your allies truly listen to you.

Marth: You're too kind, Prince Ryoma. But fighting alongside you has only revealed my own inexperience. I have a long way to go before I can stack up against you. I lost my father and my sister... My whole kingdom was seized by enemy forces. So many innocents died because I was not strong enough...  If I only had the power to protect my own people, I could have saved them.

Ryoma: So you lost your family too, Prince Marth. We have this in common. When I was young, my father was killed and Corrin was taken. It was in that moment I vowed to protect my family from further harm. If I had been stronger at the time, I could have prevented such loss.  So, you see, I understand your pain better than most.  That vow is the foundation of my determination today.

Marth: I'm sorry to hear your family has suffered such hardships, Ryoma. I was so focused on my own past, I didn't consider yours may be similar. Those experiences have made me the man I am today. Thank you for talking to me about it. You are truly a model of strength. Not only in body, but in spirit as well.

Ryoma: I've got a long way to go. It is no small honor to be considered a benchmark by one as great as you. I guess that means I have become stronger. Thank you, Prince Marth. I'm positive you will become a fine king.

Marth: Hearing that from you gives me hope.

Ryoma: Your achievements up until now have been more impressive than mine. To raise and lead an army at your age, and to always put your friends first... It is I who should look to you as a role model.

Marth: Am I really that inspiring?

Ryoma: Of course. I'll never stop drawing encouragement from you. And I think our similar pasts are a fine foundation for a friendship.

Marth: I think you're right. ­We both lost our fathers at a young age, so we have both made our own way.  Let us continue to bring out the best in each other and grow as comrades.

Ryoma: Hah, I agree. To meet in this strange world... It must be fate that our paths have crossed. Let's walk it together! And we'll prepare each other for the responsibilities of the crown.

* Anna


Anna: Ergh...so...heavy...but...must stock... store...ugh!

Ryoma: Anna! What are you doing? You could hurt yourself carrying all that!

Anna: Thanks, but...I got it...ergh... I've been managing...on my own--HEY! Ryoma?! What are you doing?

Ryoma: Carrying these items for you. I hope you don't mind.

Anna: I did...until I started to get feeling back in my arms...

Ryoma: You should have asked for my help from the very beginning.

Anna: You're right. I could've been done with this hours ago. You're such a gentleman, Ryoma! You know what? As a thank-you, I'm going to offer you a special deal. Any weapon in the shop is yours! On the house!

Ryoma: That's unnecessary, Anna. I was only acting as any friend would.

Anna: There you go again... Listen, I'm only doing what any salesperson would do. It doesn't have to be a weapon. Is there anything else you're in the market for?

Ryoma: Hmm...well, there is something, but...no. It would be too difficult.

Anna: I'll be the one to decide that! Finding unusual items is kind of my specialty...

Ryoma: All right then... What I'd really like is a little taste of Hoshido. In Hoshido we have daikon radishes, rice, miso, and azuki beans...

Anna: Oh, yes. I've heard members of your family talk all about Hoshidan food!

Ryoma: I'm sure! Nothing would make my siblings happier than a treat from their homeland.

Anna: Wow. You really are a family man, aren't you, Ryoma? Well, leave everything to me! I actually have a contact who can help me out.

Ryoma: Excellent! It will be nice to put some Hoshidan food in my belly again.

Anna: ...Are you sure there's nothing else you want? Nothing just for you?

Ryoma: No, no. As long as my family is happy, I am happy. Besides, my favorite food is rare even in Hoshido... It would be too much.

Anna: I must say, it's admirable how you always put your family first. But don't you think they'd want you to do something for yourself too? To put it another way, it's OK to be selfish every now and again.

Ryoma: Perhaps you have a point... ­Well, if it's no trouble...could you please acquire some yuzu pepper on my behalf?

Anna: You got it! Anything else?

Ryoma: Well, it would taste good with some chicken...

Anna: Sounds delicious! I'll get it in stock right away.

Ryoma: Thank you, Anna! When it does come in, I'll cook you a true Hoshidan dinner.

Anna: What? You can cook?! This I've got to see.

* Lianna


Lianna: Wow, Ryoma. You know, uh...so much about the history of Hoshido.

Ryoma: Oh. I went off on a tangent there, didn't I... What were we talking about again?  

Lianna: You had a question for me...

Ryoma: Oh, yes. I've sensed that you're quite hesitant to take the throne. Why is that?

Lianna: Oh, I don't know... Well...I just don't think I'd be very good at it.

Ryoma: Is that so? I can't imagine how you came to that conclusion.

Lianna: Look at me. I don't have the personality of a queen, let alone the natural abilities. My brother, on the other hand, is a force of nature. He would make a great king!

Ryoma: I see. As a prince of Hoshido, I've had similar concerns. Like you, I believe that a ruler must be an effective leader.

Lianna: Exactly! So you agree that my brother--

Ryoma: Not necessarily... I also believe that there is more than one way to lead. Some rulers naturally inspire their people. Others must convince those they lead.

Lianna: OK...

Ryoma: You and your brother would both make good, yet very different, leaders. In an ideal world you could share the crown, but that's impossible.

Lianna: Actually...it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened in Aytolis.

Ryoma: Interesting... Ha! That sounds like the perfect solution for you two. Such an arrangement would be out of the question in Hoshido or Nohr!

Lianna: It hasn't happened in Gristonne either. It's definitely not...typical. But even if my brother and I DID share the throne, we'd always be fighting!

Ryoma: Or perhaps you would bring out the best in each other... I've noticed that you're very cerebral, constantly analyzing every situation. And your brother... Well, he's always ready for action, isn't he?

Lianna: That's putting it lightly...

Ryoma: Don't you see? He would push you to act and you would push him to think. In any case, I hope you consider it...but first we must take back the kingdom.

Lianna: OK, I'll think about it. I'd be a fool to ignore your advice.

Ryoma: A shared throne... I never thought it was possible. ­Maybe I've been too bound by tradition to consider what's best for my kingdom. What could we achieve if we worked with our opposition, rather than against them?

Lianna: Sounds like YOU should be taking your own advice! You're going to be a wonderful king, Ryoma. I can already tell.

Ryoma: Thank you... I know you and your brother will lead your kingdom down a great path. People like us hold not only our future but the future of many in our hands. We can't let them down!





Corrin: Hey, Xander, look at those rabbits. I think they're a family!
Xander: Where? Oh, I see them... Hmm, I don't think I ever saw those in Nohr.
Corrin: Oh, and look at the plumage on that bird. Remarkable!
Xander: Well, it seems you're becoming quite the naturalist. 
Corrin: I guess you could say that. Or I'm just making up for all those years in Nohr... You know, this might sound odd given our situation...but I'm happier than ever. I missed so much being trapped in an ancient fortress!
Xander: I feel different here, too, and I wasn't confined in Nohr like you were. I am happy to see you in such high spirits. 
Corrin: I could say the same thing about you. In Nohr, you always looked so dour.  Whenever I saw someone with that look, I told them to stop feeling so Xander.    
Xander: Oof... Really? I had no idea. I always thought I was in a reasonably good mood...
Corrin: Ehh... You just always seemed to be frowning.
Xander: Well, I always strove to display an air of dignity. When I was much younger, some visiting dignitaries told me I appeared casual. The implication being that I was not behaving like a firstborn prince.
Corrin: So your serious demeanor was a reaction to that? I suppose you also must have been exhausted from all your training. 
Xander: In fact, that was because I was hurrying to get to your fortress. 
Corrin: Hah, you hurried to see me? It wasn't like I was going anywhere... 
Xander: I know you're teasing, Corrin, but...it is still a sensitive subject for me. 
Corrin: I'm sorry, Xander. I didn't mean to cross the line. I'm just happy to be able to wander beyond old castle walls. All my life, you were this stern presence... But now I finally feel like we can have a normal relationship!
Xander: You're right. I must relinquish the stoicism I held for so many years. 
Corrin: There's no Nohr or Hoshido in this world, Xander. We're free from that conflict and hatred!
Xander: I never realized how much that must have weighed on you...
Corrin: I'm sorry, Xander. It's just that I think we could all stand to lighten up a bit. 
Xander: By “all,” I assume you also speak of those from Hoshido...
Corrin: Yes, absolutely! We should put aside all of our differences, don't you think?
Xander: ...Because it is you asking, I will consider your request.
Corrin: Thank you, Xander. Shall we get started with a quick visit to the Hoshidan tent?
Xander: You're going to need to give me a little time to get used to this.
Corrin: Oh, come on, Brother! What could possibly go wrong?

* Marth


Marth: What are you doing, Prince Xander? The fight's barely finished, and you're already neck-deep in paper.

Xander: Yes, well, I record and make notes on my performance after every battle. As Nohrian royalty, I must always be trying to improve myself.

Marth: I can say without a doubt your battle performance requires no improvement. In fact, everything you've done is intimidating. I admire the way you handle yourself, on and off the battlefield.

Xander: I appreciate that, but in my opinion, I'm still not good enough. When I think of how my father was in his prime... Well, I pale in comparison.

Marth: I can't imagine someone more imposing than you.

Xander: I didn't have to imagine it. He was a powerful king and an inspiring leader. He always stood on the front line in battle, ready to fight for his kingdom.

Marth: I'm envious that you have a father to look up to, especially one like that.

Xander: Yes, well...that was, um, a long time ago.

Marth: Did I say something wrong?

Xander: No, no. Why don't you tell me about your father, Prince Marth? If he's anything like you, he must be a splendid king.

Marth: Years ago he sought to aid an allied kingdom...and never returned.

Xander: So your father is... I had no idea. My apologies for my insensitivity.

Marth: Don't worry, there's no way you could have known.

Xander: Though it seems my assumptions were correct. He was a great hero. To give one's own life in the name of the people is the mark of a true king. No doubt his strength and honor live  on in you. I see how you fight for your friends and for the people of Aytolis. Your father would be proud.

Marth: Thank you. I hope that's the case. I often wonder what my father would think of me now.  

Xander: Leadership comes very naturally to you. I, on the other hand, have to work at it.

Marth: I think you're underestimating yourself, Prince Xander. ­ The way you described King Garon is exactly how I'd describe you. 

Xander: Hah... That's kind of you to say.

Marth: It's also the truth.

Xander: You know, it's nice to have someone else to talk to about the life of a prince. I believe we could learn a lot from one another. Like how not to be so hard on ourselves.

Marth: I suppose spending some more time together wouldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps we'll both be better princes as a result!

* Takumi


Takumi: Huh...only 90 out of 100 bull's-eyes today. Pathetic. Guess I'd better rerack. I'm not leaving here until I hit 96 or more.

Xander:  Prince Takumi! What are you still doing out here? It's getting dark! Have you been at this all day? Surely you require a break...

Takumi: No. Not until I'm satisfied with.my performance. ...Why do you care, anyway?

Xander: Because training too hard will actually worsen your skills. And we need you.

Takumi: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've already mastered your weapon. Me? I don't have the luxury of rest...

Xander: Haha! The luxury of rest! Prince Takumi, listen well… When I was around your age, I trained much like you do. To excess.

Takumi: ...Is that so?

Xander: Oh, yes. I often trained until I could no longer hold a sword. I was proud of my efforts, until I realized I was in fact setting myself back. I spent almost as much time bedridden from exhaustion as I did actual training.

Takumi: I still have a hard time seeing you fail at anything...

Xander: That was not my only folly! Another time I wandered off to fight Faceless alone. In the dark forests of Nohr, I lost sight of the trail back home... I wandered lost for days. When finally I .returned, I was parched and near death.

Takumi: How could you have done something so reckless?

Xander: The same reason you're out here shooting arrows in the dark. Pride... I was impatient. I thought I could become powerful quickly. ...But there is no shortcut. If you train too hard, you will get hurt. I never realized before how much you remind me of myself.

Takumi: Xander...I can tell that you speak the truth. But I simply can't wait!

Xander: Yes. You're as stubborn as I was, too. Well, I have an idea... Prince Takumi, allow me to join you in your training.

Takumi: ...Are you serious?

Xander: If you're going to be reckless, you may.as well have some supervision. As someone who has been where you are now, I can offer guidance. And I can pull you back just when you're about to go over the limit.

Takumi: Well, I certainly won't turn down training from a skilled warrior!

Xander: Excellent. We can begin once you've taken a short break. The last thing I want to see is your arm in a sling from too much training.

Takumi: Thank you, Xander.  Just don't get mad when I upstage you in battle!

Xander: Heh... I'll worry about that when it happens.

Takumi: All right! I'll see you back here tomorrow at dawn! You won't regret this, Xander! Thanks again!

* Robin


Xander: Did you write these war council briefs, Robin? I don’t recognize the handwriting.
Robin: I did! I’ve just been trying to make my script a little more…legible. Actually, I got the idea from you, Lord Xander. Your writing is so polished! What a difference it makes when you can actually read what you just wrote.
Xander: Indeed. It’s heartening to see someone skilled, like you, seek self-improvement. My retainers, Peri and Laslow, do not show the same drive.
Robin: Really? Maybe they just don’t like to talk about it.
Xander: I don’t know about that. If there’s one thing Laslow likes to do it’s talk… He’s great at his work, when he’s not too busy flirting to do it.
Robin: I see. But what about Peri? I’ve heard stories of her bloodlust on the battlefield…
Xander: Oh, Peri has her quirks. One of which is not sitting still for more than a minute. She’s irreplaceable in battle, but as for  the less violent parts of the job…
Robin: You need Laslow, despite his flirtatious tendencies. You know, charm’s not the worst quality to have.
Xander: That’s what I used to think as well! Until he started reporting for duty in tears, worked up over his latest rejection.
Robin: I don’t envy you there, Lord Xander.
Xander: I just wish there was a way to curb his desire for female attention.
Robin: That is a challenging proposition. Let me think… Maybe…maybe what he really needs is a little more confidence. Couldn’t you give him some kind of pep talk?
Xander: I’m not sure I feel comfortable getting so…er, personal with my retainers.
Robin: Q-quite right. My apologies. Wait…I’ve got it! What if all his interactions with women led him back to something work related?
Xander: An interesting thought… But how could that be accomplished?
Robin: The next time Laslow has his heart set on a young lady, you should hire her! That way, whenever he thinks about her, he will also think about work!
Xander: You have confidence in this plan?
Robin: I do! I have complete confidence.
Xander: Then perhaps I’ll give it a go. You’ve been quite helpful today, Robin. You’ve given me hope that Laslow might someday improve.
Robin: It’s an honor to assist you, Lord Xander. I’d be happy to help whenever you need me.
Xander: Thank you. I’ll be coming to you for more brilliant ideas soon enough.

* Lissa


Lissa: Xander! Perfect timing! People really look up to you, right? Frederick and Ryoma are tall, but you really stand out.
Xander: Hm… I suppose you might say I cast a long shadow.
Lissa: I’m not making a metaphor–I’m wondering how you got so tall! I want to be taller, but I can’t seem to grow an inch!
Xander: Oh… Well, I guess you are a bit on the delicate side.
Lissa: Hmph, don’t call me delicate!
Xander: I’m, uh… I’m just repeating what Chrom said.
Lissa: Aww, I can’t believe he told you that.
Xander: Don’t be embarrassed. In my youth, I too wanted little more than to grow up.
Lissa: I knew you’d understand! I want to look all grown-up already.I want to be beautiful and graceful like my sister, or like Camilla. But I’m not nearly as tall as either of them.
Xander: Hmm, I see… Now that I think about it, Elise has had similar concerns lately. But if you’re looking for some secret way to grow… Well, I did nothing special.
Lissa: Aww. There aren’t any tricks you can think of? Like tying your hands and feet to different horses to stretch yourself out?
Xander: …That is not as effective as one would think.If anything, it was my strict training regimen. I’ve always been very active. And this may be obvious, but eating right is very important. Do you have a balanced diet?
Lissa: Actually, I have selective taste buds…I just can’t stand foods that smell,or anything that’s super tough.Like bear meat! I can’t believe that it’s so popular with some people. It’s exactly what I don’t want to eat!
Xander: Maybe you’ve just never had it cooked properly. I enjoy a nice fatty cut. 
Lissa: Yuck, you sound just like Robin!
Xander: I can teach you how to cook it. If you boil it right, you can get rid of the smell.
Lissa: Ugh, well…if I eat that, maybe I’ll become more bearlike?
Xander: I’m having trouble picturing you with fur.
Lissa: Hmph, I meant as tall as a bear! I’ll try doing the things you said. And
just you watch my progress! I’ll train every day and eat so much bear meat that one day I’ll be bigger than you. And then I’ll look down at you and make
you change your name to Mr. Delicate!
Xander: If anyone can do that, Lissa, I’m sure it’s you. I’m still growing myself. I must always continue to grow, as a prince of Nohr.
Lissa: But there’s no way you can get any taller, Xander!
Xander: I’m not speaking in terms of height…I look forward to seeing your progress.

* Frederick


Xander: Hmm! Very impressive, Frederick. You were in complete command of that battle. A flawless performance.
Frederick: Thank you, milord. That is high praise indeed coming from you.
Xander: I still have much to learn.Would you grant me the honor of a sparring session sometime? I would love to add Ylissean swordplay to my repertoire.
Frederick: Gladly, milord. Similarly, I am curious about Nohrian battle techniques.
Xander: Excellent! Now, don’t hold back. Be honest if you see any flaws in my form.
Frederick: Of course, Prince Xander.
Xander: …Whew. So, what do you say?
Frederick: Well…if there is one small criticism to be made…I believe you may be focusing too intently on your form.
Xander: Interesting. I suppose I am a bit obsessed with that. I could adapt more freely to an enemy’s movements in battle…
Frederick: Perhaps, but let me caution you… Lord Chrom is notorious for this. He is brilliant at improvisation, but occasionally he loses focus. At its worst, it leads to wild, ineffective flailing. The opposite of your approach.
Xander: I see. So, perhaps a balanced approach is best.
Frederick: That would be my recommendation. I apologize if I have overstepped my place.
Xander: Frederick, please! You’ve given me exactly what I needed: honest feedback.
Frederick: Thank you, milord. I am impressed by your drive for improvement.
Xander: Well, I have no choice but to be dedicated. I am not a natural talent.
Frederick: Is dedication itself not a talent? Who else would continue to push
himself as you do?
Xander: Careful… You’re encouraging me to work even harder.
Frederick: Hah! Please don’t overdo it, milord.
Xander: Thank you again. Still, I endeavor to become Chrom’s equal in battle.
Frederick: You are closer than you think. You only just learned Ylissean swordplay…And yet I can see that you’ve already incorporated elements of it in battle.
Xander: Well, give me a few more days and let me see what else I can show you.
Frederick: I look forward to it! I will do my best to keep up.
Xander: This has been most agreeable. I’m glad we were able to learn from each other. It reminds me of sparring with my father…If we could do this again sometime, I’d appreciate it.
Frederick: It would be my honor, milord. Rest assured, I’ll give it everything I’ve got!
Xander: You can count on me to do the same. Good day, Frederick.

* Celica


Xander: Celica, there you are. I've just heard quite an interesting rumor about you.

Celica: Oh no... What was it?

Xander: Nothing egregious, of course. Just that you come from a royal bloodline.

Celica: That's true, Xander. You didn't know that I'm the princess of Zofia?

Xander: Oh...my apologies. I did not mean to offend. It's just your demeanor... Rather than dignified and stoic, you are m-merciful and compassionate.

Celica: Well, for the most part I was raised in a monastery. So maybe that's what threw you off.

Xander: Perhaps. Tell me--how did a member of a royal family come to live at a priory?

Celica: By the time I was born, the Kingdom of Zofia had already become unstable. I was forced to leave the palace, but luckily I met a protector of sorts. I stayed with him awhile--until I was forced to go into hiding.

Xander: I don't know what to say. I'm...I'm sorry for bringing up this terrible experience.

Celica: Don't be. If it hadn't happened, I never would've found my calling as a priestess.

Xander: Really? I assumed you chose that path because your royal status put you at risk.

Celica: Not at all. If people knew I was still alive, they'd start a war on my behalf. But Desaix would destroy them... I have no interest in starting another war.

Xander: I cannot believe this... Lady Celica! You are willing to watch your kingdom fall into ruin just to avoid bloodshed? That's a betrayal of your people! If a kingdom is in chaos, it is the duty of a royal to put an end to it.

Celica: Even if that means asking people to risk their lives and everything they have?

Xander: Of course. A royal must not only protect the kingdom, but the future of its people.

Celica: No... I couldn't bear to see the people I love be sent off to their certain demise.

Xander: It's not easy. But neither is condemning them to a life of sadness and oppression.

Celica: That's not what I'm trying to do...

Xander: You hate war and respect peace and kindness. Those are good qualities. Yes, war leads to death, but some causes are worth the sacrifice. You were born to carry the weight of that responsibility.

Celica: You're right... Maybe I've turned my back on my kingdom for too long. Thank you for reminding me of who I am. And of my duty to my people.

Xander: I hope I haven't overstepped too much... Even I need to be reminded of my royal responsibilities every now and again. In fact, this conversation has made me anxious to get back to my kingdom.

Celica: I don't blame you...but there are people who need saving here first.

Xander: True. If I can't save this kingdom, then I will never be able to save my own. Until we return home, I'm honored to fight by your side, Lady Celica.

Celica: And I'm honored to fight beside you. But now...we should rest while we can.

* Lyn


Xander: Huh... Lyndis? Is there something on my face?
Lyn: No. Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I just think back to my friends at home every time I see you.
Xander: In the world from which you came, you mean?
Lyn: Yes. I didn't mean to be rude, staring at you
Xander: That matters not to me. Tell me about these friends of yours.
Lyn: Oh, they're a pair of knights, Kent and Sain, in service to my house. Kent's a hard worker. He'd go to any lengths to protect me. He always stands guard personally at my tent when we camp, just to be sure.
Xander: I'm impressed that you inspire such.loyalty in your retainers. Would that mine would display some measure of that diligence...
Lyn: Sain, though... I'm a little nervous I'm not there to keep an eye on him. He's decent at heart, but he gets a little carried away with the ladies...
Xander: You're saying he's a rake.
Lyn: Exactly! When we first met, he fell so hard for me, he forgot he was a knight. We're friends, don't get me wrong, but his runaway heart drives me crazy.
Xander: You don't say. I have a retainer with the same problem...
Lyn: Really?
Xander: When on guard, he flirts with the clerks. On patrol, he chats up milkmaids. I set him to keep the peace, and he draws complaints against the castle!...
....Forgive me. I lost my composure momentarily.
Lyn: Oh, don't worry. I've been there. It's funny that we have this in common. Besides, it did me good to see you lose your temper for once.
Xander: Clearly. You've lost that wistful look I first approached you about. A minor flare of temper is a small price to pay for that.
Lyn: You weren't...worried about me, I hope...
Xander: Every so often, it's plain by your face that you're longing for home. You arrived alone in this world. I cannot fault you for missing your friends.
Lyn: Thanks, Xander. I really appreciate the thought. I do miss my friends sometimes. But it's not like I'm alone. I've been here long enough to make new friends! 
Xander: In my world, my retainers are irreplaceable companions. There are times I wish I could say as much to them...  I do get lonely. 
Lyn: Me, I'm happy enough here. It's good to remember my friends from home...
And when that's not enough, I have people like you to cheer me up. 
Xander: Friendships that reach beyond worlds... I feel them too.

* Rowan


Rowan: Hiyaah!
Xander: Hah! Such exertion for a simple move.
Rowan: Gods!
Xander: Oh ho! You still have much to learn. Attack with confidence!
Rowan: Xander…you’re too strong. I can’t land a single blow! What’s your secret?
Xander: There is no secret–only years upon years of hard training. If you wish to reach this level, you must never give up!
Rowan: So…there’s hope? You think one day I could be your equal?
Xander: Of course. With the right guidance, you could surpass me. But it will not be easy.
Rowan: Oh, you’re kidding! Er, I mean…I find your support encouraging.
Xander: …Tell me. What is it that motivates you? Why do you crave strength and power?
Rowan: So I can protect the people I love!
Xander: That is a noble aim. But what of your lineage? You will be king, will you not?
Rowan: Not a chance. If my father taught me anything, it’s that kings are weak. I won’t end up like him, that’s for sure! My sister may take the crown for all I care. I’m focused on the sword.
Xander: Are you so sure about your father?
Rowan: Of course I am. I’ve been told that he was often sick and could barely fight.
Xander: Ah, but have you considered that fighting is not the only way to wield power? Faith, conviction, and intelligence will always win over brute strength.
Rowan: I don’t understand…
Xander: When I imagine your father, I think of the villages and people who followed him. Why do you think they followed him, if he was so feeble physically?
Rowan: I don’t care! If I don’t have the strength to protect everyone, I’m nothing….Forgive me. I understand your point, but I can’t look up to my father.
Xander: One should not speak of one’s own father that way. I suggest you learn from his wisdom while cultivating the strength you crave. After all, there are kings both mighty and wise. Like my own father, King Garon.
Rowan: So…your father is both a fearsome warrior and a wise leader?
Xander: Yes. He isn’t perfect, but he has no lack of strength or conviction. That is why I am devoted to him, no matter what. I…I apologize. This is not about me. This is about your path to the throne. You would be wise to expand your goals beyond mere physical strength.
Rowan: …Yes, you’re probably right. With that said…this lesson is not over. 
Xander: Come and get me!
Rowan: All right! Put your guard up! I intend to actually land a blow this time…Yaaaaah !



* Rowan


Marth: I remember you telling me you don't want to become a king. Why is that?

Rowan: It should be pretty obvious. Kings are weak--it's as simple as that. They need others to protect them, and they can't do anything on their own. I'm gonna be a knight instead, strong enough to protect everyone.

Marth: I'd agree that a king cannot act alone... But does that mean he is weak? After all, he has found people willing to lay down their lives for him. Now consider your enemies--they may be giving their lives to protect friends. Does it make you strong to kill someone who has their own honorable intentions? Can you cut down your foe knowing that their death will hurt their friends?

Rowan: I... I can! I will! There's no time for such hesitation in battle, anyway. As long as I need to protect my sister...or defend this kingdom...  I won't let doubt stop me from doing what has to be done!

Marth: You're right. Your sword must be backed by unwavering confidence.  That confidence comes from your bond with your sister and kingdom. Such connections are nurtured by a king, and they help to defend his realm.

Rowan: How does that work?

Marth: Simply put, people who love the king and the land will fight hard to protect them. Think about it... Your desire to defend your kingdom brought us all together. We fight hard to help you because of the love you clearly have for Aytolis.

Rowan: Oh... Well...

Marth: And when we all work together, there's nothing that can stop us. This is the kind of power a king can wield. He may not always fight on the front lines, but he can still protect his people.

Rowan: ...I still think I'm better in the thick of a fight. My sister has the brains to rule.

Marth: Hah. I don't mean to be pushy. I'm not trying to talk you into becoming king. I just thought you could use another perspective. I myself hope to become a king who can nurture the bond with his people.

Rowan: I don't know if I'm cut out to be that kind of king, but you are for sure!

Marth: Thank you for saying so. There's still a long road ahead, but I'm focused on it. If by chance you decide you do want to become king... ­I hope my words can be a source of inspiration for you. Remember that everything I do is to nurture the bonds between my friends.

Rowan: I'll keep it in mind for sure. I've seen it firsthand on the battlefield, after all. You're an invaluable ally. I'll never forget your courage.

* Ryoma


Ryoma: You carry yourself with such grace for one so young, Prince Marth. Your swordsmanship is most impressive and your allies truly listen to you.

Marth: You're too kind, Prince Ryoma. But fighting alongside you has only revealed my own inexperience. I have a long way to go before I can stack up against you. I lost my father and my sister... My whole kingdom was seized by enemy forces. So many innocents died because I was not strong enough...  If I only had the power to protect my own people, I could have saved them.

Ryoma: So you lost your family too, Prince Marth. We have this in common. When I was young, my father was killed and Corrin was taken. It was in that moment I vowed to protect my family from further harm. If I had been stronger at the time, I could have prevented such loss.  So, you see, I understand your pain better than most.  That vow is the foundation of my determination today.

Marth: I'm sorry to hear your family has suffered such hardships, Ryoma. I was so focused on my own past, I didn't consider yours may be similar. Those experiences have made me the man I am today. Thank you for talking to me about it. You are truly a model of strength. Not only in body, but in spirit as well.

Ryoma: I've got a long way to go. It is no small honor to be considered a benchmark by one as great as you. I guess that means I have become stronger. Thank you, Prince Marth. I'm positive you will become a fine king.

Marth: Hearing that from you gives me hope.

Ryoma: Your achievements up until now have been more impressive than mine. To raise and lead an army at your age, and to always put your friends first... It is I who should look to you as a role model.

Marth: Am I really that inspiring?

Ryoma: Of course. I'll never stop drawing encouragement from you. And I think our similar pasts are a fine foundation for a friendship.

Marth: I think you're right. ­We both lost our fathers at a young age, so we have both made our own way.  Let us continue to bring out the best in each other and grow as comrades.

Ryoma: Hah, I agree. To meet in this strange world... It must be fate that our paths have crossed. Let's walk it together! And we'll prepare each other for the responsibilities of the crown.

* Xander


Marth: What are you doing, Prince Xander? The fight's barely finished, and you're already neck-deep in paper.

Xander: Yes, well, I record and make notes on my performance after every battle. As Nohrian royalty, I must always be trying to improve myself.

Marth: I can say without a doubt your battle performance requires no improvement. In fact, everything you've done is intimidating. I admire the way you handle yourself, on and off the battlefield.

Xander: I appreciate that, but in my opinion, I'm still not good enough. When I think of how my father was in his prime... Well, I pale in comparison.

Marth: I can't imagine someone more imposing than you.

Xander: I didn't have to imagine it. He was a powerful king and an inspiring leader. He always stood on the front line in battle, ready to fight for his kingdom.

Marth: I'm envious that you have a father to look up to, especially one like that.

Xander: Yes, well...that was, um, a long time ago.

Marth: Did I say something wrong?

Xander: No, no. Why don't you tell me about your father, Prince Marth? If he's anything like you, he must be a splendid king.

Marth: Years ago he sought to aid an allied kingdom...and never returned.

Xander: So your father is... I had no idea. My apologies for my insensitivity.

Marth: Don't worry, there's no way you could have known.

Xander: Though it seems my assumptions were correct. He was a great hero. To give one's own life in the name of the people is the mark of a true king. No doubt his strength and honor live  on in you. I see how you fight for your friends and for the people of Aytolis. Your father would be proud.

Marth: Thank you. I hope that's the case. I often wonder what my father would think of me now.  

Xander: Leadership comes very naturally to you. I, on the other hand, have to work at it.

Marth: I think you're underestimating yourself, Prince Xander. ­ The way you described King Garon is exactly how I'd describe you. 

Xander: Hah... That's kind of you to say.

Marth: It's also the truth.

Xander: You know, it's nice to have someone else to talk to about the life of a prince. I believe we could learn a lot from one another. Like how not to be so hard on ourselves.

Marth: I suppose spending some more time together wouldn't be a bad idea. Perhaps we'll both be better princes as a result!

* Chrom


Chrom: Hm... Did I move too far ahead? 

Marth: Chrom! You're alive!

Chrom: Marth. Thank you for coming... Behind you!

Marth: You have my thanks. I came here to save you, but instead you saved me.

Chrom: No thanks are necessary... This whole mess was my fault

Marth: Don't be so hard on yourself Anyway, let us be off

Chrom: Right! You really helped me out. I tend to get ahead of myself when it comes to battle.  You, on the other hand, fight while also watching out for your comrades.

Marth: I cannot simply stand by and watch as those I fight alongside are hurt, But you are always more than brave on the battlefield, Chrom. You know, You remind me of King Anri. 

Chrom: The founder of the Kingdom of Altea? To be compared to him is a little overwhelming. I'm not that great. But you hold within you the power to accomplish greatness, just like the king. Of the two of us, I think you're far more deserving of the name Hero-King. 

Marth: Do you truly believe so? 

Chrom: I do. When I return home, I'll tell stories of my battles alongside the great Marth.

Marth: But I get so focused on helping everyone that I lose sight of my own safety. It is sad to think that one lauded as the Hero-King cannot care for himself

Chrom: No! I won't accept that!

Marth: I apologize if I said something to upset you.

Chrom: ...I'm the one who should apologize. It's impossible not to expect great things from a legendary hero. And when we look at you, we can't help but feel that you truly deserve the title. So please, don't be so hard on yourself. 

Marth: Thank you, Chrom. You are the first one to explain it that way. In any case, I must improve myself before I am worthy of the title of Hero-King

Chrom: Marth...

Marth: But I will no longer make apologies for being less than perfect. And some day, I will be as worthy of the title as you say. This, I swear to you!

Chrom: And I swear to become as brave and kind a soul as you. As long as we share this bond that spans time itself, I'm sure I can do it. For the sake of both our futures... 

Marth: Let us join our power and take the next battle! Our swords together shall carve a path for us both!

* Lucina


Lucina: Thank you for your reinforcements, Lord Marth. Just what I'd expect from the Hero-King. It is an honor to share your battlefield.
Marth: Please, Lucina. I did nothing to warrant such praise. 
Lucina: You showed up when I needed you most. It was just as the legends say! Rescuing your allies and driving back your foes in one fell swoop! Beloved not only by his comrades, but known to charm his enemies as well.
Marth: I assure you, those stories are greatly exaggerated.
Lucina: That cannot be! I grew up believing in these tales. Hero-King Marth was the hope for all who lived in my world. That's why I... I took your name and fought to spread that hope. 
Marth: But you must realize not everything is as the legends say. 
Lucina: Well, I guess you are a bit different from what I imagined. It's said you slew a dragon, so I pictured you as a relentless warrior. But in reality you're calm and kind, and you care for your friends. And you just... I mean... You're amazing! That's what I'm trying to say!
Marth: When you put it that way...it makes me very uncomfortable.
Lucina: And so humble, too!
Marth: If you say so. If I may change the subject, why did you use my name? You would make a fine leader in your own right. I'm sure people would have rallied behind you on your own merits. 
Lucina: I needed a strong symbol of hope. The Fell Dragon seized control of my world and plunged it into despair. Your name was the only one capable of raising spirits and support. As I said, Lord Marth... your legend is hope itself.
Marth: I see... Lucina, you've been through some truly difficult battles.
Lucina: I have... And I think, above all others, the person who benefited from your name... Well, I think it was me. Calling myself Marth gave me the courage of the true Hero-King. ...I'm sorry. I've felt the need to apologize since we first met. Even if it was to save my future, using your name was selfish.
Marth: No apology necessary. If it was that useful, I'm more than glad. Besides, I am certain your deeds were worthy of my name.
Lucina: Thank you, Marth. You have always been a great source of strength. Even now. 
Marth: But looking at you here, it seems you never needed my name to begin with. Judging from your strength, you will one day give rise to your own legend. 
Lucina: I... I don't...
Marth: I must do my best as well, so I too can become the Hero-King you aspire to be. There is no telling what awaits me after this. I must be ready for anything. 
Lucina: Since I have been given the honor of fighting alongside you... I will give everything I have to bring my skill closer to yours. Even if just a little.
Marth: Let us fight with all we have. For both our futures!

* Frederick


Frederick: Pardon me, Prince Marth. Let me clean that up.

Marth: Oh! Very well. ...Actually, I was going to get that eventually.

Frederick: Oh, I don't mind. This is the sort of work I handle, milord.

Marth: Are you sure? I don't want to get used to having others do work for me.

Frederick: I see. But did your former retainers not handle these sorts of things?

Marth: Why would you assume that?

Frederick: Pardon me if I have offended you, but is that not what retainers are for? Surely you were surrounded by capable and trustworthy ones?

Marth: Yes, yes, of course. But they were talented knights, not mere servants. Jagen, my guardian...Abel, with his steady hand...and Cain--what a temper on him. I owe a great deal to all of them.

Frederick: Do you speak of the Bull and the Panther? Those names are legend in my time! To think I never connected them to you... As a retainer myself, I was raised on stories of their craft and service.

Marth: That is comforting to hear. They are all deserving of such honor. But you, Frederick, are just as talented and dependable as they. And your relationship with Lord Chrom is a model of harmony and respect.

Frederick: Milord...I'm honored. Truly, such praise coming from you... Your kind heart knows no limit. The Bull and the Panther are lucky to have you.

Marth: I admit I'm a bit jealous that you and Chrom are united here...

Frederick: Yes, I suppose I am quite lucky... Milord, in the absence of your retainers, perhaps you would allow me to serve. My first duty is still to Chrom, of course, but maybe I could be of some help.

Marth: Thank you, Frederick. I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. Mind you, I don't require anyone to hold my hand. But I am pleased to know I can rely on your strength and courage.

Frederick: Of course, milord. My arm is yours!

Marth: There is one condition, however. You must allow me to do something in return. Perhaps I could help with your work, or fight by your side on the battlefield... ­ Not as your master, but as a friend walking the same path.

Frederick: Thank you, milord! As you said earlier, I would be foolish to turn down such an offer. You can count on my support going forward. As a friend.

Marth: Very well! With our combined strength, we shall overcome anything in our path!

Frederick: Indeed.  Onward, milord! I mean...Marth. ...May I call you Marth?

* Caeda


Caeda: Marth... Are you all right?

Marth: Yes, I'm fine. I made it through that last battle without major injury.

Caeda: I'm more relieved to see you unharmed. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to face King Mostyn.

Marth: You shouldn't think about things like that. I only wish to see you safely back to our world. To be honest, I would bar you from the battlefield if I could.

Caeda: Marth...if we want to survive, we need every able fighter. Do you think I have no talent for battle?

Marth: Of course not. You are a remarkable fighter.

Caeda: If that's not it, then what?

Marth: It's your talent that worries me. The more talented you are, the more battle you see. The more lives you take. I worry the burden of taking so many lives may be too much for you to bear.

Caeda: Don't worry about me, Marth. I can shoulder any burden as long as you're by my side.

Marth: I'm glad to hear that. But with each battle comes the risk of--

Caeda: Would you have me simply watch the fight from the sidelines?

Marth: Of course not, but...I couldn't live with myself if you were hurt!  

Caeda: Well, maybe the great Prince Marth will wait in his castle during the next fight!

Marth: You can't just expect me to sit idly by and watch! Not while everyone puts themselves in such danger.

Caeda: So you understand how I feel.

Marth: Caeda, please. If you fell in battle because I was not by your side... I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

Caeda: I feel the same about you. I guess that's why we have such...heated discussions. We understand each other all too well. I'm sorry for getting so worked up.

Marth: It's fine. I think I deserved it, really. ­I simply want to keep you safe. That's my top priority.

Caeda: Our priorities are one and the same. I want little more than to protect you. And I want this fighting to be over as soon as possible.

Marth: Then let's take each battlefield by each other's side. This fighting will be ended through our combined strength.

Caeda: Yes, Marth. We'll see each other safely home.

* Tiki


Tiki: Oh, what a strange house! It looks so different from the houses in our world.

Marth: Yes, it is awfully unique. It really reminds me we're in a foreign land.

Tiki: Do you think Ban-Ban's seen this sort of thing before?

Marth: I don't imagine so. No matter how long Bantu has lived, it seems unlikely he's travelled worlds.

Tiki: I wish he would have come with us. I want him to see all this new stuff.

Marth: You'll just have to take a good look and describe it all to him when we get back. I think it would make him happy to hear these stories from you.

Tiki: You're right! I'll look at everything I can and tell him all about it! But...when do you think we'll be able to go home? Do you think Bantu is sad that I'm not there?

Marth: I'm sure he's missing you quite a bit.

Tiki: Aww... I knew it...

Marth: But he has a lot of new companions now as well. Our friends are still with him, so I'm sure he's doing just fine. How about you, Tiki? Are you missing him?

Tiki: Yeah, not being able to see him is sad... But I'm the same as him! I'll be fine because I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And we'll be together forever. ...Right?

Marth: Of course. Together forever. Bantu is waiting for us to return, along with everyone else.

Tiki: In that case, let's get back to our own world as soon as we can.

Marth: That's the right attitude to have. The enemy is gaining momentum. Battles will be tougher from here on. Let's work with our new allies and finish this fight as soon as we can.

Tiki: You got it! I'll just be like, “Roooaarrr!” and roast our enemies up good!

Marth: Ha! You'll be a fearsome opponent. Let's both give it all we've got. We can defeat enemies of any strength when we face them together.

Tiki: I won't be scared as long as I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And you're not scared as long as I'm here, right? ­

Marth: That's right. It's always a great relief to have you fighting by my side.  When I heard that you had come to this world as well, I just knew we'd be fine.

Tiki: I'm glad you're here, too. Travelling with you is so much fun! Let's help each other through this strange land.

* Celica


Celica: Prince Marth. Your kingdom is in Archanea, correct?

Marth: That's right. I didn't realize you'd heard of it.

Celica: It's probably coincidence, but there's a land by the same name in my world. It should be at peace right now, but...your country is at war, right?

Marth: Yes... The situation is beyond grave. Not only did I lose my own kingdom, but the entire continent is now fighting. So if I want to save my kingdom, I must save all the others as well.

Celica: That's pretty similar to the War of Shadows.

Marth: I beg your pardon?

Celica: Oh, never mind... It just reminds me of something else. The Archanea of my world had a major war, too. It lasted for years and there were many deaths. It was so tragic... It looks like you're resolved to fight, but I wonder if that's the best way. War takes such a toll on the people. Are there no peaceful solutions?

Marth: I often wish there were. But unfortunately, some foes simply cannot be reasoned with. My father fought for Archanea, and he gave his life. So now it's up to me to carry on that fight. I was born a prince of Altea, and it was my father's dying wish that I rule.

Celica: But just because you were born a prince doesn't mean you have to fight. War leads to more war, which leads to more tragedy. It's unending! And even if you survive this battle, you may not survive the next!

Marth: Even so, Celica...it is my choice to fight.

Celica: Is there no way to stop you?

Marth: I can't protect my loved ones by sitting on the sidelines. Nevertheless...you have opened my eyes to a new perspective.

Celica: I have?

Marth: Citizens dragged into war have more to lose than their lives. They can lose hope. I must have forgotten that after so much time on the battlefield. We must fight for now, but I will keep the importance of peace in mind.

Celica: It makes me happy to hear you say that, Marth... And to know that someone like you believes peace after war is possible. I may not have much to offer, but at the very least... allow me to pray for your safety, and that you achieve your goals.

Marth: Thank you, Celica. I'll do my best to see that your prayers are answered.

* Lyn


Lyn: You're a model prince, Marth. You'd look good on a white steed...
Marth: What makes you say that?
Lyn: You have a very noble air about you. It makes for a great leader. I'm a noblewoman, but I was raised on the plains--the opposite of in a castle. So I feel like the way I act can be....unrefined, I guess. Acting noble all the time isn't all it's cracked up to be. 
Marth: Don't worry too much. You have your own qualities that make you a fine leader.
Lyn: Aw, you're just saying that to be nice.
Marth: I mean it. You have amazing strength and you care deeply for those you protect. Such traits are noble in their own right and more important than manners.
Lyn: Thanks, Marth. That means a lot coming from you. 
Marth: Your father was a respected chief, right? I'm sure you inherited some of his traits.
Lyn: I'd like to think so... Too bad I didn't get any of my mother's beauty and grace!
Marth: I think you have your own type of beauty and grace. It's just less...traditional. Your bladework reminds me of a dance, or a wind sweeping across the plains.....
Marth: I'm sorry if I said something to upset you.
Lyn: No, it's fine. What you said threw me a little, that's all. I have a friend who once told me that same thing.
Marth: So I'm not the only one who sees it. Is this friend from your world?.
Lyn: Yes. His name is Eliwood. He's a noble with real compassion for his people. He's always been there for me, through thick and thin. I owe him so much. I used to hate nobles, but that all changed when I met him.
Marth: He must have recognized your good qualities the moment he met you. Those feelings grow along with the bond between friends. Eliwood and I both immediately realized how important you would be.
Lyn: ...OK, you're making me blush. It's easy for me to see why so many people follow you too, you know. So, that said...would you mind being my mentor? I feel as though I must learn to act more nobly. And I want to wield my sword for others, not just myself. Like you!
Marth: Hmm, a fair request... But let's make a deal. I'll mentor you if you mentor me. Your swordplay is strong and flexible, and I admire your free, tenacious style.
Lyn: So we'll both be mentor and mentee... I like the sound of that.
Marth: We'll fight, learn, and grow together. I look forward to it, Lyn.



* Lianna


Caeda: Great job out there! Are you unharmed?

Lianna: Yes, I'm fine. What about you?

Caeda: I'm all right. I'm on my pegasus for most of the battle, so I don't tire so easily.

Lianna: Ha!

Caeda: Huh? What is it?

Lianna: Nothing. I...I was just thinking that you're pretty easy to talk to...for a princess.

Caeda: Do I not seem very princessly? Well, my kingdom is a small one, and fairly young.

Lianna: Oh, I didn't mean it like that! You're just friendlier than I thought you'd be. But you mentioned your kingdom! What's it like?

Caeda: Ah, I'm glad you're interested. My kingdom is called Talys. It's one of seven kingdoms, and it's on an island east of the Archanean continent.

Lianna: Seven kingdoms... And Marth was the prince of Altea?

Caeda: That's right. Altea was a prosperous kingdom and an ally to Talys. Thanks to that alliance, Marth had a place to escape to when he needed it.

Lianna: Escape? Why? Did something happen to Altea?

Caeda: It was conquered in a devastating war. We offered Marth shelter for a time... But in the end, it was he who protected us. Talys was attacked by pirates, and Marth led his knights of Altea to fight back. That is why I offered my support when he raised troops and journeyed out.

Lianna: Wow. You guys have been through a lot together, haven't you? I'm kind of jealous. My adventuring partner has always just been my brother.

Caeda: But you two help each other all the time, the way all good siblings would.

Lianna: But it's totally different from what you two have. We're always fighting. My brother isn't nearly as perceptive as Marth.

Caeda: Perhaps you only see it that way because your bond allows for complete honesty. In truth, Marth and I have not yet reached that kind of bond.

Lianna: Oh... So you haven't told Marth how you really feel about him?

Caeda: I have not. I guess I thought feelings so strong would be obvious.

Lianna: You'd think, but...what would it hurt to be completely honest with him? If you think it works for my brother and me, it should work for you two. Right?

Caeda: Yes, I think you're right... I just need to act honestly. Thank you for the advice.  

Lianna: ...Ha!

Caeda: What are you laughing about now?

Lianna: I'm just surprised, I guess. I've never really had someone to talk to like this.

Caeda: In that case, can I come to you for advice again?

Lianna: Of course! I'd be happy to talk about whatever you want!

* Hinoka


Hinoka: Princess Caeda. Tending to your pegasus as diligently as ever, I see.
Caeda: I've seen you doting on your pegasus with just as much affection, Hinoka. 
Hinoka: Ha, you got me there. Say, I wanted to ask...  I hear the pegasuses of your world only allow women to ride them. Is that true?
Caeda: It is. They are loyal only to women who are pure of heart. 
Hinoka: That makes them a lot more discerning than our Hoshidan pegasuses. 
Caeda: How do yours differ? 
Hinoka: They don't choose their riders, for one. And men are known to be Sky Knights. And if pegasuses from your world decide who rides... I'm lucky to be from Hoshido. I don't think I could have ridden a pegasus if I'd been born in Talys. 
Caeda: Why is that? I'm sure you would've been a fantastic Pegasus Knight. 
Hinoka: Something tells me my heart is not quite as pure as yours. I doubt a pegasus of your land would take to me.
Caeda: Oh, I'm sure that's all just in your head. Come, look at my pegasus.     
Hinoka: What about him? 
Caeda: He doesn't seem bothered by you. He doesn't balk when you approach, at least. I'm sure he'd let you ride. He can sense that you're worthy.     
Hinoka: You really think so?
Caeda: You're kind and gentle in your own way, even if you don't realize it. I'm always awestruck when I see your bravery on the battlefield. 
Hinoka: Caeda, if you keep laying it on that thick, you're going to make me blush.     
Caeda: I'm just being honest.
Hinoka: I might start to believe that if I hear it often enough. You're very convincing. I wish I could be like that. 
Caeda: Just tell people how you feel. If you're honest, they'll understand.
Hinoka: There you go again, summing things up so perfectly. Maybe it's worth a try. 
Caeda: It's easier than you think. Especially for one who speaks her heart.
Hinoka: I guess that's one way of describing me. But I think speaking from the heart comes more naturally for you. 
Caeda: Oh, Hinoka. Now it's my turn to feel a blush coming on!
Hinoka: Heheh... I'm just being honest, too! I look forward to fighting alongside you and your pegasus again.
Caeda: Let's watch each others' backs out there.

* Marth


Caeda: Marth... Are you all right?

Marth: Yes, I'm fine. I made it through that last battle without major injury.

Caeda: I'm more relieved to see you unharmed. If anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to face King Mostyn.

Marth: You shouldn't think about things like that. I only wish to see you safely back to our world. To be honest, I would bar you from the battlefield if I could.

Caeda: Marth...if we want to survive, we need every able fighter. Do you think I have no talent for battle?

Marth: Of course not. You are a remarkable fighter.

Caeda: If that's not it, then what?

Marth: It's your talent that worries me. The more talented you are, the more battle you see. The more lives you take. I worry the burden of taking so many lives may be too much for you to bear.

Caeda: Don't worry about me, Marth. I can shoulder any burden as long as you're by my side.

Marth: I'm glad to hear that. But with each battle comes the risk of--

Caeda: Would you have me simply watch the fight from the sidelines?

Marth: Of course not, but...I couldn't live with myself if you were hurt!  

Caeda: Well, maybe the great Prince Marth will wait in his castle during the next fight!

Marth: You can't just expect me to sit idly by and watch! Not while everyone puts themselves in such danger.

Caeda: So you understand how I feel.

Marth: Caeda, please. If you fell in battle because I was not by your side... I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

Caeda: I feel the same about you. I guess that's why we have such...heated discussions. We understand each other all too well. I'm sorry for getting so worked up.

Marth: It's fine. I think I deserved it, really. ­I simply want to keep you safe. That's my top priority.

Caeda: Our priorities are one and the same. I want little more than to protect you. And I want this fighting to be over as soon as possible.

Marth: Then let's take each battlefield by each other's side. This fighting will be ended through our combined strength.

Caeda: Yes, Marth. We'll see each other safely home.

* Camilla


Caeda: He doesn't take to people very often.

Camilla: If he is a prickly one, he's sheathed his spines for me. I think he's sweet.

Caeda: I'm glad you get to see this side of him.

Camilla: Tell me, Princess, have you ever ridden a wyvern before? From observing you in action, I think you would take naturally to it.

Caeda: You flatter me, Camilla. But I'm satisfied with my current mount. He is my sworn companion in my mission to protect Marth.

Camilla: Ah, yes, Prince Marth. You and he are quite the pair, aren't you?

Caeda: O-oh, I-I don't know if I'd say that. I-I have my hopes, but who knows... That aside, there's another reason I can't give this one up. Promise not to laugh?

Camilla: I would never. Whatever you say is safe with me.

Caeda: Though I am a princess, I spend most of my time traveling with Marth. At times, our forces must make camp. And it gets very dark in the wild.

Camilla: Oh, I know full well. Though where I come from, it's dark even in the day.

Caeda: That sounds...terrible! I'm actually quite afraid of the dark. It's only when I know my pegasus is near that I can sleep soundly.

Camilla: Oh, how darling. He sounds like a beloved family member. I myself sleep better at night when one of my siblings is sleeping nearby.

Caeda: Yes, you do seem very close to them. Say, do you think I might sit behind you the next time you go for a ride? I'd like to see for myself how comfortable riding a wyvern is.

Camilla: A beautiful young princess like you may ride wherever you like, dear.

Caeda: Oh, um... I-I'm not nearly so pretty as you though, Camilla.

Camilla: You can't deny that you have many charms. Have you not seen how eager people are to please you after a few kind words?

Caeda: As long as Marth is with me, I don't need anyone else.

Camilla: Ah, young love... The two of you are so close, I fear there's no room in your heart for me.

Caeda: E-er... Well--

Camilla: I'm only teasing. I must say, you are especially susceptible to it. ­

Caeda: Oh... You had me so flustered that I became utterly tongue-tied.

Camilla: Still, it's no tease when I tell you that I'd like us to be better friends.

Caeda: Oh, agreed! I would love nothing more. It's been refreshing to talk openly with someone from such a different world.

Camilla: Quite. And, Caeda...should you have trouble sleeping, you know where I am.

Caeda: O-oh! Wait. You're teasing again. Ahahaha...

* Tiki


Caeda: Tiki, I just finished baking some sweets. Do you want to eat them together?

Tiki: Really?! Yeah, let's eat! Thanks, Caeda!

Caeda: You're welcome. Here, help yourself.

Tiki: Oh boy! *munch munch*

Caeda: Don't try to eat them all at once, Tiki. Your mouth can only hold so many!

Tiki: *munch munch* Mm! *munch* They're so sweet! *munch munch* And tasty!

Caeda: Wow, you devoured the whole batch. I guess you liked them.

Tiki: They were OK... Just kidding! You're a great cook, Caeda! I wish you were my older sister!

Caeda: Really? What a flattering thing to say.

Tiki: You for an older sister, and Mar-Mar for an older brother. You're both so special to me, you're practically family already.

Caeda: Thanks, Tiki. You're very important to me, too. Having you around does make it feel like I have a little sister.

Tiki: Well, in that case...can I give my big sis a big hug?

Caeda: Of course! Come on over.

Tiki: Yay! Big Sister Caeda! Hmmmgh!

Caeda: Oh, Tiki. You really are amazing.

Tiki: Huh?

Caeda: To think that one as sweet as you hides the power of a dragon within. You're truly valuable to Marth in battle. To be honest, I'm a little jealous.

Tiki: Well, I'm glad to hear that Mar-Mar thinks I'm so helpful... But I'm pretty jealous of you too, you know.

Caeda: And why is that?

Tiki: You've been fighting alongside Mar-Mar for a long time now. He really relies on you. You've become so important to him. You two have a very special relationship.

Caeda: It makes me happy to hear you think so. But whether it's me and Marth or me and you, they're both special relationships.

Tiki: Really? Hehehe... Yay! If it's for my big sis and bro, I'll fight with everything I've got!

Caeda: Thank you, Tiki. Just make sure you don't overdo it! Marth and I would be very worried if you got hurt. When you're in your human form, you can count on me to look out for you.

Tiki: Thank you, Caeda! Now...can I have another hug?

Caeda: You can have as many as you want.

* Anna


Caeda: Every time I see you, Anna, you're hard at work. Don't you ever take a day off?

Anna: Don't worry about me, Caeda. I can take care of myself. Even if I had free time, I wouldn't know what to do with it.

Caeda: Oh. I thought you would have a boyfriend or something.

Anna: A boyfriend? Why would you think that?

Caeda: I guess because, well...the Anna I know in my world has a boyfriend, so... I just figured you had one too.

Anna: Interesting... Have you ever met this “boyfriend”?

Caeda: Haha! Yes. His name is Jake. Actually, he was a soldier in our enemy's forces.

Anna: Oh. Did you have to fight him?

Caeda: Not at all. In fact, he's a pacifist and was a conscientious objector at the time. I thought he might like Anna, so I did a little matchmaking. I have something of a magic touch when it comes to matters of the heart.

Anna: He sounds pretty great... I wish you introduced him to me first!

Caeda: Haha! I'm not sure your sister would've liked that very much. But I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to me that you have the same taste.

Anna: Oh, we probably do, don't we? That's kinda embarrassing...  

Caeda: Is there anyone in THIS world you've had your eye on?

Anna: Huh?! My eye? Uh... Not really. Work keeps me pretty busy, so...  

Caeda: Come on, Anna! There has to be someone you're interested in!

Anna: There's not! And I'll have you know, Caeda, that that's just fine with me.

Caeda: Don't be so defensive! I'm curious, that's all. I had no idea you were such a busybody.

Anna: Fine... I'll admit it. I wouldn't mind a little...romance, I suppose.

Caeda: If that's the case, then maybe you could start by working a little less.

Anna: Now you lost me.

Caeda: Anna! You're bright and clever, not to mention very pretty. You're a catch!

Anna: And this has what to do with my work?

Caeda: I bet men throw themselves at you all the time, and you don't even notice!  

Anna: Y-you really think so? Well I guess I'll start paying more attention then!

Caeda: I'm glad to hear it! Ooh, I'm so excited for you! With all this war going on, I had no idea how much I needed a little intrigue! So you're all right with me coming to you for dating advice...maybe?

Anna: All right with it? I'd love that!

Caeda: I just used the word “dating.” Weird.

* Cordelia


Cordelia: Lady Caeda, I've finished polishing your equipment. I also took care of the fitting.

Caeda: Oh! Why, thank you, Cordelia! I hope you know that you don't really need to do all that for me.

Cordelia: I do, but...I can't help it. You're my idol! You're Lady Caeda, the legendary Pegasus Knight!

Caeda: “Legendary”? That's...that's a little... excessive. The only legend I've ever associated myself with is that of Prince Marth.

Cordelia: Don't be so modest. You soar with perfect grace! Your shadow alone inspires fear in your foes below! And your kindness has swayed even the hearts of your enemies, they say!

Caeda: Now you're exaggerating... Though I appreciate the compliment. You command a great deal of respect as well, Cordelia. I'd love to possess your bravery, skill in scouting, organizational abilities...  

Cordelia: Really?! It's an honor to hear you say that! W-would you mind if I asked you something, Lady Caeda?

Caeda: Of course not. What would you like to know?             

Cordelia: I heard this legend... It was about three Pegasus Knights. Sisters. It's said that they could join forces and perform a powerful special attack. Would you happen to know of them, by chance? I believe they lived in your time...

Caeda: Are you speaking of the Whitewings of Macedon's Pegasus Knights?

Cordelia: So they do exist! I've wanted to learn their technique ever since I heard the legends.

Caeda: I've seen them use the maneuver you're talking about. But I'm sorry to tell you I never learned it myself.

Cordelia: Oh. So you probably wouldn't be able to teach it to me then. Unless... Well, you have seen it, right? Maybe you could re-create it!

Caeda: Maybe. However, you need three people to perform the move, like the sisters.

Cordelia: You, Lady Hinoka, and I are all Pegasus Knights. We could do it! We'd simply need to learn how to harmonize our movements. Don't you think it would be worthwhile to at least give it a try? ­

Caeda: I...I suppose. I guess I never really considered it before...  ...But why not? I think our bonds are strong enough to make it work! I must say, your passion is infectious, Cordelia. Let's find Lady Hinoka and get started right away!

Cordelia: Really?! Ha! I can't believe that I get to learn this move alongside my idol! If we do manage to pull it off, it'll be like achieving two lifelong dreams at once.

* Celica


Caeda: Ouch!

Celica: Is your foot still troubling you?

Caeda: A bit, but it's nothing serious. I can still walk. See-- Ouch!

Celica: Don't be silly. Sit down, be still, and let me heal you. There. That should take care of the pain, but you should stay off it for a while.

Caeda: I'm sorry, but I can't afford to. Whenever Marth and the others charge into battle, I must be there with them!

Celica: You ask too much of yourself. Your foot will never heal properly if ignored.

Caeda: Oh, it's fine. I ride a pegasus, after all. I don't need my feet to fight!

Celica: You're so stubborn when it comes to Marth. Isn't there something you can do for him without putting yourself at risk? You could be a messenger, for instance, or supervise our defensive position.

Caeda: Both of those are important, it's true. But...they're not for me. I want to be right there with him, helping him in every way that I can. If that makes me selfish, I apologize.

Celica: You have nothing to apologize for. I know the feeling very well.

Caeda: Who is it in your case? Where are they?

Celica: Oh...he's not with me right now. His name is Alm. I couldn't abide by his decision to forge ahead in battle. There's nothing I can do now but pray to my goddess for his safety. If only I had chosen to support him in person as you do...

Caeda: That choice must eat at you. Still, I'm sure that someday you'll get your wish.

Celica: Yes. That is my aim, should we meet again in my world. We lived together briefly, when I was younger. Those were the days... I was capable of anything when he was at my side.

Caeda: It's the same for me and Marth! I hope you're reunited with Alm again soon, Celica.  

Celica: Haha, thank you. So do I... Caeda, if you feel you must be at the front with Marth, I'll support you. ­ ­

Caeda: Awww! That's very kind of you. 

Celica: Thinking back on my own past has helped me understand how you feel. I promise to help you look after Marth as your injuries heal. It's the least I could do for a friend.

Caeda: Thank you, Celica. I consider you a friend as well. If I have your support, then you have mine too!




Caeda: Tiki, I just finished baking some sweets. Do you want to eat them together?

Tiki: Really?! Yeah, let's eat! Thanks, Caeda!

Caeda: You're welcome. Here, help yourself.

Tiki: Oh boy! *munch munch*

Caeda: Don't try to eat them all at once, Tiki. Your mouth can only hold so many!

Tiki: *munch munch* Mm! *munch* They're so sweet! *munch munch* And tasty!

Caeda: Wow, you devoured the whole batch. I guess you liked them.

Tiki: They were OK... Just kidding! You're a great cook, Caeda! I wish you were my older sister!

Caeda: Really? What a flattering thing to say.

Tiki: You for an older sister, and Mar-Mar for an older brother. You're both so special to me, you're practically family already.

Caeda: Thanks, Tiki. You're very important to me, too. Having you around does make it feel like I have a little sister.

Tiki: Well, in that case...can I give my big sis a big hug?

Caeda: Of course! Come on over.

Tiki: Yay! Big Sister Caeda! Hmmmgh!

Caeda: Oh, Tiki. You really are amazing.

Tiki: Huh?

Caeda: To think that one as sweet as you hides the power of a dragon within. You're truly valuable to Marth in battle. To be honest, I'm a little jealous.

Tiki: Well, I'm glad to hear that Mar-Mar thinks I'm so helpful... But I'm pretty jealous of you too, you know.

Caeda: And why is that?

Tiki: You've been fighting alongside Mar-Mar for a long time now. He really relies on you. You've become so important to him. You two have a very special relationship.

Caeda: It makes me happy to hear you think so. But whether it's me and Marth or me and you, they're both special relationships.

Tiki: Really? Hehehe... Yay! If it's for my big sis and bro, I'll fight with everything I've got!

Caeda: Thank you, Tiki. Just make sure you don't overdo it! Marth and I would be very worried if you got hurt. When you're in your human form, you can count on me to look out for you.

Tiki: Thank you, Caeda! Now...can I have another hug?

Caeda: You can have as many as you want.

* Corrin


Corrin: Your dragon form is a real thing of beauty, Tiki.
Tiki: Thanks! Yours is pretty cool too. It's kind of cute!
Corrin: That's the first time I've heard that... But I guess it's a fair compliment. Thanks. 
Tiki: You're welcome! I'm so glad there's another dragon here with me. 
Corrin: Your dragon form is a lot stronger than mine, though. 
Tiki: Well, you're strong even as a human. I'm pretty jealous of that. I'm kind of useless without my dragonstone. I need Mar-Mar and the others to protect me when I'm like this. 
Corrin: You have a point. I haven't seen you using weapons or magic...  But you're still just a child, so they can't expect that much of you. 
Tiki: Hey, don't call me a child! You know I'm older than you are!
Corrin: Heh, sorry. I guess I forgot... 
Tiki: Hmph, now you're just teasing. Hmm, I wonder... Do you think you'll age like other humans? 
Corrin: That's how things have been going so far. 
Tiki: Ohh, I'm so jealous of that, too! 
Corrin: Well I'm envious of how long you've lived. 
Tiki: Why's that? Every friend I make, they'll die way before I do... 
Corrin: That may be the case... But if you hadn't lived for this long, you and I would have never met. You may say good-bye to a lot of people, but you also meet so many. 
Tiki: Hmm, yeah... The only reason I met Mar-Mar was because I've lived so long. And you, of course. I'm glad to have met you too! 
Corrin: That's my point exactly. If it weren't for our differences, things may not have worked out this way. 
Tiki: I'll do my best to treasure the moments I do have with my friends.  
Corrin: That's a great outlook. You really are a clever girl! 
Tiki: Hey, you're treating me like a kid again!
Corrin: Aww, I can't help it. You're just so cute in this form!  It's easy to think of you as a little sister.
Tiki: Do you think we look alike or something? 
Corrin: Hmm... Not really. But if I've learned one thing, it's that blood ties mean nothing. I consider you as important as any of my siblings. 
Tiki: So that means we can be friends from now on, right? 
Corrin: Of course. Anytime you want to talk, just come to me.

* Sakura


Sakura: Whew...that was intense. Are you OK, Tiki? You were right in the thick of it!

Tiki: Yep! I'm OK. Did I help any?

Sakura: Of course you did! But how did you learn to fight like that? You're just a child!

Tiki: I'll have you know that I'm actually over a thousand years old.

Sakura: Um... Wh-what? Did you just say a thousand years?!

Tiki: Yep! Although I missed almost all of my birthday parties...

Sakura: That's a lot of birthdays... Wait, but how can you be that old?!

Tiki: Manaketes live a really long time!

Sakura: Oh...please accept my apology. I shouldn't have called you a child. Do all Manaketes look so much like children?

Tiki: Not at all. Ban-Ban looks like he's old enough to be someone's grandpa. Even though we live a long time, we do still age. I just look extra young 'cause I was asleep for most of those thousand years.

Sakura: You were...asleep? What happened?

Tiki: Not long after I was born, I was put into a deeeeeep sleep. And then after years and years passed, I woke up and met Mar-Mar and all them. I was told my sleep was to help contain the power of the Divine Dragon.

Sakura: Do you remember anything from all that time you were asleep?

Tiki: Not really. I had scary dreams while I slept...

Sakura: Aw! Being asleep for a thousand years sounds terrible! I don't think I could do it.

Tiki: ...It was pretty lonely. I try to meet lots of people now, because I don't ever want to be alone again!

Sakura: Tiki... I...I...

Tiki: Spit it out, Sakura! Heehee. Do you feel lonely too?

Sakura: Sometimes, yes. I hate it... I-I'm not very good at talking to people. I stumble over my words, and...and...But it's different talking to you!

Tiki: Really? You really think so? Hey, I've got a good idea! Let's make sure to talk to each other all the time!

Sakura: That's what I was going to suggest. You could be like my little sister! If...if that's OK with you...

Tiki: That'd be great! Neither of us will get lonely if we stick together.

Sakura: Thank you, Tiki. I feel like we're friends already!

Tiki: That's 'cause we are, Sakura! Heehee!

* Marth


Tiki: Oh, what a strange house! It looks so different from the houses in our world.

Marth: Yes, it is awfully unique. It really reminds me we're in a foreign land.

Tiki: Do you think Ban-Ban's seen this sort of thing before?

Marth: I don't imagine so. No matter how long Bantu has lived, it seems unlikely he's travelled worlds.

Tiki: I wish he would have come with us. I want him to see all this new stuff.

Marth: You'll just have to take a good look and describe it all to him when we get back. I think it would make him happy to hear these stories from you.

Tiki: You're right! I'll look at everything I can and tell him all about it! But...when do you think we'll be able to go home? Do you think Bantu is sad that I'm not there?

Marth: I'm sure he's missing you quite a bit.

Tiki: Aww... I knew it...

Marth: But he has a lot of new companions now as well. Our friends are still with him, so I'm sure he's doing just fine. How about you, Tiki? Are you missing him?

Tiki: Yeah, not being able to see him is sad... But I'm the same as him! I'll be fine because I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And we'll be together forever. ...Right?

Marth: Of course. Together forever. Bantu is waiting for us to return, along with everyone else.

Tiki: In that case, let's get back to our own world as soon as we can.

Marth: That's the right attitude to have. The enemy is gaining momentum. Battles will be tougher from here on. Let's work with our new allies and finish this fight as soon as we can.

Tiki: You got it! I'll just be like, “Roooaarrr!” and roast our enemies up good!

Marth: Ha! You'll be a fearsome opponent. Let's both give it all we've got. We can defeat enemies of any strength when we face them together.

Tiki: I won't be scared as long as I'm here with you, Mar-Mar! And you're not scared as long as I'm here, right? ­

Marth: That's right. It's always a great relief to have you fighting by my side.  When I heard that you had come to this world as well, I just knew we'd be fine.

Tiki: I'm glad you're here, too. Travelling with you is so much fun! Let's help each other through this strange land.

* Elise


Elise: Whoa! So you're saying you were asleep for a thousand years?!

Tiki: Yep, that's right.

Elise: You must have been so well rested. I always wake up during the night...

Tiki: It actually wasn't that great. I was trapped in a nightmare. I was all by myself. It was lonely...

Elise: A thousand-year nightmare? That does sound rough. If I was around, I would've curled up beside you to keep you company. Hey, let's bunk together from now on! So if you have a nightmare, I'll be right there.

Tiki: I think I would enjoy that. But...

Elise: But what?

Tiki: Someday we'll have to say good-bye.  Becoming friends will make going back to separate worlds that much harder.  Just the thought of not being able to see you anymore is bad enough.  

Elise: We'll see each other again, Tiki I know because something similar happened to me before. I used to sneak out of the castle and meet up with my friend Effie. I got in big trouble when the royal guards found out. I couldn't go into town anymore, and Effie couldn't come to the castle. We had to stop seeing each other just as the two of us had become friends.

Tiki: Being forced apart like that must have been hard.

Elise: It was super tough. But just as I was hoping to see her the most, she returned! Effie had become a royal guard so she could see me! She said it took a crazy amount of training. She had to run up rivers against the stream, and lift rocks under waterfalls.

Tiki: That's amazing! She must have really missed you.

Elise: If we get separated, I'll do whatever I can to bring us back together. I'll see you again even if I must cleave through mountains and jump through fire!

Tiki: Heehee! And I'll do everything I can to see you again, too. No matter how long it takes and no matter what gets in my way! ­I'll wait for you for as long as I can. Even if it's another 1,000 years!

Elise: But if we can't see each other again, we'll still be friends. Whenever we get lonely, we can just think of each other and be together.

Tiki: I'll think of you all the time, Elise.

Elise: So don't be afraid of separating, because you'll be OK no matter what.

Tiki: You got it! But for now...we can still bunk together, right?

Elise: Of course. If you have a nightmare, I'll curl up beside you!

Tiki: Thank you, Elise. I'm gonna sleep great tonight, I just know it!

* Lyn


Tiki: Hey, Lyn! What are you looking up at the sky for? Is someone coming?
Lyn: No, I was just thinking about the plains...
Tiki: Oh, do you want a ride? I can take you there, no problem!
Lyn: Thanks, but I doubt even you could fly that far. I was thinking of the plains where I grew up. Back in my home world.
Tiki: Oh, yeah. I can't fly you all the way there. Sorry!
Lyn: It was sweet of you to have offered. You're very generous.
Tiki: Aww, thanks. Coming from you, that means a lot.
Lyn: Pardon my asking, but you're a Manakete, right? We have dragonkind in my world too, but they're a little different.
Tiki: You have Manaketes too? I wonder if we're related! What are they like?
Lyn: I only know two of them. A brother and sister named Nils and Ninian. They could transform into ice dragons, and do a few other things too. I owe them both a great debt--they.helped me out of a lot of tight spots.
Tiki: Did they use dragonstones to transform? Cuz I need a dragonstone to transform, you know. 
Lyn: I believe they did. Nils mentioned that once, I think. Maybe you really are related!
Tiki: That would be so cool! I wish I could meet them somehow. I mean, I have friends here, but I don't know any other Manaketes... 
And we live for so long... It can get lonely after a while. 
Lyn: I hadn't thought about that. You'll outlive all of your human friends... 
I can see why you'd want a friend who'll live as long as you. Maybe I can figure out some way to introduce you...
Tiki: Yay! I'll do anything to meet more Manaketes!
Lyn: What we need is a way for you to come visit my world. 
Tiki: I'd be really excited to see you too, Lyn. Maybe I could even use my Manakete power to help you somehow. Heehee!
Lyn: You've already been a big help, Tiki.
Tiki: Aww, it's nothing. I'd do anything for you. And I bet you'd do the same for me.
Lyn: You've got that right. Thanks for being my friend.

* Robin


Tiki: Good morning, Robin!

Robin:  ...Zzzz...

Tiki: Robin, wake up! I have to talk to you about something really important!  

Robin: ...Zzzz... Hrm, Chrom... Next battle, I'll... ...Hrmgrmhrm...

Tiki: Well not that important, I guess. It's about our powers!

Robin: ...Urgh... C-Chrom...? No!

Tiki: Robin, it's me! Tiki! Are you OK?!

Robin: I must live! ...Alongside... Zzz...

Tiki: Aww! Robin, you're sweating like crazy! And you're so pale...

Robin: Err... Why did this...happen to me...?

Tiki: It's just a dream, Robin! It's just a dream! Wake up! Please, wake up!

Robin: ...Err... OH! Tiki? What are you-- What's going on?!

Tiki: Shh, shh. It was just a dream... Yeesh, you had me worried there for a second.

Robin: Oh... I must've overslept. Thanks for waking me up.

Tiki: You were talking in your sleep just now. Something about Chrom?

Robin: No matter how many times I have this dream, I can't recall details...

Tiki: Really? That happens to me too! In my dreams I turn into an uncontrollable monster that attacks all my friends! The next thing I know, I wake up to the sound of my voice screaming “Don't!”

Robin: Those dreams sound awful.

Tiki: They are! I barely ever sleep because I'm always afraid it'll happen again.

Robin: Me too. I've had this nightmare many times.

Tiki: Hey! That's another thing we have in common! Actually, that's what I came here to talk to you about!

Robin: Oh? What else do you think we have in common?

Tiki: Well, I can't put my finger on it, but... I feel like I've known you for a really long time--that maybe our powers are linked.

Robin: That's funny... I've had the same feeling about you. Like we're kind of the same, but...also completely different.

Tiki: Heehee! Exactly! Whatever this force is that's binding us, it's pretty special. ­

Robin: It is. Hey! Talking to you has made me forget all about that nightmare.  I bet if we stick together, our nightmares don't stand a chance!

Tiki: Yeah! Tell me next time you wanna take a nap. I'll keep those bad dreams away!

Robin: I'll do that. And of course I'd be happy to return the favor.

Tiki: I'm loving this plan!

Robin: I have a feeling we have a lot of good dreams in our future.

Tiki: Me too, Robin.

* Celica


Tiki: Zzz... Zzz...

Celica: What's Tiki doing napping without a blanket? She'll catch a cold. She looks so innocent when she sleeps. Just like a normal little girl. I can't believe such terrible power resides in such a small body...

Tiki: Are you scared of me, Celica?

Celica: Tiki! You're awake?

Tiki: Does dragon Tiki scare you? It's OK if you want me to keep my distance.

Celica: No, I don't want that. It's not that I think you're scary. I was just thinking how strange it is that you can become so powerful.

Tiki: But it's not strange at all. All Manaketes can turn into dragons.

Celica: It may be normal for you, Tiki... but there are no Manaketes where I'm from.

Tiki: No? That's too bad. What's your world like, anyway? I'd love to hear all about it!

Celica: Well, I'm from a land called Valentia. It's a continent that was formed by the sibling gods Duma and Mila.

Tiki: Whoa, sibling gods... I hope they got along!

Celica: Actually, they didn't. They fought often. Duma thought power was everything, but Mila just wanted to live with nature. Ultimately, they couldn't reconcile, so they split Valentia in half. So two countries came to be: the Rigelian Empire, protected by Duma... and the Kingdom of Zofia, protected by Mila. That was my kingdom. The people of Zofia deemed Mila the Earth Mother.

Tiki: Aww, that sounds sweet...but why?

Celica: Because she protects the land like a mother. She's actually a bit like you.

Tiki: That doesn't sound like me! What do you mean?

Celica: Well, on the one hand, she's sweet and gentle--she blesses the land and people. But she also possesses tremendous power. Just like you.

Tiki: I don't know, Celica. I think you're more like Mila than I am.

Celica: What makes you say that?

Tiki: You're kind and strong, like a mother. It's what I like most about you. I'd love to see your home kingdom someday.

Celica: Well then, by all means. You have an open invitation to Valentia. I'll show you all the sights, and we'll go to the Temple of Mila.

Tiki: Yay! I love sightseeing!

Celica: And I love talking about Zofia. So...I can't wait to show you around!



* Corrin


Corrin: I hope you don't mind me saying, Lyn,.but your sword technique is a bit odd.
Lyn: In what way?
Corrin: I've never seen movements like yours. They're close to Hoshidan.
Lyn: This style is common among the people of the plains. That's where I'm from. My father was chief of the Lorca tribe.
Corrin: You've lived your whole life on the plains?
Lyn: That's right. Some call us nomads because of all the traveling we do.
Corrin: What do you do with your houses?
Lyn: We don't need any. Instead we carry these big tents called yurts. We move with the seasons, in search of water, food, and shelter.
Corrin: I can't even imagine living like that! So what are the plains like? How expansive are they?
Lyn: They're easily the largest on the continent! The sky is a great big canopy, and a sea of grass stretches as far as you can see!
Corrin: It really goes on that far? It sounds like an amazing sight.
Lyn: It really is. I wish I could show you. The grass is so soft you don't need a pillow, and your horse can run forever. I wouldn't trade the sense of being one with the land for anything.
Corrin: It sounds amazing. Just hearing how you talk about it is making me misty-eyed! Even if it's just a glance, I would love to see the plains you call home. I lived in a tower for as long as I can remember. I was never able to enjoy wide-open spaces or nature...
Lyn: You couldn't leave? Ever?
Corrin: That's right. It's why I try to experience so much of the outside world now.
Lyn: Unbelievable! I would go stir-crazy, being cooped up like that.
Corrin: My Nohrian siblings were with me, so it wasn't all bad. It wasn't too lonely, and I didn't want for much. It was a good life. And besides, now I get to experience everything for the first time...That's kind of a gift, right?
Lyn: It's good to be optimistic, but I worry you're a bit too accepting.
Corrin: Oh, I don't know about that. I just make do with what I have.
Lyn: When this war is over, I'm taking you to see the plains. That's final! You of all people should get to see their beauty firsthand.
Corrin: You'll really take me? I am so excited to see them! We'll have to work out how, but there must be some way, right?
Lyn: You're right. If we put our heads together, we can figure it out. Let's work together to find a way! By Mother Earth and Father Sky, we will make it happen!

* Takumi


Lyn: Takumi! What was that? You were out of control in that battle!

Takumi: You again? Look, stop worrying about.me, OK? I have to test myself in battle to get stronger! There's no other way.

Lyn: But if you die, it'll all be for nothing, won't it? Won't you think of your family, if not the greater good?

Takumi: Trust me--all I do is think of my family. I need to earn my siblings' respect. I'd rather die than show any weakness in front of them...

Lyn: Are you serious?

Takumi: ...Uh, yes? What's your point?

Lyn: What could make you think your family expects that of you?!

Takumi: Well...where should I start?

Lyn: No, I don't believe you. I've met Ryoma and the others. They would grieve terribly if you were wounded or killed!

Takumi: Nah, they'd still have Corrin. They like her better anyway...

Lyn: That isn't true at all. There's only one Takumi. You're irreplaceable. What if Ryoma died? Don't you think your other siblings would care?

Takumi: Of course! No one can replace Ryoma!

Lyn: So why don't you believe Ryoma feels the same way about you?

Takumi: ...Because I'm weak.

Lyn: First, you're not weak. Second, what does that have to do with anything? Let me tell you a story about my good friend Florina.  She's a Pegasus Knight, but not a very capable one, if I'm honest. She was assigned to protect me, but it usually works out the other way around.

Takumi: So you have a weak, useless protector. Doesn't that bother you?

Lyn: Of course not! She's one of my closest friends in the world. And her strength, or lack of it, has nothing to do with that. Or take Sakura. She's much weaker than you. Do you not care about her?

Takumi: N-no! I'd do anything for her!

Lyn: That's how I know Ryoma, Hinoka, and Corrin feel the same way about you.

Takumi: You may have a point. Even though you're incredibly annoying.  I...I suppose I have some thinking to do.

Lyn: Good for you, Takumi. I was really worried about you..! Believe it or not, there are other people who care about you, too.

Takumi: If you're saying what I think you're saying...then thanks for protecting me. But I won't need protecting forever. Just watch. Soon I'll be strong enough to protect YOU...and everyone else.

Lyn: Hey, I look forward to it.

* Xander


Xander: Huh... Lyndis? Is there something on my face?
Lyn: No. Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I just think back to my friends at home every time I see you.
Xander: In the world from which you came, you mean?
Lyn: Yes. I didn't mean to be rude, staring at you
Xander: That matters not to me. Tell me about these friends of yours.
Lyn: Oh, they're a pair of knights, Kent and Sain, in service to my house. Kent's a hard worker. He'd go to any lengths to protect me. He always stands guard personally at my tent when we camp, just to be sure.
Xander: I'm impressed that you inspire such.loyalty in your retainers. Would that mine would display some measure of that diligence...
Lyn: Sain, though... I'm a little nervous I'm not there to keep an eye on him. He's decent at heart, but he gets a little carried away with the ladies...
Xander: You're saying he's a rake.
Lyn: Exactly! When we first met, he fell so hard for me, he forgot he was a knight. We're friends, don't get me wrong, but his runaway heart drives me crazy.
Xander: You don't say. I have a retainer with the same problem...
Lyn: Really?
Xander: When on guard, he flirts with the clerks. On patrol, he chats up milkmaids. I set him to keep the peace, and he draws complaints against the castle!...
....Forgive me. I lost my composure momentarily.
Lyn: Oh, don't worry. I've been there. It's funny that we have this in common. Besides, it did me good to see you lose your temper for once.
Xander: Clearly. You've lost that wistful look I first approached you about. A minor flare of temper is a small price to pay for that.
Lyn: You weren't...worried about me, I hope...
Xander: Every so often, it's plain by your face that you're longing for home. You arrived alone in this world. I cannot fault you for missing your friends.
Lyn: Thanks, Xander. I really appreciate the thought. I do miss my friends sometimes. But it's not like I'm alone. I've been here long enough to make new friends! 
Xander: In my world, my retainers are irreplaceable companions. There are times I wish I could say as much to them...  I do get lonely. 
Lyn: Me, I'm happy enough here. It's good to remember my friends from home...
And when that's not enough, I have people like you to cheer me up. 
Xander: Friendships that reach beyond worlds... I feel them too.

* Chrom


Lyn: A word, Chrom. You went pretty deep into the enemy lines back there, no?
Chrom: Did I? I lost sight of you at some point, granted, but I was in no real danger
Lyn: Did you forget what you said to me after the previous battle?
“Lyn, try not to get too far ahead of the main force. You might get hurt.”
Ringing any bells?!
Chrom: I may have said something to that effect.
Lyn: There's no “may have” about it! What's with the double standard?
Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'll drop dead from the slightest touch!
Chrom: I assure you, it has nothing to do with you being a woman
I just think my heavy armor gives me an advantage when fighting on the front line.
Lyn: All right. I get it. You think you know how strong I am just by looking at me
I swear, you're just as bad as Hector!
Chrom: You're making me nervous with that glare....
Lyn: Well, I'll make you eat those words! Consider this a challenge!
Chrom: Oof...
I accept on these terms: if I win, I act as vanguard, and you follow behind
Lyn: Same for me, then. If I win, YOU hang back and let me charge ahead!
Let's go, right now! The sooner we get this over with, the better!
Lyn: You're better than I gave you credit for.
Chrom: Same to you... I thought you weren't in my league. I hate to say this, but I call a draw. Next time, I'll come out on top.
Lyn: In your dreams! I'll work from sunup to sundown to find a way to beat you!
Till then, though, how do we decide who gets to march on the front line?
Chrom: Oh, right... That was the point of the whole competition to begin with...
Well, from all I've seen, I'm loath to stop you from leading any charge you want.
Lyn: Thanks, but I tied, not won. You ought to get to take the lead too. 
Chrom: I worry that if we both lead, we'll only get in one another's way.
Lyn: Hmm. What if we stick close together and dive into the fray at the same time?
The two of us together would be like a hurricane sweeping across the plain!
Chrom: Hah! I like the sound of that.
Even the most valiant warrior can be surrounded or overwhelmed when alone.
I worried you would come to that fate, but I'll breathe easier if we fight as one.
Lyn: You're not immune either. That armor won't protect you from everything.
Chrom: Then we agree. In which case, neither of us need restrain ourselves.
Next time, let's act together as the vanguard
The closer we get, the worse it's going to be for our enemy!

* Marth


Lyn: You're a model prince, Marth. You'd look good on a white steed...
Marth: What makes you say that?
Lyn: You have a very noble air about you. It makes for a great leader. I'm a noblewoman, but I was raised on the plains--the opposite of in a castle. So I feel like the way I act can be....unrefined, I guess. Acting noble all the time isn't all it's cracked up to be. 
Marth: Don't worry too much. You have your own qualities that make you a fine leader.
Lyn: Aw, you're just saying that to be nice.
Marth: I mean it. You have amazing strength and you care deeply for those you protect. Such traits are noble in their own right and more important than manners.
Lyn: Thanks, Marth. That means a lot coming from you. 
Marth: Your father was a respected chief, right? I'm sure you inherited some of his traits.
Lyn: I'd like to think so... Too bad I didn't get any of my mother's beauty and grace!
Marth: I think you have your own type of beauty and grace. It's just less...traditional. Your bladework reminds me of a dance, or a wind sweeping across the plains.....
Marth: I'm sorry if I said something to upset you.
Lyn: No, it's fine. What you said threw me a little, that's all. I have a friend who once told me that same thing.
Marth: So I'm not the only one who sees it. Is this friend from your world?.
Lyn: Yes. His name is Eliwood. He's a noble with real compassion for his people. He's always been there for me, through thick and thin. I owe him so much. I used to hate nobles, but that all changed when I met him.
Marth: He must have recognized your good qualities the moment he met you. Those feelings grow along with the bond between friends. Eliwood and I both immediately realized how important you would be.
Lyn: ...OK, you're making me blush. It's easy for me to see why so many people follow you too, you know. So, that said...would you mind being my mentor? I feel as though I must learn to act more nobly. And I want to wield my sword for others, not just myself. Like you!
Marth: Hmm, a fair request... But let's make a deal. I'll mentor you if you mentor me. Your swordplay is strong and flexible, and I admire your free, tenacious style.
Lyn: So we'll both be mentor and mentee... I like the sound of that.
Marth: We'll fight, learn, and grow together. I look forward to it, Lyn.

* Tiki 


Tiki: Hey, Lyn! What are you looking up at the sky for? Is someone coming?
Lyn: No, I was just thinking about the plains...
Tiki: Oh, do you want a ride? I can take you there, no problem!
Lyn: Thanks, but I doubt even you could fly that far. I was thinking of the plains where I grew up. Back in my home world.
Tiki: Oh, yeah. I can't fly you all the way there. Sorry!
Lyn: It was sweet of you to have offered. You're very generous.
Tiki: Aww, thanks. Coming from you, that means a lot.
Lyn: Pardon my asking, but you're a Manakete, right? We have dragonkind in my world too, but they're a little different.
Tiki: You have Manaketes too? I wonder if we're related! What are they like?
Lyn: I only know two of them. A brother and sister named Nils and Ninian. They could transform into ice dragons, and do a few other things too. I owe them both a great debt--they.helped me out of a lot of tight spots.
Tiki: Did they use dragonstones to transform? Cuz I need a dragonstone to transform, you know. 
Lyn: I believe they did. Nils mentioned that once, I think. Maybe you really are related!
Tiki: That would be so cool! I wish I could meet them somehow. I mean, I have friends here, but I don't know any other Manaketes... 
And we live for so long... It can get lonely after a while. 
Lyn: I hadn't thought about that. You'll outlive all of your human friends... 
I can see why you'd want a friend who'll live as long as you. Maybe I can figure out some way to introduce you...
Tiki: Yay! I'll do anything to meet more Manaketes!
Lyn: What we need is a way for you to come visit my world. 
Tiki: I'd be really excited to see you too, Lyn. Maybe I could even use my Manakete power to help you somehow. Heehee!
Lyn: You've already been a big help, Tiki.
Tiki: Aww, it's nothing. I'd do anything for you. And I bet you'd do the same for me.
Lyn: You've got that right. Thanks for being my friend.

* Celica


Lyn: Hey, Celica. I notice you still seem a little shy around me. Why is that?
Celica: I do? Pardon me, then. I don't mean to come across that way.
Lyn: I saw you were bored, but you didn't call me over. I wanted to say I wouldn't mind.
Celica: That's kind of you. But I wouldn't want to be a bother.
Lyn: Isn't that what friends are for? Though.maybe a princess isn't used to that.
Celica: Oh, no, I had many friends in my village and at the priory. Besides, a princess I may be, but you are nobility yourself, aren't you, Lyndis?
Lyn: By blood, maybe, but I grew up on the plains. “Lady” never sat right with me.
Celica: I, too, spent most of my life outside of a castle. The priory was my home.
Lyn: Huh. I didn't know that. I guess we're not so different, then.
Celica: Mm... But you were raised not knowing that you were of noble blood, right? Whereas I knew from the start.
Lyn: And you still didn't go back home?
Celica: It would've meant my life. I only left the castle with another's aid. Afterward, there was a coup... All royals besides me were put to death... That's what being royalty has meant for me. A princess's reward for surviving an assassination is nothing but open war.
Lyn: I can sympathize, believe it or not. My family were also slaughtered. But once I found out about my heritage, things improved. I met my grandfather. And I made a lot of friends. All in all, my life hasn't been so bad. Surely you have someone to live for too.
Celica: Yes... Yes, I suppose I do.
Lyn: Just think: if you hadn't been born a princess, you might never have met them. So don't be too quick to diminish your bloodline.
Celica: You're right...
Lyn: Whether I'm a noble or just plains folk, family is family. The important thing is what you can do for the people who matter.
Celica: Thank you, Lyndis. I see now that I was being a tad selfish. And that self-pity may have brought grief to those important to me... 
I should have seen the proper behavior from the start. I vow to accept what I am, and to consider what I can do for those I love. I would include you among them, Lyndis!
Lyn: Hey, the feeling's mutual! I already feel like we're fast friends. And friends don't worry about bothering each other when they're bored.
Celica: Haha! Point taken. Thank you, Lyndis.

* Anna


Lyn: I must say, Anna, I was relieved when I saw you here.
Anna: Hey, always glad to help! But what did I do this time?
Lyn: You were the only one I recognized when I first arrived here. I know we weren't all that close in our world, but...
Anna: Oh, um... Sorry, Lyn--I guess I should have told you this earlier... The Anna in your world is a different Anna.
Lyn: But you look exactly alike. And you're both named Anna.
Anna: Sure, but there's her, and there's me, and we're different people.
Lyn: That makes no sense. You're Anna. I know what Anna looks like. You're not from Badon?
Anna: Sorry, never heard of the place.
Lyn: It's a port town. An Anna who looks just like you works at the inn. We didn't talk often, but I remember she was dating a pirate.
Anna: An Anna with a steady job and a steady boyfriend? Huh! That's impressive.
Lyn: Huh! That's impressive. Now that I think about it, I feel like I've seen you all over. At an arena, a shop... 
Anna: Those must be other Annas. We're kind of all over the place. Even in this world, you can't swing a sword without hitting an Anna.
Lyn: How did I never notice this?!
Anna: We're identical, so it's hard for people to tell us apart. Happens all the time.
Lyn: Huh... I thought there was something funny going on. 
Anna: As a representative of all Annas from all worlds, I apologize for the confusion.
Lyn: It's OK. I guess I...shouldn't have assumed you're all the same person. Besides, whatever the other Annas are like, I know you're a trusted ally.
Anna: Aw, shucks. You really think so?
Lyn: Yeah. You're the only one I'd call a friend. We've had each other's backs out on the battlefield all this time, right? I may work with other Annas from time to time, but you... You're unique.
Anna: Heh, you know how to make a gal smile! For the first time, I feel like someone sees the real me. 
Lyn: We've turned into a pretty close team, haven't we? I've never had a friend quite like you.
Anna: I'll cherish this forever, Lyn! I'm glad you feel that way. So let's rely on each other out there, OK? Together we'll give our enemies a grade A butt-kicking, free of charge!

* Robin


Lyn: Robin, are you OK after that fight? Let me take a look.
Robin: I'm fine, thanks to you. You don't need to worry about me so much. Not all tacticians are helpless in battle. I've been in plenty of fights. I can take care of myself out there.
Lyn: I'm sorry--you're right. Force of habit, I guess.
Robin: That's a pretty intense habit. You watched me like a hawk. Not a single enemy got anywhere near me. What makes you so intent on protecting me?
Lyn: I'm just used to fighting that way. In my home world, I always kept the tactician close and safe. You triggered my natural instinct.
Robin: So you travel with a tactician in your home world too?
Lyn: I do, and they're every bit as brilliant as you. Actually, you have a lot in common. 
Robin: I'd like to meet this tactician someday if I can. I'd love to compare theories on war and tactics and devise new strategies.
Lyn: I'd be glad to introduce you. But I must warn you, they can be a bit...aloof....?I'm not even sure they would carry on a conversation with you.
Robin: Ahh, the strong-but-silent type. But you're on good terms, right?
Lyn: Well, sort of... They're always very quiet, even on the battlefield. Not everyone needs to talk to issue orders.
Robin: I'm sorry... What? How does one order the troops without words?
Lyn: Good question! I can somehow always tell. It's like there's an invisible arrow.
Robin: Are we talking about...telepathy? This sounds like a very advanced tactician.
Lyn: I couldn't tell you. What I do know is that they're still in training.
Robin: How strange. Though they do sound very important to you.
Lyn: So you understand why I get this sudden urge to protect you. You may not like it, but protecting you will make me feel better.
Robin: Something tells me you won't take no for an answer. But I can't just stand around and let others fight for me. I want to be just as good as your telepathic tactician.
Lyn: I'm sure you can get there! But no matter how good you get, you'll still let me protect you, right?
Robin: Of course, Lyn. If it'll make you feel better, I'll rely on you from now on.
Lyn: Just leave it to me, Robin!

* Lianna: 


Lianna: Lyn, is it true that you came to this world all by yourself? You must've been very lonely before you met up with us.
Lyn: Oh, you don't have to worry about me! I'm used to being alone. That's how I lived back on the plains.
Lianna: Back on the plains? But I thought you were from a noble family.
Lyn: Only technically. My mother was from a noble family, but not my father. He was the son of a Lorca chieftain. A nomad. My parents eloped in secret, and I was raised as a simple plains dweller.
Lianna: Did you have any idea who you were...or who your mother was?
Lyn: No... My parents were killed by a group of bandits before they could tell me. After that, the Lorca scattered. And I, well... I just lived on my own.
Lianna: How terrible! I'm sorry for bringing all this up.
Lyn: It's OK. It happened a long time ago...
Lianna: But I think it explains a lot.
Lyn: You mean why I don't act like an average member of the noble class?
Lianna: Oh, no! That's not what I meant at all. It explains your strength. Your compassion.  You're so-- I don't know....True to yourself. Me? I'm always worried about acting like a proper princess or big sister. So I'm constantly second-guessing myself and making mistakes.
Lyn: I understand. I was a bit bewildered to learn about my family's...history. Suddenly I was part of the nobility! It made me question everything.
Lianna: You were worried about the same things as me?
Lyn: I was...at first. Then, on my travels, I met some very dear friends. A reliable tactician, an interesting pair of knights, and a Pegasus Knight as well!. Ha ha! They called themselves Lyndis's Legion. I realized that those friendships defined me more than any noble bloodline.
Lianna: Interesting...
It's funny. Just like you have your friends from the Legion, I have all of you. So maybe I should worry less about being a princess and more about being a friend.
Lyn: Agreed! Things like social status shouldn't matter when among friends. We risk our lives for each other, after all.
Lianna: That's true... I guess I've been pretty foolish all this time!
Lyn: Not at all! In fact, you're one of the most genuine people I know. You're also one of the biggest worriers I know. And I love you for that!
Lianna: Thank you, Lyn. Well, I'll try not to worry quite so much about all this!
Lyn: Good! You shouldn't. But if you do....you'll still have my friendship.



* Rowan


Rowan: Guh! Ha-yaaaah! Haa-OOH!! Celica?! Ugh, you scared me!

Celica: Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to! You were so focused I didn't want to interrupt.

Rowan: Sneaking up on people while they're training is dangerous.

Celica: You didn't hurt yourself, did you?

Rowan: No, I'm fine. Is there something you want to ask me?

Celica: I was just wondering... How come you're always training so hard?

Rowan: I'm gonna be a knight. And a knight's gotta be strong, right?

Celica: But that means you'll have no choice except to march into battle.

Rowan: So? That's kind of the point. It's our duty to fight.

Celica: So, the more battles you win, the more dangerous they'll become.

Rowan: I'm not afraid, Celica. I can't protect anyone if I don't fight. Besides, I'm strong in body and mind. I can stand up to any foe!

Celica: I guess you're right... I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you.

Rowan: Why is that?

Celica: You remind me of a childhood friend. His name is Alm. He was always very brave, even when we were children. But once he became strong enough...he cast himself into war.  Our opposing views led to an argument and I said something terrible to him. I couldn't stop him from fighting, so I lost him as a friend. That can't happen to you.

Rowan: You're worried I'll push the people close to me away? I won't let that happen.

Celica: How can you be so sure?

Rowan: Because of my sister. She can be kind of bossy, but she's cautious. She's always complaining to me about...well, me, but... I know she'll stop me if I try to do something reckless. It's in those moments I realize that she complains because she cares.

Celica: You trust your sister to look out for you, but what about when she's not around?

Rowan: That's when my friends are there for me. They're sure to set me straight. For example, I know I can count on you.

Celica: How do you know that?

Rowan: You came to talk to me because you're worried. It shows you care. So I'll be fine no matter where I am or who I'm with, especially if it's you.

Celica: OK, if I'm by your side, promise me something. If I warn you you're being reckless, you'll stop and think it through. I don't want war to get in the way of our friendship like it did with Alm.

Rowan: You got it, Celica. It's a promise. If I'm ever about to do something stupid, just let me know And in return, I'll become strong enough to protect everyone.

Celica: Thank you... I'll remember your promise!

* Corrin


Celica: There were too many injuries in that last battle...

Corrin: You always look so miserable after a battle, Celica

Celica: Because it's all so avoidable. Nobody would get hurt if nobody fought, right?

Corrin: Of course. There's no denying that.

Celica: I believe war should be avoided. Cut it off at its roots and find a different way.

Corrin: You're right. I think that same thing whenever we fight. I can't help but wonder if there's a peaceful resolution

Celica: I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in my thoughts.

Corrin: The thing is, I haven't been able to find that peaceful resolution. When the time comes, all I can do is fight to protect my friends.

Celica: It's the same for me... But I don't want war to become such a natural thing. So in times like those I pray for the goddess to have mercy and end the war.

Corrin: So you're pretty spiritual?

Celica: I am a princess of Zofia, as well as a priestess of the Earth Mother, Mila. Mila is the goddess who created our kingdom, and she blesses our land.

Corrin: So it's the goddess that fills you with such affection and kindness. But ultimately, the decision of how to act is up to you?

Celica: And act I must. I once failed to protect a dear friend due to my indecision. But indecisiveness doesn't seem to be a problem for you. I'm a little jealous... You always know exactly what to do, and you act with such confidence.

Corrin: Well, between you and me, I'm not all that confident. What if there's some angle I missed? Some option I overlooked? Is the path I've chosen the right one? What if it leads to innocent people being dragged into my problems? I worry about these things constantly.

Celica: I had no idea you felt that way...

Corrin: All I can do is try to make decisions I won't regret later. If I've honestly done all I can, I must accept the results and move on.

Celica: You really are strong, Corrin. I could learn a thing or two from you. I will do everything within my power. Maybe then I can solve things peacefully. At least, that's how I feel after speaking with you.

Corrin: I think speaking with you has allowed me to clear my head too. Until the day these wars end, let's work together to do all we can.

Celica: And if we do, maybe one day war will be a thing of the past. Do you think so?

Corrin: I do, Celica. Let's give it our all.

* Xander


Xander: Celica, there you are. I've just heard quite an interesting rumor about you.

Celica: Oh no... What was it?

Xander: Nothing egregious, of course. Just that you come from a royal bloodline.

Celica: That's true, Xander. You didn't know that I'm the princess of Zofia?

Xander: Oh...my apologies. I did not mean to offend. It's just your demeanor... Rather than dignified and stoic, you are m-merciful and compassionate.

Celica: Well, for the most part I was raised in a monastery. So maybe that's what threw you off.

Xander: Perhaps. Tell me--how did a member of a royal family come to live at a priory?

Celica: By the time I was born, the Kingdom of Zofia had already become unstable. I was forced to leave the palace, but luckily I met a protector of sorts. I stayed with him awhile--until I was forced to go into hiding.

Xander: I don't know what to say. I'm...I'm sorry for bringing up this terrible experience.

Celica: Don't be. If it hadn't happened, I never would've found my calling as a priestess.

Xander: Really? I assumed you chose that path because your royal status put you at risk.

Celica: Not at all. If people knew I was still alive, they'd start a war on my behalf. But Desaix would destroy them... I have no interest in starting another war.

Xander: I cannot believe this... Lady Celica! You are willing to watch your kingdom fall into ruin just to avoid bloodshed? That's a betrayal of your people! If a kingdom is in chaos, it is the duty of a royal to put an end to it.

Celica: Even if that means asking people to risk their lives and everything they have?

Xander: Of course. A royal must not only protect the kingdom, but the future of its people.

Celica: No... I couldn't bear to see the people I love be sent off to their certain demise.

Xander: It's not easy. But neither is condemning them to a life of sadness and oppression.

Celica: That's not what I'm trying to do...

Xander: You hate war and respect peace and kindness. Those are good qualities. Yes, war leads to death, but some causes are worth the sacrifice. You were born to carry the weight of that responsibility.

Celica: You're right... Maybe I've turned my back on my kingdom for too long. Thank you for reminding me of who I am. And of my duty to my people.

Xander: I hope I haven't overstepped too much... Even I need to be reminded of my royal responsibilities every now and again. In fact, this conversation has made me anxious to get back to my kingdom.

Celica: I don't blame you...but there are people who need saving here first.

Xander: True. If I can't save this kingdom, then I will never be able to save my own. Until we return home, I'm honored to fight by your side, Lady Celica.

Celica: And I'm honored to fight beside you. But now...we should rest while we can.

* Marth


Celica: Prince Marth. Your kingdom is in Archanea, correct?

Marth: That's right. I didn't realize you'd heard of it.

Celica: It's probably coincidence, but there's a land by the same name in my world. It should be at peace right now, but...your country is at war, right?

Marth: Yes... The situation is beyond grave. Not only did I lose my own kingdom, but the entire continent is now fighting. So if I want to save my kingdom, I must save all the others as well.

Celica: That's pretty similar to the War of Shadows.

Marth: I beg your pardon?

Celica: Oh, never mind... It just reminds me of something else. The Archanea of my world had a major war, too. It lasted for years and there were many deaths. It was so tragic... It looks like you're resolved to fight, but I wonder if that's the best way. War takes such a toll on the people. Are there no peaceful solutions?

Marth: I often wish there were. But unfortunately, some foes simply cannot be reasoned with. My father fought for Archanea, and he gave his life. So now it's up to me to carry on that fight. I was born a prince of Altea, and it was my father's dying wish that I rule.

Celica: But just because you were born a prince doesn't mean you have to fight. War leads to more war, which leads to more tragedy. It's unending! And even if you survive this battle, you may not survive the next!

Marth: Even so, Celica...it is my choice to fight.

Celica: Is there no way to stop you?

Marth: I can't protect my loved ones by sitting on the sidelines. Nevertheless...you have opened my eyes to a new perspective.

Celica: I have?

Marth: Citizens dragged into war have more to lose than their lives. They can lose hope. I must have forgotten that after so much time on the battlefield. We must fight for now, but I will keep the importance of peace in mind.

Celica: It makes me happy to hear you say that, Marth... And to know that someone like you believes peace after war is possible. I may not have much to offer, but at the very least... allow me to pray for your safety, and that you achieve your goals.

Marth: Thank you, Celica. I'll do my best to see that your prayers are answered.

* Tiki


Tiki: Zzz... Zzz...

Celica: What's Tiki doing napping without a blanket? She'll catch a cold. She looks so innocent when she sleeps. Just like a normal little girl. I can't believe such terrible power resides in such a small body...

Tiki: Are you scared of me, Celica?

Celica: Tiki! You're awake?

Tiki: Does dragon Tiki scare you? It's OK if you want me to keep my distance.

Celica: No, I don't want that. It's not that I think you're scary. I was just thinking how strange it is that you can become so powerful.

Tiki: But it's not strange at all. All Manaketes can turn into dragons.

Celica: It may be normal for you, Tiki... but there are no Manaketes where I'm from.

Tiki: No? That's too bad. What's your world like, anyway? I'd love to hear all about it!

Celica: Well, I'm from a land called Valentia. It's a continent that was formed by the sibling gods Duma and Mila.

Tiki: Whoa, sibling gods... I hope they got along!

Celica: Actually, they didn't. They fought often. Duma thought power was everything, but Mila just wanted to live with nature. Ultimately, they couldn't reconcile, so they split Valentia in half. So two countries came to be: the Rigelian Empire, protected by Duma... and the Kingdom of Zofia, protected by Mila. That was my kingdom. The people of Zofia deemed Mila the Earth Mother.

Tiki: Aww, that sounds sweet...but why?

Celica: Because she protects the land like a mother. She's actually a bit like you.

Tiki: That doesn't sound like me! What do you mean?

Celica: Well, on the one hand, she's sweet and gentle--she blesses the land and people. But she also possesses tremendous power. Just like you.

Tiki: I don't know, Celica. I think you're more like Mila than I am.

Celica: What makes you say that?

Tiki: You're kind and strong, like a mother. It's what I like most about you. I'd love to see your home kingdom someday.

Celica: Well then, by all means. You have an open invitation to Valentia. I'll show you all the sights, and we'll go to the Temple of Mila.

Tiki: Yay! I love sightseeing!

Celica: And I love talking about Zofia. So...I can't wait to show you around!

* Lyn 


Lyn: Hey, Celica. I notice you still seem a little shy around me. Why is that?
Celica: I do? Pardon me, then. I don't mean to come across that way.
Lyn: I saw you were bored, but you didn't call me over. I wanted to say I wouldn't mind.
Celica: That's kind of you. But I wouldn't want to be a bother.
Lyn: Isn't that what friends are for? Though.maybe a princess isn't used to that.
Celica: Oh, no, I had many friends in my village and at the priory. Besides, a princess I may be, but you are nobility yourself, aren't you, Lyndis?
Lyn: By blood, maybe, but I grew up on the plains. “Lady” never sat right with me.
Celica: I, too, spent most of my life outside of a castle. The priory was my home.
Lyn: Huh. I didn't know that. I guess we're not so different, then.
Celica: Mm... But you were raised not knowing that you were of noble blood, right? Whereas I knew from the start.
Lyn: And you still didn't go back home?
Celica: It would've meant my life. I only left the castle with another's aid. Afterward, there was a coup... All royals besides me were put to death... That's what being royalty has meant for me. A princess's reward for surviving an assassination is nothing but open war.
Lyn: I can sympathize, believe it or not. My family were also slaughtered. But once I found out about my heritage, things improved. I met my grandfather. And I made a lot of friends. All in all, my life hasn't been so bad. Surely you have someone to live for too.
Celica: Yes... Yes, I suppose I do.
Lyn: Just think: if you hadn't been born a princess, you might never have met them. So don't be too quick to diminish your bloodline.
Celica: You're right...
Lyn: Whether I'm a noble or just plains folk, family is family. The important thing is what you can do for the people who matter.
Celica: Thank you, Lyndis. I see now that I was being a tad selfish. And that self-pity may have brought grief to those important to me... 
I should have seen the proper behavior from the start. I vow to accept what I am, and to consider what I can do for those I love. I would include you among them, Lyndis!
Lyn: Hey, the feeling's mutual! I already feel like we're fast friends. And friends don't worry about bothering each other when they're bored.
Celica: Haha! Point taken. Thank you, Lyndis.

* Anna


Celica: Hello, Anna. You've always worked in this world, right?

Anna: Yep--gotta earn that coin! Why do you ask?

Celica: It's just odd that people from other worlds seem to already know you.

Anna: Oh, they just had me confused with Annas from their own worlds. You probably had one in your world, too. Maybe working at a shop, or an inn?

Celica: Um... Maybe? I don't recall seeing anyone like you.

Anna: Wait a minute... Does that mean I'm the first Anna you've ever met?

Celica: I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but...I think so?

Anna: It can't be... But surely you've met my sisters in this world, right?

Celica: Sisters? I've seen you around--all around--this world, but... That wasn't you?! Not a single time?

Anna: That's right--not a single one! Are you friends with any of my sisters?

Celica: Well, no, we never really got to talking.

Anna: So that means I'll be the first Anna you're friends with!

Celica: Ah... I guess? This is all very confusing, Anna.

Anna: No, it's exciting! I never get to experience this!

Celica: Experience what?

Anna: Everyone always makes friends with my sisters first and then realizes I'm me. I've always been the umpteenth Anna anyone's ever met. I never thought I'd get to be someone's first Anna...

Celica: Wait, what's wrong? Are you crying?

Anna: I'm so happy! For the first time in my life I feel like someone sees me as myself!

Celica: That's not true, Anna. We all know you're you. We could really use an Anna in Zofia. There aren't too many shops like yours in my home kingdom.

Anna: Zofia, huh? Hmm...

Celica: What is it?

Anna: Once we settle the problems in this world, I'll come to Zofia!

Celica: What?! I'd be more than glad to have you, but...is that even possible?

Anna: I'll have to work out the details, but I'll find a way there. Zofia sounds like a land of pure profit. Seeing as there's no competition... If I bring items from this world, I can sell them as rare items at a huge markup!

Celica: That is some business sense... I'm sure your shop would really thrive.

Anna: But I'd give you a special discount, of course. I'm your first Anna, so you deserve extra-special treatment!

Celica: Oh, Anna, thank you! When you get there, I'll be glad to help out.

Anna: Someday, this will be reality... And I'll make both of us rich! Hehehe!

* Caeda


Caeda: Ouch!

Celica: Is your foot still troubling you?

Caeda: A bit, but it's nothing serious. I can still walk. See-- Ouch!

Celica: Don't be silly. Sit down, be still, and let me heal you. There. That should take care of the pain, but you should stay off it for a while.

Caeda: I'm sorry, but I can't afford to. Whenever Marth and the others charge into battle, I must be there with them!

Celica: You ask too much of yourself. Your foot will never heal properly if ignored.

Caeda: Oh, it's fine. I ride a pegasus, after all. I don't need my feet to fight!

Celica: You're so stubborn when it comes to Marth. Isn't there something you can do for him without putting yourself at risk? You could be a messenger, for instance, or supervise our defensive position.

Caeda: Both of those are important, it's true. But...they're not for me. I want to be right there with him, helping him in every way that I can. If that makes me selfish, I apologize.

Celica: You have nothing to apologize for. I know the feeling very well.

Caeda: Who is it in your case? Where are they?

Celica: Oh...he's not with me right now. His name is Alm. I couldn't abide by his decision to forge ahead in battle. There's nothing I can do now but pray to my goddess for his safety. If only I had chosen to support him in person as you do...

Caeda: That choice must eat at you. Still, I'm sure that someday you'll get your wish.

Celica: Yes. That is my aim, should we meet again in my world. We lived together briefly, when I was younger. Those were the days... I was capable of anything when he was at my side.

Caeda: It's the same for me and Marth! I hope you're reunited with Alm again soon, Celica.  

Celica: Haha, thank you. So do I... Caeda, if you feel you must be at the front with Marth, I'll support you. ­ ­

Caeda: Awww! That's very kind of you. 

Celica: Thinking back on my own past has helped me understand how you feel. I promise to help you look after Marth as your injuries heal. It's the least I could do for a friend.

Caeda: Thank you, Celica. I consider you a friend as well. If I have your support, then you have mine too!


* Ryoma


Anna: Ergh...so...heavy...but...must stock... store...ugh!

Ryoma: Anna! What are you doing? You could hurt yourself carrying all that!

Anna: Thanks, but...I got it...ergh... I've been managing...on my own--HEY! Ryoma?! What are you doing?

Ryoma: Carrying these items for you. I hope you don't mind.

Anna: I did...until I started to get feeling back in my arms...

Ryoma: You should have asked for my help from the very beginning.

Anna: You're right. I could've been done with this hours ago. You're such a gentleman, Ryoma! You know what? As a thank-you, I'm going to offer you a special deal. Any weapon in the shop is yours! On the house!

Ryoma: That's unnecessary, Anna. I was only acting as any friend would.

Anna: There you go again... Listen, I'm only doing what any salesperson would do. It doesn't have to be a weapon. Is there anything else you're in the market for?

Ryoma: Hmm...well, there is something, but...no. It would be too difficult.

Anna: I'll be the one to decide that! Finding unusual items is kind of my specialty...

Ryoma: All right then... What I'd really like is a little taste of Hoshido. In Hoshido we have daikon radishes, rice, miso, and azuki beans...

Anna: Oh, yes. I've heard members of your family talk all about Hoshidan food!

Ryoma: I'm sure! Nothing would make my siblings happier than a treat from their homeland.

Anna: Wow. You really are a family man, aren't you, Ryoma? Well, leave everything to me! I actually have a contact who can help me out.

Ryoma: Excellent! It will be nice to put some Hoshidan food in my belly again.

Anna: ...Are you sure there's nothing else you want? Nothing just for you?

Ryoma: No, no. As long as my family is happy, I am happy. Besides, my favorite food is rare even in Hoshido... It would be too much.

Anna: I must say, it's admirable how you always put your family first. But don't you think they'd want you to do something for yourself too? To put it another way, it's OK to be selfish every now and again.

Ryoma: Perhaps you have a point... ­Well, if it's no trouble...could you please acquire some yuzu pepper on my behalf?

Anna: You got it! Anything else?

Ryoma: Well, it would taste good with some chicken...

Anna: Sounds delicious! I'll get it in stock right away.

Ryoma: Thank you, Anna! When it does come in, I'll cook you a true Hoshidan dinner.

Anna: What? You can cook?! This I've got to see.

* Lucina


Lucina: Hmm...     
Anna: Lucina? You're staring again.
Lucina: S-sorry! I thought I was being subtle.
Anna: At first it was kinda funny, but... you really gotta get over this. 
Lucina: I know, I know. It's just... you look so much like her!     
Anna: My sister in your world?   
Lucina: Right!
Anna: OK, then. Who's cuter, her or me?
Lucina: That's a difficult question. Because you're both you... 
Anna: Eh, I'll just ask Chrom. He's also met a couple of Annas in his world, I think. 
Lucina: Yes, I've heard him talk about that. I guess they're all merchants too.
Anna: Wait. So you weren't talking about one of my sisters in Chrom's world? Then which Anna were you talking about? 
Lucina: Well, I lived in the future of my father's world... I apologize - it's very confusing.
Anna: So the Anna you met, the one that looks just like me, is...
Lucina: A different Anna from the future.
Anna: OK, I get it now. So... what is Anna from the future like? 
Lucina: Like you, she's a merchant. I went to her shop all the time! Or I guess she was... My world was destroyed by Grima, the Fell Dragon. As far as I know, the only ones who survived were my friends and me. 
Anna: That means my sister might be... dead? 
Lucina: Honestly... I don't know what happened to her. I do know that when Ylisse fell... not a lot of people got out... I'm sorry. I wish I could've saved her! 
Anna: There's no need to apologize to me! And I dunno... maybe she's still out there.    
Lucina: I hope that's the case...  
Anna: Seriously, my sisters and I... we're tough. Look at us! Somehow we're able to live under any and every conceivable tyranny! Lucina: I guess when you put it that way, she's probably fine.
Anna: Yep! And I'm sure she understood why you couldn't save her yourself. I bet she loved you, Lucina. How could she not? I know I could never be mad at you!
Lucina: Oh, Anna! 
Anna: So don't worry about it, OK?  
Lucina: Yes, OK... And thank you. You know, I believe our friendship is somehow connected to the other Anna. Maybe that's why I've felt so close to you since we first met. It almost feels like a gift from Anna of my world... and from you.  
Anna: Well then...you're welcome!

* Camilla


Camilla: Hello there, Anna. Do you carry any rare items in this little shop of yours?

Anna: Indeed we do, Camilla! But, uh...how rare are we talking?

Camilla: I'm after something that can only be found in this world.

Anna: Interesting... How about one of these pots? They're supposed to be legendary.

Camilla: I don't know...they're just pots, aren't they? What's legendary about them?

Anna: It grants wishes! Make a wish, and if the pot breaks--by accident--wish granted!

Camilla: Are you sure it works? Here, let me test it right now!

Anna: Uh... What about this? It's a poisonous mushroom from a local forest! Eat it, and you'll have unstoppable hiccups for three days and three nights!

Camilla: What an...unusual poison.

Anna: Right?! It's the real deal, which is why it's so expensive. Care for a free sample?

Camilla: Hmm... I like both the pots and the mushrooms. I'll take your entire stock.

Anna: Seriously?! That's a hundred pots, er...I mean--great!

Camilla: Perfect. They'll make excellent souvenirs.

Anna: Souvenirs? For who?

Camilla: For my retainers. They're the two most adorable girls you'd ever meet. There's Selena, who's all charm and grace...until you cross her. Or until she loses. She's a moody one, but loyal. Then there's Beruka, a former assassin. She almost killed me, so I brought her on. Want to hear something sweet? She never bathes without her dagger.

Anna: Y-yeah. That's...s-sweet.

Camilla: I'm sure they're both out of their minds with worry since I disappeared. So I thought a few unique gifts would make it up to them.

Anna: Are you sure you don't want to buy them something more...sentimental?

Camilla: Oh, no! The pots and the mushrooms are absolute perfection. The pots are for Selena. She loves to cook. And Beruka just adores anything poisonous! 

Anna: How endearing.

Camilla: Ha ha! She'll probably make all sorts of nefarious plans with those mushrooms... Only to realize they merely induce a mild case of the hiccups! ­

Anna: Well, I didn't expect such a strong demand for these items...  I wasn't sure I'd be able to sell them at all, much less in one day! I'll have to track down some more somehow... Thank you, Camilla! This has been an eye-opening experience!

Camilla: I'm the one who should be thanking you, Anna. But this may not be enough pots. Will you tell me when you get more in stock?

Anna: Of course! Anything for my new favorite customer! 

* Robin


Anna: Step right up! Everything in the store is half-price today and today only! Well, well. If it isn't Robin! Take a look around. We've got quite a selection.

Robin: It's so busy in here. Are you sure I won't be distracting you?

Anna: Of course not! Any friend of mine is considered a VIP.

Robin: Let's have a look then... Oh, wow! You weren't kidding about that sale.

Anna: No I wasn't! And there's an additional discount for regular customers.

Robin: Really? You're basically giving this stuff away. How can this be? This sword is so light... It almost feels like a toy.

Anna: Ah, Missiletainn! A legendary swordsman once used it to save an entire village.

Robin: Does that story fool anyone, Anna? Though it would be good for defense...

Anna: Give it a swing! It's got a lot of power. I'll even let you borrow it if you want.

Robin: Hah! No thanks. I think it's meant for someone a little more...pretentious.  But this spear is pretty interesting...  Are those shells?

Anna: Right now you're holding the Summer of Bones, a legend in the southern lands. It flies completely straight when thrown and is known to make its wielder sigh.

Robin: And that's a selling point? Huh... A throwing spear with shells. Weird.

Anna: Maybe, but one attack with this spear can incapacitate a tactician instantly.

Robin: A tactician?! I'll just put this down then... Weapons from this world are impressive. I've seen some take out multiple enemies in one blow without taking any damage!

Anna: You don't have weapons in your world that can do that?

Robin: No. I'm used to a weapon breaking after you use it over and over again.

Anna: Yikes! Weapons from your world sound super inconvenient.

Robin: No, it just means you have to treat them with care--bond with them.

Anna: Hmm... I bet if I took these weapons to your world I'd make a killing!

Robin: What?! How would you even get them there?

Anna: Leave the business plans to the experts, Robin. You got here, didn't you? All I have to do is figure that out, and then...BOOM! I'll be swimming in cash!

Robin: B-but...wearing down your enemies' weapons is a battle tactic!

Anna: So you're saying I might face some resistance on the other end... Huh... Well, once they see what these babies can do, they'll be lining up for one! ­As a thank-you for giving me this idea, I guess I should give you a profit share.

Robin: R-really? Oh...well. Thank you, Anna... You really are quite the businesswoman.

Anna: Hey, there are no discounts for flattery. Except on the Missiletainn.

Robin: No offense, but you couldn't pay me to take that sword.

* Lissa


Anna: Lissa! Perfect timing. Is there something you need?

Lissa: Well, I have enough weapons already... Maybe some cooking supplies?

Anna: That wouldn't have been my first guess. Why do you want those?

Lissa: I'm not a very good cook, but I've always wanted to learn. So I probably start with a pot or something, right?

Anna: Oh, you've triggered my business alarm. I have just the thing!

Lissa: Great! What is it?

Anna: Heh heh... I call it Anna's School of Chefalry!

Lissa: “Chefalry”? Oh, like how to cook? You teach that?

Anna: Sure! Nowadays, selling skills has a way better return on investment than items.

Lissa: Selling skills? Return on investment? This sounds complicated.

Anna: Oh, it's exceedingly simple, trust me. You pay. I teach. You learn! Money will be raining from the sky! Hehehe... Hahaha... Aah-hahahaha!

Lissa: But...are you a good enough cook to teach people how?

Anna: Once you're the first to sign up for a course, we'll find out together, won't we? I'll even give you a first-student discount! Just spread the word about the class! When everyone tastes your amazing cooking, my class will fill right up.

Lissa: Ahh, I get it. In return for the lesson, I'll be a living advertisement.  

Anna: You catch on quick! Now let's! Get! Cooking!


Lissa: Anna, I was on chef duty yesterday! How was the meal? I'm worried I used too much heat.

Anna: Well, it was a little well-done, but the rich flavor covered it up.

Lissa: Whew! Thank you, Anna. You're a good cook and a good teacher.

Anna: Aw, you're making me blush! Teaching is no different than running a business.

Lissa: Don't be so humble. I've been telling everyone how great your class was. They all seemed pretty jealous. I think your new business is about to take off.

Anna: Yeah, people have been asking me about it nonstop. You're a regular sales magnet! Maybe I should get you to promote my shop, too.

Lissa: I didn't do anything--the food spoke for itself. But I'd be glad to help your shop.

Anna: Well, you've got yourself a new job! Wait, will I have to pay you? ­

Lissa: Teaching me how to cook was payment enough.

Anna: In that case, I'll cram you full of kitchen expertise!

Lissa: I'd love to learn how to cook all sorts of meals...and desserts too!

Anna: Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll graduate to teaching. The school will expand... More students will enroll... And I'll get filthy rich!

Lissa: Just leave it to me! You keep teaching and I'll keep cooking!

* Caeda


Caeda: Every time I see you, Anna, you're hard at work. Don't you ever take a day off?

Anna: Don't worry about me, Caeda. I can take care of myself. Even if I had free time, I wouldn't know what to do with it.

Caeda: Oh. I thought you would have a boyfriend or something.

Anna: A boyfriend? Why would you think that?

Caeda: I guess because, well...the Anna I know in my world has a boyfriend, so... I just figured you had one too.

Anna: Interesting... Have you ever met this “boyfriend”?

Caeda: Haha! Yes. His name is Jake. Actually, he was a soldier in our enemy's forces.

Anna: Oh. Did you have to fight him?

Caeda: Not at all. In fact, he's a pacifist and was a conscientious objector at the time. I thought he might like Anna, so I did a little matchmaking. I have something of a magic touch when it comes to matters of the heart.

Anna: He sounds pretty great... I wish you introduced him to me first!

Caeda: Haha! I'm not sure your sister would've liked that very much. But I guess it shouldn't be a surprise to me that you have the same taste.

Anna: Oh, we probably do, don't we? That's kinda embarrassing...  

Caeda: Is there anyone in THIS world you've had your eye on?

Anna: Huh?! My eye? Uh... Not really. Work keeps me pretty busy, so...  

Caeda: Come on, Anna! There has to be someone you're interested in!

Anna: There's not! And I'll have you know, Caeda, that that's just fine with me.

Caeda: Don't be so defensive! I'm curious, that's all. I had no idea you were such a busybody.

Anna: Fine... I'll admit it. I wouldn't mind a little...romance, I suppose.

Caeda: If that's the case, then maybe you could start by working a little less.

Anna: Now you lost me.

Caeda: Anna! You're bright and clever, not to mention very pretty. You're a catch!

Anna: And this has what to do with my work?

Caeda: I bet men throw themselves at you all the time, and you don't even notice!  

Anna: Y-you really think so? Well I guess I'll start paying more attention then!

Caeda: I'm glad to hear it! Ooh, I'm so excited for you! With all this war going on, I had no idea how much I needed a little intrigue! So you're all right with me coming to you for dating advice...maybe?

Anna: All right with it? I'd love that!

Caeda: I just used the word “dating.” Weird.

* Celica


Celica: Hello, Anna. You've always worked in this world, right?

Anna: Yep--gotta earn that coin! Why do you ask?

Celica: It's just odd that people from other worlds seem to already know you.

Anna: Oh, they just had me confused with Annas from their own worlds. You probably had one in your world, too. Maybe working at a shop, or an inn?

Celica: Um... Maybe? I don't recall seeing anyone like you.

Anna: Wait a minute... Does that mean I'm the first Anna you've ever met?

Celica: I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but...I think so?

Anna: It can't be... But surely you've met my sisters in this world, right?

Celica: Sisters? I've seen you around--all around--this world, but... That wasn't you?! Not a single time?

Anna: That's right--not a single one! Are you friends with any of my sisters?

Celica: Well, no, we never really got to talking.

Anna: So that means I'll be the first Anna you're friends with!

Celica: Ah... I guess? This is all very confusing, Anna.

Anna: No, it's exciting! I never get to experience this!

Celica: Experience what?

Anna: Everyone always makes friends with my sisters first and then realizes I'm me. I've always been the umpteenth Anna anyone's ever met. I never thought I'd get to be someone's first Anna...

Celica: Wait, what's wrong? Are you crying?

Anna: I'm so happy! For the first time in my life I feel like someone sees me as myself!

Celica: That's not true, Anna. We all know you're you. We could really use an Anna in Zofia. There aren't too many shops like yours in my home kingdom.

Anna: Zofia, huh? Hmm...

Celica: What is it?

Anna: Once we settle the problems in this world, I'll come to Zofia!

Celica: What?! I'd be more than glad to have you, but...is that even possible?

Anna: I'll have to work out the details, but I'll find a way there. Zofia sounds like a land of pure profit. Seeing as there's no competition... If I bring items from this world, I can sell them as rare items at a huge markup!

Celica: That is some business sense... I'm sure your shop would really thrive.

Anna: But I'd give you a special discount, of course. I'm your first Anna, so you deserve extra-special treatment!

Celica: Oh, Anna, thank you! When you get there, I'll be glad to help out.

Anna: Someday, this will be reality... And I'll make both of us rich! Hehehe!

* Lyn


Lyn: I must say, Anna, I was relieved when I saw you here.
Anna: Hey, always glad to help! But what did I do this time?
Lyn: You were the only one I recognized when I first arrived here. I know we weren't all that close in our world, but...
Anna: Oh, um... Sorry, Lyn--I guess I should have told you this earlier... The Anna in your world is a different Anna.
Lyn: But you look exactly alike. And you're both named Anna.
Anna: Sure, but there's her, and there's me, and we're different people.
Lyn: That makes no sense. You're Anna. I know what Anna looks like. You're not from Badon?
Anna: Sorry, never heard of the place.
Lyn: It's a port town. An Anna who looks just like you works at the inn. We didn't talk often, but I remember she was dating a pirate.
Anna: An Anna with a steady job and a steady boyfriend? Huh! That's impressive.
Lyn: Huh! That's impressive. Now that I think about it, I feel like I've seen you all over. At an arena, a shop... 
Anna: Those must be other Annas. We're kind of all over the place. Even in this world, you can't swing a sword without hitting an Anna.
Lyn: How did I never notice this?!
Anna: We're identical, so it's hard for people to tell us apart. Happens all the time.
Lyn: Huh... I thought there was something funny going on. 
Anna: As a representative of all Annas from all worlds, I apologize for the confusion.
Lyn: It's OK. I guess I...shouldn't have assumed you're all the same person. Besides, whatever the other Annas are like, I know you're a trusted ally.
Anna: Aw, shucks. You really think so?
Lyn: Yeah. You're the only one I'd call a friend. We've had each other's backs out on the battlefield all this time, right? I may work with other Annas from time to time, but you... You're unique.
Anna: Heh, you know how to make a gal smile! For the first time, I feel like someone sees the real me. 
Lyn: We've turned into a pretty close team, haven't we? I've never had a friend quite like you.
Anna: I'll cherish this forever, Lyn! I'm glad you feel that way. So let's rely on each other out there, OK? Together we'll give our enemies a grade A butt-kicking, free of charge!


Edited by ProtoManDan
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I like the support structure of the game, where there is one conservation per character. It allows for them to  demonstrate who they are while being short in relation of the traditional  supports in the series. A remake of Radiant Dawn could learn something here. 

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Kinda disappointed Leo got the short end of the stick here, though he'll probably have an Owain support when Owain's released.

But there are some pretty nice ones in here, and it's nice to see supports for Leo/Ryouma, Xander/Takumi, Camilla/Sakura, and Hinoka/Elise sice they didn't support back in Fates.

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Thanks a lot to everyone who worked on these. These are pretty fun to read, but I'll be saving some to read them in-game. 

I hope they add a few more with later updates. Some characters really got shafted (most notably Leo). 

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Is there a particular reason why Niles is listed under certain characters' supports (Lianna and Sakura), but the rest of the NPCs aren't anywhere here?

Also, shouldn't those ones be spoilered out?


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This is a great resource for me when comparing translations. Thank you.

(Though now I am not sure where to post my translations... Thoughts?)

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3 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Cordelia->Hinoka has Lucina/Hinoka's support under it, FYI

Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix it right away.

19 minutes ago, Nanima said:

This is a great resource for me when comparing translations. Thank you.

(Though now I am not sure where to post my translations... Thoughts?)

I think a lot of people would be interested in knowing the directly translated versions of the supports. If you'd like to make a thread I could link here :)

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34 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:
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Is there a particular reason why Niles is listed under certain characters' supports (Lianna and Sakura), but the rest of the NPCs aren't anywhere here?

Also, shouldn't those ones be spoilered out?



There are only two of Niles' supports found in the game's data. Not only that, but the only language they are in is English. What likely happened is that Oboro, Owain, and Niles's supports were all removed from the data except for these two which were accidentally left in. It's also possible that they are simply early drafts, as the supports use the characters' Japanese names. But yeah, I'll edit them as spoilers.


Edited by ProtoManDan
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5 minutes ago, ProtoManDan said:

I think a lot of people would be interested in knowing the directly translated versions of the supports. If you'd like to make a thread I could link here :)

Hmm all three I have translated so far are somewhere in the support compedium thread already. I'd say I'll post them there until I have finished them all (Yes, I am being ambitious`. I average around one support a day), then make a seperate topic for them like you did. Alternatively, once I am done is it possible to update this thread and rename it to include the translations?

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5 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Hmm all three I have translated so far are somewhere in the support compedium thread already. I'd say I'll post them there until I have finished them all (Yes, I am being ambitious`. I average around one support a day), then make a seperate topic for them like you did. Alternatively, once I am done is it possible to update this thread and rename it to include the translations?

Feel free to post them here for the time being! If I'm not mistaken, you're posting them to your Tumblr account as well, correct? I could link that in the first post if you like.

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17 minutes ago, ProtoManDan said:

Feel free to post them here for the time being! If I'm not mistaken, you're posting them to your Tumblr account as well, correct? I could link that in the first post if you like.

All right, thanks. Here are the links to the first three supports I translated:

Takumi/Lissa: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/165876657252/takumi-lissa-japanese-warriors-support

Takumi/Marx: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/165904082597/marx-takumi-japanese-warriors-support

Takumi/Lyn: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/165939681367/lyn-takumi-japanese-warriors-support

I am also taking requests for the order in which I am doing them, which means next up is Ryouma/Lianna.

Thank you again.

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Thanks for crediting me (though I don't feel like I've contributed as much as everyone else). While I'm at it, I'm really sorry I wasn't handling the original compilation diligently, I was preoccupied with so much schoolwork at the time that it wasn't possible for me to keep up. 

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Oh dear.  I hope there are alternate lines recorded for Frederick with his support with Corrin, otherwise it will be very awkward should Corrin be a male...

Besides that (admittedly I haven't read them all), these supports are very well written!  It's really nice that they imply to have gotten to know each other outside the supports and are even learning from each other!  I'm really looking forward to hearing them in the game itself.  :)

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That one, probably left by an error, of Niles and Sakura is actually very good, like it make me like him a bit more... Then he ended it in a weird way, poor Sakura lol... But is actually interesting to read these two intercating... Now I wonder if Oboro had a similar one with Elise... Too bad is not possible going to happen and that one of Niles was just forgotten to be deleted :l

Well, it looks that Takumi now have new sisters in other worlds thanks to Lissa and Lyn! Lyn for sure will be a good older sister, can you imagine Lyn teaching Takumi how to use a bow while riding a horse? Because I can!  And that one of Frederick and Leo is just... Funny. Poor Leo, how did he wanted to use a pillow as a book? Looks that Frederick now have double job haha.

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Translated Ryouma/Lianna here: http://nanigma.tumblr.com/post/165979441827/ryouma-lianna-japanese-warriors-support

Also included: a tangent on the etymological usage of the title 'king' and it's association with gender... because, as a history major, I couldn't help myself. 

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Um, mind deleting the text formatting throughout the first post? For those of us using the Night Forest theme, we have to highlight the text to read it properly, since it appears black on a dark gray background to us.

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(Going to second the Night Forest theme).

Also, can someone explain this line to me? How does this interpretation of Florina's meeting Lyn... work?

Lyn: First, you're not weak. Second, what does that have to do with anything? Let me tell you a story about my good friend Florina.  She's a Pegasus Knight, but not a very capable one, if I'm honest. She was assigned to protect me, but it usually works out the other way around.

Takumi: So you have a weak, useless protector. Doesn't that bother you?

Lyn: Of course not! She's one of my closest friends in the world. And her strength, or lack of it, has nothing to do with that.

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