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Replacing portraits


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You might have figured this out already since it's been a few days, but changing portraits is just about the easiest thing you can do as FE romhacking goes, and pretty self-explanatory once you get started. FE7 and FE8 use the same format, so you can freely swap portraits in and out between them.

First, open feditor and the rom you want to extract a portrait from (so FE7 in this case). Click Tools-> Portrait Editor...


It'll look something like this. Now, at 2, you can click the arrows or just place the cursor in the field and use the up and down keys to scroll through the portraits present in the game. (You can also type in a number if you know what you're looking for.) In this case, Jaffar's at 21. Once you've found it, click Save To File... and input a name. Let's call it "jaffar.png".

Now, hit File-> Open... (if feditor prompts you to save, just click "close without saving" since we haven't done anything that needs to be saved to the FE7 rom) and select your FE8 rom. Again, go to Tools-> Portrait Editor...


Find Ephraim's portrait (it's at 14, as you can see). Now hit Load From File... and select the jaffar.png you created.


It'll look like this. That almost works! However, you'll find that his eyes are misaligned on the bottom portrait. To solve that, just click and drag the misaligned bit one step to the left.


And there we go! Hit Save. Now, Ephraim's regular portrait will look like Jaffar.


However! Ephraim also has another portrait at 15 as well, with the "Eyes always closed" option selected. To change it, do the exact same thing again: load from file, select jaffar.png, and then adjust the eyes until they're properly aligned. Then go to File-> Save. (If feditor asks if you want to apply unsaved changes, say yes.) Then run the rom.


If it looks like this, congratulations! You have successfully hacked FE8.


Edit: Oh yeah, Ephraim has yet another portrait that is used for the flashbacks!


So if you're feeling fancy, you could recolour Jaffar and insert


something like this instead. If you feel like it.

Edited by vilkalizer
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