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3 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Do you play sports? If yes, which?

How did the dad rock meme start?

Favourite genre for movies/books/anime?

What's your favourite Jojo part?

And also... favourite Jojo character?

And...who is the best Jojo?

When I was a kid, I played baseball and (American) football. Quit football my freshman year of high school, when everyone else went through their growth spurt and I didn't. Then I hit mine a year later but I only grew upwards, not outwards, so I think it was still a good call. Baseball I didn't give up on until I failed to make my high school baseball team three years in a row, because  the one thing I can't do in baseball is throw a baseball, and it turns out that's a pretty important component. Nowadays I just watch the occasional football game and feel the shame inherent to inheriting a Dallas Cowboys fandom from one's parents.

it's cause i listen to a lot of dad rock lmao

This is kind of a tricky one for me, because I tend to like stuff that comes from a multitude of different ends of the spectrum. For books and anime, I'm usually drawn to things with some sort of supernatural or nonreal element to it - I'm big on both fantasy and sci-fi. Films are difficult for me to enjoy independent of the context of their actual quality (thanks, film school) so I guess my favorite genre of movie is good ones? I tend to be big on auteur-type directors with distinct visual styles - think Quentin Tarantino, Guillermo Del Toro, Edgar Wright, etc.

I waffle between Battle Tendency and Stardust Crusaders. Stardust has some very strong villains and the episodic style generally works for me, whereas Battle Tendency's humor is probably the strongest of the series and I love how crafty the protagonists have to be, since they're so ridiculously outmatched by their opponents.

Joseph Joestar will always and forever be my favorite character and Best JoJo. Honorable mention to Misters Robert E. O. Speedwagon and Yoshikage Kira.

1 minute ago, Paperblade said:

give a walrus point ranking for all the RWBY songs


i think armed and ready is lowkey my new favorite tho (caveat: haven't listened to or watched vol 5 yet)

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for vol 4 at least (that being Let's Just Live, Like Morning Follows Night, Bad Luck Charm, This Lif eis Mine, Home, Armed and Ready, Lusus Naturae, and Bmblb) then? If not numbers give a ranking like first second third etc.

Also rank the openings, can include season 5 if u want

Edited by Paperblade
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1 minute ago, Paperblade said:

for vol 4 at least? If not numbers give a ranking like first second third etc.

you're gonna have to give me a bit to relisten and refresh my memory

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Can you give a critical analysis of RWBY and Jojo?

I'm surprised you didn't have Diamond Is Unbreakable up there. What are your qualms with it?

What is your favourite pokemon type?

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2 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Can you give a critical analysis of RWBY and Jojo?

I'm surprised you didn't have Diamond Is Unbreakable up there. What are your qualms with it?

What is your favourite pokemon type?

i'll get to this first one tomorrow along with pb's soundtrack rankings

Something about part 4 lacked a certain charm that I feel 2 and 3 had. I think its episodic nature may have had something to do with it. While I thought the more episodic tendencies of Stardust were refreshing compared to the purely serial Battle Tendency, I think p4 took things a bit too far and had too many episodes that ultimately wound up feeling completely irrelevant. Not that I still didn't greatly enjoy it, it's just that I like it a bit less than my favorites. Kinda feel the same way about Phantom Blood, though obviously for completely different reasons.

ice ice baby

someday gamefreak will give me an earlygame ice type

and that's the day i can quit pokemon forever, finally victorious

until that day

i must stay ever vigilant

1 hour ago, Paperblade said:

Who is best girl?

Have you ever been caught masturbating by a family member?

my girlfriend

if you mean in rwby then nora 100%. honorable mention to yang

if you mean in anime in general... tough one. klk's ryuko, steins;gate's kurisu, dr2's ibuki. i wouldn't really say i have "waifus", but i think they have cool designs/aesthetics/personalities and am fans of them as characters

i have not.

49 minutes ago, BBM said:

what do you like/dislike about NOC vs EiMM vs OC?

Depending on how crazy the format of the OC is they can really be two completely different games. NOC is entirely about behavioral analysis - taking careful looks at tone, phrasing, how players talk to/about other players, how and when players vote... it's an entirely interpersonal experience. And I hate being mafia in NOC because I can't fake any of that for shit. There are times where I get burned out on NOC but the feeling of having caught a member of the mafia solely off your own wits and analysis rather than roles or luck is an incredibly intoxicating one.

Simpler formats of OC are more about information control and planning. Scumreads are harder to form in a 1 on 1 environment, where there's no outside accountability and no pressure to perform for anyone except the person at the other end of that PM window. As such, proper use of roles becomes MUCH more important. It's a highly tactical affair that I liken to a turn-based strategy game, where you're trying to weed out liars by sending them off to perform their claimed actions in JUST the right combo to make a breakthrough. The biggest issue with these games is how easy it is to be on the outside looking in - even if you invest effort into the game, there's a very real chance that the village leader never clears you, so you're forced to spend the whole game sheeping votes and shooting PMs that may never receive replies, because let's face it, you don't have any leverage if you aren't clear.

Multifaction and, at its extreme, free-for-alls and EIMMs, are different still. The game here retains its tactical elements, but also becomes highly political. I liken these games almost to a game of Diplomacy (an excellent board game that everyone I know except me hates) - you're making deals, breaking deals, trying to keep your story straight, trying to play all sides while at the same time only playing your own. I absolutely love these and my only complaints are about how much effort they require and about how emotional they occasionally become - I personally am good at keeping my emotions in check and not holding grudges, but I understand that there are many who can't replicate this, and while I don't hold it against them it can be fairly draining to deal with.

40 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Does Paperblade's question bring back great memories?

cease this at once

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On 1/15/2018 at 2:48 AM, Paperblade said:

for vol 4 at least (that being Let's Just Live, Like Morning Follows Night, Bad Luck Charm, This Lif eis Mine, Home, Armed and Ready, Lusus Naturae, and Bmblb) then? If not numbers give a ranking like first second third etc.

Also rank the openings, can include season 5 if u want

after extensive research i have come up with an answer for you

because this isn't a walrus i will simply be ranking rather than scoring. i have also allotted two words per song as a writeup of sorts

Volume 4 OST

1. Armed and Ready - hell yeah

2. This Life Is Mine - great progression

3. Let's Just Live - solid op

4. Bmblb - cheesy, fun

5. Lusus Naturae - kinda cool

6. Home - falling asleep

7. Bad Luck Charm - where's casey?

8. Like Morning Follows Night - fuckin lamar

OPs (5 not included)

1. Time To Say Goodbye - fight me

2. This Will Be The Day - a classic

3. Let's Just Live - it's good

4. When It Falls - less good

On 1/15/2018 at 3:02 AM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Can you give a critical analysis of RWBY and Jojo?

(my discussion of RWBY will not include volume 5, as I've seen exactly none of it. my discussion of JoJo will focus solely on the anime, as I've not read ahead in the manga)

(also it's been a while since i watched RWBY so apologies if my memory is rusty on anything)

From a purely technical perspective, RWBY suffers a bit - while its sound design is great (and the initially-shaky voice acting has improved over time), its visuals (fairly obviously, I think) leave something to be desired. Animations, especially early in the show, tend to be quite janky, and it's evident that much more effort was put into animating the fight scenes than anything else. The fight scenes occasionally suffer from this too, though the impressive choreography tends to mask it.

From a writing perspective, RWBY has been steadily improving since the show started. While starting with a focus on a fairly simple "save the world" plot, its initial characterizations were surprisingly effective, and it only improves from here - in fact, I would argue that Volume 4 was RWBY's strongest season from a pure writing standpoint, as the character development undergone by most of the cast is pulled off in an impressive and mature manner. Season 3 featured flashes of this as well, while also featuring, in my opinion, stronger progression of the overall plot (though I'll admit bias here - I'm a sucker for tournament arcs). Worldbuilding, which started out somewhat mediocre here, also became somewhat of a strength through side content, though much still fails to be elaborated on in the main story.

JoJo is a tricky one to analyze for multiple reasons - for starters, each of the 4 currently aired arcs carry a vastly different tone and intent, but on an even more base level than that, the show at its core doesn't attempt to achieve anything beyond "buff dudes punching each other with [breathing/ghosts]". Because of this, the quality of the show's writing can be very inconsistent, as it mostly takes a backseat to and is simply a vessel for the action - action which, I don't think I need to mention, is done spectacularly well, and animated fantastically to boot.

When JoJo's writing works, it tends to use simple but effective plot hooks to provide characters with motivation - for example, a forced deadline, as in Battle Tendency, or a travel destination, as in Stardust Crusaders. Where the show sometimes falls flat is in developing these characters - later seasons in particular have an issue with this, but in a fairly interesting way. Without spoiling anything, side characters in Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable tend to receive real character development, whereas the JoJos are fairly static throughout those particular arcs. Jotaro Kujo in particular is perhaps my least favorite JoJo (despite my love for his arc) due simply to how flat and uninteresting a character he is. Jotaro, though far from a Mary Sue, is never motivated by anything that would lead him to correct his own flaws, and thus remains static throughout his arc. Contrast this with earlier JoJos, who have clear character motivation from within and/or flaws they need to correct and overcome throughout the course of the story.

Hope this is somewhere near what you were hoping for. Media studies wasn't my area of focus, so I basically just gave my opinion on the objective quality of each show.

19 hours ago, j00 said:

Favorite NOC roles of each faction?

Favorite OC roles of each faction?

Most memorable SFmafia game you played?

Vanilla town. I can play however I want knowing that it's not really a huge deal if I die. For mafia, I really enjoy having more strategic roles like a watcher or a framer on my team - roles that require more skill to use than something point-and-click like a rolecop or a roleblocker.

OC is trickier to play favorites in because every game is different, and thus every set of roles is different. In general I enjoy being info roles when townsided, and being some kind of tricky or manipulative role when scumsided - something that will allow me to, ideally, mole my way onto the village spreadsheet, or at least put some serious damage in their plans to clear people.

The EIMM I won (Gaius's First Blood) technically wasn't an SF game (it was run on MU using the official EIMM discord server, as a way to drum up interest for future games), but I think the playerlist was >50% SF so I kinda count it? If that doesn't count, then I guess I'll go with LG's other EIMM, Allstars. Is Lord Gaius the greatest host ever, or do I simply have a ridiculously small sample size to choose from? You decide.

(it's the latter)

(<3 gaius)

17 hours ago, SB. said:

Do you have a Walrein plushie irl?

God, I wish. I DO have a little Walrein shrinky-dink that my girlfriend made me, though:



(large pic)

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3 hours ago, BBM said:

why walrein

When I first signed up for a ShoddyBattle account at roughly age 11 I wanted to ditch my old internet username because it was dumb and bad but I had no idea what to replace it with. At the time I was also playing Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and I had a Walrein that was in the process of kicking some serious ass. Thus the name WalreinXD.

The XD was later dropped. For good reason.

1 hour ago, Paperblade said:

smash marry kill: dle, sam, your girlfriend

kill sam marry my gf fuck dle no shame

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My games are objectively the best, love you too Wally <3

12 Players to play NOC with?

12 Players to play OC with? 

19 others to compete in an EiMM against?

(Above three questions do not have to be limited to SF users) 

What's a band you like that's pretty unknown you'd think I'd enjoy?

Favorite type of drink?

Rank DR1 and DR2 casts (you've probably done this but I've forgotten)

On 1/16/2018 at 9:10 PM, Walrein said:

Kill sam marry my gf fuck dle no shame

 This is a quality take.

Edited by Lord Gaius
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46 minutes ago, Lord Gaius said:

12 Players to play NOC with?

12 Players to play OC with? 

19 others to compete in an EiMM against?

(Above three questions do not have to be limited to SF users) 

What's a band you like that's pretty unknown you'd think I'd enjoy?

Favorite type of drink?

Rank DR1 and DR2 casts (you've probably done this but I've forgotten)

There's going to be a fair bit of overlap in these lists (and quite a bit of it is probably going to be non-SF).

NOC: Thingyman, lute, Da Letter El, Paperblade, Secondhand Revenant, Adam, jumpluff, Askthepizzaguy, Sunbae, GeneralHankerchief, t om, Lissa

OC: you, Da Letter El, Paperblade, UncleSam, billymills, askaninjask, jumpluff, moi, Ditto, vonFiedler, Agape, Blazade

EIMM: you, Paperblade, Secondhand Revenant, Jiac, Javelinlover, Makaze, Blitz, Elieson, Da Letter El, VigilanteVigoroth, Reinfleche, SB, Einto, Steven Snype, Marth, Zeonth, acidphoenix, General Ciraxis, Refa

how do you feel about slightly proggy power metal?

I drink far more soda than is probably healthy. Favorites include Sunkist, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Mountain Dew. Others include milkshakes (both vanilla and chocolate) and hot chocolate. I don't drink alcohol.

won't be including protags in these rankings



  1. Kyoko
  2. Junko
  3. Byakuya
  4. Mondo
  5. Hina
  6. Genocide Jill
  7. Mukuro
  8. Taka
  9. Sakura
  10. Chihiro
  11. Sayaka
  12. Celeste
  13. Hiro
  14. Leon
  15. Hifumi
  16. Toko


  1. Ibuki
  2. Gundham
  3. Fuyuhiko
  4. Mahiru
  5. Nekomaru
  6. Chiaki
  7. Peko
  8. Twogami
  9. Nagito
  10. Sonia
  11. Kazuichi
  12. Akane
  13. Mikan
  14. Hiyoko
  15. Teruteru


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