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Olivia, Blushing Beauty


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Olivia, Blushing Beauty

Unlike most Dancers/Singers, she is guaranteed to be FREE and accessible. Do you know what is better than the buy-one-get-one-free deal? One-free-and-one-free deal! The game gives you two for the price of nothing.

Dancers/Singers are the ultimate support units in my opinion. They can give buffs with their C slot and Sacred Seal slot; counter any color their team has trouble with (besides PA!Olivia since she is colorless); and most importantly, Dance and Sing their teammates to massacre the rest of the enemy team, to retreat, or to undo a minor mistake.

As support units, a bad nature will not impact Dancers/Singers as negatively as it will affect combat units since their primary job is to Assist their allies rather than fight. Unless a specific nature is absolutely needed to counter a specific threat, natures are not too important.


Level 40 stats:
HP: 33/36/40
Atk: 24/28/31
Spd: 30/33/36
Def: 23/27/30
Res: 22/26/29
Total: 149~151

Default skills:
Weapon: Silver Sword+
Assist: Dance
Special: [none]
Passive A: [none]
Passive B: Knock Back
Passive C: Hone Attack 3


Ruby Sword:
General use, Arena offense, Arena Assault


Nature: [+Atk, -HP]

Ruby Sword+
Moonbow / Luna
Distant Counter / Fury / Close Def 3 / Steady Stance / Steady Breath / Distant Def 3 / Fortress Def 3 / Fortress Res 3
Quick Riposte 3 / Vantage 3 / Guard 3 / Axebreaker 3 / Wings of Mercy 3 / Escape Route 3 / [flexible passive B]
[flexible passive C]
[flexible Sacred Seal] / Hardy Bearing 3

With Ruby Sword, Olivia can take on the most dangerous green units that her non-red teammates cannot.

Moonbow — Fury 3 — Vantage 3: This is the cheapest set to counter even the bulkiest Bonfire-Vantage Hector+10. Fury 3 allows her to drop into a Vantage range and knock out Hector when he tries to initiate the second round. If Olivia is 5*+0, the +Atk nature is mandatory against Hector+9/10 with +Def nature and Defene +3 Sacred Seal. Please be aware that this will not work if a bulky Hector with a much higher merge level is on a fort tile, or if there are multiples of him.

Moonbow — Close Def 3/Steady Stance 3 — Guard 3: This is a more expensive set, but it would allow her to shut down multiple Bonfire-Vantage Hectors.

Luna — Steady Breath — Guard 3: This operates on the same principle as the previous set, but more expensive.

Distant Counter — Quick Riposte 3: This allows her to shut down any green unit regardless of distance.

Wings of Mercy 3/Escape Route 3: These skills allows her to teleport around to Assist her allies.


Distant Def 3/Fortress Def 3/Fortress Res 3: Fortress Def bulks up her Defense while the other two helps her tank mages better. In my opinion, these are not as good as the others, as Fortress Def and Fortress Res reduces her Attack while Distant Counter is better than Distant Def, as counter attacking is generally better than just walling.

Triangle Adept:
General use, Arena offense, Arena Assault


Nature: [+Atk, -HP/Res]

Wo Dao+ [Defense] / Slaying Edge+ [Defense] / Armorsmasher+ [Defense] / Safeguard+ [Def]
Moonbow / Luna
Triangle Adept
Quick Riposte 3 / Axebreaker 3 / G Tomebreaker 3 / Wings of Mercy 3 / Escape Route 3 / [flexible passive B]
[flexible passive C]
[flexible Sacred Seal] / Hardy Bearing 3

This operates on similar principle as the Ruby Sword build, but is a bit more offensive. Instead of an A slot to give her stat boosts, Olivia will get her stat boosts from Weapon Refinement. Olivia will also be locked to combat against melee units as Distant Counter is not available on inheritable Weapons. As Olivia will be primarily facing against melee units, Defense Refinement is the most preferable.

Slaying Edge+ — Luna: This allows her to run Luna instead of Moonbow.

Armorsmasher+ — Quick Riposte 3/Axebreaker 3/G Tomebreaker 3: Quick Riposte and Axebreaker 3 shuts down all Hectors. For LA!Hector, due to how powerful his Beserk Armads is especially when paired with Bold Fighter, Axebreaker is much safer than Quick Riposte. G Tomebreaker usually is not necessary if she is 4*+10 since she will one hit kill TOD!Henry, unless he is stacked with Ward Armor or something.

Wings of Mercy 3/Escape Route 3: These skills allows her to teleport around to Assist her allies.

Player Phase Offense:
General use


Nature: [+Atk/Spd, -Res]

Wo Dao+ [Speed] / Slaying Edge+ [Speed] / Brave Sword+
Moonbow / Luna
Life and Death 3 / Swift Sparrow 2 / Fury 3 / Death Blow 3 / Triangle Adept 3
Swordbreaker 3 / Axebreaker 3 / Wings of Mercy 3 / Escape Route 3 / [flexible passive B]
[flexible passive C]
[flexible Sacred Seal] / Hardy Bearing 3

I do not think Olivia cuts it as an offensive Dancer, but if you need to maximize her damage or kill count on Player Phase, here are her most optimal skill sets for that purpose.

Slaying Edge+ — Luna: This allows her to run Luna instead of Moonbow.

Brave Sword+ — Luna — Death Blow 3 — Swordbreaker 3/Axebreaker 3: This allows her to maximize damage against a specific type of enemy.

Wings of Mercy 3/Escape Route 3: These skills allow her to teleport around to Assist her allies.

Edited by XRay
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