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A Great (Horrid) Idea

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So you know how people do things like playing Desert Bus for charity? What if you live streamed an entire normal play though of FE10 for charity? That's the idea I just had, and I'm not sure if it's a great idea, or a horrible one because no one would watch someone play RD in one sitting if it's not a speed run. 

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2 hours ago, TheGameingArtist said:

no one would watch someone play RD in one sitting if it's not a speed run. 

Not necessarily. Marathon streams often interest people because of the shear amount of will (and caffeine) required to do something like that (plus you can watch the runner's mental state deteriorate). Marathon streams are the sort of thing that you watch bits of, plus maybe a highlight reel later. Decent comentary, and decently fast play, help a lot. That being said, there is at least one case (last febuary) of someone dying during a marathon stream for charity: https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamer-dies-during-24-hour-marathon-stream-1792592821 so it might be a horrible idea for reasons that have nothing to do with low viewership.

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