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Constantly switching S-supports


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At the beginning I switched around. But now I have A.Tiki as my S support.
If she gains 2 more Mt somehow I could think about S supporting another unit. But she needs as much Mt as she can to 1 hit certain units.

Edited by Stroud
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6 hours ago, Soul~! said:

Have you been living under a rock?

No, I just only used Supports in general to essentially show what characters I'd like to see interactions with, like Nino and Cecilia as Nino could probably learn a bunch from Cecilia, and so just assumed everyone else did that. Same with Summoner Support - I picked my Palla because I like Palla.

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27 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

No, I just only used Supports in general to essentially show what characters I'd like to see interactions with, like Nino and Cecilia as Nino could probably learn a bunch from Cecilia, and so just assumed everyone else did that. Same with Summoner Support - I picked my Palla because I like Palla.

Guess I can't blame you, in that case. I also kind of did the same, but then went with a more open circle.

A lot people S'd BK when he came out, for example.

Personally, I would've kept my S-support with Sanaki because I genuinely like her. But then again, I barely even use her nowadays (vs. Charlotte who I always use). For other two Trials, I switched to Clarisse for some mean-ass Quad handywork (basically a poor man's Cordelia, which is still saying a lot). Sonya, because Spd (basically the only stat she needs to be OP) and then Katarina because what's cuter than a bowl-haired purple-haired mage girl with a constant cute frown and shorty shorts.

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I supported my neutral Brave Ike right from the start and while his BST is fantastic, I really wanted to patch up his poor speed to make him less likely to be doubled by red mages and such, and really felt that the extra stats would just make him even more formidable- he’s my best unit by far and the go to guy for every fight.

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I've had Brave Ike as my Summoner support since Day 1. It's purely coincidental that it also helps him gameplay-wise.

I'd probably feel more inclined to swap the support over to someone who needs it more if I didn't have to start from scratch every single time. I've been using Gray and Ninian a lot lately and the additional bulk would definitely help.

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18 hours ago, Soul~! said:

there's literally nothing more fun than a girl in a wedding dress bashing people's head in with a giant fucking spoon

I beg to differ

The one thing more fun that that is a little girl that can't read slicing your head open with a magical sword

This is why we should all S Support Nino

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

I beg to differ

The one thing more fun that that is a little girl that can't read slicing your head open with a magical sword

This is why we should all S Support Nino

That's boring.

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44 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


She wins a ton of match ups!

she wins them regardless

Also, still boring.

8 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

Wrong.  @Arcanite is correct and has won the debate.  

I'm not a degenerate, I don't hop from waifu to waifu.  I am very loyal; unless it's waifu for laifu then gtfo.

You're a degenerate.

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4 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

You're boring ooooooooo

I had mine set to Bride Cordelia first, then Genny, and now Nino. I have seen the light.

Blade tome is the only correct way to play this game @Arcanite

wait until competent enemies ploy your ass


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23 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Mine was with Nino but after looking through this topic and seeing how unoriginal and boring that is, I went and spiced things up. And who better to turn to for that purpose but this adorable but deadly bundle of energy?

This guy knows.

Also, it's kind of sad how much she outclasses a lot of people with that massive Atk & Spd. Then again, Siegbert is also a thing.



also actually relevant


Good lord, she came such a long way...

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I had my support on Julia, but I am thinking of giving it to S!Camilla so she can take down those pesky brave lyns and Reinhardt's better. Also, after seeing this thread, I now, for whatever reason, want to send my perfect nature Nino home and use those feathers to get my Black Knight an extra merge.

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I think my first S support was Brave Roy because I was obsessed with how precious he was when he first came out. There might have been someone else in-between, but now Merric is my one and only true love. (Though I have to share him with Fjorm...)

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On 12/21/2017 at 4:27 AM, Cute Chao said:

Originally I stuck with Reinhardt, until I accidentally supported Matthew once (thinking I was in the ally menu). After that, I realised the S rank stayed in the catalogue and you could still view the animations in the summoner support menu.

I did not know this was a thing! I may now actually switch from naked Xander to collect the rest of my Fates husbands.

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