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Alice in Amexitland Mafia - Capitalism Wins


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I don't know how you could POSSIBLY I think I am Weeb when I've never watched anime in my life

Quite frankly Iris, that is INSULTING. 

By the by, Ciraxis hasn't said anything all game and that concerns me

We all know the Ciraxi faction should never be left to its own devices

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I'm a part of Squirtle Squad. I win when everyone who isn't a part of my faction is dead. I can shoot once per day, and my shots on men can't be blocked. Unfortunately, my shots on no one can be blocked because THERE IS NO FRICKIN' SHOTBLOCKER! 

There. That was my claim. Now I've got to go do something real quick.

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40 minutes ago, Iris said:

i for one welcome this tale that lil bean is bringing us, i am waiting with bated breath for the next page

Squirtle Squad (8): Marth, Jiac, Euklyd, Refa, RADicate, Javelin, Weapons, Reinfleche
Black Belt Tetris Players (4): Walrein, Anime, Shinori, Omega.
Democratic Republic of North Korea (2): SatsumaFSoysoy, Lord Gaius
#WeebLivesMatter (2): Snike, Gayreen

Alive: athena, bibbon, ciraxis, fable, fenrir, iris, juliette, lil bean, monde, paperblade, sully, via

needs to shoot: paperblade, bibbon, ciraxis, bean


Okay, here's the deal. Scum, you have 12 hours to send me your team, and I will help you win. If you don't, you leave me choice but to townside and annihilate all the scum.

I'm going to win this game for a faction. I'd like it to be scum. That said, if you give me the cold shoulder I've no choice but to go full YOLO and slaughter the remaining scum besides my partner. The choice is yours.

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17 minutes ago, Monde said:

By the by, Ciraxis hasn't said anything all game and that concerns me

We all know the Ciraxi faction should never be left to its own devices

Such insolence does not go unnoticed. I'm a very busy man you know.

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Just now, General Ciraxis said:

This is a very serious game, probably the only canon mafia game ever hosted.

it is more canon than all bulba games combined!!!

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5 minutes ago, General Ciraxis said:

##Justice for UltraInstinctCiraxis, OWARI DA: Paperblade

Paperblade (Democratic Republic of North Korea) was shot!

Bibbon is the only shot remaining!

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since no factions hve been eliminated, i assume scum teams are 5/5/5 but idk sb doesn't really care for even numbers

Squirtle Squad (8): Marth, Jiac, Euklyd, Refa, RADicate, Javelin, Weapons, Reinfleche
Black Belt Tetris Players (4): Walrein, Anime, Shinori, Omega.
Democratic Republic of North Korea (4): SatsumaFSoysoy, Lord Gaius, grace, Paperblade
#WeebLivesMatter (3): Snike, Gayreen, Monde

Alive: athena, bibbon, ciraxis, fable, fenrir, iris, juliette, lil bean, sully, via

needs to shoot: BIBBON

Edited by Iris
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SullyMcGully (Squirtle Squad) fell to the justice of many and the justice of one!

It is now Sunday. Actually, it was Sunday before, but you can all shoot again providing that you’re not a dead loser!

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Squirtle Squad (10): Marth, Jiac, Euklyd, Refa, RADicate, Javelin, Weapons, Reinfleche, Fable, Sully
Black Belt Tetris Players (4): Walrein, Anime, Shinori, Omega.
Democratic Republic of North Korea (4): SatsumaFSoysoy, Lord Gaius, grace, Paperblade
#WeebLivesMatter (3): Snike, Gayreen, Monde

Alive: athena, bibbon, ciraxis, fenrir, iris, juliette, lil bean, via



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Bibbon (Black Belt Tetris Players) was shot! His faction is the first to be eliminated!


athena_57    (X)
Fenrir Aesir    
Lil Bean    

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